[09:45] plasma 5.25 release day :D [12:21] Hi all [12:23] https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.25.0/ [12:39] \o/ [12:40] https://twitter.com/kdecommunity/status/1536689676446212096 [12:41] The thing I'm most excited about in this release is how well Wayland works now. [12:41] That's been a long time coming. [12:44] mamarley, using wayland on kde/plasma ? [12:47] I am! I have been since the 5.25 beta was released. [12:48] mamarley, which release? [12:50] testing 22.10 Kinetic here [12:59] 5.25 for jammy is in backports-landing [12:59] currently [13:05] RikMills, is plasmashell 5.24.90 considered 5.25 beta? [13:10] yes [13:11] oj thanks [13:11] ok [13:12] thinking about switching to wayland, but I'm somewaht nervous about it :-) [13:12] You can switch back easily if it doesn't work out. [13:13] * mamarley flip-flopped a number of times in the past. [13:14] mamarley, are you using acivities and virtual DEs ? [13:15] I don't use activities and I don't know that a virtual DE is. [13:15] s/that/what [13:15] mamarley: Virtual desktops. I tried them a bit, they're sorta like having multiple monitors but all on one monitor. [13:16] Oh, that. No, I don't use those either. [13:16] (This was back in 14.04 though - I don't know about Wayland and whatnot, this is just what I remember a virtual desktop being.) [13:21] gotta reboot, just got 80 upgrades