
sam4488Hello, I would like to make my xubuntu lighter, there is a way to make it super light that uses at least 128MB of ram13:16
sam4488because my computer is super old13:16
sam4488But iwnat support to 64 bit13:17
sam4488How I can make more lighter my xubuntu13:18
diogenes_Vx15sam4488, first of all to disable the uneeded services.13:30
diogenes_Vx15here is how you do it, run in terminal: systemctl list-units13:31
diogenes_Vx15this will list all the services currently running13:31
diogenes_Vx15scroll through the list and examine what services you don't need and disable them with: systemctl disable servicename13:32
diogenes_Vx15but in any case, even if you get to 128 RAM, as soon as you launch any modern web browser, you gonna reach well beyong 1 GB.13:34
sam4488So i need a " special" web browser13:47
rinzewindI found the solution to the problem I reported yesterday where the nm-applet menu was endlessly blinking: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/197836319:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1978363 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "The menu blinks constantly" [Undecided, New]19:43
rinzewindtl;dr: miredo was restarting the IPv6 tunnel endlessly, and that caused a high CPU usage both for nm-applet and NetworkManager, and very possibly causing the menu blinking side-effect too. miredo gone, problem gone.19:43
rinzewindNow I wonder: is there any way to mark the bug in Launchpad as not really a bug?19:48
rinzewindOr should I just leave it as it is and wait for a maintainer to act on it?19:48
rfmrinzewind, you could dup it to #1971089 which is another bug about miredo making nm constantly reconnect and eat CPU20:03
rinzewindrfm: done, thank for the suggestion.20:21

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