
murmelarraybolt3[m]: you're welcome ;)00:00
arraybolt3[m]morganu: How's it working now?00:02
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: Really, I think it's cool that you're able to not use the Web at all. I may not use it for harmful purposes, but the fact that you're able to avoid using it entirely is great. Keep it up.00:04
enigma9o7[m]ummm i dont do that.  man that'd be a hassle.00:05
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: Oh I misunderstood... LOL00:05
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: (I actually misunderstood, I'm realizing it might have sound like I was mocking with my last message, which is entirely incorrect, tone doesn't come through well in text...)00:07
murmellol this is awesome, https://codeberg.org/ticho/irssi-matrix plugin for irssi to communicate with matrix xD. hope it will develop.00:10
shoechtHi, I'd like to use my MX Ergo mouse buttons. Therefore I installed logid / logiops where I can configure the gestures and actions. However, the key actions like KEY_VOLUMEUP dont work when defined in the logid.cfg. I'm wondering if this might be an issue with localization since I'm using a german layout? However, KEY_A doesnt work either...00:19
shoechtI already checked if it is working somehow.. If I enter an invalid KEY in the config, I get an error in parsing the logid.cfg.00:21
morganuarraybolt3[m],  nope00:28
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Well that's really odd. In the audio settings, there should be a little bar that shows you when audio is playing back (it should bounce back and forth while audio is playing). Can you open the audio settings, then start a YT video and see if the audio bar is bouncing?00:30
arraybolt3[m]morganu: You might also try booting from a live USB and trying to play a video from there, to rule out the possibility of a hardware problem.00:31
morganuarraybolt3[m], I fixed it. Dont know how.00:41
cluelesspersonWhen using ubuntu, it seems the entire desktop environment crashes, I see a bunch of @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ across the top of the screen, and I'm back at the login screen.01:15
arraybolt3[m]cluelessperson: What graphics are you using? Intel? AMD integrated? AMD discrete? nVidia?02:07
arraybolt3[m]Also, knowing the exact make and model of your laptop and the version of Ubuntu you're using may be helpful.02:07
cluelesspersonarraybolt3[m], Intel.  It's a Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Yoga Gen 4 - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - 5.15.0-33-generic #34-Ubuntu02:22
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jopiwhat do you aplikation on ubuntu arm6402:54
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Guest289Not trying to break protocol, I am trying to understand what this is.03:43
arraybolt3[m]Guest289: This is a live support chatroom where people who are having trouble with their Ubuntu systems can ask for help fixing whatever's gone wrong.03:44
Guest289My god, I wish I had discovered this months ago.03:45
Guest289Internet forums have been somewhat helpful...03:45
arraybolt3[m]Guest289: Right? It's really handy, and it's very active.03:46
arraybolt3[m]Guest289: I learned Ubuntu from experience, websites, and forums, and yeah, live chat would have made things a lot easier.03:46
Guest289I have been fighting through this by reading old forum posts.03:47
arraybolt3[m]cluelessperson: Sorry to have taken so long to come back. Is this a fresh installation of Ubuntu, or did you do something and now your desktop is crashing?03:47
arraybolt3[m]Guest289: That's about what I did.03:48
Guest289I have installed Ubuntu about 5 times and never discovered what this was.03:49
Guest289Thanks for responding arraybolt303:49
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, not sure why this isn't easier to find. I learned Ubuntu pretty much by trial and error, ended up getting somewhat good at it, found the #lubuntu support chat, then discovered this place and now get to both give and get chat support. It's really fun.03:51
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veegee`sudo apt purge snapd` is the first thing that should be run after installing04:54
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Bashing-omveegee: More to it than ^. sudo apt purge snapd squashfs-tools gnome-software-plugin-snap :D04:59
arraybolt3[m]veegee: Bye, Firefox! Careful with that command - Firefox is a Snap on Ubuntu 22.04.04:59
arraybolt3[m]veegee: So make sure to back up your passwords, bookmarks, etc. first, then you can install a different browser (or grab the manually installable Firefox tarball and go that route).05:00
veegeeubuntu keep trying to create useless shit no one cares about05:01
veegeethey should just focus on maintaining the distribution05:01
veegeebzr, that dumbass display manager, snap, some other things. All crap05:01
arraybolt3[m]veegee: Not true. Snap has some good security benefits, and since Ubuntu is designed to be used in enterprises, good security is extremely important.05:01
arraybolt3[m]veegee: (Note that I'm not associated with Canonical, and I don't actually like Snap all that much either, but I understand why they did what they did, and for their intended goal, I think it was a good idea.)05:02
veegeenix is great05:03
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ice9docker service is not running however containerd is running, is it needed by any other system? if not how can I disable it?09:10
KhepraHello. Debian recently had a regular kernel security upgrade which was actually a rebase to 5.10.120 which includes the massive changes in the random subsystem. I don't see this change in current ubuntu LTS kernels (regular or HWE). How can I find out whether this change is planned? Other than auditing changelogs before upgrade?09:19
ice9does Ubuntu have a lot of changes to gnome-shell in their distro other than the extensions?09:23
zaggynlKhepra: was there a CVE? could look it up on the ubuntu side with that09:30
Kheprazaggynl: it's not a security fix09:30
KhepraI've scoured through the ubuntu kernel changelogs and I don't see the changes, but that doesn't mean the patches can't be backported later.09:31
tomreynKhepra: try #ubuntu-kernel09:43
Khepratomreyn: thanks09:44
transhumanistso  I followed directions which said to use the following to revert to an earler gcc version: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 60 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10 --slave /usr/bin/gcov gcov /usr/bin/gcov-110:58
transhumanisthow do I undo it, it complains when I try and change it saying it cant be remastered because g++ is a slave10:59
clarkkDoes anyone know where the discussions happen for failed builds, like this one for 20.04?   https://launchpad.net/~qbittorrent-team/+archive/ubuntu/qbittorrent-unstable/+packages11:11
mortWhat would be the best way to set up a system where an SSD operates as a cache for a larger HDD in Ubuntu Server? Would you maybe use ZFS and let its volume manager handle it? Or would you use LVM and ext4? Or is there some other option?11:17
arkanoidhello! why when I do "apt-get update" in terminal I see repositories that are not listed in "Software & Updates" -> "Other Software" tab?11:51
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wezarkanoid: Cause that's not where the configuration is. Look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and /etc/apt/sources.list11:57
arkanoidwez: I know where the apt configuration is in a debian-like system, question is why the "Software & Updates" -> "Other Software" gui app doesn't reflect 1:1 /etc/apt/11:58
wezBecause the GUI is secondary and incomplete, use the configuration files.11:59
leftyfbarkanoid: what is or isn't showing in software & updates?11:59
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dv_I want to replace the preinstalled pipewire with one that I myself build, since I want to work on pipewire features12:00
dv_is there a way to uninstall the prebuilt pipewire in a way that doesn't cause dependent packages to be uninstalled? can I afterwards manually mark the pipewire packages as installed with apt-mark even if I did not install with apt? and finally, is there a way to check how the packager built pipewire, that is, build config12:02
dv_*that is, what build config options were used?12:02
BluesKajHi all12:04
tomreyndv_: see the "equivs" package12:15
tomreyndv_: this is a way to solve dependency issues and to replace a system provided (and dedpended-on) package by a dummy package.12:15
tomreyndv_: but a better option may be to actually work on pipewire debian (.deb) packages yourself.12:17
tomreynthere is also #ubuntu-devel12:17
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BluesKajUbuntu is transitioning from pulseaudio to pipewire on the devel release Kinetic 22.10. otherwise there are tutorials for the official release Ubuntu versions on the 'net to do so. https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-pipewire-on-ubuntu-linux12:36
jsmooth_I've been trying to access Ubuntu installed alongside Win10. I turned off UEFI to install, but I'm not getting any boot menu other than Windows startup12:55
murmeljsmooth_: well, as windows is installed in efi mode, linux in bios mode, yes it makes sense that you don't see ubuntu12:59
jsmooth_I don't understand the answer12:59
jsmooth_ARe you saying to just make sure UEFI is turned off?13:00
jsmooth_Because windows boots either way13:00
murmeljsmooth_: oO if windows boots both ways, just use legacy mode then13:01
jsmooth_I can, but I want a boot menu for linux13:02
thuguetHello there, i have some problemes with firefox since i upgraded to 22.04. As it now a snap it can't access to a file in /home/myuser/.Globalprotect that is necessary to connect to globalprotect (palo alto vpn) with saml. I've tried some combination of snap connect :home (that doesn't work since it's a hidden folder) or editing directly the apparmor profile ( "/home/** r,) with no luck. Anyone have an idea? i can't use the bindmount/hardlink13:02
thuguetmethod since the path is hardcoded13:02
depeszthuguet: use apt-installed firefox13:57
depeszadd-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa13:57
ravageno need for any ppa. just download the linux release from their website. extract it somewhere in your home folder and start it13:58
ravageit auto updates13:58
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thuguetdepesz: .... it's a solution, i hope it will be futurproof....and mostly i hope i will not use my 10000 opened tabs ^^ thanks14:15
ice9does Ubuntu have a lot of changes to gnome-shell in their distro other than the extensions?14:19
clarkkDoes anyone know where the discussions happen for failed builds, like this one for 20.04?   https://launchpad.net/~qbittorrent-team/+archive/ubuntu/qbittorrent-unstable/+packages14:29
tomreynthuguet: there is also https://flathub.org/apps/details/org.mozilla.firefox14:29
tomreynclarkk: this is a PPA. the members of the qbittorrent-team launchpad team would know: https://launchpad.net/~qbittorrent-team/+members#active14:30
tomreynwhich is factually a single person14:31
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tomreynthere's also a different PPA owner, though.14:31
clarkktomreyn, thanks14:39
ash_worksithe thing at the top of the screen with the time on it is called the "title bar" right?15:30
ioriatop panel, i guess15:32
ioriaor 'top bar'15:34
ash_worksioh I have heard "top bar" before15:34
ash_worksiis there a term that separates the clusters of info on the top bar? (ie [Activities, <Window>]      [Clock]      [other things])15:35
humanfaceI need (!!!) to deal with Ubuntu right now, and I'm starting to get really pissed off again... :)15:36
humanfaceI can't believe people like to torture themselves with OSes like this, but nevermind15:36
Arsimaelhumanface, Company IT?15:36
arraybolt3[m]ash_worksi: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/shell-introduction.html.en That should have all the terms you're looking for.15:36
arraybolt3[m]humanface: What's happening?15:37
humanfacetrying to use Virtualbox shared folder thing right now, and I basically need to be an airplane pilot to understand this shit15:37
humanfaceI'm doing these steps15:37
ash_worksiarraybolt3[m]: I'll check it, thanks15:37
humanfaceits a wtf that I need to install several things to be able to share a f*ing folder :)15:37
humanfacebut nevermind15:37
arraybolt3[m]humanface: That's for an unsupported version of Ubuntu. Why not just follow Oracle's instructions?15:38
Arsimaelusually you dont.15:38
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Don't you just mount the Guest Additions ISO and then run the script that's in there?15:38
humanfaceI have installed vbox additions, but somehow badly... after the 3. or 4. trying, I just want to uninstall the whole thing and reinstall that15:38
humanfacehow can I do that?15:38
humanfacearraybolt, if that would be that easy....15:38
humanfacearraybolt3[m] I started with that, and surprise, it didn't work at all15:39
humanfacestruggling to share the folder for 1 hour now15:39
ArsimaelAFAIK, the guest shared folder is done via cifs. Whats your guest OS?15:39
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Depends on how you installed them. Did you do it with apt, or from the Guest Additions script?15:39
humanfacefirst I just double click on the run file in the virtual image15:39
arraybolt3[m]Oh, I see that APT has the ISO, not the whole guest additions thing.15:39
humanfacesince that didn't work, it ran in the background for a time, and I have no idea it has finished or not15:40
humanfacethe bin appeared on desktop, that's why I thought something is happening15:40
humanfacebut I had no idea15:40
humanfacethen I tried to install this with the commands listed on the site15:40
humanfacethat gave error, needed lot of packages to be installed manually... because why not torture the user a bit15:40
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Also, what version of Ubuntu are you using in VirtualBox?15:41
humanfaceI installed those packages manually, restarted the system, because it asked me to do that15:41
humanfacenewest LTS version15:41
humanface22 something15:41
humanfaceArsimael what is cifs?15:42
ArsimaelThe "Windows" File share15:42
humanfaceArsimael you're talking chinese now15:42
humanfaceI have no idea15:42
ArsimaelWhen I do the shared folder thing I usually open the "network" ans see it there.15:42
humanfaceok I have absolutely no idea what are you talking about15:43
humanfaceisn't there a video tutorial for this thing?15:43
arraybolt3[m]Video tutorials are a good way to make things blow up.15:43
arraybolt3[m]humanface: OK, start over. Can you create a new VM in VirtualBox?15:44
jhutchinshumanface: If you want to be completely passive and have everything done for you, Linux is probably the wrong OS.15:44
humanfacejhutchins I hate linux, but right now I have no choice, I need to use this15:44
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: He's in an IT scenario.15:44
ArsimaelOn the guest OS, (If you have a gui) there is usually a way to list all network fileshares. on ubuntu it's "orher places" (or something like that" in the filemanager15:45
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Everything I'm finding says that the install script should work. There's likely something you changed somewhere along the way, and especially since you have Guest Additions already installed but not working for some reason, it seems likely to me that something got scrambled.15:45
humanfacearraybolt3[m] yeah, and in normal OSes, you can repair that with 2 mouseclicks, but in here, you need to type a detective novel into terminal to solve these kind of issues15:47
arraybolt3[m]humanface: If you can make a new VM, try making the VM, doing an apt update and apt full-upgrade, reboot, insert the Guest Additions ISO, then navigate to the script and run it in a terminal (probably with sudo).15:47
arraybolt3[m]humanface: It does seem like that at first LOL, but once you spend some time with it, it starts to get easier. I've had a much easier time unraveling Linux glitches than Windows murder mysteries.15:47
rfmhumanface, the most likely thing is the install is failing but you're not seeing the error messages because you15:48
rfmre running the script in the gui15:48
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Just out of curiosity, you are trying to mount the folder like this, right? command below15:49
ArsimaelOK, but TBH, ubuntu isn't the best choice to start linux with :D Too many ubuntu/Debian related "special ways"15:49
arraybolt3[m]Great, I had the command...15:49
rfmhumanface, I would go ahead and run the GA install in a terminal (instructions in https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/UserManual.html#additions-linux ) so we can see what the error is15:49
arraybolt3[m]humanface: rfm is right. You should navigate to the Guest Additions script in the ISO, then open a terminal and run the script that way. Then tell us what messages it's spitting out. That's probably the quickest way to fix the problem.15:50
humanfaceArsimael I don't want to "start" to use Ubuntu, I just want to test if my app is running well in it, that's all15:50
humanfaceI will never use linux as my primary desktop, because it's not for video games (yeah, bunch of crappy titles are available, but not the ones I'm interested in)15:51
akosshI think it is the job of the IT department to set up the tools for the workers, if the workers are forced to work with a new tool. I totally understand the frustration in this situation, when the IT department does not do its job15:51
humanfaceok how can I purge the previously installed vboxadditions into the deepest point of hell?15:52
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Did you try to install the vboxadditions from the terminal? If so, what error messages did it give? Like others have said, it's probably not even installed in the first place and we don't know why without the errors that the terminal will show you.15:54
humanfaceif that would be so easy to copy-paste the error from there...15:55
humanfacehow can I do that?15:55
humanfacebecause ctrl+c ctrl+v won't work15:55
arraybolt3[m]Select text, Ctrl+Shift+C to copy.15:55
akosshJust select and middle click will paste it15:55
humanfaceakossh no it isn't, it's vbox15:55
akosshor ctrl+shift+C in terminal, then Ctrl+V in pastebin15:55
humanfacearraybolt3[m] no, it's not copying anything15:56
arraybolt3[m]humanface: You can also just screenshot it and send it (upload to Imgur and paste the link if needed)15:56
akosshhumanface: Ah, i didn't know, you use the guest for IRC15:56
enigma9o7[m]you have to have guest additions installed, and enable two way shared clipboard15:56
humanfaceakossh I won't touch the linux other than trying out my app in there...15:56
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Reboot the VM.15:57
humanfaceI have already rebooted after installation for 2-3 times I think now15:57
humanfacebut ok15:57
arraybolt3[m]Hold on one sec.15:57
akosshhumanface: look at /var/log/vboxadd-setup.log to see if there is an error there15:58
arraybolt3[m]Can you do "cat /var/log/vboxadd-setup.log | nc termbin.com 9999" in a terminal?15:58
humanfaceakossh I have already restarted15:58
arraybolt3[m]Then send us the link it spits out.15:58
arraybolt3[m]This will tell us what's in your VBox guest additions setup log and allow us to help debug it for you.15:59
akosshhumanface: hopefully /var/log is not on tmpfs in Ubuntu, so the log should be there even after the reboot15:59
humanfacecan't even open that log...16:00
humanfaceneed to figure out how to open that log for you16:00
humanfaceok there are 4 vboxadd setup log16:01
arraybolt3[m]OK, do "sudo su -", then run the cat command.16:01
akosshYou can use the file manager to see if it is there, then use the command suggested by arraybolt3[m] to upload it.16:01
arraybolt3[m]Like, open a terminal, then type this command sequence:16:01
humanfaceok how to copy-paste this out of vbox?16:02
humanfacethis log16:02
ash_worksiI know this is a bit miopic, but is this vocabulary accurate: click the "clock" to open the "Calendar". This shows you notifications on the left and "appointments" on the right16:05
humanfacethere isn't any notifications there16:06
akosshhumanface: do you have the "linux-headers" package installed?16:06
enigma9o7[m]had you tried what it said on line 8?16:06
ash_worksihumanface: I wasn't contributing to your problem. Sorry for being confusing.16:07
humanfaceakossh it gives me a list16:07
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: That looks like it's for rebuilding a kernel.16:07
enigma9o7[m]ah ok nvm16:07
enigma9o7[m]just sometimes trying what it says works16:07
ash_worksiAlso, other than `ctrl+alt+tab, shift+tab, enter` is there a shortcut to the system menu?16:09
humanfaceakossh ok so what should I select from the list?16:09
akosshhumanface: I believe, you need the linux-headers package for your kernel version, Might be there is one without a version, which automatically installs the correct version. It's been a long time, since I used ubuntu16:09
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Try "sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)".16:09
humanfaceit says already the newest version16:10
ash_worksiI am suprised anyone would have to explicitly install headers16:10
humanfaceyou know, this is why I hate linux :)16:10
ash_worksiI figured something like apt upgrade would do that for you16:10
humanfacewe are struggling as a group on this problem, which is basically only an installation issue16:11
humanfaceof a single program16:11
enigma9o7[m]yeah as long as you follow normal kernel updates etc its all automatic.  usually only hav eto install headers manually if you installed a kernel manually.16:11
humanfaceon Windows I would never encounter any kind of these issues16:11
akosshash_worksi: it's because normally those headers are not needed, but the virtualbox guest additions installer script is just a script.16:11
enigma9o7[m]What is the issue btw?16:11
enigma9o7[m]Oh that the guest additions wont install.16:11
enigma9o7[m]Hmmm weird.16:11
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: VirtualBox Guest Additions aren't installing.16:11
humanfaceenigma9o7[m] https://pastebin.com/Yqya91y916:12
akosshIt would be much easyer, if the guest additions would have a package, with the correct dependencies.16:12
humanfaceakossh it would be easier to just commit suicide...16:12
ash_worksiI believe it the image you download does?16:12
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Maybe a silly question, but you are using the latest version of VirtualBox right?16:12
humanfaceno, I'm not16:12
enigma9o7[m]akossh: there is, if you use the ubuntu version of virtualbox....16:12
arraybolt3[m]humanface: I'm seeing that the error you're getting is sometimes caused by an outdated VirtualBox.16:12
ash_worksii am pretty sure this is all just "download and go" difficulty, but idk. I haven't used VBox in a long time16:13
humanfaceok, I'm updating that16:13
arraybolt3[m]humanface: That's probably you're problem. Can you update VIrtualBox?16:13
enigma9o7[m]but usually its easier to "insert guest additions cd" from the host side cuz the host isnt always running the same version as whats in ubuntu repo16:13
arraybolt3[m]humanface: If it's any consolation, from being a Linux user and a previous VirtualBox user, your many woes with Linux here are not Linux's fault, but VirtualBox's. I have fought with that virtualization program SO MUCH and it is AWFUL. Even Hyper-V was better.16:14
ash_worksilastly does anyone know if you type something on the "Settings" dialog if you can actually select a window from the populated list using your keyboard (and further can you "focus" on the submenu search somehow?)16:14
humanfacearraybolt3[m] I love to figure out logic problems, and love programming, when it's about logic16:17
humanfacebut I hate to struggle with technical things, when you get an error without a meaning, and you need to be Sherlock Holmes to find out what the problem is16:17
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Yeah, me too. And I totally get how frustrating this is. I'm very sorry this is happening.16:17
enigma9o7[m]Dunno what's going wrong for ya tho, its not typical.  I've installed dozens of vms from and of ubuntu, and they always just insatlled.16:18
enigma9o7[m]guest additions that is16:19
humanfaceI will just mount a pendrive or something into the vbox16:19
humanfaceI give this up16:19
humanfaceeven after updating vbox, I got the same issue16:19
arraybolt3[m]humanface: You updated to the latest VirtualBox, but now you need to try installing Guest Additions again.16:19
humanfaceyeah, tried that16:20
arraybolt3[m]humanface: ?! Wow, I hate VBox.16:20
akosshhumanface: Or create a file share in windows, and use a bridged network adapter, to access it from the guest16:20
akosshhumanface: did you try to install the linux-headers package?16:20
arraybolt3[m]The pendrive idea is good, but VBox's USB passthrough never did work for me. At this point, you might have better luck just flashing Ubuntu to a USB drive with BalenaEtcher, then installing it onto another pendrive and then doing everything from there.16:21
humanfaceakossh that would take for 2-3 hours or more, and with a lot of stress16:21
humanfaceso I just give that up16:21
enigma9o7[m]he said header package was already latest version, as it should be...16:21
rfmhumanface, your problem is you're using Virtualbox 6.0.24 but Linux 5.15.  The last kernel the vbox 6.0 series supports seems to be 5.6 ( https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Changelog-6.0 )16:22
arraybolt3[m]rfm: He just updated VBox.16:22
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Can you tell me what version of VBox you're currently on? It might have only updated one version, and still has more to go.16:23
rfmhumanface, if you've updated vbox on the host to at least 6.1.28 (first release that supports kernel 5.15) then mount the iso that came with the vbox install (devices>insert Guest Additions in the VM window.)16:26
humanfacevbox thought it will be a good idea to disable my keyboard in the host OS16:26
humanfaceso I couldn't type until I closed vbox16:26
humanfacerfm I used that16:27
humanfaceand it's shit16:27
humanfaceok I need to actually take a pill to calm me down16:28
humanfaceit's unbelievable16:29
akosshIn this situation, if the vbox guest additions is this much broken, and I do nothave time or will to fix it, and I am on my home network, I would just change the VM-s network adapter to "bridged mode", and use network file sharing from the Windows host. That should work out of the box in Ubuntu.16:29
rfmhumanface, to get the keyboard back from the VM you use the VBox ""Host" key (usually the right-hand CTRL key, there's a note in the lower right hand corner of the VM windows telling yoiu that..  (VBox told you this in a popup when you first started the VM, but you probably just clicketd through)16:29
rfmhumanface, If you have in fact run the GA install from the ISO from the host install, I need to see the log from that GA install to try to figure out what's wrong.16:32
humanfaceand what is GA?16:33
humanfaceyou pretend like I know what's going on16:33
rfmGA = Guest Additions16:33
humanfaceok, it was not trivial16:34
humanfaceI can't even find the log...16:39
humanfacebut I already linked that for you a few times16:39
humanfaceok since usb also doesn't work as intended, I'm just using a cloud service16:41
humanfaceI have no patience for this16:42
rfmhumanface, all the logs you gave a link for still show virtualbox 6.0.2416:45
humanfacethe issue was the very same, but nevermind16:45
Gallomimiahow can i make snap do its update to firefox before i launch it?16:50
humanfaceGallomimia like Thanos with his fingers16:51
arraybolt3[m]Gallomima: Open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, then run "sudo snap refresh firefox".16:51
Gallomimiait's been yelling at me for 3 days but firefox is the first thing i launch and the last thing i close16:51
Gallomimiasince every damn thing worth doing on a computer these days is stuck inside a bloatware browser :(16:51
jhutchinsGallomimia: Make an alias that runs the update when you launch, or put something in your crontab that does it overnight.16:52
jhutchinsGallomimia: To be honest, you're not missing much in a 24 hour update cycle.16:52
Gallomimiait's been days and days, and it's a major update i think16:52
Gallomimiai prefer to keep things pretty un-automatic16:52
Gallomimiathanks much arraybolt3[m]16:53
arraybolt3[m]Gallomima: Just run the command I showed. Works for me every time.16:53
arraybolt3[m]Gallomima: 👍16:53
Gallomimiait did the deed and now i can get on with life which involves netflix or youtube16:53
humanfacearraybolt3[m] I setted 10 gb for linux in vbox, and it's not enough for it... I can't download my app from a cloud service... I can't believe this...16:54
jhutchinsGallomimia: I believe the snap update will run just fine with firefox open, you just need to close all instances and reload to get the new version in ram.16:54
humanfacearraybolt3[m] I increased the size of the virtual disk to 30 gb and it CAN'T SEE THAT16:55
humanfacethe linux can't see that16:55
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Open GParted, and grow the partition to take up the new space.16:55
humanfacearraybolt3[m] can't find gparted16:55
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Grrr.... OK, then search for "Disks".16:56
arraybolt3[m]There should be an app called "Disks" that will allow you to grow the partition.16:56
humanfaceok I could do that16:57
humanfaceinstalled gparted from apt-get16:58
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Does Linux see the rest of the disk now?16:58
humanfaceI hope so16:58
humanfaceyeah, download was completed, so yeah16:58
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ice9this is a brand new external SSD with USB 3.2 gen 2x2; When I try to connect it to Thuderbolt 4 port, it doesn't get recognized every time and doesn't show any output in dmesg at all; I keep trying until it show up and works; I test with android phone, it works right every time I connect it; any idea?17:12
arraybolt3[m]ice9: So, it did eventually work?17:13
jhutchinsice9: Tell us about the hardware that you're connecting it to.17:13
ice9arraybolt3[m], yes when it's recognized it works very well17:15
ice9jhutchins, Sandisk Extreme Pro SSD17:15
ice9jhutchins, Asus laptop17:15
arraybolt3[m]ice9: And if you unplug it and plug it back in, does it sometimes not work?17:15
ice9arraybolt3[m], yes17:16
arraybolt3[m]ice9: Also, when it works, do you have to leave it plugged in for a while, or does it just appear?17:16
ice9arraybolt3[m], it keeps working fine as long as it's connected, this happens with the 2 USB-C (thunderbolt 4) ports, but with USB-A it works fine every time17:16
jhutchinsice9: "Asus laptop" covers a thousand or so different devices.17:16
jhutchinsice9: It doesn't show up at all?  How many USB2 vs USB3 ports does the laptop have?  What does dmesg say on a failed connect?17:18
ice9jhutchins, it has 2 usb-c thunderbolt 4 ports and ubs-a 3.217:18
ice9jhutchins, dmesg say nothing17:18
ash_worksion 20.04, if I go to settings and type "key", I see: [Keyboard Shortcuts ...] [Region & Language ...]17:18
jhutchinsice9: Which release and which kernel are you on?17:19
ice9jhutchins, 22.04 5.15.0-3717:19
ash_worksiif I press "enter" it will take me to "Keyboard Shortcuts" ... without using the mouse, is there a way to select Region & Language?17:19
arraybolt3[m]ice9: This sounds like there might be an issue with your laptop's Thunderbolt ports, or maybe an issue with your particular combo of laptop and Thunderbolt cable.17:19
jhutchinsice9: A pretty obvious question is whether you've tried the different ports, whether the different ports have separate internal hubs, and whether you've tried multiple cables.17:22
jhutchinsWhat's the UEFI equivalent of a BIOS update?17:24
murmeljhutchins: firmware update17:26
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jhutchinsHard to tell if there is one with only the brand.17:28
humanfaceok, so the funny part is17:28
humanfacethat I struggled for 3 hours only to realize that vbox linux can't be used to try out my app...17:29
humanfacebecause it's a game, and vbox is stuttering as hell17:29
humanfaceeven when I provide every resource17:29
jhutchinshumanface: Games are notorious resource hogs, and often bypass OS control of hardware to address it directly, which of course doesn't work on a VM.17:30
jhutchinshumanface: You could try dual-boot, although I wouldn't think a linux install would be something you'd enjoy learning.17:31
humanfacejhutchins I would make the QA guy to learn that himself17:31
humanfaceand I just sit back in my armchair17:32
jhutchinshumanface: What's your actual role?17:34
humanfacejhutchins programmer17:35
jhutchinshumanface: I'm guessing Windows with a good advanced development suite?17:37
humanfaceright, and with gaming suite17:37
humanfaceand linux (and mac) is not for gaming at all17:37
mattfIm trying to update from 20.04 to 22.04 with `sudo do-release-upgrade -d` but i get this18:02
mattfbad paste18:02
mattf-> http://ix.io/405C18:03
arraybolt3[m]mattf: Upgrades from 20.04 to 22.04 are not permitted by default until 22.04.1 is released. This is for stability reasons (it allows six months for us shiny-new-thing lovers to stabilize the distro before those who need the stability start using it).18:03
mattfyeah but what if i dont care :)18:03
arraybolt3[m]mattf: Ah, I see you're using the -d flag, let me look at the paste.18:04
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:04
arraybolt3[m]mattf: Try "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" first.18:04
jhutchinsmattf: It's slightly less automatic but still easy.18:04
jhutchinsarraybolt3[m]: Wouldn't they need to update their sources.list first?18:05
arraybolt3[m]mattf: Also, you did back up your data before attempting this, right?18:05
arraybolt3[m]jhutchins: I thought do-release-upgrade was supposed to take care of that, and you have to have a fully updated system before updating.18:06
jhutchinsmattf: The problem would appear to be that the mirror you selected isn't up to date yet.  You might pastebin your current sources.list18:06
jhutchinsmattf: Also check the upgrade and upgrade-notes links above.18:07
en7ropyHey guys.  I'm trying to encrypt a 7z file.  It keeps failing with "An error occurred while saving the archive.  Command exited abnormally"  google/ddg seemed to have no hits.  Any advice?19:23
sarnolden7ropy: can you find the command that file-roller is executing and run that by hand?19:27
sarnoldprobably there's better error messages from the underlying tool19:27
oerheks"An error occurred while saving the archive." full disk?19:27
en7ropyTo compress before encrypting I used Right Click->Compress.  Should I find/learn the file-roller CLI to do what you're asking?19:29
en7ropyoerheks: I have 20GB free on disk19:29
InPhaseen7ropy: Does this work?  echo "Test data" >input.txt; 7z a -mhe=on input.7z input.txt19:29
en7ropyInPhase: Yes, that appears to work correctly19:30
InPhaseWait, that might not have actually enabled encryption...  It did not prompt me for a password!19:31
en7ropyInPhase I think the -p option is used for encryption19:31
InPhaseen7ropy: Yeah.  -p needs to be in there after a.19:33
en7ropyInPhase: so for that test file, everything seems to be working fine19:33
InPhaseGenerally, leave the password not specified on the command line.  That's bad form as it reveals the password to other users on a system.19:33
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en7ropyInPhase: Yes, I agree, although after I get everything running I'm gonna want to run these backup/encryptions over night with a cronjob, so I may have to be an idiot in the convenience/security trade-off unless I learn some clever way to do it19:35
InPhaseen7ropy: So at least you know 7z will work for a test file.  Do you have write access to the directory for the file you are attempting to compress through the gui?19:35
en7ropyInPhase: Yes, it is in my home directory19:35
InPhaseen7ropy: For backups, encfs can be a much nicer method.19:35
en7ropyInPhase: does encfs support AES-256?19:36
InPhaseen7ropy: With encfs you can make an encrypted directory, mount it, and within it you can use rsync to do clever things like incremental backups.19:36
InPhaseAlso browsing around for specific files to extract is very natural, as it's just a locally mounted encrypted file system that you're browsing.19:37
en7ropyInPhase: So what I'm trying to do right now is backup to a USB HDD.  What you're suggesting makes me think of doing this with a secondary server which I don't currently have.19:41
arraybolt3[m]en7ropy: rsync can be used to work with a secondary server I believe, but that's not its only purpose - it's also a really versatile file copying utility for use right on your local system.19:45
en7ropyarraybolt3[m]: So I could hook up my USB HDD overnight and let rsync/encfs backup/encrypt the directories for me to get in the morning?19:46
arraybolt3[m]I believe that's correct. Try "man rsync" in a terminal to find out about all the options it has.19:47
en7ropyarraybolt3[m]: ok, thanks for the lead19:47
arraybolt3[m]en7ropy: 👍19:48
jhutchinsen7ropy: Might want to look at rdiff backup.  It's specifically meant to manage backups using rsync.19:54
en7ropyjhutchins: Thanks for that, I'll add it to the list of things to check out19:55
jhutchinsen7ropy: rsync is also great for transfer between systems, it has a compress option and can re-start a transfer if interrupted.19:55
jhutchinsen7ropy: Also only requires an ssh connection, so minimal exposed surface.19:56
en7ropyjhutchins: I do plan on getting a server setup at some point in the future after I finish my other projects, have been on a computer security kick recently, and soon will be doing server/network stuff as well.19:57
morganuplease help me to undestand all those loop# entries when I do df -h (20.04)  I dont know how to search for this even.20:08
jhutchinsmorganu: You have an infestation of containers.20:09
morganuI have neer knowingly dont that. And they all say /snap/blabla/#20:09
morganuall 100% use too.20:09
arraybolt3[m]morganu: Sounds like Snap doing it's thing. When you have Snap packages on your system (which Ubuntu does by default), you have a bunch of loop devices for all the snaps in use. They're perfectly normal and you can ignore them.20:10
arraybolt3[m]They aren't actual disks, they're just the guts of your system working normally and coming into view.20:10
morganuThis isnt even useful. jhutchins I wanted to find out how much of my hard drive is in use and then ask if there is a way I can partition the drive without stepping on any of my data. . since I dont have any idea of how stuff is spread out on the drive and if a partiton request could repack the data into a smaller partition size. (Am I making any sense? Is my worry valid?)20:11
rfmarraybolt3[m], you can run "df -x squashfs" to keep the noise down.  (I made an alias to always do that.)    Once you upgrade to 22.04 df will ignore those snap artifacts by default.20:12
arraybolt3[m]morganu: If you open Gnome Disks, that should show you how much of your disk is in use. To shrink a partition, you'll need to boot from an external drive (like a live USB) since I'm pretty sure you can shrink a mounted ext4 partition. Do note that shrinking partitions can go horribly wrong sometimes, so it's very, very highly recommended that you back up your data before shrinking a partition.20:13
InPhaseen7ropy: I specifically back up to usb hard drives with encfs and rsync to make hard links for incremental backup purposes (that part is optional, but saves space).  I've done this for about a decade now, and it's very reliable.20:13
InPhaseen7ropy: So it's compatible with that goal.  :)20:13
arraybolt3[m]rfm: Thanks, didn't know that! That would've been handy to know back when I was on 20.04 - alas, I suffer from shiny new thing syndrome and have my main rigs on 22.04.20:14
sarnoldmorganu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1029493/how-can-i-stop-snaps-from-listing-in-df20:16
morganuI got an answer from     df -Th20:16
morganusarnold, I want to understand this stuff not just remove it.20:17
en7ropyInPhase:  Thanks for letting me know that!  I have some reading to do about these programs for sure.20:17
jhutchinsmorganu: If you want to resize your disks, you should make a backup of everything on the physical (or virtual) drive.20:18
jhutchinsmorganu: Once you've done that, there are gui tools to resize the partitions.20:19
jhutchinsmorganu: Be aware that partitioning your storage mainly ensures that the space you need will be on the wrong partition.20:19
arraybolt3[m]morganu: The Snap package manager works with mostly self-contained applications, packaged into "snaps". Each snap is stored in a squashfs package to keep the size down. In order to access the program inside, Ubuntu mounts the squashfs packages as loop devices, and then can get at the actual application inside each snap. This works well for keeping disk size down and for making the whole Snap system work. It also clutters up your "df" and20:19
arraybolt3[m]"lsblk" output with a bunch of loop devices.20:19
morganurfm thanks. I am looking to partition an really bit sd card (132G), and install 22.04 as persistent on one partition - then partition this dell, and install 22.04. If it works, back up and write over 20.0420:19
jhutchinsmorganu: You are unlikely to be happy with Linux running from a USB, but it's worth learning about.20:22
rfmmattf, jhutchins after some fooling around I found that the arm64 binaries are not in archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, but in ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports.  I don't know how mattf got a arm install pointing to archive, but I just ran a focal->jammy upgrade on a AWS EC2 ARM instance and it worked just fine pulling from ports.ubuntu.com20:23
jhutchinsmorganu: http;//pendrivelinux.com can be very helpful in building your image.20:23
mattfoh i removed those mirrors and arhiteture and it is upgrading now20:23
mattfim on amd6420:24
mattfi tried to cross compile something someday20:24
rfmmattf, Oh, great. at least I learned something about the ubuntu repository structure...20:25
en7ropyIs there any way to securely store a password to be used in a cronjob command that automatically will backup/encrypt a directory or am I stuck storing it as plaintext if I choose to do it that way?20:26
jhutchinsen7ropy: Is there a way you can use pre-shared keys instead of passwords?20:30
en7ropyjhutchins: I don't think so?  I'd be using it for the 7zip program right now, and later for the encfs/rsync combo that I will be implementing.20:34
en7ropyjhutchins: 7zip doesn't have pre-shared keys mentioned in the man page20:35
VIAgood evening lads and ladders!21:18
VIAi have a question, how do i find out what kind of .Desktop. I actually have?21:18
VIAi know my "desktop enviroment" is XFCE21:18
VIAbut how do i know what im looking at when im at my desktop? the icons keep aranging and "compressing" themselves into a very odd manner21:19
VIAthey squeeze themselves all onto the most-right desktop when i have multiple monitors on21:19
VIAlike in a grid, but i cant find or use nada cause its full already. so i gguess the additional items mingle themselves to an even more-right(..side) imaginary monitor ._.21:21
tomreynif you have a xubuntu specific question, #xubuntu may be the best place.21:21
VIAoh i found some settings. this was defnitely a layer 8 problem21:21
VIAok nope. its behavious is absolutely random. in the menu tab 'Icons' on 'Icons orientation:" whatever i select it doesnt change a thing21:24
jhutchinsVIA: What did you install?21:35
morganuVIA I use Ubuntu because of this channel.22:12
morganupydf is a python script that displays the amount of disk space available on the mounted filesystems, using different colours for different types of filesystems. Output format is completely customizable.22:15
morganure repartinioning my HD I hav 145G Used and 289g available. (Windows used to jam everything at the beginning of the hd but I think linux is different. - will gpart clear empty space and pack everthing I have into one partition space or will I mess up my data??22:25
oerheksi would let windows diskmanagment change the partition.22:26
goddardwhatevever you do backup important information22:41
FLmMany one here ?23:08
tomreyn!ask | FLmM23:09
ubottuFLmM: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:09
wezWow, FLmM was using IRC as root :\23:15
root___whois edgy223:22
murmelquite interesting how many people log in with root :/23:25
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InPhasemurmel: That's a classic IRC joke to set that as the ircname/realname in the client.  ident for IRC hasn't worked in decades.23:28
yetooHas anyone else been getting segmentation fault internal compiler error when trying to compile some projects. Don't have time to report it, just wondering23:42
yetoowith 20.04 lts btw23:43
sarnoldyetoo: are you perchance using an sd card for your filesystem? sd cards are notorious garbage and this kind of thing can happen when they're unhappy23:43
yetoosarnold: no, its in virtualmachine on a hardisk23:44
sarnoldyetoo: what's in dmesg on the host? on the guest?23:44
yetoosarnold nothing indicating segmentation fault on either23:47
sarnoldyetoo: oh that's *weird* -- the kernel usually logs some details in dmesg on segfaults..23:47
sarnoldI certainly expected to see that in the guest23:48
sarnoldthe host's logs, that's just a fishing expedition23:48
yetooI'm switching to a different vm os for the time being23:53

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