[00:36] sarnold: facts === amurray_ is now known as amurray === blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah [11:59] mdeslaur: I understand openssl Bionic SRUs are backed up. You might find https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/1978093 useful though. [11:59] Launchpad bug 1978093 in openssl (Ubuntu Bionic) "openssl: FTBFS due to expired certificates" [Undecided, New] [12:00] rbasak: ah, thanks, I'll include those in the security update [18:38] re: CVE-2021-33912: the broken date is still in the OVAL feeds: `curl -sSLf 'https://security-metadata.canonical.com/oval/com.ubuntu.focal.cve.oval.xml.bz2' | bzgrep '>unknown<'` [18:38] libspf2 before 1.2.11 has a four-byte heap-based buffer overflow that might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code (via an unauthenticated e-mail message from anywhere on the Internet) with a crafted SPF DNS record, because of incorrect sprintf usage in SPF_record_expand_data in spf_expand.c. The vulnerable code may be part of the supply chain of a site's e-mail infra... [18:50] ditto the other libspf2 advisory [19:37] argh. :( thanks hank === jchittum_ is now known as jchittum