
brkhello, I have high fps on videos, where do I start to resolve this issue?01:17
Crucifyysounds like a good problem?01:18
brksounds like a lame problem, but don't have anything fancy to ask :D01:18
InPhasebrk: Do you mean playback speed is like a black and white era comedy skit?01:19
brkInPhase, kind of, yeH01:19
InPhasebrk: Check the playback speed settings in whatever player you're using.01:19
InPhaseLook for Normal or 1X01:19
brkI am watching youtube01:19
InPhaseSame there.01:19
brkI dont care where do you watch your videos, I need help :)01:20
InPhaseI mean do the same thing there.01:21
brkand how that fix the problem01:22
InPhaseIt corrects the playback speed when you change the setting in the player.01:22
brkthat doesn't have anything to do with the fps I am having01:22
brkI am talking about wathing videos on youtube01:22
brkits a video card and drivers problem01:23
brkand the picture isnt great01:25
brkthere is some shadows and circles01:25
InPhasebrk: I'm not sure what the confusion is, but the youtube player has a gear at the bottom, and when you click it one of the options is "Playback Speed", followed by an option to adjust it to the right of that.01:25
brkcould it be my video cards is really bad?01:25
InPhaseIf that is not the issue then you might need to try again to explain the problem.01:26
brkInPhase, yes, it doesnt have 1x speed. Even if it had what difference does it make other than making the playback speed faster or slower01:26
brkI just said the issue01:27
murmelbrk: what gpu do you even have?01:27
brkits like .... imagine watching sports on a crappy tv01:27
brkNVIDIA® GeForce® MX250 / Intel® UHD Graphics01:28
murmelbrk: did you make sure that the drivers are correctly installed?01:29
brkim sorry01:29
brkIntel® Iris® Xe Graphics01:30
brkthats the one I have01:30
brkmurmel, I didn't01:30
brkjust installed and upgraded ubuntu01:30
murmelbrk: that's probably your issue01:31
brkmurmel, where do I start01:32
murmelbrk: sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall01:33
brkall available drivers are installed01:34
murmelbrk: you are on 22.04?01:38
murmelbrk: do you have nvidia-prime installed?01:39
brki was about to ask how do i check prime sync if its enabled01:40
brkbut maybe I don't even have it installed01:40
brkinstalled it01:41
brkanything else I could check before I reboot?01:41
murmelbrk: why would you need to reboot?01:41
brkthen just update?01:41
brkthat was the problem01:42
brknow its all good01:42
brkthank you01:43
brkalthough the picture isn't very good01:45
brkits not crisp, feels like slightly blurry01:45
murmelbrk: hm make sure that the resolution is a native to the screen one01:46
brkisn't it full screen from youtube automatically resizing the native resolution of the screen?01:47
brkI just tried 4k and its actually good enough01:49
brkI was watching HD only 108001:50
murmelbrk: oh you were talking about a yt video. sometimes yt bugs and it doesn't load the 4k content01:50
brknow another 4k video, again high fps01:52
brkso its ytube then, after I installed the nvidia prime01:53
brkit is better, but apperantly ytube is having problems on some videos01:53
murmelbrk: and what kind of issues01:55
brkfps issues01:56
murmelbrk: hm that sounds like a codec issue, hw accel01:56
brkand also on solid color scenes, I can see blurs and circles01:58
murmelbrk: I almost assume that's on the igpu, but can't say for sure. as the xe graphics are not that well supported as of right now01:58
brkbut not always01:59
brkmhm, thats bad01:59
brkanything else I can try to ... install or modify?01:59
brkor pull more info?  any useful commands?02:00
murmelbrk: I would first still make sure that nvidia drivers are correctly installed and used by the gpu. maybe you could try a newer mesa version, but that can be a little bit tricker02:00
brkhow do i check if the drivers are installed correctly02:01
murmelbrk: there is no nvidia gpu?02:04
murmelbrk: try lspci -vnn | grep VGA or ubuntu-drivers devices02:05
murmelbrk: are you sure, that you should have a nvidia gpu?02:06
brkI think so02:06
murmelbrk: I mean your laptop says no02:06
brkiRIS XE Graphics for sure, yes02:07
murmelbrk: yes, but that's an intel gpu02:07
murmelwhich is on the cpu02:07
murmelstill completely different02:07
Bashing-ombrk: murmel: High end Nvidia card - maybe like: lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' ? to show ??02:09
brk0:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation TigerLake-LP GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics] (rev 01)02:10
brkSubsystem: QUANTA Computer Inc TigerLake-LP GT2 [Iris Xe Graphics]02:10
brkKernel driver in use: i91502:10
InPhasebrk: You keep saying that your problem is "high fps", which isn't really a problem.  That means it's working well.  What is the actual issue going on that you have been calling that?  Can you explain that part in other words?02:11
brkInPhase, every 1 second I have a video frame freezing for about 0.01 seconds. And the picture isn't crisp enough on some videos. And also if on some wallpapers or some solid colour videos, sometimes I can see shades on the picture/video02:13
murmelbrk: what laptop do you own?02:14
brkInPhase, choppy and blurry - can't explain better than that02:14
InPhasebrk: How old is the laptop?02:15
InPhasebrk: Also, does it become warm to the touch and are the fans on when this happens?02:15
brktemperature is low and rarely can hear fans02:16
murmelyeah so it's only the intel gpu, which well, afaik has underwhelming support as of right now02:16
murmelbrk: btw, as you don't have a nvidia gpu, you can uninstall nvidia-prime if you want02:17
brkmurmel, thanks for reminding me. Purge or autoclean or remove, which one to use first?02:18
InPhasemurmel: An intel gpu at that level will handle youtube videos just fine under normal conditions.  This is a very light load for it.02:18
murmelbrk: first? purge if you want to remove also the configs02:18
brkInPhase, any command or a tool to watch the temperature?02:19
InPhasebrk: sensors in package lm-sensors02:19
murmelInPhase: I was talking about the screen issues, not the yt video02:19
Bashing-ombrk: ^ no indication of an Nvidia card - yet - please use a pastebin site for requested info as in: lspci -k | grep -EA2 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 9999 . The result is a URL, give us that URL and we see what is.02:20
murmelBashing-om: the laptop doesn't have a nvidia gpu02:21
Bashing-ommurmel: ack .02:21
brkInPhase, how can I monitor live the temperature sensors02:23
InPhasebrk: watch -n 1 sensors02:23
brkthank you02:24
brkim playing 8k video and temperatures are 35-4202:24
murmelhm okay interestingly that specific gpu should be pretty well supported :/02:25
InPhasebrk: Give it a minute to level out in temp, but that sounds pretty good.02:25
InPhasebrk: It's possible you have some sort of failure to get DRI going.02:25
InPhaseThis doesn't happen too often these days, but there might be a log entry indicating such an issue.02:25
InPhasebrk: Perhaps as a quick diagnostic, pause the video and try:  glxgears -fullscreen02:27
InPhaseTell us if this is stable or jittery with those pauses.02:27
InPhaseAlso it should probably report on console being synchronized to the vertical refresh rate, and report a result of, most likely, 60 FPS.02:28
brkits not good InPhase02:29
brkRunning synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be02:29
brkapproximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.02:29
brk305 frames in 5.0 seconds = 60.975 FPS02:29
brk300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.937 FPS02:29
brk300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.957 FPS02:29
brk299 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.640 FPS02:29
InPhasePastebins always.02:29
brksorry, thank you02:30
InPhasebrk: You're in the problem domain at the moment of something like a DRI setup failure or a problem with the opengl drivers.02:31
InPhasebrk: glxinfo | grep rendering02:32
brkim downloading a 4k video to test it with vcl02:33
brkDirect Rendering - yes02:33
InPhaseWell okay, it says it.  But it sure doesn't sound like it.02:35
brkits interesting, if the video is choppy - the picture is clear and crisp. If the video is smooth, then the picture is a bit blurry and not crisp02:35
brkdifferent videos on youtube, but as murmel mentioned, its from the youtube02:35
InPhaseWell glxgears being choppy is a troublesome issue by itself on a laptop of that era.02:36
brkhowever, none of the videos I am trying are both with good fps and crisp and clear picture02:36
brkso its a well known issue?02:36
InPhaseYes, 20 years ago.  ;)02:37
brkbut my video cards is not so bad02:38
InPhaseYeah, it's not that bad.02:38
InPhaseSomething is misconfigured or not loading right I think.02:38
InPhasebrk: glxinfo | grep Accelerated02:38
brkmaybe I can dry different kernal?02:38
brkno output02:39
InPhaseDid you spell it right?02:39
brkaccelerated -yes02:39
brktemperatures still 32-4202:40
brkcpu runs on 14-20% and used ram is 3.802:41
brkis it worth saying that I dont have sound from the speakers?02:42
InPhaseWell that sounds troubling but is a different subsystem.02:43
brkI tried 4k video on vlc and fps is very good, but again its just not clear and crisp and colours aren't that great02:45
InPhasebrk:  grep -E "WW|EE" /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999902:45
arraybolt3[m]brk: Do you have an external monitor you can try videos on? Maybe your screen is bad, not your iGPU.02:46
brkI don't have such file im not using xorg02:46
brkarraybolt3[m], I dont have any cables, and I guess if I screen it somehow wirelessly on another laptop, wont be any good02:48
InPhaseOh.  Well someone in the Wayland camp will need to advise on the new equivalent for finding logged errors for that.02:48
brkshould I log in with xorg then InPhase ?02:48
brkInPhase, I can paste you journalctl logs, if good enough?02:50
brkwhy my download speed with youtube-dl is so bad 80KiB/s03:00
Unit193I believe youtube throttled that, try yt-dlp from -backports.03:01
brkno sound, crappy picture low dw speed - just great experience03:01
brkUnit193, ok, thanks03:01
brkare the commands the same?03:03
Unit193yt-dlp is a maintained fork, there might be some differences but yeah it's close to drop-in.03:04
brkUnit193, thank you, now its much faster03:05
brkits pain watching action movies, will it be any difference between xorg and wayland?03:09
brkhey, you still here? I found one solution from ask.ubuntu that is about installing linux-oem-22.0403:27
brkwhat would change if I install this kernal?03:27
brkalthough its recommended for ubuntu 20.04, and I am on 22.0403:28
manzabudgnome shell top bar and dash should set light when light theme is set03:32
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Guest5647I find the instructions at07:51
Guest5647very useful. I see room for some more simplifications, however.07:51
Guest5647First of all, you do07:51
Guest5647not need a keyfile immediately, you just need to type in the07:51
Guest5647passphrase multiple times at the first reboot. Once you have the07:51
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tomreyn!paste | Guest564709:20
ubottuGuest5647: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:20
tomreynGuest5647: maybe you can contact the author of this guide, or comment on community.ubuntu.com (or elsewhere, and then ask someone in #ubuntu-docs to add a link there)09:22
Guest5647the author gave no other contact than this chat09:23
tomreynso it'll be the other option then09:33
Guest17Hello, why ubuntu is consuming more RAM than windows in terms of browser usage like chrome?11:48
ravageask google11:48
oerheksLinux uses more ram if available, and trottles back when other tasks need more ram. be happy with that11:50
Guest17oerheks, this is not accurate since it uses my swap memory when the ram memory is full11:51
Guest17few years before linux was better for old computers but now i don't think so11:52
Guest17for tasks like browsing11:52
Guest17maybe the best option to be more efficient is to use Windows + WSL11:52
Guest17if you are a developer11:52
Guest17isn't it?11:52
ravageit isnt11:52
oerheksand ofcourse you run the *exact* same pages on the *exact* same day11:53
ravageif you have an ubuntu support question ask. for general chat see #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic11:53
Guest17Can we make ubuntu more efficient?11:54
oerheksWe do it all the time..11:55
Guest17or there is a distro that is more efficient than ubuntu for browsing?11:55
oerheksin short; no11:55
Guest17a youtube video takes 1GB of ram in ubuntu and 300 MB of ram on windows 1011:56
Guest17it's a huge difference11:56
BluesKajHi all11:59
mrkubax10I feel like using all RAM that is available is better approach than using swap for no reason12:01
Guest17mrkubax10, ubuntu is using all my RAM and all my swap12:04
Guest17when I use browsing12:04
Guest1716GB of RAM12:04
Guest178GB of swap12:05
Guest17and VSCode open to and other programs12:05
murmelGuest17: oO how many tabs are oopen?12:05
Guest17when I used windows the RAM consumption was not so high12:05
murmelGuest17: I assume the browser gets more attention on windows *shrug*12:05
Guest17murmel, what is the meaning of *shrug*?12:06
murmelGuest17: your shoulders shrug12:07
Guest17don't you think that nowadays is windows + wsl more efficient than ubuntu?12:07
Guest17for a developer?12:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:08
oerhekstotally different usercase.. vscode?12:09
murmelyeah I also wonder how many browsers Guest17 has open xD12:10
oerheksnobody is interested in WSL, Guest17 , we don' t even support that here12:10
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mrcoffeeHi there..12:42
mrcoffeeTrying to build libusb 1.0.13 to no avail.. The whole process seems to pass and compile fine..12:42
mrcoffeeBut then why is the other program im building not finding it and still errorgin out?12:42
murmelmrcoffee: any reason why that specific version?12:44
murmelmrcoffee: did you install it?12:44
mrcoffeeYes qemu with libusb support asks for it..12:44
Maikmrcoffee: please don't cross post12:45
mrcoffeemurmel yes i downloaded the source and build it, it seems to pass.. What you mean cross post Maik?12:45
Maikmrcoffee: you're posting in #linux too where they are trying to help you already12:46
mrcoffeeSo.. Is that illegal or something?12:46
oerheksasking in multiple channels to get as many volunteers working for you , not nice12:46
oerheksi guess you are not even running ubuntu, as our qemu does not ask for it.12:47
Maikmrcoffee: "Don't cross post your question. Each Ubuntu channel has distinct topic ranging from general Ubuntu chat, to specific Ubuntu technologies. Ask your question in the channel that is most relevant to your query. Don't post in multiple Ubuntu channels or in channels with unrelated topics. To check a channels topic, type "/topic" into your IRC client."  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines12:47
mrcoffeeWell thats what I usually do, cuz sometimes what you dont know here Linux does.. And yes I am running Ubuntu..12:47
mrcoffeeWell Linux is not an Ubuntu channel.12:47
murmelmrcoffee: still not nice to ask in multiple channels, as you waste others people time.12:48
Maikmrcoffee: read again: " Don't post in multiple Ubuntu channels or in channels with unrelated topics"12:49
BluesKajmrcoffee, I'll repeat a question you were asked in #linux, why are you compiling from source, when there's really no need to do so?12:49
mrcoffeeI disagree, if you want to help fine, if you dont, dont.. Honestly ill end just going to the Linux channel beacuse everytime i come to Ubuntu i get nothing just ramblings.12:49
mrcoffeeBluesKaj is ther no need to do so?12:49
murmelmrcoffee: no, it's an ****** attitude, as I don't know what is already answered in #linux12:49
BluesKaj!install | mrcoffee12:50
ubottumrcoffee: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate12:50
brkcoreHello, I have some odt and pdf file that I moved from ubuntu 18.04 to encrypted usb and then moved them to ubuntu 22.04. Now these are showing with 0 bytes and empty12:52
brkcoreis it something to do with the 18.04 and 22.04 not compatible or something?12:53
ravagebrkcore, maybe you unplugged the usb storage without ejecting it properly?12:53
brkcoreravage, oh ok, yeah, I always unplug them without ejecting12:54
ravagethen your files never got written at all i suppose12:54
brkcorenow I have a message - could not open file "admin:///media/username/....12:54
brkcoreravage, I was able to access them all the time12:55
oerhekscopy it again from that encrypted usb?12:55
brkcoreI just did12:55
brkcoreactually most of my files and folders last few times I was moving them, rather copying12:56
brkcoreso its not a problem between 18.04 and 22.04, just me13:00
oerheksas opf 21.04 your home folder is no longer world readable, can you open that file with sudo, for a test?13:01
brkcorebut I can see now the same file on 18.04 is all good, and then the copy on 22.04 is showing as 0 bytes13:01
brkcoreoerheks, i will try13:01
brkcoreoh yes, I mean the files are on the encrypted usb. They are all good on the 18.04 but not on the 22.04 (and thats two different alp tops)13:03
mrcoffeeI am sorry to say, but this channel has becoma ridiculous place where only missdirection is to be found, bye.13:13
thyriaeni am looking to install gcstar, hoewever since 22.04 the ppa, nor repack debs work anymore due to dependency issues - is there a good repalcement sofware or way to install it ?13:39
leftyfbthyriaen: https://alternativeto.net/software/gcstar/13:43
leftyfbthyriaen: you can also try #ubuntu-offtopic for software opinions13:43
ravagethyriaen, the gtk3 version installs and runs just fine on my 22.0413:44
ravageyou may have to install some perl modules manually. but they all exist in the ubuntu repo13:44
thyriaenravage, how did you install it ?13:44
ravagesudo ./install --text13:45
ravagethat shows some missing perl modules. so i did "sudo apt install libxml-simple-perl ibgtk3-simplelist-perl"13:46
ravageand then it installed. you may check the other optional modules if you need them13:46
thyriaenibgtk3-simplelist-perl isnt found13:47
thyriaenravage, did you install it to /usr/local ? cause my interface looks really screwed up with blue buttons and they don't look right13:49
ravagei already removed it. tried it in a container13:49
ravagei dont know how it should look like really13:50
ravagenever heard of the tool before13:50
thyriaenravage, thanks :p13:53
jhutchins!info gcstar14:15
ubottuPackage gcstar does not exist in jammy14:15
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jhutchinsMost of those alternatives look pretty much like databases with minimal front-ends.  You could just learn to use something like postresql14:21
leftyfbjhutchins: they left14:21
manwhowouldbekinGreetings all! When running sudo apt install sagemath on Ubuntu 22.04, I get this: https://termbin.com/jkud What can I do to fix it?14:30
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: you have ligd3-dev installed from a PPA (sury.org's PHP PPA), but this package depends on the very libgd3-dev version of ubuntu14:36
tomreynactually libgd3, not libgd3-dev14:36
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Thanks! Is this fixable?14:37
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: you can ppa-purge the PPA, or downgrade the very package to the version in ubuntu AND set up apt-pinning for it.14:40
Linux^_Hi how can I access a user folder (example : root or example1) that I can not directly "su" but logging in other user I can su to them?14:40
Linux^_Hi how can I access a user folde via ftp client like filezilla14:40
tomreynLinux^_: should we ignore the first question then?14:41
Linux^_No I forgot to mention "via ftp client" in first question tomreyn14:41
Linux^_I can ftp to the user can I can ssh normally (example username: ubuntu)14:42
tomreyni'm not really able to understand what you're asking. :-/14:43
Linux^_what I normally do is in ssh , I ssh into ubuntu then I type sudo su to  root14:43
Linux^_I can not directly  ssh into root14:43
Linux^_SO I can ftp into ubuntu now how can I ftp into root?14:43
Linux^_Did I clarify now?14:43
tomreynto access something with an ftp client like filezilla, you will need to run an ftp server. to access something by ssh you will need to run an ssh server. to access something locally, on the same computer, when owned by a different user, you need to sudo or su -14:44
tomreynuse sftp, not ftp, for this purpose14:44
Linux^_Ok let me try it again so you understand it14:45
tomreynand if you need to transfer files into a location where only root can write (why?!) then you may need to install an ssh key for the root user14:45
Linux^_I can FTP into user Ubuntu using filezilla. But I can not ftp into user root14:46
tomreyndon't use ftp, it's an old, insecure, clumsy, protocol. use sftp.14:46
Linux^_In SSH I can ssh into ubuntu and then I can type sudo su to become root is there any way to  ftp into ubuntu then elivate the position?14:46
Linux^_don't use ftp I know its for simplicity14:47
Linux^_I am asking question  using term ftp for simplicity14:47
tomreynif you already have an ssh server, sftp is already supported, no need for a separate ftp server14:47
Linux^_yes but that as not the question actually... I dont know If  am able to clarify my question14:48
tomreynyou won't be able to transfer files to /root either way, though, unless you authenticate as root via ssh14:48
tomreyn(which is what you'll be doing when using sftp)14:49
Linux^_when I try to directly ssh into root I get this message "Authenticating with public key "imported-openssh-key" from agent14:49
Linux^_Please login as the user "ubuntu" rather than the user "root"."14:49
tomreynLinux^_: let's try it this way: what's the goal of what you'Re doing there? why do you need to transfer files to the ubuntu system in a directory only root can access?14:50
Linux^_I want to get the log file of an application14:50
tomreynand this log file is owned by whom?14:51
Linux^_also if I ftp using root login I will be able to brose all users14:51
Linux^_I will be able to enter into all users14:51
tomreynyes, that would be bad, if you actually just need to access part of the system14:51
Linux^_so do you have solution for this? "Please login as the user "ubuntu" rather than the user "root""14:52
tomreynis this actually an ubuntu system?14:52
Linux^_yes. how can I ssh directly ?14:52
Linux^_how can I ssh directly into root?14:52
tomreynis this an AWS EC2 instance?14:53
tomreynbecause you wouodn't normally see this message14:53
tomreynit does seem to be a cloud image for sure14:53
Linux^_yes cloud ubuntu14:54
Linux^_ubuntu 20.0414:54
tomreynLinux^_: do you know how ssh key based authentication works?14:54
Linux^_yes You save the key in your PC and enable it using putty then you  ssh into the user14:55
tomreynah, seems like you're already doing so, cool.14:55
Linux^_but I cant into root14:55
tomreynyou can edit /root/.ssh/authorized_keys and remove this: ,command="echo 'Please login as the user \"ubuntu\" rather than the user \"root\".';echo;sleep 10"14:56
tomreynLinux^_: but this should not actually be needed if you just use sftp, not ssh14:57
tomreyni.e. you'd reduce a relevant security feature by removing this14:57
Linux^_I cant sftp into root . wait I am posting hat error I get14:57
tomreynyou'll also need to install your ssh key (the one that's already in /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys ) in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys14:59
Linux^_tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Hm9D6Y2mFr/15:00
Linux^_I can sftp into ubuntu user just fine ok so may be I have to what you have said  "need to install ssh key into root15:01
tomreyni assume this error message rather suggests that the remote server is not configured to run the sftp subsystem for root.15:04
Linux^_tomreyn I will have to just copy paste the authorized_keys  from ubuntu/.ssh to  root/.ssh?15:04
leftyfbLinux^_: you do not need to ssh in as root15:04
Linux^_I will turn off ssh for root tomorrow15:04
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, How would I purge the PPA? I do not think it is one of the PPAs that is added to my system.15:04
tomreyn^ most likley not, i tried to explain this previously, and ask about it15:04
leftyfbLinux^_: enabling root to login via ssh is a terrible idea and is the reason it's disabled by defailt15:04
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: well, you have a package version installed from that ppa15:05
Linux^_I will turn it off tomorrow15:05
leftyfbLinux^_: you do not need to ssh in as root15:05
tomreyn!ppapurge | manwhowouldbekin15:05
ubottumanwhowouldbekin: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:05
Linux^_I will turn it off after some time15:05
leftyfbLinux^_: you do not need to ssh in as root15:05
Linux^_But I need to access root from sftp15:06
leftyfbLinux^_: I can guarantee you there are multiple ways to accomplish your end goal, none of which involve ssh'ing in as root15:06
Linux^_ok I dont want to ssh into root I want sftp into root15:06
leftyfbsame thing15:06
leftyfbLinux^_: what are you trying to accomplish exactly?15:07
leftyfb"without mentioning ssh and root"15:07
Linux^_so how can I get the log of a package without sftp into root?15:07
leftyfbthe log of a package?15:07
leftyfbyou mean you want to download log files stored somewhere on the filesystem?15:07
leftyfbLinux^_: did you try?15:07
Linux^_If I can not access how can I do it? I have just sftp into ubuntu username15:08
leftyfbLinux^_: when you sftp in, did you try navigating to the location of the log file(s)?15:08
Linux^_ok let me try again15:08
=== Linux^_ is now known as Linux^
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, I am getting this: https://pastebin.com/8C1RJxHQ ; I am trying per these instructions: https://github.com/oerdnj/deb.sury.org/wiki/How-to-downgrade-to-stock-packages15:18
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: apparently you don't have this PPA configured anymore, but leftover packages / package versions installed from it15:28
tomreynalso, you have a couple other APT misconfigurations15:28
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: you can downgrade package "mypackage" to version "myversion" by running     sudo apt install mypackage=myversion15:29
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: this shows which package versions are known for package "mypackage" (run "sudo apt update" beforehand): apt policy mypackage15:30
tomreynhemm: hi, do you have an ubuntu support question?15:32
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Thanks! It seems to have worked! :-)15:40
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: do you also want to take on the other apt issues?15:41
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, What do you mean?15:41
tomreynthe lines starting with W here https://pastebin.com/raw/8C1RJxHQ15:42
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, That would be good! What can I do about those?15:42
tomreynwell, for the first two, it tells you15:43
tomreynfor the third, i'm trying to find this out now. and the 4th should be a result of the 3rd.15:44
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: to check for installed packages which wil not receive updates / security patches: apt list --installed | grep ',local]$' 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999915:48
tomreynto share your configured apt repositories:    sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999915:48
tomreynhi José15:48
tomreynLinux^: did you make any progress there?15:55
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: or you?15:55
Linux^No actually15:55
Linux^I think I need to change something15:55
Linux^I can sftp to another user1 too15:56
tomreynLinux^: did you try to access the file you want to access as user 'ubuntu' though?15:56
Linux^I cant!! that file is in user1 folder15:57
leftyfbtomreyn: I need to step away, but if they ever get in and still can't navigate to where they need to go, my next suggestion would be a bind mount15:57
Linux^I just did cp log -R /home/ubuntu15:57
Linux^then got the log from there15:57
Linux^I  will reinstall OS15:57
tomreynleftyfb:  yes, might work. or writing it with proper permissions / at the right place.15:58
tomreynLinux^: reinstalling Ubuntu isn't going to solve this15:58
tomreynwhats the error message when you run, as user "ubuntu"     wc -l /home/user1/log     (or wherever the log file is written normally)?16:00
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Making progress, I think.16:00
tomreynprogress is good, unless you're standing in front of a cliff16:03
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, :D Got the first two. Not sure about the third.16:07
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: are you using proxy server to access the internet?16:09
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, I don't think so. Just a regular connection with a home router.16:13
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: can i see the output from the commands i posted above (posting to termbin.com)16:15
tomreynalso, run a fresh    sudo apt update    and see whether these W: lines are gone, yet16:16
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, https://termbin.com/n8b516:17
tomreynhmm, that's plenty of remainders from not only the sury PPA16:18
tomreynthose packages from this list that you don't know or don't need you should apt purge16:19
tomreynbut watch out not to purge things you still need as a side effect of it (apt will ask)16:20
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: and those packages on this list that you want to keep, you should try to find an apt repository for, because you currently have none configured for them. to get updates (and security patches) from16:21
tomreynfor the "+deb.sury-prg" packages, you probably want to purge all of them based on our previous conversation.16:23
ilovemycockhey one question16:38
ilovemycockubuntu 22.04 is out but when 22.04.1 it is ?16:38
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, So, it appears that a good plan would be to purge the sury.org packages first and clean up the list. Then, I shall go through the rest. How would I look for the packages' repos? Just google around?16:39
tomreynilovemycock: please find a family friendly nickname first (yes, it can have other meaning but i don't care)16:39
=== ilovemycock is now known as markusabheiden
=== markusabheiden is now known as derpatemarkusabh
enigma9o7[m]he has an award winning rooster....16:40
derpatemarkusabhubuntu 22.04 is out but when 22.04.1 it is ?16:40
tomreyn!22.04 | derpatemarkusabh: see the last link here16:41
ubottuderpatemarkusabh: see the last link here: Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) is the 36th release of Ubuntu and the current !LTS release – Download at https://ubuntu.com/download :: Release notes at https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-release-notes :: Further schedule at https://ubottu.com/y/jj16:41
derpatemarkusabhyes but i MEANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22.04.1 NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22.04! OMG!16:41
tomreynderpatemarkusabh: stop it please16:42
enigma9o7[m]Wow august 4th to be precise16:42
enigma9o7[m]Its on the link he sent16:42
MisterMomi for one appreciated the link thanks16:44
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: sorry, kindergarden called. the approach you suggest sounds good to me. and you're essentially asking: how do i find software (repositories) for ubuntu - i guess your answer is correct for software that's not covered by ubuntu repositories, nor snaps.16:44
tomreyn!ppa | manwhowouldbekin16:45
ubottumanwhowouldbekin: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:45
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Thanks! It may take me a bit of time to do. I maybe back to ask questions, when they arise.16:46
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: good luck. i may or may not be around, and others may or may not be around to answer those. ;-)16:47
tomreyn(but keep them coming)16:47
Linux^I have a question how can I also enable id/password for a user which already has key16:50
jhutchinsLinux^: Do you want to disable the key and require name/password?16:51
Linux^I want both16:51
jhutchinsLinux^: The default is to fall back to name/password if key fails, otherwise use the key.  There is no functional difference once they're logged in.16:52
Linux^Yes so how do I set password?16:52
Linux^and enable password for failsafe16:52
Linux^sorry I mean fallback16:52
jhutchinsLinux^: Generally sudo passwd <user>16:53
jhutchinsLinux^: fallback is automatic; text by disabling /home/<usr>/.ssh/authorized_keys16:53
jhutchinsLinux^: Just in case: If you're running an exposed ssh server, make sure you change the default port from 22 to something else.16:55
tomreynjhutchins: Linux^ is using an AWS EC2 cloud system, apparently based on Ubuntu cloud images, which has some configuration differences to a default desktop/server installation.16:56
jhutchinstomreyn: Do we know how those differences might affect ssh authorization?16:56
tomreyni'm not exactly sure, but i think password authentication is disabled by default16:57
rfmpretty sure the AWS images turn off password authentication.  I'll check mine...16:57
jhutchinsShould be able to re-enable it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config16:58
tomreynalso the user to login with is 'ubuntu', logging in as 'root' (which was a topic before here) is prevented by yet more configurations than just what ubuntu server sets by default16:58
jhutchinsThat's where you set the port as well.16:59
rfmyes, my AWS instance has "PasswordAuthentication no" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.17:00
jhutchinstomreyn: Which is a good idea to leave alone.17:00
tomreynon AWS, there is also SSM and the AWS CLI to login to systems remotely, and securely, which does not depend on SSH.17:00
tomreynjhutchins: i agree17:00
rfmand one can always generte a new key pair and set it via the AWS CLI (or management console)17:01
tomreynjhutchins: if the SSH port was modified, the 'security group' (network firewall essentially) would also need to be modified17:01
jhutchinsAh, I tend to work with border firewalls rather than on-host.17:02
tomreynthat's what it is effectively, not on-host17:03
jhutchinsStill, it's worth the effort.17:03
jhutchins(In my case, I'd have to request port 22 access anyway, so no extra work there.)17:04
osseWhen I double click on volumes in the file manager they are mounted read-only. They weren't before (not sure when this change happened, perhaps after upgrading to 21.10). How can I fix this?17:05
osseThis is what `mount` prints for one drive I want to fix: /dev/sdb1 on /media/osse/e3b6d5c3-7e2b-46ec-ac52-86573b8a550e type ext4 (ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,errors=remount-ro,uhelper=udisks2)17:06
jhutchinsosse: That's a well known "feature" of most modern file managers.17:09
jhutchinsosse: I'm afraid I don't know the official Ubuntu fix.17:10
jhutchins<This ought to be an ubottu factoid...>17:11
osseThe errors=remount-ro thing was new to me. I ran dmesg while mounting and unmountingm and indeed there seems to be some errors17:11
tomreynthis one was "ro" mouted, so I guess it's not just the ext4 / unix-like file system permissions egtting int he way but also that either udisks2 generally mounts ro only, or is configured to mount this specific block device ro17:12
tomreynin other words: i do not know the answer17:12
tomreynhttp://storaged.org/doc/udisks2-api/latest/udisks-polkit-actions.html explains how to whitelist rw mounting known block devices17:13
jhutchinsThis has been true as long as GUI file managers have been mounting removable drves afik.17:13
tomreynnot for ntfs or fat formatted ones17:13
rfmosse, if it's remounting ro due to errors, you need to unmount it and fsck it..17:14
jhutchinsMy solution is an fstab entry for the UUID; that resolves keeping the mount point consistent as well.17:14
osserfm: I'm not fluent in dmesgese, but that seems to be what's happening: http://sprunge.us/uytJCU17:15
osserunning fsck now17:15
tomreynjhutchins: i just mounted an ext4 file system from a separate storage (internal, but should not matter, i think) on 18.04 using gdisks2 and it was mounted 'rw'17:15
tomreyn100 points for rfm17:16
ossejhutchins: In fact, mounting these on boot would be fine. Previously I just wanted "do whatever happens when I open in in file manager but on boot"17:16
osseBut I guess fstab is the way to go17:17
jhutchinsosse: Just make them noauto and they can be mounted on demand.17:17
jhutchinsosse: See the entry for CD/DVD as an example.17:17
tomreynosse: i think it would mount writable as soon as you fixed the file system17:18
jhutchins(Although I'm not sure that's rw.)17:18
tomreyn(i.e. no need for an fdisk rentry, i would say)17:18
jhutchinsI don't have a test case available.17:18
webchat46I'm trying to connect external webcam on Ubuntu 20.04, but it's not working.17:20
webchat46It worked for once and after restart it stopped working again.17:20
webchat46UVC is having issues connecting to the webcam17:21
shevchukHello. Does anyone know if `apt purge '~g'` is any different than `apt autoremove --purge`?17:21
ossetomreyn: separately from this issue, I do in fact what it mounted on boot (or when I log in; doesn't matter). I just mentioned it in passing.17:22
tomreynosse: note that systmed will try to handle this error in case a device that is set to be mounted automatically according to fstab is missing during boot)17:22
osseMaybe there is a fancy fstab-less way of doing it17:22
webchat46Could anyone help me to resolve the webcam issue?17:23
tomreynshevchuk: where did you read about     apt purge '~g'    ?17:23
shevchuktomreyn: https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/man7/apt-patterns.7.html17:24
tomreynosse: use auto,nofail options in fstab then, or look into whether udisks2 can be configured to achieve the same (i do not know)17:25
tomreyn!patience | webchat4617:25
ubottuwebchat46: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:25
jhutchinswebchat46: Check dmesg and journal (journalctl), see what the system thinks is happening when you connect it.17:27
webchat46Hi ubottu I have looked for the solutions but I couldn't find any. I have emailed to the webcam manufacturer for support, since they have claimed Linux is supported.17:27
jhutchinswebchat46: Verify which release you're on, and what hardware the system sees (lsusb).  Google search linux+<chipset> or linux+<make/model>17:28
shevchuktomreyn: I use `apt purge '~g'` it for 2+ years, so I actually just forgot what was the traditional way to remove garbage '^__^ apart from autoremove, and if autoremove was enough. Quick look at my .histfile didn't help, so I thought maybe here someone knows for sure )17:28
webchat46Hi jhutchins I checked dmesg. It's throwing an error while connecting to webcam. The webcam worked for once. It worked once when I connected to USB 2.0 port. It's not working when connected to USB 3 port. Shall I share the error message displayed in dmesg here?17:30
tomreynshevchuk: which ubuntu version are yuo on? i just ran this command on 18.04 and apt responded with "E: Unable to locate package ~g"17:30
tomreyn!paste | webchat4617:31
ubottuwebchat46: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:31
jhutchinswebchat46: Is it failing on boot, on hot connect, or both?17:31
tomreynwebchat46: but generally, sharing error messages regarding an issue you're trying to solve (like here) is useful, so: yes, it's good to do so.17:32
shevchuktomreyn: it is available from 20.04 at least. I'm on 22.04 )17:32
tomreynshevchuk: i just tried on 22.04, and indeed it's supported there. i assume the relevant documentation can be that of aptitude then.17:33
eelstreborwhy do i get this question mark over my ethernet connection icon and yet still be able to websurf?17:33
jhutchinsSometimes you can get answers from a one-line error message in a web search.17:33
jhutchinseelstrebor: If it's not broken don't worry about it?17:34
enigma9o7[m]maybe the question mark is from your wifi?17:34
eelstreborthere's no wifi device on this PC17:34
eelstreborthe question mark comes and goes17:34
jhutchinseelstrebor: I'm on XFCE, right- or left-click on the network icon gives me more info.17:35
tomreynshevchuk: unless you know of another place?17:35
eelstreborthe question mark just cleared but the connection information is the same with or without the question mark17:35
enigma9o7[m]weird eel.  i have no idea.  this is built in gnome?  or nm-tray?  or conman?17:35
tomreyneelstrebor: maybe the ubuntu connectivity check is failing17:36
jhutchinswebchat46: Definitely do a web search for your model + linux.17:36
shevchuktomreyn: man page I linked earlier says 'Selects packages that can be removed automatically.' I was just wondering if that's exactly the same packages that would be selected by `apt autoremove` or if there are some differences in behavior17:36
shevchuktomreyn: thanks anyway, I'll continue to google )17:37
tomreynshevchuk: sorry, i completely missed your link17:37
tomreynshevchuk: and yes, just having learnt about this, i do not know the answer. good luck finding out more - or reading the source code.17:39
webchat47Hello, jhutchins here is the screenshot of that webcam error. I just connected via my laptop so that's why new username. https://imgur.com/a/9PHEMvY17:44
webchat47It is failing on both, it will not throw those errors when I connect it to USB 2.0 port.17:46
shevchuktomreyn: I just ran a quick test: installed kitty (which automatically also installed kitty-doc and kitty-terminfo), then purged kitty. Then `apt purge '~g'`... aaand it didn't remove kitty-doc and kitty-terminfo, but explicitly recommended me to use apt autoremove: "The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: [..] Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them". So '~g' doesn't select the same packages17:47
shevchukas autoremove, which is confusing, given the info in man )17:47
ioriawebchat47, try to remove the module . sudo rmmod  uvcvideo   and insert again  : sudo modprobe uvcvideo quirks=0x100 trace=117:48
webchat47I'll try that now.17:48
ioria~g usually (at least with aptitude) purges the config files of already removed packages  afaik shevchuk17:50
tomreynshevchuk: while the explanation seems similar to that of autoremove, i guess the term "garbage" isn't seen elsewhere in apt-land, but may, as the apt-patterns man page suggests, originate from aptitude, where a closer definition may be provided.17:51
tomreynlooks like ioria beat me to it ;)17:51
shevchuktomreyn: ioria: thanks : )17:52
ioriashevchuk, ok17:52
webchat47Hello ioria Before running that command my laptop's internal webcam was showing in ```v4l2-ctl --list-devices``` but now it's showing as "Failed to open /dev/video0: Permission denied"17:53
webchat47Still external webcam is not in that list17:53
ioriawebchat47, sudo rmmod  uvcvideo   ;  sudo modprobe uvcvideo17:54
webchat47I checked dmesg after that: still no luck[10856.929763] usb 3-4: New USB device found, idVendor=2bdf, idProduct=0280, bcdDevice=50.0017:56
webchat47[10856.929772] usb 3-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=317:56
webchat47[10856.929776] usb 3-4: Product: 1080P Web Camera17:56
webchat47[10856.929779] usb 3-4: Manufacturer: SN000217:56
webchat47[10856.929781] usb 3-4: SerialNumber: SN000217:56
webchat47[10856.930669] usb 3-4: Found UVC 1.00 device 1080P Web Camera (2bdf:0280)17:56
Maik!paste | webchat4717:56
ubottuwebchat47: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:56
shevchukioria: tomreyn: funny enough, `aptitude purge '~g'` _does_ purge these leftover packages, while `apt purge '~g'` does not  : |17:58
webchat47I have the screenshot of the error https://imgur.com/30Rz5NC17:59
shevchukmight be a bug, I'll probably report it at launchpad18:00
webchat47I'm not sure how to submit bug report.18:00
webchat47Yes I'm facing same issue ravage18:03
webchat47There was not solution in that page, I couldn't able to navigate that website.18:03
webchat47It worked for once, I don't know how but it was working fine till I suspended my laptop. After that it stopped working again.18:05
webchat47I was able to access that webcam in OBS and Chrome as well.18:06
ravageits a know bug for that webcam model. so i guess you have to wait for a fix in the kernel code and then you can ask for a fix in the current ubuntu kernel18:07
webchat47How can I them for fix?18:08
webchat47email them?18:08
webchat47Thanks ravage18:09
tomreynwebchat47: while https://groups.google.com/g/linux.kernel/c/BEBBVgEkb4c is about a completely different device, it bears the same error message and suggests that the default streaming initialization timeout may be too short for some devices. This timeout is configurable with the "timeout" uvcvideo module parameter, defaults (or did default then) to 2000 milliseconds, whereas 3000 or even 5000 may be needed fro some devices.18:22
ravage2009. so did that patch make it upstream? :D18:24
tomreynwebchat47: so maybe try:   sudo rmmod -vuvcvideo && sudo modprobe -v uvcvideo timeout=5000 && sleep 2 && v4l2-ctl --list-devices18:25
tomreynravage: no idea18:25
webchat47Thanks I was searching for that command18:25
tomreynravage: looks like https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvcvideo.h#L19618:30
tomreynor this rather - changed 13 years ago. https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blame/master/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvcvideo.h#L19618:31
tomreynbut UVC_CTRL_CONTROL_TIMEOUT was only changed recently, but that's not controllable by module parameter, i think18:31
webchat47It didn't work https://imgur.com/undefined18:32
tomreynyou screenshot looks pretty undefined18:33
tomreynbut please share text as text generally18:33
tomreyni.e. on a pastebin, or termbin.com18:33
jhutchinsUnfortunately, even bugs that have been triaged and defined with a known solution can take a long time for the fix to show up in production.18:34
jhutchinsSometimes you can patch your own kernel to fix things.18:35
ravageat least for my 22.05 kernel both values are already 500018:37
webchat47Hi tomreyn here is the dmesg log after running that given command. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qfh3bN4Fkd/18:39
tomreynwebchat47: oh, you have two cameras even, and now both seem to be failing18:40
jhutchinsravage: Which kernel is that?18:40
webchat47Yes, One is the laptop's internal camera and another is the external camera.18:41
tomreynwebchat47: and your system is a fully updated Ubuntu 20.04 amd64?18:42
webchat47Laptop internal camera is stopped when I ran this command "sudo rmmod  uvcvideo ; sudo modprobe uvcvideo quirks=0x100 trace=1"18:42
webchat47Yes its fully updated18:43
webchat47Failed to open /dev/video0: Permission denied18:43
webchat47That is the error for internal camera18:43
jhutchinswebchat47: If that stops it, that implies that it was running.18:43
jhutchinswebchat47: Is /dev/video0 a symlink to another device?18:44
webchat47That was linked to internal webcam before I did rmmod18:44
tomreyni assume the internal cam may work, but the goal is to get the external going18:45
webchat47Its okay if the internal cam is not working, I use external cam on my monitor18:46
webchat47This webcam works perfectly on windows18:46
webchat47Are there any other drivers like UVC that I can try?18:47
enigma9o7[m]wow that sounds like amazing os18:47
webchat47Nope, I just checked if it was webcam's issue.18:48
webchat47it was not18:48
webchat47It worked on ubuntu today afternoon, then it again stopped connecting18:49
tomreynwebchat47: does "w" say that you have fully rebooted since, or did you just suspend + resume?18:50
webchat47I did restart for 4 times today to check webcam.18:51
tomreynhmm then i guess i'm out of ideas and agree on the suggestion to file a bug report18:53
webchat47wait, I have a strange issue on my laptop, usb devices take more time to detect. Like when I plug in my Logitech dongle for mouse to another port then it takes some time to get it working. Like 3-4 mins sometimes18:53
webchat47Is that causing that issue for webcam?18:54
tomreyndo you mean seconds or minutes?18:54
webchat47I did wait for 10 mins but it didn't connect, maybe because there was a time out18:54
tomreynsounds like a hardware issue then18:54
webchat47It has been happening from last 4-5 months18:54
ossetomreyn, jhutchins, rfm: fsck did the trick, as expected :) Will look into udisks and stuff, but perhaps good ol fstab is the simplest18:55
webchat47I thought it was because slimbook power manager disabling USB ports .18:55
tomreynosse: just make sure you add the "nofail" (if you'll add "auto") then in case there is a chance it would not exist during boot. having to wait for missing devices is very annoying.18:57
webchat47They show up in lsusb instantly but they won't be available to access right away. They will be available after 3-4 mins.18:57
tomreynwebchat47: please make sure to tell the full story about relevant customizations you have applied to your system before asking for support in the future.18:59
webchat47I haven't done any customizations, everything is stock18:59
webchat47my laptop is almost 10 yr old, Lenovo G580 with i3 2nd gen processor19:00
enigma9o7[m]well that sounds boring19:00
enigma9o7[m]So I win.19:04
enigma9o7[m]Mine is over 10 years old, with i7 first gen processor.19:04
enigma9o7[m]In fact the CPU itself says 2008 on it.  I now that cuz I spent over an hour with cotton swab and alochol shining it to mirror finish.19:04
webchat47I have filed bug report, I hope it gets resolved soon19:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1978416 in linux-signed-hwe-5.13 (Ubuntu) "External USB webcam is not working" [Undecided, New]19:07
webchat47yes, please tell me if I have to add any other information in that bug report'=D19:09
ravageyou could try a 22.04 live usb session and see if that problem still exists19:10
webchat47Okay I'll try it19:10
webchat47I was just concerned that my laptop would not be able to handle 22.0419:11
webchat47I'll give it a try tomorrow19:11
ravagei dont think there is a difference in system requirements really19:11
webchat47I'm planning for a laptop Upgrade soon, which laptop would you recommend?19:13
webchat47I'm planning for ThinkPad T14 AMD19:13
ravageThinkPads are usually a good choice19:13
webchat47I'll be using it for next 5-7 years19:14
ravagejust make sure the hardware is fully supported19:14
InPhasewebchat47: The Tuxedo Pulse 15 has so far been the best Linux laptop purchase choice I ever made.19:14
webchat47It is not available in India, Thinkpads are the only choice. Dell XPS laptops are very expensive here.19:15
InPhasewebchat47: I'd recommend checking it.  Their lines differ a bit, but the magnesium chasis lines seem pretty nice, and that one is a beast.  I picked it up last year, so maybe there are newer options, but it's still quite competitive.19:15
InPhasewebchat47: Really?  I think they ship internationally to most places.19:16
lsd|2@here BOGUŚ NADAJE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob1cLcxlcxU19:16
webchat47Import duties are very high here. Dell XPS models are all starting at $2k+19:18
tomreyn!ot | lsd|219:18
ubottulsd|2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:18
webchat47okay thanks19:19
loosewebchat47: thinkpad t14 amd is a good choice - I've been using it with ubuntu 22.04 for a couple of months now19:20
webchat47How is the battery life? are you using AMD Ryzen 7 ?19:21
ravagemaybe take that conversation to the discuss or offtopic channel19:22
webchat47loose join #ubuntu-offtopic19:23
ioriawebchat47, https://lore.kernel.org/all/33efe80e-9667-ffd0-49cc-541ebd9ff586@freezy.cz/T/19:39
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transhumanistwishing I could figure out why varnish proxy does nothing.. save a lot of time if it would work... sigh21:25
ravage#varnish on irc.redpill-linpro.com21:27
jhutchinstranshumanist: What do you expect it to do for you?21:29
transhumanisttrying to proxy locally the downloads of kernels21:34
transhumanistso I can keep the scripts consistent21:34
transhumanistI know I could download them all once onto a local webserver but thats a lot more work than just using varnish is supposed to be21:35
jhutchinstranshumanist: That's not what varnish does.21:38
jhutchinsUnless it's changed drastically, varnish caches outbound pages so they don't have to be read or rebuild for every request.21:38
transhumanistyes I know that21:39
jhutchinstranshumanist: Maybe you want apt-cache?21:39
transhumanistthat's an idea, thanks21:40
jhutchinsThat's not the first time recently that I've seen someone trying to use varnish for inbound caching.21:41
jhutchinsI guess if you had a proxy that re-transmitted the data internally, it might help with that, but that's a pretty elaborate way to achieve inbound caching.21:41
transhumanistI thought it would just be a set and forget type of thing.. but turns out NOT21:43
BadAtomtranshumanist: I'm not sure I'm understanding completely what you want to do, but it sounds to me like a job for git21:45
jhutchinstranshumanist: There are inbound caching systems that are meant to do that and are pretty easy to set up - no worse than defining a proxy and telling it where to store the cache.21:45
transhumanistok I will look for inbound caching  and see what I find21:46
transhumanistthanks, never set that up, is it difficult?21:48
transhumanistlol... trying not to turn it into a side project...21:49
jhutchinsNo idea.  It was really popular a while back.21:49
transhumanistok good enough21:50
transhumanistif I had dd-wrt and my own router I would set it up on that21:50
transhumanistbut I am stuck with comcast piece of junk , can't afford a better one right now21:51
jhutchinsApache Traffic Server might be the newer equivalent.21:53
transhumanistoh, ok never heard of it but thanks, I will look at that, new is usually better21:53
jhutchinstranshumanist: No, a good proxy cache server requires storage, preferably hot on line (RAM) storage, but disk will do.21:54
jhutchinsIt really makes sense if for isntance a bunch of people in an office use the same web business data, or a bunch of tweakers on one circuit are constantly updating packages.21:54
transhumanistya I am trying to build install scripts, so I think it makes sense21:56
jhutchinsIt was pretty nice to have a good local package cache when we were all on dial-up, and everybody in the house tended to use and update the same set of packages.21:58
jhutchinsIf downloading the same files is a significant part of your workload, it's well worth the effort.21:59
transhumanistok thanks I will look at it, recently I have come into some large drives, and all I need is an ODROID or something to do it22:00
transhumanistI don't actually understand how it works at all without the remote server making hashes of files available, I mean how the hell does it know when a newer one is available?22:01
transhumanistunless it does background updates22:02
ravagethe http command is HEAD22:02
ravageand the cache would check upstream for a newer file after the locally minimal cache lifetime is reached22:03
transhumanistah ok22:03
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ravagenginx is also capable to do some caching22:06
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uuserhi!  I'd like some help with netplan.  I have a situation where I want the primary address to come from the DHCP and then add a static address but mark it as secondary.  So currently I have https://paste.debian.net/1243905/ but that gets me https://paste.debian.net/1243906/ - whereas I need the .5 to be primary and .100 to be secondary.22:16
uuserI'd love any pointer!  Thank you in advance :)22:18
jhutchinsHow is the secondary address determined/assigned?22:22
uuserjhutchins: dhcp22:23
jhutchinsuuser: So the question is how to build the routing table?22:26
jhutchinsThat's backwards.device names like eth0, eth0.122:27
barnitoHA! I got this little Atom PC with a BIOS password, I got into that bitch lol22:28
uuserjhutchins: well, the routing table has " dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src" - so yes it's that, but I hoped to be able to tweak this via the primary/secondary in netplan, rather than touching the routing table directly?22:28
uusernot sure what you are referring to with "backwards device names"22:28
jhutchinsUse device names for the routing table.22:32
uuser(fwiw, currently I workarounded my issue by specifying both addresses in the netplan conf (so that the first is marked primary), and since it's not like the dhcp address doesn't really change I can live with this, but it's… ugly)22:32
jhutchins(Backwards was a separate discussion of caching)22:33
jhutchinsuuser: Ugly problems often require ugly solutions.22:34
uuserhow true…22:34
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morganu20.04 "something" has grabbed my audio and I yt is silent23:36
morganuvolume settings look good23:39
morganuI am going to quit chrome23:39
enigma9o7[m]good luck, i gave up tobacco a year ago, and i hear it's similar23:40
enigma9o7[m]you can do it tho23:40
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Maybe a silly suggestion, but make sure you haven't muted Chrome or YT - audio "grabbing" shouldn't be a problem with newer Ubuntu systems AFAIK.23:40
arraybolt3[m](I know on Ubuntu Studio you can accidentally mute an application if you click just the wrong spot on the application's button, the spot where the application's mute button is.)23:41
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: Congratulations on quitting tobacco! Not sure why Chrome is evil, though. I'm actually inclined to stop using Firefox and switch to Chromium since Firefox keeps showing me content I find offensive.23:42
enigma9o7[m]Isnt the whole web evil?  If you're quitting crhome and using firefox, its just as bad.23:44
enigma9o7[m]thats like quitting smoking but switching to cigars or something23:44
morganufirefox is silent too23:45
enigma9o7[m]giving up marlboros... but taking up camels23:45
enigma9o7[m]same thiing23:45
murmelarraybolt3[m]: how can ff show you offensive stuff? I mean it shows you only stuff companies grabbed from your profile23:45
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: Depends on how you use the Web. I don't intentionally do things online that are harmful. But Firefox insists on shoving stuff in my face that I don't like, and Chromium doesn't do that. At any rate, this is becoming an off-topic conversation.23:45
morganuarraybolt3[m], I was last on a Messenger call, in Chrome.23:46
arraybolt3[m]murmel: It's the Pocket opening page. There's no telling what junk they'll put in there. Brand-new fresh install of Ubuntu, and Firefox is already throwing crud in my face.23:46
arraybolt3[m]It's easy enough to turn off, but Chrome doesn't do that nearly so bad.23:46
murmelarraybolt3[m]: oO never had that, so no idea what you are talking about23:46
morganuI know about poscket. What you want to do is change the newtab page to soem other site23:47
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Well crud, you might be able to find what application has locked down an audio device using something like lsof.23:47
murmeli mean the only thing I have when I launch a new profile is the pocket icon in the corner and the "ads" icons from different websites23:47
enigma9o7[m]arraybolt3: yeah but in general its all a waste of time, same argument any addict makes.  better just to give it up completely.  you'll have more time on your hands for productive things.23:48
arraybolt3[m]murmel: The new Firefox shows you all sorts of articles that Mozilla has decided are cool. Some of them are cool, but some are really awful. You can turn it off though.23:48
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: So what exactly are you doing here? LOL jk23:48
enigma9o7[m]This doesn't require a web browser...23:49
murmelarraybolt3[m]: never have seen those? do you live in the us?23:49
morganuarraybolt3[m], ok now looking at a file with the lsof results in it. What do I want. uh oh should have used sudo.. permission denied.. Will repeat.23:49
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: I use the Web for work, research, and for watching videos with my mom. I can't exactly stop using the Web, but I can decide what sites I use. I don't use any social media other than Reddit, and I control my Reddit usage (though I do need to cut back on it). Facebook, Twitter, etc., hardly ever used them, and don't have my own accounts on either.23:50
morganuarraybolt3[m], lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse file system /run/user/1000/doc      Output information may be incomplete.23:50
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: I guess I forget that you can use Element and IRC without a Web browser. I'm using Element on Chrome OS, so it is a web app.23:50
morganuI use hexchat for irc. Stable and nice.23:51
murmelarraybolt3[m]: eh, element is a browser, other clients arent23:51
arraybolt3[m]morganu: OK, that's weird. Look at the output and see if anything's snatched a sound device file in /dev, if you can't see anything, I'd just reboot and see if that fixes it.23:51
arraybolt3[m]murmel: Yeah, other clients have warnings about no end-to-end encryption or that the encryption hasn't been tested. Element was easy to get up and running, and I've not seen any scary warnings.23:52
morganuI use hexchat for irc. Stable and nice.q23:52
arraybolt3[m]murmel: Yeah, I am in the US.23:52
murmelarraybolt3[m]: ahh that's why you see those and I don't23:53
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Used to be a Quassel IRC guy myself, had a Lubuntu dev talk me into Matrix, loving it, not going back.23:53
murmelarraybolt3[m]: yeah. hope they can figure out their server situation first, and then take on a do a better client23:53
murmelirssi :323:53
morganuI will try Matrix then. Just to learn something. I pretty much dont use irc on android and it isnt possible on iOS, really.23:54
arraybolt3[m]morganu: If you want to know what Matrix is, think of what would happen if IRC and iMessage has a baby. That's Matrix.23:54
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, I'd reboot. That should fix it pretty much no matter what it is.23:55
murmelmorganu: for mobile i use thelounge.chat, quite nice23:55
descent1maybe nothings stable23:56
arraybolt3[m]murmel: Element also has iOS and Android versions (though I don't use either since I don't have an Android or iOS device). One really nice thing about Element (at least on Chrome OS with the web app) it is that you don't end up missing all of the chat that's happened while you had the app off - it just picks up where you left off and gives you all your backlog to read through. Really handy.23:57
murmelarraybolt3[m]: it's literally the same "app" that's why it's an electron app. still don't like the electron part. and I was talking about irc when talking about thelounge.chat23:58
murmelwhich is a selfhostable client23:58
arraybolt3[m]murmel: OK, that looks really cool. I'm still going to use Matrix since I do a lot of stuff in #lubuntu-devel, but for IRC, that looks very handy.23:59

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