
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
guivercBashing-om, a s/Marius Provides/Marius provides/ case change required (blogo)04:16
guivercread thru complete; that's all I saw.. looks great Bashing-om 04:31
Bashing-omguiverc: Fixing ! - thanks. Keep in mind that I will be delayed in tomorrow's publishing.04:31
guivercnot a problem... esp. given you often publish before I'm awake (or out-with-the-birds, zombie-half-awake or haven't realized it's publish-day yet), I may not notice.04:33
Bashing-omguiverc: Just so panic does not ensue if I do not push at the normal time :P04:37
guiverc:)   It's in the scroll here, so I should a see the why  (with luck!)04:38
krytarikBashing-om: "Jammy Jellyfish Wallpapers" - I think decapitalization to "wallpapers" is in order here.10:21
Bashing-omUWN: editing Wallpaper - and pulling "WIP" - time to push - immenent.20:04
Bashing-omUWN: Nope! Google things! >> "Authentication failed:20:15
Bashing-om535-5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at"20:16
Bashing-omwhen attempting to send out the notice. /// Break I have no cell phone for 2FA !20:17
Bashing-omM/L - looking now at setting up a work-a-round :( Time will tell !20:27
Bashing-omGoogle - M/L -- I do not have a cell phone, thus I can not do the 2FA to generate a password - looks like I am dead in the water !21:16
Bashing-omUWN: Forum post done - doing the re-directs next. Do not know what I can do about the M/L .21:54
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Using a Tablet as a Second Monitor in Ubuntu is Actually Pretty Easy @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/06/use-ipad-as-second-monitor-ubuntu-22-04 (by Joey Sneddon)21:58
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Linux Mint Takes Over Development of Timeshift Backup Tool @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/06/linux-mint-new-developers-of-timeshift (by Joey Sneddon)22:07
Bashing-omguiverc: I can not authticate to Gmail to effect the M/L notice . You mind trying and see your result ? 22:10
Bashing-omUWN: Re-directs done :D22:10
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Using a Tablet as a Second Monitor in Ubuntu is Actually Pretty Easy @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/06/use-ipad-as-second-monitor-ubuntu-22-04 (by Joey Sneddon)23:03
* guiverc was out with birds, currently writing a lubuntu reply...23:11
Bashing-omguiverc: You maybe going to try a Lubuntu reply :(23:16
* guiverc just clicked send... will be here shortly (going to turn on the kettle; need another drink(23:17
* guiverc says see; I can't even close brakets properly23:17
Bashing-omguiverc: Wut happens when focus is shifted :P23:20
guivercI'm logged into gmail.  I never published a whole issue (didn't want to for fear I'd be doing everything myself) so I'm unsure what you use gmail for?  23:22
Bashing-omguiverc: Naw = from your E-mail client// run "./publish-uwn.pl 739 in it, which generates the uwn/issues/738/ubuntu-news.email file . 3.) then copy paste "issues/738/ubuntu-news.email" and copy the relevant fields into the email client for posting to the mailing list. Per the afress and subject lines in the file.23:25
* guiverc has the 739 files for fridge, microblog etc already. okay... what you describe sounds like the editors please review we used to do (I've done that)23:26
Bashing-omguiverc: However as of today my E-mail client will no longer authenticate to Google :(23:29
guiverc:(   I've seen Gunnar & others report issues with ubuntu.com emails on Community Hub23:29
guivercgrr... I sent from my gmail & it needs moderator approval (i sent from wrong email obviosuly)23:30
Bashing-omguiverc: I see what I can do - maybe with my board hat on. 23:31
Bashing-omguiverc: Nope - not on the lists that I have accesses for :(23:33
* guiverc wonders if I can access that; but I need to find my password-store first... where is tha exercise book..23:38
guivercnah I didn't use correct email so waiting in mod.list was correct23:40
guivercI've accepted my email I hope... hopefully you'll get it Bashing-om 23:43
Bashing-omlemme look :P23:43
Bashing-omguiverc: Not yet - give it some time - see if I get the mailing :P23:45
guivercI'll give it time too for sure.. (if I retry now I believe it'll go thru, but I don't want people getting two copies so don't intend sending again)23:46
* guiverc is trying to clear backlog of moderation queue in ubuntu-news ML23:46
Bashing-omguiverc: We are good - the notice hit my inbox :D23:48
* guiverc writing rejection letter to "help"; how to contact us here (IRC), if after support ...etc23:49
* guiverc & sun just started coming in the window! gotta shut those blinds 23:49
Bashing-omguiverc: I going now to see what Gunnar is doing about the issue :D Be back soonest.23:50

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