[08:19] this (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/1978040) appears resolved; someone can write a reason (patch) & mark 'fix released' I suspect [08:19] Launchpad bug 1978040 in calamares (Ubuntu) "calamares isn't starting; Lubuntu kinetic" [Undecided, Confirmed] [08:20] guiverc: Is that something I could do? I think I can change the bug status. [08:21] arraybolt3[m], :) I suspected (was hoping) you'd know about it & do it... but I can't recall if you're the one, or others in the long discussions here of late... Most probably yes; call out if you have issues [08:21] guiverc: Is this an OK reason? "Lubuntu's Calamares desktop file was changed to work with Calamares 3.3.0, resolving this bug." I'm plugging it into the "comment on this change" box. [08:23] Yep; no one really worries about the reason when it's "fix released" but you can provide patch, a description or just whatever you think fits/describes it; your choice [08:23] 👍 I'll sync the latest ISO and make sure that it really is fixed before doing that. [08:24] :) Good Man ! [08:25] Yeah, I'm out of time so didn't complete a uEFI install; only started calamares (thus in *live* test on iso.qa.ubu).. confirmation always a good thing. [08:26] guiverc: UEFI still doesn't work - I need to upload the patch, but there's a bit of a hiccup with the repos ATM. Should be fixed soon. [08:27] on a uefi box; calamares sarted for me which is what that bug was about (my understanding)... it worked for me unless I did something stupid/wrong [08:28] But we do know what went wrong, the problem with UEFI is fixed upstream, and I have the patch, so it's just a matter of time (barring catastrophic circumstances). Calamares starts on UEFI, and it even installs, but then when you reboot, it doesn't boot into the installed system. Nothing gets written to the EFI partition due to a bug in the bootloader modules main.py file. [08:29] ISO 20220614 I reported as working for me here - http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/433/builds/250530/testcases/1303/results (ISO date taken from a bug I reported on another install thus different page) [08:30] Wait & make the comment/Fix Released when you BELIEVE it's fixed.. not when I say ! [08:30] 👌 I think the bug you are looking at is fixed. I may have gotten confused and went off onto a different bug LOL [08:32] :) [08:33] I've got the UEFI installation success-but-not-really bug stuck in my mind since I spent hours fighting with Quilt and Git trying to make a patch and upload it... [08:33] I suspected as such.. it was a far more involved issue than starting. [08:35] Nice, confirmed that the Calamares launch bug is fixed. \o/ [08:35] :) [08:37] guiverc: Thank you again for making me a part of this project! [08:37] You're most welcome, thank you for your hard work & skill; it's appreciated. [09:30] "I've got the UEFI installation..." <- As you mentioned uefi still fails - have not created bug report as waiting for yr fix to arrive on iso first - yes great work and tks [09:31] Leo K: If you want to test the patch before I get it merged in, I'm happy to send it to you. [09:31] arraybolt3[m]: I'll wait for it to arrive on the iso - but thanks [09:32] 👍 [14:41] Good morning everyone :) [14:41] Rested up and definitely less cranky - I apologize for my stubbornness [14:41] Anyway, what's up? Anything new that happened during my long nap? [14:42] Not much. We got a confirmed bug fix for the Calamares launching bug, and I have a patch for fixing UEFI installations. I just need the calamares packaging repo updated. [14:43] Okay, and that's waiting on me, yeah? [14:43] Good morning to you! [14:43] Let me feed the kittens and I'll get right on it :) [14:44] My girlfriend had a late night while I went to bed at 6 PM and woke up at 9:30 AM :P [14:44] I also have to fix vim today unless someone else beat me to it [14:45] I didn't even know Vim was messed up... [14:46] !upkg vim in DuckDuckGo [14:46] One still in proposed because it FTBFS on !riscv64 [14:47] Ugh, RISC-V again? That processor seems to cause a lot of trouble. [14:48] I should probably reproduce the LXQt Fusion theme stretched application menu bug and report it. BRB [14:49] arraybolt3[m]: Fails on every one except that :P [14:51] Oy. ! = not, I thought it was an emphasizer or a bot command or something [14:52] Whoa, that's cool. The !upkg in DuckDuckGo made it beam me to Launchpad. Didn't know that trick. [14:58] 👋 [14:58] * arraybolt3[m] tries to find wave emoji and fails [14:59] There are all sorts of bang searches. I use !salsa a bunch too. [14:59] 👋 Found it! [15:00] "Okay, and that's waiting on me..." <- I think we just need a git push from you, yeah. [15:14] "Whoa, that's cool. The !upkg..." <- wxl taught me that [15:29] https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-panel/issues/1789 [15:29] Issue 1789 in lxqt/lxqt-panel "Switching Qt styles can cause Application Menu entries to appear extended/stretched, especially when using the Fusion style" [Open] [17:12] "I'll wait for it to arrive on..." <- Looks like the patch did not make the iso ..if u send it to my with instructions I will test it [17:13] Leo K: True, it did not make the ISO. I can easily send it, but if the necessary repo gets pushed, I should be able to get it patched in and then maybe we can respin the ISO. [17:14] arraybolt3[m]: That is n even better idea! Will keep my eyes peeled for the respin later this evening (evening here) === meetingology` is now known as meetingology