
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
arraybolt3[m]EFI installation bug has been fixed upstream. https://github.com/calamares/calamares/pull/199115:09
ubot93Pull 1991 in calamares/calamares "[bootloader] bootLoader GS is always empty for EFI" [Merged]15:09
arraybolt3[m]If the daily doesn't auto-build by the time we're all hacking away at it, I vote for an ISO rebuild.15:14
tsimonq2Good (last) morning from Charlotte 15:40
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "EFI installation bug has been..." <- Very nice! Thank you so much for being willing to coordinate this with upstream and make sure the fix is pushed there :)15:42
tsimonq2I don't want to roll another upstream tar again (at least for the next few days) so if you can figure quilt out I'd be happy to upload your patch :)15:42
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: Thanks! I'll look at it.15:42
tsimonq2* https://raphaelhertzog.com/2012/08/08/how-to-use-quilt-to-manage-patches-in-debian-packages/15:43
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Thank *you* :)15:43
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: this might be helpful too: https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/packaging/packaging-guide/16:21
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: Thanks, looks important. I currently still need to learn quilt, but hopefully I'll figure it out and have the patches done soon. Is the idea to just turn the latest commits into a patch, and then submit it?16:50
arraybolt3[m]Also, guys, how do I find the last commit that's part of the current Calamares package?17:51
kc2bez[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "Dan Simmons: Thanks, looks..." <- There is some important quilt information on the packaging guide. Essentially the patch you create gets added to the debian/patches folder and "quilted" in. 17:51
arraybolt3[m]Or do I just guess and make one patch per commit and then whoever knows the answer can patch in whatever's needed?17:52
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: I see that. I'm getting Quilt set up to work properly according to the packaging guide (with quiltrc and all that).17:52
kc2bez[m]You can turn the commit into a patch.17:53
arraybolt3[m]Right but the last build was made on the 10th, I believe, and there's two commits on the 13th.17:53
arraybolt3[m]Oh wait, nevermind, I'm looking at one commit and a pull request merge...17:54
kc2bez[m]Right, so you only need the one commit.17:54
arraybolt3[m]I see that. Sorry for the confusion, still learning Git...17:54
kc2bez[m]No worries 17:55
tsimonq2That's why I merge and rebase... I avoid merge commits as much as possible 17:58
arraybolt3[m]OK, I just realized that I probably need the Calamares source package so I can make the patch. How do I obtain that?18:01
arraybolt3[m]Do I use apt-get source?18:01
arraybolt3[m]Looks like that's right, I'm gonna try it.18:02
kc2bez[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "OK, I just realized that I..." <- The tl;dr version https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/packaging/packagingtutorial/18:09
arraybolt3[m]OK, this is gonna take longer than expected...18:11
kc2bez[m]Take your time.18:14
arraybolt3[m]OK, I'm to the point where I'm supposed to uncomment deb-src lines, but I'm looking at my sources.list in my Kinetic VM, and some of the deb-src lines are uncommented, and some of them are commented, which is making me worried. I think I enabled deb-src before, should I uncomment everything anyway?18:16
* tsimonq2 CLT ✈️ MSP ✈️ GRB later18:17
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: I just straight erase the entire file and add my own so I don't have to edit a bunch of lines 18:17
tsimonq2You can put all four components on one line and it'll still work 18:17
arraybolt3[m]OK, sounds fun.18:18
arraybolt3[m]I know I need kinetic, but what about kinetic-updates, kinetic-security, and kinetic-backports? Do I put all those in, too?18:20
tsimonq2From b_dmurray in -release:18:20
tsimonq2Simon Quigley: I've set the number of rebuilds a product owner can request per day to 6 in the ISO tracker.18:20
kc2bez[m]tsimonq2: oh nice.18:20
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: I would.18:20
arraybolt3[m]tsimonq2: Is that a nice way of saying "you're rebuilding too many times"? Or did we just get more rebuilds allowed per day?18:21
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Simon asked for it to be bumped, it was 3 per day previously.18:22
arraybolt3[m]Ah, OK. I thought we got in trouble for respinning an ISO every thirty minutes... (ok not that often but still)18:22
arraybolt3[m]OK, wrote my own sources.list from scratch, looks like apt hasn't lost its mind yet! 😃18:23
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: I asked Steve L before we did it 18:24
tsimonq2He basically said "I doubt you're going to run out of space"18:24
tsimonq2He didn't know about or have access to change that quota 18:24
arraybolt3[m](I think it's funny that I'm like, "Oh no, the config file doesn't look right, what do I do? How do I fix it?!!", and the answer is, "Oh, just nuke it and write your own." My initial response was "OK, that's worse", but now that it's working, I'm like, "Hey, this is cool!")18:26
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> only part about github I really like is the contributions graph18:29
kc2bez[m]Lynorian's graph likely lights up the room. :D18:33
kc2bez[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "(I think it's funny that I'm..." <- Here is the script that initially creates the sources.list https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-qt-code/+git/calamares-settings-ubuntu/tree/common/modules/automirror/main.py?h=ubuntu/kinetic18:34
kc2bez[m]Looking at that reminds me we need to edit it. The Partner repository is no longer.18:35
arraybolt3[m]Wow, my Internet is good, but it's time zone info is SO BAD. One day it thinks I'm in Denver, the next day I'm clear over in New York, and every once in a while it puts me in Chicago, the time zone I'm actually in.18:36
arraybolt3[m]Today I'm in New York after about a week in Denver. And I never left my house in Missouri. What is WRONG with this thing?!18:38
kc2bez[m]Geoip isn't the most reliable.18:41
arraybolt3[m]It's not GeoIP's fault, even my Chromebook thinks I'm zipping around the country, and I think a Windows laptop is doing the same thing, too.18:41
arraybolt3[m]Anyway, not on topic, just annoying.18:43
arraybolt3[m]Quick question, is Falkon suitable for use with all our websites for developer stuff? I'm spinning up a whole new development VM and I just chucked Firefox and installed Falkon so I can test it.19:11
kc2bez[m]It seems to work fine for most things.19:13
arraybolt3[m]OK, bit of a problem. I'm following the packaging requirements setup guide, and everything was going just fine until "arc set-config phabricator.uri "https://phab.lubuntu.me". Arcanist proceeded to throw a temper tantrum with a PHP fatal error.19:24
arraybolt3[m]OK, I don't see any personal data in the error, so I'm gonna pastebin it.19:25
kc2bez[m]Don't worry about setting up the phab or arc stuff 19:28
arraybolt3[m]Should I also skip the gpg, bzr, and ssh agent with keychain steps?19:29
kc2bez[m]You should be good there too19:31
arraybolt3[m]OK. (I saw the warnings in the TL;DR you sent me, and was like, "OK, make sure everything works right, I'mma follow **all** the steps. LOL, guess that was overkill)19:32
kc2bez[m]Yeah we need to revise the docs when we get on a new platform.19:32
kc2bez[m]You will need gpg when you get upload rights.19:33
kc2bez[m]bzr is rarely used these days, most everything has migrated to git.19:34
arraybolt3[m]Thanks for all your help! I hope I'm not bugging you too much, but I'm a bit confused here. The packaging tutorial has me getting the source code from Phab. There's no Calamares repository in Phab that I can see, but there is a Calamares packaging repository. So I have the Calamares packaging repo. the Calamares GitHub repo, and the Calamares source from apt-get source. I dunno what I do at this point. Do I clone from just the19:40
arraybolt3[m]right commit from Calamares GitHub, combine in the Calamares packaging, and then work from there? Or do I get everything from apt-get and work from there? Or...?19:40
arraybolt3[m]s/clone/checkout (I think)19:41
kc2bez[m]No worries, sorry for my delayed replies in between tasks. It sounds like you are on the right track. Just substitute anything you see for phab with Github.20:03
arraybolt3[m]OK. But, don't I need a Calamares source code repo that includes debian/patches in it already, so I can add another patch?20:04
arraybolt3[m](It seems like I'm probably supposed to apt-get source the existing Calamares package in Kinetic, then use the data from GitHub to generate the patch with quilt.)20:05
kc2bez[m]Nope, don't need apt here.20:06
kc2bez[m]The packaging repo should have a debian directory where the patches are.20:06
kc2bez[m]uscan downloads the source tar from upstream.20:07
arraybolt3[m]Oh, OK. And that will work even though the tip of the Calamares branch contains the commit I want to turn into a patch? I figured I'd need the code from just before the patch, then I can use quilt to prepare for the patch, then change the file, create the patch, and submit it.20:08
arraybolt3[m](I guess I just git clone, git checkout, copy in the packaging files, then use quilt.)20:08
kc2bez[m]Really rough order -> fork on github, git clone, git checkout ubuntu/kinetic, uscan, tar extract, quilt new, quilt edit, quilt refresh, quilt header, dch -i, debuild, rm source files, git push, do PR20:16
arraybolt3[m]Nice. That should be enough for me to figure it out! Worst case scenario, someone will look at my work before blindly merging it and will be able to tell if I botched something. Thank you!20:17
kc2bez[m]The tl;dr guide is slightly more verbose ^20:18
kc2bez[m]Don't be afraid if you have quilt woes, it can be fun. 20:19
kc2bez[m]Almost forgot about this page, it could be useful too: https://phab.lubuntu.me/w/packaging/packaging-example/20:21
arraybolt3[m]OK, quick question. I'm doing the git diff part of patch making, and I decided to look at what it was outputting before making the patch file. To my surprise, the patch makes it look like it's going to do the exact opposite of what the commit did (delete all the lines that were added, add the lines that were deleted). The packaging example has me doing "git diff <commit> <commit>^". When I change that to "git diff <commit>^20:38
arraybolt3[m]<commit>" everything looks right. Is the backwards-looking patch really correct? Or am I right that I need to tweak the command?20:38
tsimonq2arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: Word of advice on GPG keys, guard it like it's your social security card.20:38
tsimonq2Assuming we meet at some point, I will be happy to sign your key. I'd need to see some ID that matches your GPG key but I can then officially recognize that you're who you say you are 20:38
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: The example might be backwards so you are probably on the right track. 20:40
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: Yeah, encryption keys are very important things to keep safe. I have an assortment of strong passwords I keep in memory, and I use Chrome's password manager for everything else, but I should come up with a dedicated password for just the GPG key (and maybe use it for SSH too?).20:40
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: By form of ID, I assume the corresponding secret key will do?20:41
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Yeah good passwords are important. 20:41
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Like a drivers license or passport. That kind of ID. 20:42
arraybolt3[m]Ah, OK. I figured those aren't linked to a GPG key at all, but OK.20:42
tsimonq2Some Debian Developers require two. I only require two if you don't have clout within the community 20:43
tsimonq2(Two forms of ID)20:43
arraybolt3[m](I guess having that, and a GPG secret key.)20:43
tsimonq2Also, fun fact, Simon is my middle name. It says Simon Quigley on my ID but it's partially my full name20:44
tsimonq2My dad is Tom, I'm Simon, I have an II on the end of my name20:44
tsimonq2The two DDs I signed with had no problem with that - in fact, it explains my username 20:44
arraybolt3[m](Why do people name their kids their own name plus a 2? I don't get it.)20:45
tsimonq2My grandmother believed that she named my dad what she did due to divine intervention. She meant to say a completely different name but Thomas came out20:45
tsimonq2I plan on naming my firstborn son ...Quigley III fwiw :)20:46
arraybolt3[m](Fun fact - cut one of the I's off of III, and you get the same number but in binary.)20:46
tsimonq2hahahaha :)20:47
tsimonq2Anyway, what were we talking about?20:47
kc2bez[m]Quilting 20:47
tsimonq2Oh one more thing I'll mention to Aaron before we move on...20:47
tsimonq2At Altispeed Technologies I'm required to keep my SSH key on a Yubikey. You can also do that with GPG keys 20:48
tsimonq2So would recommend 20:48
tsimonq2How is quilting?20:48
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley: That sounds way more secure than putting it on a flash drive. One small problem I have is that my desktop uses only USB-A ports, but my Chromebook uses only USB-C ports. Do they make Yubikeys that work with both?20:48
arraybolt3[m]Quilting is REALLY HARD this first time! I've still not even run "quilt" yet, fighting with git and tutorials ATM.20:49
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Yes20:49
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: I would think so20:49
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Have you ever worked with diff and manually applying patches?20:50
arraybolt3[m]What in the world...? Matrix just decided to tell me something about stickerpacks out of nowhere LOL20:50
arraybolt3[m]tsimonq2: Nope. 😱20:50
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: I would run through that process once and it'll all kind of click 20:51
tsimonq2So let me give you an example...20:51
tsimonq2LXQt releases tarballs but applies commits on top. They basically apply patches on top completely managed by version control 20:52
tsimonq2I'll give you an example repo and an example commit 20:52
tsimonq2Try cloning it and manually applying the patch using patch -p1 < PATH20:52
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: I know you said to replace Phab with GitHub, but I still can't figure out where to get the active source code from. I have the upstream code, but I don't know where to get the code that's actively in Lubuntu ATM.20:52
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley (Developer): OK, tracking.20:52
tsimonq2So, clone this repo: https://github.com/lxqt/libfm-qt/20:53
tsimonq2Then run git checkout 1.1.020:53
tsimonq2We're going to try with this commit here...20:53
ubot93Commit 472128c in lxqt/libfm-qt "Fixed crash with empty URI scheme of folder path (#808)"20:53
tsimonq2So there's two ways you can pull that patch...20:53
tsimonq2A) you can use git cherry-pick ID to just straight pull that commit20:54
tsimonq2This time, just add .patch to the end of that commit url 20:54
tsimonq2You should be able to download it20:54
arraybolt3[m]OK, wait, git cherry-pick?20:54
tsimonq2tsimonq2: And as long as you checked out the 1.1.0 tag, you should be able to apply it with this command20:54
arraybolt3[m]I know git clone, git checkout, git reset (sorta), and git push so far. (And git add and git commit.) I dunno what cherry-pick is.20:54
tsimonq2I know I'm going fast :)20:55
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Do you know what it means to cherry pick something or are you simply asking about command usage?20:55
arraybolt3[m]I don't know what the cherry pick command does.20:56
arraybolt3[m]Using the man page...20:56
tsimonq2Okay, so it pulls a single commit rather than having to merge the entire branch20:56
tsimonq2You can do that or you can manually download the patch 20:56
tsimonq2Playing with this will make quilt easier to understand though :)20:57
arraybolt3[m]Oh OK. I think I understand.20:57
tsimonq2Cool. Any further questions I'm happy to help :)20:57
* tsimonq2 sometimes goes too fast - if you don't understand a part of it don't hesitate to say so20:57
arraybolt3[m]So, it grabs just one commit and applies it? Like manually downloading the patch and then shoving it in with diff?20:57
tsimonq2Exactly :)20:58
tsimonq2And not shoving it in with diff...20:58
tsimonq2With patch :)20:58
arraybolt3[m]Right, because diff makes the patches, and patch applies them. Got it. (Turns out this is a deep rabbit hole of Linux I never hardly touched before.)20:59
kc2bez[m]Back to calamares, to get what is currently in Lubuntu git clone the Calamares packaging repo and use uscan to download the current version. That looks at the version in the changelog and downloads the tar based on what is in the debian watch file.21:01
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: OH, I GET IT! Finally uscan makes sense to me! Thank you, that made it click.21:02
kc2bez[m]Yeah, I glossed over, sorry.21:03
tsimonq2And you'll know if your watch file is b0rked pretty quickly 21:03
tsimonq2You can throw on verbose mode but I'd argue they're equally as if not more frustrating than symbols 21:04
tsimonq2To write from scratch, that is 21:04
tsimonq2Another cool feature I'll share is upstream signing keys. uscan automatically checks that it has integrity 21:05
kc2bez[m]Yeah, watch files are fun use of special characters 21:06
arraybolt3[m]I can't hardly understand what you guys are saying, but it sounds cool! And scary. And like it could blow up in my face. Hey, I guess that's why we use VMs, right?21:07
* tsimonq2 uses sbuild21:08
kc2bez[m]Me too, we haven't graduated @arraybolt3 to that yet though.21:09
kc2bez[m]Baby steps ;) 21:09
tsimonq2^^ :)21:10
tsimonq2Everyone gets there eventually21:10
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "I know git clone, git checkout..." <- git bisect is the most fun of them all ;)21:10
arraybolt3[m]Oh, I've tried to do git bisect before, I never managed to get there because of complications before that, but I almost did it!21:11
arraybolt3[m]Hey, I just signed in on my desktop, is that doing anything weird as far as messages?21:11
arraybolt3[m]Looks like it's working.21:11
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: That's the beauty of Matrix, we can't tell21:12
tsimonq2I've been messaging you guys half on my laptop half on my phone21:12
arraybolt3[m]On IRC it makes things go wonky, but it looks OK here.21:12
arraybolt3[m]Nice. Now I can set my Chromebook to charge and stop having to multitask on multiple systems. 👍21:12
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Quassel doesn't mind if you have a core setup. 21:13
arraybolt3[m]Eh, Quassel + Chrome OS = way too much disk space used for my taste.21:13
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley (Developer): OK, so I need to download the patch. What do I do that with? GutHub doesn't seem to have a download button.21:15
arraybolt3[m](LOL, GutHub. Accurate.) s/GutHub/GitHub21:15
arraybolt3[m]OK, I did git checkout 1.1.0 and then git cherry-pick <commit>. Was that right?21:18
kc2bez[m]If you have the web link, paste that into your browser address and add `.patch` to the end and you should be prompted to download. You will probably want to rename it after. 21:19
arraybolt3[m]Oh, OK. I think I remember that going by in the chat, but I forgot it.21:20
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: This should work too. 21:20
arraybolt3[m]OK, it looks right.21:20
arraybolt3[m]OK, and I did it with patch! Hey, figuring this out!21:22
arraybolt3[m]Hmm. The Phab documentation contained dire warnings to use SSH cloning, not HTTP cloning, but I'm trying to do it with SSH and it seems stuck.21:26
arraybolt3[m](Cloning the calamares-packaging repo from Phab.)21:26
tsimonq2quilt is automated patch without Git21:27
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Consider Phab deprecated21:27
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley (Developer): Right, but how do I get the calamares-packaging repo? Oh, you have a Lubuntu GitHub, huh?21:27
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Yeah21:27
arraybolt3[m]Ah. OK, let's try that then.21:27
tsimonq2Soon enough when you get commit access you should do it via SSH21:28
tsimonq2(Ask when you're at 5-10 solid changes)21:28
kc2bez[m]Fork on github then clone21:28
tsimonq2Commit access =/ upload access21:28
tsimonq2kc2bez[m]: That too21:28
arraybolt3[m]Found it! And I'm forking because I'm going to be uploading a quilt patch, right?21:29
kc2bez[m]Right, then Simon can merge your changes.21:29
kc2bez[m]Or I can too I guess. Whoever gets there first.21:30
arraybolt3[m]OK, cloned it. Thanks for training me on this!21:32
arraybolt3[m]Oh no. uscan is downloading Calamares
kc2bez[m]Absolutely, thanks for working on it.21:33
arraybolt3[m]I need 3.3.0 but right behind the UEFI-boot fixing commit, right?21:34
arraybolt3[m]And as expected, quilt failed.21:37
tsimonq2cat debian/patches/series and show error plz21:38
arraybolt3[m]The problem is that, in Calamares 3.2.59, there was a piece of code in the bootloader module. It got changed in Calamares 3.3.0, which caused the bug, so now it's been changed back to what it was in Calamares 3.2.59. So applying this patch to Calamares 3.2.59 is bound to fail since the code's already right in Calamares 3.2.59. I need to apply it to Calamares 3.3.0, which uscan didn't download for me.21:39
arraybolt3[m]I think if I can just get the source code used in the Calamares 3.3.0 package that's in Kinetic (complete with packaging data), I can make this happen.21:40
arraybolt3[m]debian/patches/series: https://pastebin.com/ZWC6gLSH21:41
arraybolt3[m]Error: https://pastebin.com/qhJayL3w21:41
kc2bez[m]Hmm, thoughts here Simon Quigley (Developer)? 22:07
tsimonq2Oh so the Git repo needs to be updated 22:08
kc2bez[m]What is in debian/changelog for a version arraybolt3 22:09
arraybolt3[m]Hold on, grabbing it...22:15
arraybolt3[m]That's the contents of debian/changelog from the calamares-packaging Git repo I believe. (Come to think of it, I should have just linked to the file on GitHub...)22:17
kc2bez[m]Yeah, all good. That is definitely not the latest.22:19
* kc2bez[m] shakes fist at github22:19
arraybolt3[m]The changelog in the files from apt-get source looks right.22:19
kc2bez[m]We can't really use that though 22:19
arraybolt3[m]I have the bootloader patch extracted from the upstream code, though.22:22
* kc2bez[m] wonders why it isn't mirrored, it should be.22:22
arraybolt3[m]It's not up to date on Phab, either.22:22
kc2bez[m]No? 22:22
arraybolt3[m]Top line of the file is "calamares (3.2.59-0ubuntu1) kinetic; urgency=medium"22:23
* kc2bez[m] wonders what is in launchpad22:24
* tsimonq2 flies22:25
arraybolt3[m]Lots of em.22:25
arraybolt3[m]Hey, I can git clone from Launchpad.22:26
kc2bez[m]Maybe, you won't be able to push there though.22:27
arraybolt3[m]At least, I thought I could, but it won't take my username or email or password.22:28
arraybolt3[m](At least not through Git, anyway.)22:28
kc2bez[m]Right, that is what I would have thought.22:29
kc2bez[m]Alright, this might be less an issue of the system(s) and more like we need some commits from Simon Quigley (Developer) ;)22:59
arraybolt3[m]Hey, possibly silly question, but can I git clone the repo, copy all of the corresponding files from the apt-get source download, do git add * and git commit and have it fixed?23:00
kc2bez[m]The problem with doing that is it squashes all of the commits and you loose the tags too.23:01
arraybolt3[m]Eh, oh well. I'll just wait.23:01
kc2bez[m]Sorry about that arraybolt3 we'll get you over the finish line as soon as we can. 23:28
lubot[telegram] <teward001> tbh we should be using a less convoluted workflow imo23:59
lubot[telegram] <teward001> its why i use git-buildpackage in Debian source repos for me :P23:59

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