
arraybolt3[m]Hey, on the #ubuntu channel, there's a user, outoftime, who is mostly being helpful, but who is sending some mocking messages directed at a user, humanface, for not wanting to use a dualboot setup in a certain situation. I believe this is against the guidelines, is it possible to potentially tell this user that this behavior isn't OK?09:16
arraybolt3[m](The mocking user is outoftime, the user getting mocked is humanface.)09:16
arraybolt3[m]The time of the first mocking message is 6/15/22 04:02.09:33
arraybolt3[m]The exchange that led to the mess started at 6/15/22 03:45.09:34
arraybolt3[m]Actually, the times I sent were from my chat client - looking at the IRC logs, the exchange started at 08:45.09:36
arraybolt3[m](Also, I should point out, outoftime is being extremely helpful on the channel, and I believe is making a very valuable impact.)10:18
Unit193Looks like tomreyn is around to handle it, which is good.  I'm past sleeping time. :/10:32
tomreynso much chat there, i must have missed, but yes, i can have a look for a while10:33
arraybolt3[m]OK. Thanks for your help.10:33
Unit193Looks like a gentle steering will help more than anything else.10:34
tomreyni concur, have a good zzz, Unit19310:35
tomreynarraybolt3[m]: i like what you wrote to outoftime about everyone making their own choices about whether or not they feel comfortable to dual-boot. and i agree, that outoftime was a bit condescending towards humanface. i'll not act on it now, though, i think you made it clear that there can be a different perspective, that should be good enough for now.10:47
tomreynarraybolt3[m]: please remember to exit the channel once you consider this to have been addressed.13:25

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