
daftykinshappy Sunday folks19:50
daftykinsmore Riesens have been obtained today - all is right with the world again \o/20:26
zxmpihaven't had 1 of those in yonks. i think i prefer the older irish version which are chewier https://www.grocery.com/store/image/cache/catalog/oatfield/oatfield-B00OABLNR4-500x500.jpg20:29
daftykinsplenty chewy but you have to suck off the chocolate and get down to the middle first!20:30
* zxmpi makes note to pick up more cool pops this week20:34
daftykinsooh did Dublin get over 12 deg C? ;)20:35
zxmpikitchen was 20c last i looked, outside 17c or so20:35
zxmpithe locals are getting woozy at these inpossible temps20:36
daftykinsgetting there! i saw my bedroom up in the roof was at 24 deg C just a few mins ago20:37
zxmpitime to experiment with the frozen pea bed idea :-P20:37
daftykinssuuuuurely Monday the 13th is worse than Friday the 13th, then?23:29

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