
tomreynyes, i would also expect this to be the same00:00
gloinmurmel: so the flatpak version looks as I'd expect it to00:00
murmelgloin: interesting. still not done installing the desktop part :(00:01
Jurilohttps://i.imgur.com/tufCNox.png and https://i.imgur.com/nDa4Mhk.png00:01
goddardyep ok figured out the issue00:01
gloinno fugly borders, message list and headers match theme00:01
goddardits bluetooth00:01
goddarddisabled bluetooth and everything works fine00:01
Jurilotomeryn, murmel: that's what I have00:01
goddardmaybe the thunderbolt port is close to bluetooth or something?00:02
murmelJurilo: second picture, click continue, there should be an option to choose which disk00:03
tomreynJurilo: okay, previously (in 2017) it looked like this: https://www.addictivetips.com/app/uploads/2017/04/ubuntu-installation-type.png00:04
goddarddamn linux is awesome00:05
tomreynmurmel: i can't seem to remember such a screen (where you select the target device with automated partitioning) really.00:05
Jurilomurmel: unfortunately I can only select the disk on which windows is installed00:06
tomreynJurilo: so there is a selection screen? can you screenshot that, too?00:06
murmelI mean this is 20.04, but I can clearly choose https://imgur.com/a/rLc6eY900:09
tomreynthat's a system with two disks, one with windows installed, the windows install detected?00:10
JuriloOKay so the problem is when I choose 'Erase disk and install' with advanced option for LVM and encryption, the next step is for password for LVM and the button in right bottom corner is 'Install Now'00:10
murmeltomreyn: no, as it's a new vm, but I am sure that it's the same, as I installed a system like that on a friends pc00:10
tomreyn(and UEFI booting?)00:10
JuriloIf I don't select LVM and ecryption I actually can select disk like on this screenshot that murmel have sent00:11
tomreynJurilo: oh that makes sense00:11
tomreynthanks murmel00:11
JuriloI just don't dare to click Install Now00:11
JuriloAs it could wipe my Windows installation00:12
murmeltomreyn: imo it doesn't make sense00:12
tomreynwell, full disk encryption will take one full disk (the non windows one) and use it for ubuntu. so no choice there00:12
murmelshouldn't fde be just the linux part?00:13
tomreynyou could actually do that on the windows disk, too, unless it's a 'dynamic disk'00:13
JuriloSo the question is, is it possible to choose the exact disk I want to erase and do LVM+encryption install?00:13
tomreynyes, murmel00:13
JuriloHow can I be sure that it will select the non-windows one?00:13
JuriloI have 4 disks here00:13
tomreynoh, i thought you had 200:13
Jurilo1 windows, 1 erased, two for zfs mirror00:14
murmeltomreyn: the weird part is he can only choose the one which has windows on it when encryption00:14
tomreynokay, then i don't know where it will install to00:14
tomreynmurmel: where do you see this?00:14
Jurilo1. https://i.imgur.com/YhaHA6i.png 2. https://i.imgur.com/NMJVMYf.png00:16
tomreynJurilo: generally, you should backups before you install a new OS. i hope you did. that said, I suggest you just give it a try. i *really* doubt that your windows installation will be overwritten.00:16
murmel00:06 < Jurilo> murmel: unfortunately I can only select the disk on which windows is installed << this is what Jurilo said00:17
tomreynoops, looks like i'm getting tired, sorry00:17
murmelno problem :)00:18
tomreynJurilo: can you also screenshot this screen where you can only select the disk windows is installed on?00:19
tomreynunless you meant this one? https://i.imgur.com/nDa4Mhk.png00:20
JuriloBefore that I have this https://i.imgur.com/diIFhTQ.png00:21
JuriloNo, sorry I may be wrong, installer automatically tells me about the Window Boot Manager00:22
JuriloI didn't select it before that00:22
Jurilothe point is when I choose LVM+encryption with option 'Erase disk and install Ubuntu', I can set password and click 'Install Now'00:23
JuriloI don't know what's beyond that00:23
Jurilomaybe it'll allow me to sellect disk00:23
Jurilobut not 100% sure00:23
tomreyni don't think it does00:23
tomreyni'm just creating a clone of a windows vm to give this a try, but it'll take time.00:24
murmelgloin: which "window" was it again in evolution? calendar?00:24
gloinWhat I was seeing was a light widget bar, dark message list, dark message headers, dark message border, light message00:25
arraybolt3[m]Jurilo: The easiest way to keep from wiping the wrong disk would probably be to unplug everything but the disk you want Linux on.00:26
murmelgloin: for me everything is fine, except the headerbar :/00:26
gloinmurmel: which theme?00:26
gloinlight or?00:26
Juriloarraybolt3[m]: Win is on nvme :(  I would need to get it out of motherboard00:26
gloinAs I said, whatever caused it on my system went away with the flatpak install.00:27
arraybolt3[m]Jurilo: NVMe drives just unscrew and pop right out.00:27
murmelgloin oO okay00:27
* gloin shrugs00:28
gloinit's Friday afternoon here, why am I even pretending to work now :D00:29
murmelgloin: lucky you :) for me it's already after midnight00:29
gloinget some rest00:29
murmelnot yet00:29
tomreynmy experiment failed, i don't have a windows uefi installation.00:37
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goddardfinally figured out the source of the issue01:20
goddardit is entirely dependent on the CPU01:21
goddardif the cpu tries to cycle down too much then the eGPU displays suffer and so does everything else01:21
goddardi have it set to performance mode in gnome settings though01:21
goddardhow can i stop linux or gnome or whatever from dropping my cpu too low01:21
murmelgoddard: performance doesn't mean that the cpu doesn't downclock01:21
sarnoldprocessor performance has way too many knobs grown over too many decades01:22
goddardmurmel: i think its downclock is too low when you have an egpu connected01:23
goddardi wonder if something like this would help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkYRpVEEIlg01:24
murmelgoddard: yeah if i remember correctly you can set a min clock with that01:25
sarnoldthere's probably a dozen of those; one of them might even be the thing causing you trouble now :)01:26
goddardsarnold: haha ya you might be right it was perfect before attaching the eGPU01:26
sarnoldlook for tuned, thermald, gamemode, cpupower, tlp...01:26
sarnoldgoddard: it could be using the on-board graphics was enough to keep the cpu in higher-power states01:27
goddardall i had to do was run Steam and everything was fixed01:28
goddarddoes Valve have some magic it does to the OS when it runs, or is it just a demanding app?01:28
goddardjust downloading a game not even playing01:28
murmelgoddard: it's just electron xD01:28
goddardit is?01:29
goddardi thought it pre-dated electron01:29
murmelI was pretty sure, that steam is just a browser app, same with all the other launchers01:29
murmelgoddard: especially since steam has a browser integrated (based on chromium)01:30
goddardDid it publish the code for its Steam Deck interface01:31
goddardi know they published lots of stuff01:31
murmelgoddard: at least their github profile says no01:32
sarnoldgoddard: it's possible running steam runs gamemode01:33
goddardi was just looking it is installed01:34
murmelyeah but that's installed by default, so probably01:34
goddardits always installed by ubuntu desktop?01:35
murmelgoddard: yes01:35
murmelsince 20.04 or something like that01:36
goddardits the little things you don't notice01:36
InPhaseHas anyone seen or heard of any serious libc-bin 2.35 bugs?  Somehow my whole system hosed itself and refused to launch lightdm, and the only system change was I installed a pdf editor xournal, which picked up a set of packages:  https://bpa.st/DONQ  I think the only one on the list that should be able to impact lightdm's startup is libc-bin.02:09
InPhaseThe system still works fine from a usb boot.02:10
tomreynwhich command generated the output in this paste?02:11
tomreynand which ubuntu version is this?02:12
InPhasetomreyn: I extracted it from dpkg.log manually after booting into a usb system and mounting the drive.02:12
InPhaseAnd it's xubuntu 22.0402:12
tomreynInPhase: so you#re saying installing xournal caused libc-bin to be installed?02:14
tomreynthat would be strange because that's an essential package, which is installed by default02:15
InPhaseI do not know if it was an install or an upgrade.  I don't see any clear indication of which it would have been in the dpkg.log02:15
InPhaseBut I would assume an upgrade.02:15
tomreyn /var/log/apt/history.log would know02:15
InPhaseLet me check for details there.02:16
tomreynit's not unusual that you'd want to reboot after installing a patched libc-bin02:17
InPhaseI rebooted simply because I went home from work in this case.02:17
tomreynare there other pending updates when you    sudo apt update && sudo apt -f install && sudo apt upgrade  && sudo apt full-upgrade     ?02:18
InPhaseThis is the apt/history.log next to the dpkg.log for the same event.  https://bpa.st/LTTA02:20
InPhaseThere were other pending upgrades, which I attempted to upgrade to resolve it, but this did not repair it.02:20
tomreynlibc6-bin is 2.35-0ubuntu3 which matches for jammy02:22
InPhasePerhaps the dpkg.log syntax of "status installed" is just a deceptive phrasing, and it was only reporting a status after running the triggers?02:22
tomreynno unpacking of libc-bin took place there, it was already installed in this version02:24
tomreyn"status installed" just means that that is its current status, it doesn't necessarily mean that it just reached this status02:24
InPhaseAh yes, thank you.  There is indeed not an unpacked line.02:25
tomreynand there's no upgrade line for libc-bin in history.log apparently02:25
tomreynthere is also terminal.log which has more details on what apt actually did / asked dpkg to do02:26
tomreynhistory.log is more the why did apt do so, but it can be misleading, when actions get cancelled02:26
tomreynif you have 3rd party apt repositories, make sure they are actually compatible and maintained02:28
tomreynmake sure you have all update installed using the series of apt commands above02:28
tomreyncheck for installed packages which wil not receive updates / security patches: apt list --installed | grep ',local]$'02:29
tomreynto share your configured apt repositories:    sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999902:30
tomreynInPhase: ^02:30
InPhasetomreyn: I'm unable to do that, as I blundered earlier while working in a console-only tunnel, and broke it a lot worse.  So for now I can only see the files, and then I will reinstall on top.  But I was attempting to discern what went wrong first so as to not repeat it.02:33
InPhaseI did in fact have the slack repository as a 3rd party though.02:33
tomreynthat would not be my primary suspect02:34
InPhaseIs there an apt record which would show me where each installed package came from?02:36
InPhaseI could search through it to see if the system was assaulted by a bad base package.02:37
tomreynInPhase: no. you can only inspect what's installed now, what was apparently installed when (according to the apt + dpkg logs discussed above) and inspect the current state of which packages and versions are available from where.02:40
InPhaseI see in the /var/lib/apt/lists/ for that repository that it contains no packages other than slack-desktop, so they did not replace any system packages.02:41
tomreynyou're seeing the *current* state of what's available from this repository there.02:44
InPhaseWell the apt install that I suspect broke it, and the apt update I last did, were only about 2.5 hours apart.02:48
InPhaseI also did not apt update before the install.  So if it were them they would have had to put the bad thing in 27-some hours previously, and then remove it within 2.5 hours of me doing the install.  Possible, but it seems unlikely as an explanation.02:50
tomreynInPhase: you may also wantto review the system logs (systemd journal) and what was logged when lightdm failed to start.02:53
InPhasetomreyn: I did hunt through those a good bit, but all it revealed was that X crashed.02:54
tomreynmy guess is that you just didn't reboot after installing an update to some essential package which required it.02:54
InPhaseI had rebooted that morning when I got to work, and the last upgrade was an automatic security upgrade the previous day.  So it made it through a prior upgrade.02:54
InPhases/that morning/this morning/02:55
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tomreynhmm, then maybe broken file system / disk / ram02:55
tomreynbut you should see indications on thos in the system logs02:56
* tomreyn off, good luck!02:56
InPhaseThose all seem pretty stable.  I just did a full disk backup.02:56
InPhaseSince the problem that is, running it from the usb system.02:57
InPhaseThanks for the efforts tomreyn.  If anyone else has other theories, please let me know.02:58
jhutchinsInPhase: You might try un-installing the viewer and it's dependencies.03:00
jhutchinsInPhase: I suppose it's possible that the viewer is loading some background component that's killing your GUI.03:01
jhutchinsInPhase: What pdf viewer was it, from what source?03:01
jhutchins!info xournal03:02
ubottuxournal (1:, jammy): GTK+ Application for note taking. In component universe, is optional. Built by xournal. Size 299 kB / 1,017 kB03:02
jhutchinsThat sounds like something that might run a widget for the panel or something like that.03:02
jhutchinsInPhase: You should be able to boot to rescue/single mode without the GUI, poke around a bit there.03:03
InPhaseWell it was lightdm itself that failed to launch.  Panels should not open at that stage.03:03
jhutchinsI see logs in /var/log/lightdm/03:05
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mattf_i am trying to use godot over vnc and i got this error: Your system does not support XInput 2. Please upgrade your distribution.03:13
mattf_if i run xinput i get: X input extension not available.03:14
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enigma9o7[m]both ends ubuntu?04:28
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InPhaseSo I managed to get back into my system and force lightdm to come up by booting into root mode, doing "systemctl start lightdm", and then continuing with the boot process.  So X works, lightdm works, and systemd seems to be failing to start it the normal way?06:17
InPhaseI'm confused about what is going wrong here.06:17
InPhaseAlthough I suppose lightdm is still very wonky.  It does not lock with light-locker without terminating at unlock, and even just doing ctrl-alt-f1 and back to f7 crashes lightdm and it returns to the login screen.06:30
InPhaseWell, that was a spectacular waste of 9 hours.  After I got far enough down the logic path to do the repair, I resolved it by getting rid of lightdm entirely and just using sddm.  I don't know how that could have gotten into such a bad state, but at least 9 hours of prodding at it later my system functions properly again.07:16
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wizard1i have question08:09
wizard1can any body answer me08:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:09
wizard1i have questions about tor08:10
wizard1i open tor and it works08:10
wizard1are you there?08:10
wizard1i wana connect tor browser to my whole system08:11
ograyou probably want to ask in a tor related channel then ...08:12
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http»08:12
wizard1i go to setting<network<networkproxy08:12
wizard1yeah but can you answer me08:12
Unit193For tor and tor browser, you generally want #tor on OFTC.08:13
ograno, tor is not part of ubuntu ...08:13
ogragood luck08:13
Unit193Welp, looks like he never made it...08:22
=== IslandCock is now known as TropicalCock
PowaBangaquelqu'un saurait-il m'aider à props de vim ?08:59
PowaBangaj'essaye d'installer des plugin08:59
ice9I installed ubuntu 22.04 on top of windows 11 but it still only boots into windows right a way, any idea?09:00
PowaBangadu coup je vais dans mon /etc/vim/vimrc, et j'ajoute cette ligne : `Plugin 'nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides'`09:00
PowaBangaon I am on english chan sorry09:00
notwezPowaBanga: Lets English09:02
notwezProper English, like spelling gaol as gaol instead of jail.09:02
PowaBangayes sorry, i was in the wrong channel09:02
guest-je89jrJEBAC DIA10:09
tomreynice9: you installed ubuntu while booting in bios mode, but windows is installed in uefi mode10:27
ice9tomreyn, no, I'm using UEFI mode in both cases10:28
tomreynice9: does the grub menu show, though? do you get into the grub CLI when you hit escape repeatedly during boot?10:31
ice9tomreyn, no, it only loads windows immediately10:32
tomreyndo you select 'ubuntu' for the system to boot from the boot menu?10:32
ice9no grub shown at all10:32
tomreyni assume that on 22.04, Ubuntu may no longer set grub as the default bootloader when installing alongside Windows, i.e. you'll need to use the uefi/bios provided boot menu to choose what to boot into10:34
Jeremy31Some manufacturers don't allow Linux to change the uefi boot order10:35
ledeniice9, you should see grub menu if you press shift button on boot10:44
webchat74hi guys, i've installed the ubuntu 22.04 server from scratch but when i try to run "apt-get uprade" it will return10:45
webchat74i've also tried to switch to main archive.ubuntu.com and it return the same stuff, any tips to solve it?10:46
webchat74it seems a hash mismatch on the apt repo10:47
tomreynwebchat74: have you tried to do what the message suggests?10:52
tomreyn"maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing"10:53
webchat74tomreyn yes and also "rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*" or "apt-get clean"10:54
webchat74as suggested from stackoverflow10:54
KBarReread the command you issued. You might have mistyped that command10:56
KBar`rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists *` would have deleted other important files10:56
KBarthat is, look in your command history and make sure you didn't put an extra space before the asterisk10:57
tomreyn^ do not run this command10:57
KBaryeah, as a rule of thumb: never run rm -rf in such directories10:58
KBarif the file was written there with extra priviliges, then its there for a reason10:58
webchat74i've rechecked the dirs and it seems recreated without any issue10:58
tomreynKBar: it's better not to type commands here which can cause data loss, even when you explain, in context, how it's bad to run those10:58
KBartomreyn: absolutely agreed, sorry for that. but to be fair, i wasn't the one who suggested so...10:59
tomreynthere was originally no blank space before the asterisk ;)10:59
KBarstill a destructive command11:00
tomreynwebchat74: you can run this whole line, or the commands one by one (they are seperated by ";") to gather information in /tmp/aptlog, then post it online:    sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1; sudo apt-get -y update >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1; apt-cache policy >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog11:02
tomreynwebchat74: don't try to type copy this, it will most likley go wrong11:03
tomreynwebchat74: sorry, there was a typo in there, use this: sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1; sudo apt-get -y update >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1; apt-cache policy >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade >>/tmp/aptlog 2>&1; nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog && rm /tmp/aptlog11:04
iomari891greetings, WHy is there no deadsnakes repo for 21.10?11:08
tomreyniomari891: are you referring to a PPA?11:09
tomreyn!ppa | iomari89111:09
ubottuiomari891: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge11:09
tomreynwebchat74: how are you doing, need any more help with this?11:10
tomreyniomari891: did you read the "PPA description" at https://launchpad.net/~deadsnakes/+archive/ubuntu/ppa ?11:14
tomreyniomari891: and are you aware that 21.10 will reach end of life next month?11:16
iomari891tomreyn: I'm updating next week but I need python 3.8 immediately and I'm trying to avoid having to install it from a tarball. I will if I have to but I really don't want to.11:18
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iomari891I guess I'll wait until I upgrade next week. Thanks11:20
tomreyniomari891: or use a 20.04 chroot, container or VM11:21
webchat74tomreyn sry for the delay, i'm trying it now11:46
tomreynwebchat74: no rush. it's just that people with nicknames starting with "webchat" tend to just disconnect miraculously, so i was trying to make sure you didn't miss the latest replies.11:50
webchat74sure np11:51
tomreynwebchat74: you have 45 pending updates, try installing those first11:51
clarkkWhen do the .save files get generated in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d directory?11:53
tomreynwebchat74: actually, the warnings about the hash mismatch seems to already be gone, so  i guess it was just a mirror synch in progress.11:54
tomreynclarkk: during release upgrades, i think. possibly also by the GUI.11:55
clarkktomreyn, are they important in order to get packages?11:58
tomreynclarkk: "the GUI" being /usr/bin/software-properties-*    - but potentially also one of the other graphical apt frontends for software updates and installations11:59
tomreynclarkk: those are just 'backup' copies, in case you or the software makes a mistake while editing them11:59
clarkkah, ok. Thanks!11:59
tomreynwith release upgrades, it helps you compare your current (updated, to the new release codename) version of this .list file to the previous (.save) one12:00
BluesKajHi all12:10
webchat74tomreyn i've updated all the packages and i've the same issue https://termbin.com/9gea12:45
webchat74more info here: https://paste.debian.net/1243784/12:46
pycuriousYesterday one of my drives got corrupted on an ec2 instance. For some reason, that also emptied out /etc/resolve.conf (which was linked to stub-resolv.conf). I tried to put "nameservers" in there, but when I boot and do sudo -i, I get sudo: unable to resolve host ip-11-11-6-17: Name or service not known — any ideas on how to fix my name resolution?12:49
tomreynwebchat74: hmm, and if you use archive.ubuntu.com rather than it.archive.ubuntu.com ?12:49
pycuriousfound the solution - needed an entry in /etc/hosts12:51
webchat74tomreyn already tried, that pastebin is based by archive.ubuntu.com not "IT....."12:52
tomreynwebchat74: whoops, sorry.12:54
webchat74np it can be a bug?12:55
BluesKajpycurious, don't forget /etc/hostname as well12:56
descent1is there a 3d game creation software in ubuntu? something like unity maybe13:16
PeGaSuSI'm going nuts. I've requested a dedicated server from OVH, from their Eco branch. supposedly it has 3x2TB disks, but `df -h` shows /dev/md3 with only 1.8TB.. what am I missing?13:17
ravagethe difference between Terabyte (TB) and Tebibyte (TiB)13:18
ravageand if its really 3x2TB i would check if they are all part of the raid13:25
webchat74tomreyn the only solution for now download manually  linux-firmware_20220329.git681281e4-0ubuntu1_all.deb and install it13:25
superkuhHi. Is there a specific channel for questions about Snaps and snapd? I am curious about how separate snap containers can use the same shared library file.13:31
superkuhDo separate snaps actually load files from within other snaps?13:32
superkuhLike, if libwhatever.so is in the GNOME snap, does Unrelated Snap package actually oad the libwhatever.so from within the GNOME snap file on disk?13:32
superkuhI was under the impression that every snap had it's own entire environment inside.13:33
superkuhBut I've been told that's wrong.13:33
ravagesuperkuh, #snappy13:36
tomreyndescent1: godot313:48
descent1ah coolio13:48
Guest59Tak co vy curaci14:18
Guest59Kterej curacek mi poradí jak mám udělat web server14:19
leftyfb!ck | Guest5914:19
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.14:19
leftyfbit's early for me :)14:20
tomreyni mean czech14:20
ActionManHi. Running Ubuntu server 20.04 LTS (headless). When signing in it shows "Usage of /:   82.3% of 28.73GB" which, I think, is much higher than it was. Here's that info on pastebin: https://pastebin.com/ChJSrbxZ14:21
Guest59Polib mi prdel14:21
tomreyn!pl | Guest5914:21
ubottuGuest59: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.14:21
leftyfbActionMan: sudo ncdu /14:22
ActionMandf -h gets me this https://pastebin.com/KkTiiiiT14:22
ActionManok leftyfb14:22
leftyfbActionMan: you might have to install ncdu14:23
PeGaSuSdamn. I quit. OVH is such a pain. I don't understand RAID and I don't know what to do :/14:23
tomreynPeGaSuS: you can get support with ubuntu here and with ovh in #ovh (to a degree). but it's good to first read up on concepts such as RAID if you're going to use those.14:24
ravagePeGaSuS, this is really the wrong channel but my guess it that they do a RAID1 with 2 SSDs and just leave the 3rd untouched. cat /proc/mdstat14:25
leftyfbor contact OVH for support with their services14:26
ActionManOK I installed and ran sudo ncdu /  ----> https://pastebin.com/XQJgwUXZ14:26
ActionManI had been looking at this as a possible solution https://bit.ly/3O6AW6X14:28
leftyfbActionMan: you only have a 30G partition with 4GB swap. You're down to about 25G for the entire OS, you're going to run out of space if you don't constantly keep it clean and don't save a lot of files14:32
ActionManit's a small ssd drive ... probably 30gb14:33
tomreynActionMan: you seem to have files in /mnt (or subdirectories) which are stored on the / file system, so not on other file systems mounted there, which is an unusual situation.14:34
leftyfbtomreyn: it's definitely mounted14:34
tomreynoh wait this is ncdu, ignore this.14:34
tomreyn<< not awake either14:35
leftyfbActionMan: there's not much you can do. Stick /home on another drive. That's about it. But you're still going to need to clean up old package caches and linux kernels and keep an eye on it14:35
tomreynif the goal is to determine what's stored where on the / file system only, you should be running   sudo ncdu -x /14:37
ActionManI keep it pretty clean there are only two kernels I believe14:38
tomreynmaybe you can delete some old snap versions14:40
tomreynand clear the snap cache14:40
tomreynbut that would only help temporarily14:40
ActionMan   /var/lib/snapd/snaps has 463MB which isn't really enough to cause a problem14:43
PeGaSuSmy `fdisk -l` and `cat /proc/mdstat` output: https://0bin.xyz/?ca4cef197a4d7cc9#4pjNbahdrJWxcgFJbfB3GHiSGt3KB3Y587cr4e6MKQvC14:47
tomreynActionMan: so your goal is to do what exactly? have less space allocated on / ? i have a minimal ubuntu server installation with a total disk usage of 3.9 GB according to ncdu. but it will depend on what you have installed, of course.14:49
ActionManno... maybe it's too early for me as well. when I saw this Usage of /:   82.3% of 28.73GB I thought it meant the drive was almost full and now I'm realizing all that means is that is the percentage of the drive allocated to /14:50
ActionManplease correct me14:50
ActionManI was fairly certain that % used to be much lower14:51
PeGaSuSit is explicit: you're currently using 82.3% of your entire disk space which is 28.73GB14:51
murmelPeGaSuS: no its 82.3% of 28.73 not 82.3% is 28.7314:53
tomreyn<tomreyn> if the goal is to determine what's stored where on the / file system only, you should be running   sudo ncdu -x /14:54
PeGaSuSerm. that's what I said, I think?14:55
PeGaSuSprobably some lack of punctuation14:55
murmelPeGaSuS: ahh, sorry, I misunderstood your sentence :x14:57
PeGaSuSmurmel: no worries. since I'm not a native english speaker I may make mistakes :D14:57
ActionManI resized the logical volume and then resized the file system and it seems to have fixed the problem as per here: https://pastebin.com/JnAdwJpu15:01
ActionManThank you for your time.15:01
ActionManSorry I clicked out by mistake.15:03
ActionManAnyway, things seem back to normal.15:03
centHOGGgood job!15:03
ravagePeGaSuS, see if their interface offers a RAID5 install. the current setup is not ideal really15:04
ActionManFWIW I also cleaned up snap but that was minor.15:04
centHOGGsnap = free crossover linux15:05
PeGaSuSravage: unfortunately seems I'm stuck with a RAID1 setup.15:10
ravagemaybe open a support ticket then.15:11
PeGaSuSopened a support ticket relatd to IPv6 almost 3 days ago and got no answer. they're not very good at support. but their prices are kinda cheap15:14
ravagewell. there may be a relation here :)15:14
riskyexperthello does anyone here use docker and iptables I need some help with an ubuntu server15:16
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ActionManfull disclosure: I had also mistakenly rsynced some folders to the SSD drive with the OS instead of the back up drives - which, apparently, weren't mounted when I ran the command. So I cleaned that up as well.15:46
oerheks!ot | Guest594515:58
ubottuGuest5945: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:58
Maikthat's not even considered as offtopic but spamming/trolling15:59
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iomari891how can I have python3.7.13 and 3.7.7 installed at the same time?16:02
oerheksiomari891, i would not want to try that, use a vm if you need that other version16:05
oerhekspython is too deep integrated, changing and changing back can be interesting.16:06
ravagelxd is a good way to keep things separated16:07
iomari891oerheks: thanks16:13
iomari891oerheks: actualy, it's only for virtual environment. Is that still a risk?16:15
tomreynmy question would rather be: what is *so* version specific that you actually need to?16:18
tomreynthere is this deadsnakes PPA, which can provide additional python versions on specific ubuntu releases: https://launchpad.net/~deadsnakes/+archive/ubuntu/ppa16:20
tomreyni would not recommend replacing or mixing with the system level python installation on any ubuntu release. but you can use /usr/local if you don't add it to PATH, or any of the common compartmentalization or containerization approaches usually recommended by python and available on ubuntu.16:23
iomari891My real need is venv. I already have 3.7.13 but I also need
murmeliomari891: still doesn't explain why you need 2 explicit subversions16:29
oerheks3.7.7 is not in deadsnakes16:30
oerheksso, good luck with a venv, my advise is a VM, kvm or others16:30
murmelyeah if really needed I would probably go with a toolbox/distrobox/lxd/kvm environment, so you can still have easy access to your ~ or the likes16:32
iomari891oerheks: just spoke to client. THey don't need 3.7.13 so it's all cool.16:33
iomari891thanks all16:33
iomari891out of curiousity, if you reach the eol of 21.10, is there any way to upgrade?17:03
murmeliomari891: yes17:04
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:04
iomari891murmel: thanks17:05
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ChalkyCan someone point me to site that can assist me install my AC12000 wifi dongle?19:33
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Guest446how to fix that error?19:39
Guest446Could not load dynamic library 'libcudart.so.11.0'; dlerror: libcudart.so.11.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:39
Guest446im on ubuntu 22.0419:39
Guest446apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit ?19:39
Guest446i look here: https://dominoc925.blogspot.com/2021/08/how-to-install-cuda-11-on-ubuntu-2004.html19:40
Guest446but that is not working19:40
lotuspsychjeGuest446: i usualy reccomed linuxconfig tutorials; https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-cuda-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux19:54
lotuspsychjeChalky: for AC wifi chipsets, you might wanna browse around the current/recent bug list to see if its been reported yet19:56
ChalkySorted thanks !19:57
lotuspsychjeChalky: what was the culprit?19:57
ChalkyThe drive had been updated from the one I was first refered too.19:59
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phox_Hi! I'm trying to connect a microphone with a 3.5mm connector to the headset jack on my laptop. The system seems to think it's headphones. How can I tell Ubuntu it's a microphone?20:41
oerheksheadset jack?20:42
oerheksonly the mic jack works20:43
oerheksand if it is combined, you need an adapter20:43
phox_oerheks, Hm ok. But the symbol on the output shows a headsit with microphone? :P Ok maybe it doesn't work.20:43
phox_oerheks, thanks :) Maybe i'll get one of those then. Do you think one from usb to headset+microphone would work as well?20:46
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oerheksusb mic is prefferred, that analog mic is a little sensitive20:49
oerhekstouch the wire and you will notice20:49
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noarbWhen manually making network adjustments in initramfs (like `ip addr add ...`), do these interfaces need to be "flushed" or reset before init execs the /sbin/init on the new root filesystem? Is bringing an interface down enough to clear its configuration?22:01
Luc1f3ris there anybody in here?22:30
murmelyes, but as long as you don't ask anything, nobody can answer you Luc1f3r22:31
Luc1f3rthanks, it's been milennium since I use mirc... xD22:33
circuitbonestill the same, lots of less netsplits :)22:40
tiduxhow do I turn off NLA for gnome-remote-desktop in 22.04 from the shell?22:43
tiduxI have a remote system I can't get into and the grdctl documentation is worse than useless, even "help/--help" doesn't work22:43
tiduxI have an SSH session on the box with full sudo access, but I need to remote-control an existing GNOME Wayland session via RDP22:44
tomreyntidux: fwiw, i've been able to connect to the ubuntu 22.04/wayland session using, on the same host:   /usr/bin/wlfreerdp /cert:ignore /u:x /d: /p:x /v:
tomreyni'm not sure whether / how this will help you with ssh, though23:06
tiduxtomreyn: it ended up being an upstream bug in gnome-remote-desktop https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-remote-desktop/-/issues/1623:07
ubottuIssue 16 in GNOME/gnome-remote-desktop "Remote desktop with locked local screen" [Opened]23:07
tomreynthere still seem to be a bunch around GRD23:08
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tomreynthe other day i made the service segfault by connecting (but could not reproduce it after installing debug symbols)23:09
tiduxaaah heisenbugs23:10
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Selcuk_Ubuntu22hello guys23:14

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