
Edgy2Is anyone else getting a lot of "503 Service Unavailable" errors on Ubuntu Studio's website, or is it just me?01:54
OvenWerksEdgy2: I don't look at the web site very often, but it seems to be there just now.02:29
flonxxd[m] I'll help 10 individuals how to earn $20,000 in just 72 hours  from the crypto market. But you will pay me 10% commission when you receive your profit. if interested send me a direct message via WhatsApp by asking me HOW for more details on how to get started02:30
flonxxd[m]> +1 (229778188102:30
arraybolt3[m]flonxxd: Sorry, we don't like spam here.02:33
OvenWerksscams eityher02:34
Edgy2ok i'll stay around for updates. 02:34
Edgy2!ops if that's a thing in this channel, crypto scam above02:35
ubottuEdgy2: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:35
arraybolt3[m]I think you gotta put it all by itself.02:35
arraybolt3[m]Crypto scam above.02:35
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - PING astraljava, cub, holstein, jussi, joejaxx, ScottL, scott-work or Unit19302:35
arraybolt3[m]Operators: flonxxd has posted a scam/spam message related to crypto.02:36
Edgy2thank you02:36
OvenWerkswow some of those names are pretty old02:36
OvenWerksonly one looks like it may be valid within the past year02:37
arraybolt3[m]OvenWerks: Hmm. Maybe Ubottu needs some help. I'll take it to #ubuntu-ops and see what they can do.02:37
Edgy2that channel serves #ubuntustudio too?02:38
Edgy2makes sense. anyways hopefully the site gets back up soon02:38
arraybolt3[m]Edgy2: Well, Ubuntu Studio is an official Ubuntu flavour, so I think they do. Could be wrong, guess we'll find out.02:40
Eickmeyeron it.02:40
Edgy2+++ thanks Eickmeyer02:40
arraybolt3[m]Eickmeyer: 👍02:40
EickmeyerThey got K-lined on libera, but that doesn't help matrix.02:41
EickmeyerThat !ops command is very out-of-date.02:41
arraybolt3[m]Based off of what Matrix looks like, I think they were only on Libera, so it shouldn't be a problem.02:42
Edgy2no idea how matrix works :D 02:42
OvenWerkssounds like something from a movie02:42
arraybolt3[m]Edgy2: Think what would happen of IRC and iMessage had a baby.02:43
arraybolt3[m]That's Matrix.02:43
arraybolt3[m]Looks like Eickmeyer has even Matrix under control 👏02:43
Eickmeyer[m]Edgy2: Regarding the 503 on the Ubuntu Studio website, there's nothing we can do. Canonical hosts all of our infrastructure and they've been undergoing a data center move.02:44
OvenWerksknows who to talk to anyway.02:44
Edgy2ohh. that makes sense. good to know, thanks!02:44
Eickmeyer[m]Actually, for the Matrix side, I have full control when it comes to the Ubuntu Studio channels, much like on IRC.02:45
Edgy2is there no bot that can ban cross-platform? I own an irc network for a gaming network and a bot command in irc can ban in discord and vice versa02:46
Edgy2never integrated matrix though02:46
Eickmeyer[m]Only, on IRC, I'm merely an operator as delegated by the IRC Council.02:46
Eickmeyer[m]Edgy2: Afraid not, because while Libera Staff can K-line someone, the network-wide ban doesn't hit Matrix since it's a separate network.02:47
Edgy2i was thinking basically channel ban. if a bot were to be in matrix in addition to being on irc02:47
arraybolt3[m]Eickmeyer: We could code a bot that could take a username and a proof-of-identification signature and then be able to issue bans everywhere. It would take some work and getting a replay-attack-immune ID method might be a challenge, but it might work.02:48
OvenWerksThis doesn't happen that often... and because their are not many working on things... lets use the time to make a better distro.02:49
Eickmeyer[m]arraybolt3: Unfortunately, that's not how the Matrix-IRC bridge works. It's quite a bit more complicated. IRC sees a username@ip-address, whereas matrix sees a unique identifier. 02:49
Eickmeyer[m]But yeah, we don't see stuff like this often enough to worry about it.02:49
arraybolt3[m]OvenWerks, Eickmeyer: Good point, sorry for getting off topic. I'll stop being the spammer now LOL02:50
Eickmeyer[m]Another kicker: all Matrix on the IRC side are seen as the same IP address, so an IP-wide ban doesn't work well in that case. :)02:50
Eickmeyer[m]Anyhow, I need to get that !ops command fixed. 🤣02:51
Edgy2here's a good place to start: https://github.com/luk3yx/lurklite that bot's made by one of my network staff and supports being in both discord, matrix, and irc at the same time. you could add a little bit of code to that to get where you want02:51
Edgy2i only use the discord and irc part of it but it's part of pip3 and relies on miniirc02:52
Edgy2which is also on pip302:52
EickmeyerEdgy2: I appreciate the heart, but we're such small fries that it doesn't happen nearly often enough. That's the first time in the four years I've been involved that we've had to use the !ops command :)02:52
Edgy2loll, makes sense02:53
arraybolt3[m]Wow, and this is the second time I've used it in two months...02:53
Eickmeyer[m]arraybolt3: First time in this particular channel though, I'm sure.02:54
Edgy2website is back up03:32
BrianHechinger[m<arraybolt3[m]> "Wow, and this is the second time..." <- So you're the common denominator then. They're following you. 😜14:59
BrianHechinger[mSoaking of bots my discord bot is kicking my backside currently.15:00
b[m]"yeaa" supercool THIS is the first support chat button that landed in maaatriix ;) every day i talk to supports and tell them.. go in matrix... so this is a premier sup chat surprise 🥰   and sure a friendly "hello" to the group ++18:38
b[m]..but of course, i have a "tiny" problem... is here anyone that have running ubuntu studio on a server with GPU nvidia ?!? 18:40
b[m] * 20.04 18:41
b[m]..but of course, i have a "tiny" problem... is here anyone that have running ubuntu studio on a server with GPU nvidia ?!? 18:41
tomreynb[m]: you can wait ans see whether someone has exactly the configuration you're asking about, or you can discuss the issue you're facing and see whether someone who does or doesn't have this exact configuration knows how to fix it. the latter would give you a much better chance of making progress.19:05
b[m]tomreyn: ...the hope die at last ... but waiting is also a pain .. i go crazy with this GPU server .. perhaps install windows-server is more easy..:/19:07
tomreynb[m]: maybe this was too complicated, let me rephrase: i think you should just describe the issue. so far, you have not, so no one can help.19:11
b[m]* more easy..:/  by the way its a frsh new server with A4000 and only one app UE5.0.2 and it not find his GPU.. Google say`s its a GUI problem .. so i decide for the studio.. but its same.. 19:11
tomreynb[m]: does lspci list it, though? and is the headless nvidia proprietary driver installed?19:17
b[m]<tomreyn> "b: does lspci list it, though..." <- the server provider have now one week hands on this fresh server... also 2 friends... i the absolute windows user say the system not know anything about the nice GPU...   we was one time at the point that UE was starting but on CPU.. after installed CUDA openkernel and DLSS and nothing runs.. now i have no clue perhaps must do compile anything new or whatever... :(   so in "system" its still19:22
b[m]talking about 256bits graphics and if i do tiny bechmark for gpu it makes test on cpu .. BUT for me totally not to understand is "why a GUI can be the problem" .. but google say this allover...  19:22
tomreyni do not know what this would mean in terms of a grpahics card either. maybe what they mean is that the application does not support this hardware and environment.19:25
b[m]i have no clue.. two days ago thy installed a display dummy and say THIS is the solution... 19:26
tomreynthis sounds like those managing the system for you should be seeking the support, not you19:49
b[m]normally YESS 100% right  but thy give also a lot of time in .. and sure this is a provider special for gpu servers... ... but under the line, i as gnome and indie garage production lost time and cash .. so i TRY to assist so good i can ... NO one thought before that a server install will bring so much pain ... 19:51
tomreyna cursory web search looks like the problem is with nvidia and their drivers.20:00
tomreynb[m]: on a second look, all of those reports were old or referred to other situations, so i guess it should just work now - if firmwares are up to date and the hardware is fine, too.20:08
b[m]sounds cool so then i hope tomorrow any last round install compile and it will be run .. ;) 20:11
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa has the latest drivers20:12
tomreynbut 510 series are in 22.04 proper20:12
b[m]so you think a dist-upgrade to 22.04 make sens for the gpu stuff?20:13
tomreynmaybe, maybe not, it's worth a try.20:13
tomreynwhen it comes togeneral driver support #ubuntu may be the better place by the way20:14
tomreynjust because it's more busy and the foundation of all supported ubuntu flavors is the same20:14
b[m]problem is ALL is a try .. starts up with doc from UE with all time on top !! BETA and on BOTTOM oh docs are not for version 5.0 and we have newer so 5.0.2 = noo docs nothing .. and nvidia open kernel also no real hints and infos .. 20:15
tomreynit will be way too early for the open drivers20:23
b[m]aah OK ;) a good hint ++20:23
tomreynand maybe not: it is listed as "compatible" on https://github.com/NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules (but then nvidia has shown to have a rather loose handle what is compatible and what is not in the past)20:27
b[m]ok i post all the new tips and infos links to the provider THANKS a LOT.. i come back if it runs ... ;)20:30
tomreyni'm pretty clueless about nvidia really, chances are your support folks have a better understanding of it.20:31
b[m]i hope any day the open kernel will be have a big community and then of course it will be going fast forwards ...  UE is more for windows and nvidia also consumer mass stuff orientated... 20:34

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