
=== julian is now known as Guest1698
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orangepiCan i running vsti plugin use wine in orangepi zero?01:33
arraybolt3[m]orangepi: Pretty sure the Orange Pi uses an ARM chip. I don't think Wine probably exists for ARM systems, and even if it does, it almost certainly won't be compatible with VSTi instruments, since VSTs are generally designed for Intel-based processors AFAIK.01:36
orangepiI see running in raspberry pi01:41
arraybolt3[m]Hmm, looks like you're right, Wine for ARM does exist. If you're able to find ARM64 VSTi plugins, then that may indeed do the trick.01:43
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Guest0ok I feel stupid05:39
Guest0in Ubuntu software it says there is an update for snap store05:39
Guest0I go to update it and it tells me to close it05:39
Guest0I close it and it wont update05:40
Guest0I open terminal and snap refresh says everything is up to date05:40
Guest0what the heck do I do???05:40
arraybolt3[m]Maybe silly, but can you just try "sudo snap refresh snap-store"?05:41
Guest0it says its running05:42
Guest0software center is closed05:42
Guest0kill 1877 did it05:42
* Guest0 hugs arraybolt3[m] thanks mate05:42
routebeeheya people05:57
routebeecan anyone help me set up a samba network on a ubuntu host operating system that will allow me to share files and my local printer with guest installs of kali and windows?05:59
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doosbooxroutebee: hmmm. I haven't done that since my RHEL certification 6 or 7 years ago06:27
doosbooxiirc the man pages were more or less all one needed. What kind of sysadmin experience do you have?06:28
mihaiadrianhi, i'm trying to send email with ssmtp using outlook. this is the errors i recieve: https://pastebin.com/raw/5kYgKQcY and this is my ssmtp.conf file: https://pastebin.com/raw/MxiEGU5H anyone knows how can i solve it?06:33
ice9does ubuntu makes modifications to mutter in it's distro?06:44
Unit193!info mutter06:46
ubottumutter (42.1-0ubuntu1, jammy): Example window manager using GNOME's window manager library. In component universe, is extra. Built by mutter. Size 104 kB / 233 kB06:46
Unit193Well it doesn't sync it from Debian, that's for sure06:47
webchat47Hello, I was facing connectivity issues with my webcam when connected to USB 3 port. The vendor told me to update UVC Drivers on my system running Ubuntu 20.04 with the latest update. They sent me this link for instructions07:12
webchat47I'm trying to build the UVC Driver on my system but getting this error, can anyone help me to resolve the error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hmvFRc6CFn/07:13
webchat47I don't know that is causing that error07:16
arraybolt3[m]Ack, I can't tell that you did anything wrong either!07:17
arraybolt3[m]It looks like a kernel incompatibility, or a driver bug to me.07:17
arraybolt3[m]You might be able to fix it by switching from the HWE kernel to the stock kernel.07:20
webchat47Thanks, arraybolt3[m] I don't know what to do now, the Webcam vendor is saying me to update UVC Driver. Can you help me find out which version will be compatible with my system Ubuntu 20.04 latest updated.?07:20
arraybolt3[m]What webcam are you using?07:21
webchat47Hikvision DS-U02 https://www.hikvision.com/en/products/Turbo-HD-Products/Turbo-HD-Cameras/webcam-series/ds-u02/07:22
arraybolt3[m]I managed to find your bug report regarding the camera failure, you managed to get the camera to work once?07:24
webchat47I think the issue is kernel incompatibility, How do I download version that matches for my kernel from here https://git.linuxtv.org/media_tree.git07:24
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webchat47Yes, It worked when connected to USB 2.0 port07:25
webchat47not working when connected to USB 3.0 ports07:25
arraybolt3[m]But now it doesn't work even in a USB 2 port now, right?07:26
webchat47it works for once after complete system restart, after using camera if I try to start it again then it won't work.07:27
webchat47It's working on usb 2.0, but have to restart system to make it working again07:27
arraybolt3[m]Hmm. OK, some error logs will be helpful. Can you do what you just said (to make the camera fail to work), then check your /var/log/syslog for anything suspicious? Feel free to pastebin non-sensitive info and send it.07:28
webchat47Thanks, I'll check now07:29
webchat47It is getting recognized by the system https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z4hxHM9Bny/ but it is not showing up as a webcam nowhere07:36
webchat47is it normal that the input device number keeps incrementing every time I reconnect the webcam? I don't have 37 input device connected to my system right now07:38
webchat47is there any way to force refresh the connected devices list ?07:40
geirhaHad a look at the linux sources regarding that build failure, and usb_maxpacket() got changed from 3 args to 2 args 3 months ago, so the driver you're trying to build is expecting a very recent kernel version07:41
ubottuCommit 2ddf761 in torvalds/linux "usb: remove third argument of usb_maxpacket()"07:41
webchat47Can I upgrade the kernel on my current system running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS?07:42
webchat47How do I download older UVC Driver supported by my kernel from their git repository?07:44
geirhalooking closer though, it was deprecated before that, so it may not require that new a version07:44
webchat47my current Kernel version is 5.13.0-48-generic07:46
geirhadeprecated in april https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/0f08c2e7458e25c967d844170f8ad1aac3b57a0207:47
ubottuCommit 0f08c2e in torvalds/linux "usb: deprecate the third argument of usb_maxpacket()"07:47
geirhain practice that means you need 5.19 or newer07:47
outoftimewebchat47: yes, you need to extract config and build new kernel with it07:49
outoftimegeirha: 5.19 looks insane, even gentoo haven't stabilized anything higher then 5.1507:51
webchat47outoftime I don't know how, are there any instructions or documentation for that?07:52
outoftimewebchat47: gentoo's wiki have awesome guide about how to build kernel with modules. But it can break more things.. Some driver's like nvidia needs kernel's sources to build, so you need to rebuild it if you are using one. Don't know about firmware though.07:54
outoftimeIDK, maybe it is better to take arch's kernel. Less build headache. Any ready to use solution will be better if it is one time job.07:56
outoftimeWhat is the kernel version for ubuntu testing?07:56
webchat47It feels too advanced for me to do, I can't break this computer since it is only available for me to work. I just wanted this webcam to work but it is very complicated process.07:56
webchat47my current Kernel version is 5.13.0-48-generic07:57
outoftimewebchat47: ubuntu 2020 looks like LTS, not testing07:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 3007 in Launchpad itself "'Currently Published Elsewhere' pointer to the other string" [Medium, Fix Released] [duplicate: 2020] https://launchpad.net/bugs/300707:57
ubottuTo test your hardware, you can use the packages memtest86+ (for memory, can be started from the !GRUB boot menu), smartmontools (for hard drives), cpuburn (which MIGHT damage your processor if cooling is not adequate!). Additionally, lm-sensors can be useful to monitor temperatures and fan speeds - See also !benchmark07:57
geirhafrom what I can tell, 5.15 is the newest ubuntu has touched at all07:58
outoftimewebchat47: sorry, I have no DE right now (building qtwebengine will take a long time)07:59
geirhaThe ones writing that driver probably hasn't thought things through, just used the latest sources of linux they could find to build against07:59
outoftimegeirha: maybe make downgrade patch?07:59
outoftimegeirha: have you figured out what 3rd param used for ? It is required or there are saine default value?08:02
geirhaaccording to the commit message, it was removed because it could be derived from the second argument; apparently it's just a boolean that says if the pipe is outgoing or ingoing08:04
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: What you might be able to do is manually edit the driver source code to fix the build error - this is, in fact, a kernel incompatibility (at least it looks like that), and a simple tweak may make the driver work.08:04
webchat47should I just edit that line in that file?08:05
webchat47I'll try that now08:05
outoftimegeirha: so 3rd argument should be somewhere in the function's body then.08:05
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: I believe so. If someone can figure out if the pipe in that one argument is outgoing or incoming, it should be a matter of just adding a "true" or "false" in there. If you do the wrong one, it will probably not work, so you may be able to use trial and error.08:06
outoftimewebchat47: wait, do not write something, just to write.08:06
Hanyhey,what are you talking about08:06
webchat47Which argument should I remove?08:07
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: You don't remove one, you add one.08:07
Hanywhere are you from,everybody08:08
outoftimeHany: webchat47: have beent tald to update web cam driver, but driver provided uses kernel 5.19 feature, that is why downgrading driver looks the easiest solution08:08
webchat47Hany I'm trying to build the UVC Driver on my system but getting this error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hmvFRc6CFn/08:08
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: The kernel is expecting 3 arguments, the driver is only giving it 2. It needs a "true" or "false" added on the end if I'm understanding correctly. Which one, I don't know.08:08
geirhachanging  usb_maxpacket(dev, pipe) ->  usb_maxpacket(dev, pipe, usb_pipeout(pipe))  should work if I read the commit correctly08:08
outoftimewebchat47: ^^^08:09
webchat47I'll try it now08:09
arraybolt3[m]geirha: That looks right to me (I don't know C, but as a programmer, I get the logic.) webchat47: Do what geirha says and see what happens.08:09
arraybolt3[m](I know C#, so I can kinda get the gist of some C code.)08:09
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: C specs are the easiest (250+ pages or so)08:10
HanyWebchat47 Sorry, I haven't heard of this08:11
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Quick C programming = security vulnerability. I don't like that.08:12
webchat47From where do I import usb_pipeout?08:12
outoftimewebchat47: do you have compilation error?08:13
geirhaIt's in the same file; linux/usb.h08:13
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: That doesn't exactly make sense to me, can you pastebin the new error, if you're getting one?08:13
arraybolt3[m]Oh, wait a minute, I get it, nevermind.08:14
webchat47I edited the file, now shall I run ./build?08:14
arraybolt3[m]Sounds good, give it a go!08:14
geirhadidn't it use make?08:14
geirhaif so, just run make08:15
arraybolt3[m]geirha: You're right. webchat47: Not sure what ./build is, try just running "make".08:16
outoftimewebchat47: follow build instructions from the driver's providers08:16
webchat47It downloads few files when I run ./build08:16
arraybolt3[m]Actually, you're right. Man, I'm frazzled, sorry. geirha, outoftime: The build instructions say to use "./build".08:17
geirhaaha, ok. Maybe ./build does all the wget-ing and untaring then finally runs make08:17
outoftimegeirha: you are right, he needs to make now08:18
outoftimewebchat47: you have edited sources, try 'grep make build'08:18
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: If ./build gives you the exact same error, it probably downloaded the original file and overwrote your changes, in which case, try "make" rather than "./build" next time.08:19
outoftimewebchat47: "grep make build" will show you exact execution like for making driver by the script file, at least it has to08:20
webchat47It is running build right now, halfway done till it reaches that last error line08:21
webchat47I just typed ./build, should I cancel it and run grep make build again?08:22
arraybolt3[m]I'd let it run, and if it fails, then try again and try something else.08:22
webchat47okay, it might take another 2 minutes08:23
arraybolt3[m](Canceling stuff can sometimes have surprising consequences...)08:23
outoftimewebchat47: you can open another terminal window, no need to iterupt08:23
outoftimectrl+shift+t for gnome terminal08:23
webchat47okay, in new terminal should I run grep make build?08:24
outoftimewebchat47: that build will likely fail, so yes you'd like to figure out how make is executed by "build system"08:26
outoftimeprobably you can comment everything up to first make (or make that fails)08:27
webchat47after 200 lines it might fail08:27
webchat47I'm comparing last output from my pastebin with this current execution08:27
outoftimewebchat47: you can comment all lines from 'build' script up to the point when make executed and run ./build again08:28
webchat47Ohh, I didn't know that was possible08:28
webchat47It is creating those device files again08:28
outoftimewebchat47: can you link me your driver's sources tar ball?08:29
arraybolt3[m]I'll grab it from earlier in the chat.08:29
geirhaheh, build script is perl08:30
arraybolt3[m]This is the guide webchat47 is following: https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_Obtain,_Build_and_Install_V4L-DVB_Device_Drivers#Installing_the_Compiled_Driver_Modules08:30
outoftimegeirha: do you know perl?08:31
geirhaah well, there's a Makefile at top level, so just run make next time08:31
webchat47Hi, I got the same error again08:31
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Then ./build probably overwrote your code change. Is it on the exact same line?08:31
webchat47Looks like it reverted my changes in that file08:31
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: If so, edit the file again and just run "make" rather than "./build".08:31
outoftimewebchat47: have you cloned that repository? What branch are you in?08:33
webchat47master I guess08:33
webchat47Latest repo08:33
=== kaiseisei1 is now known as kaiseisei
webchat47I followed this https://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/How_to_Obtain,_Build_and_Install_V4L-DVB_Device_Drivers#Installing_the_Compiled_Driver_Modules08:33
webchat47"Basic" User's Approach08:33
webchat47I've changed that file again, should I run grep make ?08:34
webchat47or just make08:34
arraybolt3[m]I think just "make".08:34
webchat47Update: It solved that error for that file, and threw an error for same function at another file08:36
webchat47I will change that function parameters in another file as well08:36
geirhagrep -rw usb_maxpacket .08:36
geirhashould list all occurances08:36
outoftimewebchat47: grep <fn name>08:36
outoftimewill list all files you need to change (hopefuly)08:36
webchat47yes it did, thanks08:37
webchat47those files are device files  for some third party cameras08:37
arraybolt3[m]I'd say change them anyway. If the compiler ends up hitting any of those files in the compilation process, it's gonna likely throw up at that line.08:39
webchat47changing now08:40
arraybolt3[m]And it's quite plausible that the driver code is configured to build EVERYTHING.08:40
humanfacehi all08:40
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Hi!08:40
outoftimewebchat47:  you can add -n flag to show line numbers or08:40
outoftimeyou can use 'sed utility to do it for you'08:40
humanfacecan I use ubuntu live cd to try out a certain game? I mean will it play the same way as I would install normally and use an ubuntu?08:40
humanfaceor live cd will have restricted hardware usages?08:41
webchat47I've never used sed before08:41
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Depending on the size of what you're trying to install, it might fail unless you have a lot of RAM, since live CDs use the RAM for file storage.08:41
humanfaceI mean for example on live cd I could use only half of the power of my machine, or something like that08:41
humanfaceok I have way too much ram, so that's not a problem08:41
mithrinHello guys. Is there a way to disable auto-update on ubuntu?08:41
humanfacebut other than that, will it restrict my hardware or not?08:42
mithrinI have this computer I use rarely and every time I turn it on it offers me large updates08:42
arraybolt3[m]humanface: The live CD should be able to do anything that you can do from Ubuntu. The only restriction I can think of will be disk space (you'll have as much "drive space" as half of your RAM).08:42
arraybolt3[m]mithrin: Is there a particular reason you need to do that? It's a security risk to disable automatic updates.08:42
outoftimesed -i 's/usb_maxpacket\(dev, pipe\)/usb_maxpacket\(dev, pipe, usb_pipeout\(pipe\)\)/' <filename> something like this, \ before each ( or )08:42
mithrinarraybolt3[m], it annoys me and this computer is only used for one thing so no risk in it08:43
arraybolt3[m]mithrin: How important is the computer (and the data on it)? If it's very important, it would be best to apply all the large updates on every bootup. Otherwise you're risking your system.08:43
geirhathat won't catch all of them08:43
geirhaand \( is incorrect08:44
arraybolt3[m]mithrin: OK, looking for directions.08:44
mithrinfound it already08:44
arraybolt3[m]mithrin: I think these instructions should help you to turn off the automatic updates. https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/02/how-to-disable-automatic-update-ubuntu08:44
geirha's/usb_maxpacket(\([^,]*\), \([^,]*\))/usb_maxpacket(\1, \2, usb_pipeout(\2))/'08:44
outoftimehumanface: probably live cd used nouveau (open source nvidia driver) so yeah, hardware support may be not perfect. Live CD made to run everywhere, not to run on max performance, which is what you want.08:44
mithrinactually, I could work with it launching "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y" with every startup (it doesn't start very often). What I can't stand is the gui08:45
humanfaceoutoftime we will see, but dualboot is like a forbidden and dangerous magic08:45
arraybolt3[m]mithrin: That's a good idea. That would be the most secure and also handy. I think I can help with making that happen.08:45
arraybolt3[m](By "handy" I meant "not annoying"...)08:46
outoftimehumanface: who said that?08:46
humanfaceoutoftime I'm saying that08:46
humanfaceI would need to read hours about the topic, and I don't even have 20 minutes to do that08:46
outoftimehumanface: I used dual boot almost 10 years, have no idea what you are talking about.08:46
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: It actually can be pretty dangerous, and with Ubuntu 22.04, it can be tricky to get working thanks to the disabled os-prober.08:46
humanfaceoutoftime I don't even know how to setup things to use dualboot... without damaging my existing drives datas08:47
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: thank's God I'm gentoo user now..08:47
humanfacearraybolt3[m] right08:47
webchat47I changed that function in all files and now running make08:48
gpkumaryou just set GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false and then re run grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg as root08:49
arraybolt3[m]mithrin: Hmm, this looks trickier than I thought.08:49
outoftimeon the other hand you can install os-prober and grub should just figure out that it is present and work out08:49
mithrinarraybolt3[m], leave it. I'll figure it out. I managed to turn off those gui updates08:49
humanfaceoutoftime I don't even know what is os-prober or grub, so....08:49
mithrinthank you08:49
humanfaceoutoftime that's why I said... I don't have hours to read about these things08:49
gpkumargrub -> is the bootloader08:50
gpkumaros-prober -> probes whether your system has any other OS'es installed08:50
humanfacegpkumar you know making dualboot won't be easier with knowing this info, right?08:50
outoftimehumanface: sad, linux is about reading things (unless flatpack)08:50
outoftimehumanface: you literally need to execute 3 commands08:51
gpkumarhumanface: did you install windows after linux?08:51
outoftimegpkumar: I think he has Widnows because he is asking about live cd linux08:51
webchat47just wanted to confirm, does running make command will resume execution from where it threw the error last time?08:52
gpkumarif it is ubuntu it will take care of the os-prober thing, you'll see both ubuntu and windows entries on your grub menu08:52
outoftimewebchat47: no, but make is part of the build process, so yes, you will make one step from build process08:53
outoftimewebchat47: IMHO the best is to read that perl file (build) and comment out everything up to make to let it finish as expected08:53
humanfacegpkumar I don't even understand what are you talking about... "if it's ubuntu" what is ubuntu? my current os?08:54
outoftimehumanface: my messge for you if you aren't willing to read staff about linux (at least part of it you really need) do not use it, use Mac OS or Windows or whatever08:54
humanfaceoutoftime I don't really have choice, I'm not a normal user, I'm a programmer...08:55
humanfaceand I need to test out my app on linux08:55
gpkumarwhy not use vm08:55
humanfacevirtualbox..... nope....08:55
geirhawebchat47: make compares timestamp of each source file with target file. If target file is missing or older than source file, it compiles it, otherwise, skips. In practice, that means it should skip all the files it already compiled08:55
humanfaceon virtualbox I had 2 fps during ingame08:55
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: I don't think so, I believe it will restart the build from scratch.08:56
outoftimehumanface: wsl?08:56
humanfacegpkumar virtualbox can't be used for this08:56
humanfaceoutoftime I have no idea what is wsl08:56
gpkumarOh okay08:56
outoftimehumanface: then invest your time in dualboot08:56
gpkumarinstall wsl2 on windows08:56
wizard1i have problem with my bracket app for html08:57
humanfacegpkumar but what is wsl? the same like virtualbox?08:57
humanfacebecause if yes, I can't use that08:57
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Or install Ubuntu to an external drive.08:57
wizard1my bracket doesn't work at live mode08:57
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: What is "bracket"? Is it an application you're trying to use?08:58
wizard1yes it's somthing like vscode08:58
humanfacearraybolt3[m] do you know what wsl is?08:58
wizard1but it's for html08:58
humanfaceis it the same as virutalbox?08:58
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arraybolt3[m]humanface: Not really. I know it's sorta like a VM, let me find a link...08:58
arraybolt3[m]It might have better graphical performance, I don't know.08:59
wizard1is here any one who can help me08:59
humanfacearraybolt3[m] so my app is a game... I tried it in virtualbox ubuntu, it stuttered like hell, I had 1-2 fps... I don't need 60 for the try, I would be happy if live cd could run that at 20 fps08:59
humanfaceat least08:59
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: How did you try to install bracket?08:59
humanfacesince dualboot is like driving an airplane, I wonder if wsl or live cd could prove better fps for me than 2 fps09:00
wizard1with apt09:00
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Really, the best way I can think of to do this, is install Ubuntu to an external drive.09:00
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Get two USB drives, one with the Ubuntu ISO, one blank. Boot from the live USB.09:00
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Then insert the blank USB, and install Ubuntu directly to that. Then you should be able to boot from the USB you installed to. It's way easier than dualboot, since you just switch between systems by plugging or unplugging a flash drive before booting the system.09:01
arraybolt3[m]humanface: The live CD might be better, but it might not work at all. WSL might be better, but it might also not give you an accurate indication of whether your app will work in true Ubuntu or not.09:01
humanfacearraybolt3[m] and you're telling me that an installed ubuntu on an usb drive would work the same way as I would use an SSD or HDD?09:01
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: There's three conversations going on in here, give me a bit. We'll try to help sort out what's gone wrong.09:02
humanfaceand the game I would use would have the same performance?09:02
outoftimearraybolt3[m]:  he refuses to dual boot, because he is a "pro"grammer and he don't like to figure out how to dual boot09:02
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Yeah. The drive won't be as fast (obviously), but you'll be able to install the good GPU drivers and have high performance in the installed system.09:02
wizard1do you know this app ?09:03
wizard1i will tell you09:03
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: Can you open a terminal with Ctrl+Alt+T, and then try to run bracket from the terminal?09:03
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: People kill their systems with dualboot sometimes. It's a legitimate concern he has.09:03
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: And it's not nice to mock people in chat support. If he doesn't want to use dualboot, that's his decision, and there's other alternatives.09:03
humanfacearraybolt3[m] so would I have better performance running the ubuntu from an usb drive and the game inside that, than using an usb as live cd and installing/using the game from that?09:03
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: I don't, but if you launch it from a terminal, that may give you an error that tells you what's going wrong.09:04
arraybolt3[m]humanface: Almost without question.09:04
humanfaceI would have never thought that09:04
wizard1i  can run it from terminal09:04
wizard1it's open now09:04
wizard1but my problem is that live mode of this app doesn't work09:04
arraybolt3[m]humanface: The live USB won't have good GPU drivers, so your performance may be awful. But install the system and install the proprietary drivers in the process, and that should work.09:05
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: Can you try to put the app in live mode and see if any errors get spit out onto the terminal?09:05
wizard1yes iam donig09:05
wizard1it gave this one09:06
wizard1(in order for live preview to connect. chrome needs to be relaunched with remote debugging enavled09:06
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: Is Brackets installed as a snap package?09:07
wizard1i don't know09:07
wizard1i don't remember actual09:07
wizard1and it gave me one link for info09:07
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: Oh wait, you said you used apt, nevermind. I'm searching for solutions.09:07
wizard1is it use full09:07
wizard1for more info it gave me a link09:08
wizard1is it usefull for you09:08
=== kaiseisei1 is now known as kaiseisei
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: Sure, send the link.09:10
webchat47Update: Build is still running and for few files, its showing this "Skipping BTF generation" https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K9YcqfYndt/09:10
outoftimehumanface: if you have no choice because you are "pro"grammer, then why not stop beeing "pro"grammer? It is a good choice.09:11
outoftimewizard1: what do you mean "not working" ?09:11
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: I think your problem is that you need to launch Chrome from the terminal using --remote-debugging-port=9222 to make your live preview mode work.09:11
wizard1hey man09:12
wizard1i solved it09:12
wizard1thanks for your help09:12
wizard1my problem was that i was using proxy09:12
webchat47what is vmlinux? During build it's showing Skipping BTF generation due to unavailability of vmlinux , for few files.09:13
arraybolt3[m]wizard1: Glad it's solved!09:13
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: I wouldn't worry about that, if the build isn't failing.09:14
webchat47Here is the output of the build https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ghRMR2Wx9Y/09:18
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: how did ppl managed to kill their systems with dualboot? Was it about clearing entire drive during installing GNU\Linux distro or some internal grub/windows problem?09:18
webchat47do you think the the make command completed the build?09:18
ice9how to invoke the "safely remove" option in nautilus for USB device from the CLI?09:18
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Resize an NTFS partition, something glitches, data dead.09:18
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Looks good!09:18
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: I just about nuked a perfectly good installation doing dualboot during the partition wrangling process.09:19
outoftimewebchat47: vmlinux is a linux kernel itself. BTF is a debug "feature" to debug kernel.09:19
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: I, personally, will never do dualboot again unless I have no other choice. It was too close to disaster.09:19
gpkumarI think ubuntu installer option "install alongside windows" works as expected.09:19
arraybolt3[m]gpkumar: It should work as expected, but I've watched Ubuntu butcher an NTFS partition before, for no apparent reason. It wasn't fun.09:20
gpkumarI see09:21
webchat47now I should run "make install" right?09:22
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: If that's what the instructions say to do.09:22
outoftimewebchat47: build log complain about debug symbols, not more09:22
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: WAIT09:22
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: I just remembered "make install" can cause problems if you ever need to uninstall something. Let me look up checkinstall, it's safer.09:23
gpkumarafter doing make, I think there will be a binary mode that can be executed by ./09:23
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: OK, install "checkinstall" via apt, then run "sudo checkinstall" rather than "sudo make install".09:23
arraybolt3[m]gpkumar: I believe this is a driver.09:23
webchat47ok, I'll install checkinstall09:24
gpkumarlast time I did a driver install was on ubuntu 16.0409:24
arraybolt3[m]gpkumar: I guess it could be manually modprobe'd in, but that might be complicated.09:24
gpkumar👍 yep09:24
webchat47Before I do " sudo checkinstall" should I remove old UVC driver from my system?09:28
arraybolt3[m]One moment please...09:28
outoftimeremove it before modprobing09:28
webchat47or it will do an automatic upgrade?09:28
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: I believe the instructions say to reboot.09:29
outoftimewebchat47: after instalation you need to "enable" module (whithout reboo) so you have time to eject web cam wire09:29
arraybolt3[m]You're not removing the old driver from the system, you're removing it from memory so it doesn't muddy things up.09:29
webchat47Is it like first I will run sudo checkinstall, and then reboot the system ?09:30
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Looking at the directions, I think that the system handles that automatically?09:30
outoftimewebchat47: sudo checkinstall && reboot09:31
webchat47I don't know what modprobing means09:31
outoftimewebchat47: reboot is easier09:31
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: I don't think you need to worry about that, the reboot should handle it.09:31
webchat47okay, I'll do reboot then.09:31
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Yep.09:32
webchat47Should I disconnect my webcam before running checkinstall ?09:32
outoftimewebchat47: kernels modules are just code that runs at kernel level, it is just code. Files on file systems are read during start up or when you are tald kernel to do so (modprobing)09:33
webchat47got it, thanks outoftime09:34
outoftimewebchat47: IDK, Plug And Play means you have running system and then you are pluging device. Not sure about start up. If you aren't sure - pick one and test.09:35
webchat47It is still running installation09:36
webchat47I'll share the logs once it finishes09:37
webchat47it failed to install the package09:37
outoftimegentoo has "wgetpaste" to share log from command execution. Debian recommends to use "command | nc termbin.com 9999'09:37
outoftimealso you can just redirect "command &> full-output.log"09:38
webchat47Error log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G8SKcW4pCz/09:38
webchat47Checkinstall output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WtZrTpSdc8/09:40
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Oh, shoot. The driver is conflicting with Ubuntu's default drivers. Agh, I don't know how to fix this! You could try just using "sudo make install" afterwards, but if it fails, uninstalling that mess could be tricky.09:41
webchat47I hope it has not messed up other files during install09:41
webchat47I'm afraid that it might end up corrupting my laptop09:42
outoftimewebchat47: you definitely will.09:43
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Nope, that's why we used checkinstall. Anything that goes wrong can be fixed.09:43
outoftimewebchat47: make modules backup09:43
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Had you used "sudo make install" and then something like this happened, then we'd be in a pickle.09:43
webchat47does checkinstall reverts the changes if it fails to install?09:43
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: It aborted the installation.09:44
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: In Ubuntu, checkinstall packages the files you're about to install into a DEB package, allowing you to recover from any problems and cleanly uninstall things. So the failed installation isn't the end of the world.09:44
webchat47So nothing has been changed right? I'm afraid to reboot my laptop right now '=D09:45
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: I mean he has no choice, just to use bare make install, but he needs to backup first09:45
webchat47How can I backup those modules?09:45
outoftimewebchat47: no need, I started to give you instruction set for # make install09:46
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: You should be fine to reboot, but the drivers won't be installed.09:46
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: What you're saying is a good idea, but then every kernel update he'll probably have to do this whole rigamarole again, right?09:46
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: true09:46
mncheckon focal how do you enable automatic link-local ipv6 address for an interface "eno1"?09:46
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Gentoo and Debian/Ubuntu work significantly differently - make install might be fine for you, but it's considered very bad in ubuntu.09:47
mncheckI would like to see neighbours if a cable is connected09:47
arraybolt3[m]mncheck: You're using Ubuntu Desktop, or Ubuntu Server?09:47
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: it work the same. Problem in order of operations and dependency conflict are common for all distros.09:48
webchat47So this webcam is never working again then !?09:48
ice9while copying large files (source/dest) on the same local SSD drive; Linux becomes laggy/unresponsive for seconds from time to time until the process finishes; this is intel i7 11th gen with 16G RAM; how come? and how to avoid this?09:48
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: No, we'll probably figure it out. We just don't want to nuke your system.09:48
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: We're discussing solutions.09:48
outoftimeice9: how large?09:49
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Do you know how to use DKMS? I don't, but I think it might be a good part of the solution here.09:49
ice9outoftime, 80G09:50
webchat47I downloaded DKMS because it was required to run OBS Virtual Camera09:50
outoftimeice9: cp or rsync?09:50
=== kaiseisei1 is now known as kaiseisei
webchat47I don't know what that module can do.09:51
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: What might work is to backup your kernel modules like outoftime says, then set up DKMS so that the driver installs and then stays installed. I'm trying to figure out how you would do this.09:51
webchat47Is there any other light distro with latest kernel ? I'll try to liveboot using USB and check if my webcam works or not09:51
ice9outoftime, cp09:52
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: You could give Manjaro a shot using a live USB.09:52
webchat47I'll try that now09:52
outoftimeice9: have no idea what is actually going on for you, just a suggestion about FS cache. Can you try with rsync? Can you play with scheduler? chrt --idle for an example?09:53
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: webchat47: have you searched private PPAs before all this mess?09:54
mncheckarraybolt3[m], this is desktop09:54
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: 🤦‍♂️That's a great idea, I should have thought of that. Thank you!09:54
webchat47No I couldn't find any resources for my webcam model09:55
webchat47On their website, they have mentioned it would work on Linux kernel 4.14 and above.09:55
mncheckarraybolt3[m], currently I have inet6 fe80::1234:5678:1234:5678/64 scope link noprefixroute  in ip -6 a show dev eno109:55
webchat47Manjaro website is down for maintainence09:56
arraybolt3[m]mncheck: You should be able to open up the network configuration for your Ethernet adapter, click the ipv6 tab, and select link-local. I think that's what you want.09:56
mncheckarraybolt3[m], in /etc/network/interfaces I have "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback" and interfaces.d is empty.09:56
oerhekswebchat47, not an ubuntu issue, is it?09:57
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Wow. That's... 😢09:57
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Yes, ubuntu issue.09:57
mncheckarraybolt3[m], in nmtui I go edit connection for eno1 device I see ipv6 configuration set to "auotmatic" . shoul I set to "link-local" ?09:57
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: They're fighting with a device driver and were going to use Manjaro to test and see if a newer driver would even help.09:57
tomreynmncheck: which ubuntu version are you running there, and is it ubuntu desktop or ubuntu server?09:57
arraybolt3[m]mncheck: That sounds right.09:58
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: 20.04 Desktop.09:58
mncheckthank you09:58
tomreynarraybolt3[m]: how do you know about desktop?09:58
arraybolt3[m]tomreyn: They said so earlier.09:59
tomreynoh right, sorry09:59
mncheckarraybolt3[m], can I force ipv6 neighbour discovery on the interface? do I need to?09:59
arraybolt3[m]mncheck: tomreyn09:59
outoftimewebchat47: have you searches for PPA's with required driver?09:59
arraybolt3[m](Sorry, missed your message)09:59
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: I believe they did.09:59
webchat47outoftime yes, there weren't any available10:00
mnchecktomreyn, can I force ipv6 neighbour discovery on the interface? do I need to?10:00
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: It's a great idea, but sadly all the PPAs are for ancient Ubuntu releases.10:00
webchat47I was able to find a bug report for a similar webcam model posted by someone else. There was no solution.10:01
webchat47which version of Manjaro should I download?10:01
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Eh? Hold on, let me look...10:01
outoftimestable, I suppose, and latest10:02
tomreynmncheck: how do you mean "force"? you can ping ff02::1 or ff02::210:02
tomreynmncheck: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/IPv6#Neighbor_discovery10:02
outoftimewebchat47: if you are going to give a try to manjaro, google for arch/manjaro for the same driver first10:02
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: What page are you on? I'm on https://manjaro.org/download/10:02
arraybolt3[m]I'll google the driver versions.10:03
mnchecktomreyn,  ping6 ff02::1%eno1 says "64 bytes from fe80::f3cc:77de:4702:e802%eno1" and "64 bytes from fe80::efea:75fc:3aa1:cb3d%eno1" ... "DUP!"10:03
tomreynmncheck: ok?10:04
webchat47arraybolt3[m] I'm downloading from the same page, going to download Gnome Desktop Minimal10:05
mnchecktomreyn, ip -6 neigh show dev eno1 says cb3d is stale10:06
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: OK. I can't find the info outoftime was suggesting, but you should be able to just boot the live USB, then try your webcam out without installing anything and see if it works. If so, then installing a newer driver in Ubuntu may do the trick.10:06
outoftimewebchat47: IMHO, if you have no reasons to use "minimal" use full10:06
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: It's just for testing, the minimal should work fine for that. it's not a distrohop, just a test.10:06
outoftimemy bad10:07
oerheks" Yes, It worked when connected to USB 2.0 port <webchat47>not working when connected to USB 3.0 ports" so it works, but just not on usb3 .????10:07
oerheksi think testing an other linux does not make a difference, be happy it works10:08
tomreynmncheck: that's normal, but at least they're now being listed there10:08
oerheksNot all devices are backwards compatible.10:08
webchat47The new laptop that I ordered doesn't have a USB 2.0 port..10:08
mnchecktomreyn, thanks. could you recommend an address or configuration that would be persistent across reboots? I would like to ssh to a device connected directly with cable.10:09
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: about driver for ubuntu: 1. try to load compiled driver (modprobing) and ensure it word 2. write startup service to load right module from custom location to prevent file collision10:09
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: The camera also only works the first time you use it, then you have to reboot...10:09
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: That is GENIUS! Man, maybe I should learn Gentoo...10:09
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: outoftime just had a great idea. I don't think you need to test Manjaro at all.10:10
mnchecktomreyn, ...or should just I expect the cb3d address to persist?10:10
tomreynmncheck: depends on how it gets its address assigned, i guess10:10
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: I'm very bad, or just a "pro"grammer, so better to ask #linux about how to do it10:11
mnchecktomreyn, so if the device runs raspbian then it depends on the rasbian configuration right?10:11
tomreynmncheck: i don't think LL guarantees static assignment10:11
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Is there a way to get modprobe to do what you're saying, or should insmod be used instead?10:12
mnchecktomreyn, would slaac with privacy extension be static?10:12
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: see, I felt this question10:12
tomreynmncheck: it will depend on which address is statically configured on the device, or automatically chosen by the device, or assigned to the device10:13
tomreyni think you really want #networking10:13
mnchecktomreyn, thank you10:13
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: maybe find <build_dir> -name '*.ko' for modules first10:14
webchat47How do I modprobe with previously complied driver?10:14
outoftimewebchat47: how many of *.ko you have?10:15
webchat47outoftime 698 files https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XMXfBnYgwQ/10:18
webchat47I need only one file for my webcam right?10:19
webchat47What IRC client do you guys use? I'm connected through the browser it keeps clearing chat history every time I refresh the page10:22
outoftimewebchat47: irssi10:23
webchat47thanks, downloading now10:23
dsc_try hexchat10:23
dsc_irssi is too difficult for noobs10:23
webchat47which has good gui?10:23
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: I used to use Quassel and Konversation.10:23
arraybolt3[m]And WeeChat. There's so many, just pick one and try it.10:23
arraybolt3[m]Konversation was the best IMO.10:23
webchat47okay I'll download10:24
dsc_run them all at once10:24
arraybolt3[m]LOL wow, that got messy fast.10:24
arraybolt3[m]dsc_ LOL wow that would be chaos10:24
gpkumarhexchat, hands down10:24
outoftimewebchat47: some of those are for dvd player, so yes, looks like you definitely don't need all of them10:24
arraybolt3[m]I'm using Element right now (Matrix chat, bridged to IRC).10:25
gpkumaror you can even use web.libera.chat10:25
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: There's even a warning in the instructions that loading ALL of the modules is a bad idea.10:25
outoftimegpkumar: > I'm connected through the browser it keeps clearing chat history every time I refresh the page10:26
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: IMHO v4l is what is needed10:26
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Since they've mentioned UVC a few times, I think it's ./v4l/uvcvideo.ko10:28
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: v4l... well no kidding but which one?! 🤣10:28
outoftimewebchat47: can you diff modules you have in /lib/modules/ and one you have build? Something like diff <(find ... | sort) <(find ... | sort) or just find .. > f1 && find ... > f2 and diff <(sort f1) <(sort f2)10:30
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: I think that might be a bit over their head... I know it mostly flew over mine.10:30
webchat47outoftime I'll check now10:31
routebeedoosboox, I have no meaningful experience10:32
outoftimewebchat47: no spaces here "<(" it is redirect from FD10:32
routebeeI worked in network support in the 90's and then scitzed and started hearing voices10:33
routebeei just started a medication that has cured me and I'm starting a computer science degree next month10:34
outoftimeroutebee: voices of Stolman and Linus?10:34
outoftimeroutebee: don't mind me, but maybe you really heard them, just have thought they are in your head10:35
routebeeno i believe that its telepathy10:35
outoftimeholly Stolman10:35
routebeemy shrinks dont accept that that is a possibility10:35
routebeeand its a bad line10:36
routebeeits great not to have them anymore though10:36
routebeeits given me a new lease on life10:36
webchat47I have these files https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jygbRkz9Y9/ in /lib/modules/10:36
outoftimewebchat47: I want you to have only one module above what you already have so that I can say: here it is - the module you have to load10:37
arraybolt3[m]OK, I'll diff them real quick.10:37
webchat47I'm not sure where I can find that in build folder10:38
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: you can 'sed "<"d' to clear all lined from left of right side10:38
outoftimewebchat47: you already posted them10:38
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Uhh, that's not the right data. That tells me what all kernels you have, but no the modules within.10:38
webchat47oh those ko files?10:38
outoftimewebchat47: yes, *.ko inside /lib/modules/10:39
webchat47there aren't nay10:39
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: You're gonna love this, but Ubuntu does have the modules in /lib/modules...10:39
webchat47Did I do anything wrong?10:40
webchat47I mean delete those files?10:40
arraybolt3[m]Nope. Just different systems working different ways.10:40
arraybolt3[m]NO DON'T DO THAT.10:40
arraybolt3[m]What files were you going to delete?10:41
webchat47I meant to delete all those .ko files except one with uvcvideo.ko10:42
arraybolt3[m]No, I don't think that's necessary.10:42
outoftimewebchat47: are they hurting you? let them be for a while10:42
webchat47No no10:42
webchat47I don't change anything10:43
outoftimewebchat47: right now you can try to load that uv something module10:43
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: do you know where modules are in ubuntu?10:43
webchat47Sorry I don't know10:43
arraybolt3[m]Still looking, I think I'm almost there though.10:43
arraybolt3[m]Oh wait I found them. I've been looking in ancient kernel module leftover directories.10:44
outoftimewebchat47: can you show us lsmod ?10:44
arraybolt3[m]They're in /lib/modules/$(uname -r) .10:44
arraybolt3[m] /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel I mean10:45
webchat47https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4kDvbdBFYj/ lsmod output10:45
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: find will find them , prefix is corrent, brah10:45
arraybolt3[m]Here's where the uvcvideo.ko driver is: /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/media/usb/uvc/10:46
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: So here's a question for you. Will "cd /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/media/usb/uvc && sudo mv uvcvideo.ko uvcvideo.ko.bak && sudo cp /path/to/compiled/uvcvideo.ko ./uvcvideo.ko" back up the driver and put in the new one? Will that work?10:48
outoftimewebchat47: try modprobe -r uvcvideo10:48
weedmicI have an empty file on a remote machine - i need to fill it with 1 line of text, but cannot use any pipes.  any ideas?10:48
webchat47outoftime okay trying10:49
outoftimewebchat47: echo > file10:49
outoftimeweedmic: echo > file10:49
outoftimeweedmic: printf "\n" > file10:49
webchat47modprobe -r uvcvideo > file.txt ?10:50
weedmictrying echo10:50
outoftimewebchat47: not for you, sry10:50
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: No, they accidentally misdirected their message.10:50
webchat47ohh okay10:50
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: I'm he pls10:50
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Absolutely.10:50
arraybolt3[m](I always default to "they" if I don't know your gender, I figure that way I can't mess up too badly...)10:51
webchat47Should I use sudo for modproble?10:51
webchat47modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:799 kmod_module_remove_module() could not remove 'uvcvideo': Operation not permitted10:51
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Yes.10:51
webchat47it ran without giving any output10:52
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Won't that modprobe command load the installed module, not the compiled one? modprobe doesn't look in the current directory AFAIK.10:52
outoftimewebchat47: ok, you have unloaded uvcvideo module10:53
webchat47and I'm not in that directory as well10:53
outoftimewebchat47: not you need to load your custom one10:53
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Oh, you did -r, sorry10:53
webchat47how to load new driver?10:54
outoftimewebchat47: cp path/to/uvcvideo.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/unvcideo2.ko10:55
weedmictrying echo atm10:55
outoftimeweedmic: what is that task for?10:56
outoftimewebchat47: misstyped module name, I meant v2 for module name to resolve naming colision10:56
outoftimewebchat47: then modprobe <mod name> and unplug/plug camera10:57
outoftimeand open tail -f dmseg somewhere10:57
weedmictried this - echo {"site":"groupalpha","broker": {"url":"tls://broker.jonkheer.network"}} >>/opt/shield/shield.new , but did not work file is empty10:57
outoftimeweedmic:  do you have rights for /opt?10:58
oerheksweedmic, likely you need root priv for that folder.10:58
outoftimeweedmic: try with sudo echo10:58
outoftimeweedmic: or sudo -u <user> echo...10:58
weedmici have all rights, but the connection method is basically line in line out - no dialogue10:59
arraybolt3[m]weedmic: On Ubuntu, sudo echo will probably fail, you may need to do "sudo -E bash" and then echo.)10:59
weedmici am root - sudo is not an option as one cannot input a password10:59
weedmicit's not bash10:59
oerheksthen you are not root.10:59
outoftimeweedmic: can you lauch bash/sh? what do you have ? Any shell interpreter?11:00
weedmici think echo would work, but... it's not just text11:00
weedmicno i am root11:00
webchat47outoftime modprobe uvcvideo2 ?11:00
outoftimeweedmic: do you have vi/nano?11:00
weedmiccreated file w touch11:00
outoftimeweedmic: yes, v211:00
weedmicit's stdin stdout only11:00
weedmicif i put \{ like things might the echo work?  i don't knwo much about echo :(11:01
weedmicthe quotes are probably very bad for it11:01
outoftimeweedmic: do you mean your connection or server inter proccess communication can not do both stdin/out ?11:01
webchat47outoftime modprobe: FATAL: Module uvcvideo2 not found in directory /lib/modules/5.13.0-48-generic11:01
outoftimewebchat47: verify paths11:02
webchat47I think it is inside /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/uvcvideo2.ko11:02
outoftimewebchat47: ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/<name.ko>11:02
weedmicoutoftime: no i mean i can do a command in and see the result, no boustrophendic connection like a konsole11:02
outoftimewebchat47: use tab for compleation11:02
weedmiccannot answer prompts - things like that11:03
weedmicI"m going to see if I can use ftp to put a file there already full - bbl - can post ideas though - appreciated11:03
outoftimeweedmic: what cat $SHELL says?11:03
webchat47modprobe /lib/modules/5.13.0-48-generic/uvcvideo2.ko ?11:03
outoftimeweedmic: I mean echo $SHELL11:04
outoftimewebchat47: no, only name without .ko11:04
outoftimewebchat47: just verify you spell it correctly11:05
weedmicthere is no shell, i login, issue a command, get an output, but since you asked - Output: Errors: cat: '$SHELL': No such file or directory11:05
outoftimeweedmic: echo $PATH ?11:06
weedmiclet's go back to ways to insert a line into text with one line command without pipes where that lines has '}/ chars11:07
webchat47"modprobe: FATAL: Module uvcvideo2 not found in directory /lib/modules/5.13.0-48-generic" But the file is present11:07
outoftimeweedmic: echo ';asldfj;asdlfjas;dlfjk;}///' > file <<< single quote here is a wraper11:07
webchat47$ ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/uvcvideo2.ko11:07
webchat47it gives the correct path11:08
outoftimewebchat47: uname -r gives same kernel version?11:08
weedmicwill try that - i just creatd the file and was about to upload it fia ftp _if that is possible11:08
webchat47https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yTxTy75qjC/ paths are correct11:09
outoftimewebchat47: try insmod $PWD/path/to/<mod.ko>11:10
webchat47"insmod: ERROR: could not insert module /lib/modules/5.13.0-48-generic/uvcvideo2.ko: Unknown symbol in module"11:13
Bugiesmodprobe expects an up-to-date modules.dep.bin file as generated by the11:14
Bugies       corresponding depmod utility shipped along with modprobe11:14
weedmicgrr - ftp is not an option either - i'm going to try with just the word test11:17
webchat47how to update modules.dep.bin ?11:17
Bugiessudo depmod -a11:19
weedmicwill have to retrieve the computer and do it via uart11:20
weedmictks 4 the effort/ideas11:20
outoftimeBugies: if you haven't followed, webchat47 tries to install driver for his webcam, he already (somehow) managed to compile drivers, now he is trying if they are working at all11:21
oerheksdriver works on usb2, he thinks a better driver works on usb3 too.. i doubt a driver can fix this hardware issue.11:23
webchat47outoftime "modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'uvcvideo2': Invalid argument" '=(11:23
oerheksHikvision DS-U02 .. not much info or bugreports about this device11:24
outoftimewebchat47: have you tried depmod before modprobe <name v2> ?11:25
webchat47i tried modproble uvcvideo2 first then it gave invalid path.11:25
webchat47Then I executed sudo depmod -a11:26
outoftimeand modprobe again11:26
webchat47Now modprobe uvcvideo2 is giving different error11:26
Bugiesoutoftime  that should fix the symbol if used with corect kernel headers11:27
outoftimewebchat47: show pls11:27
webchat47modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'uvcvideo2': Invalid argument11:27
webchat47Bugies I think this is the issue because I modified uvcvideo package built for 5.19  to build on my machine running 5.13.0-48-generic.11:29
* outoftime finaly have gdm up and running, now I can google, at least11:29
oerheksseriously.. built for 5.19 ?11:30
outoftimeoerheks: yes11:30
webchat47Now, where can I find distros with 5.19 kernel to try that latest driver '=( '=(11:31
webchat47I'll resume manjaro download11:31
oerheks5.19 is in development, i think you are way off11:32
oerheksand ... driver works on usb2 .. i doubt a new driver can fix this hardware issue.11:33
outoftimewebchat47: can you link once more the docs you've been following to build source code?11:33
outoftimeno need11:33
outoftimewebchat47: again, who tald you to install new drivers?11:34
webchat4786outoftime Hikvision technical support11:37
outoftimewebchat4786: you had usb2 and webcam worked for it, but now you have brand new notebook with only usb3 and this is an issue for you, right?11:38
webchat4786Here is their email https://imgur.com/a/I02nGsE11:39
webchat4786outoftime yeah11:40
Bugieswebchat4786, Special case: If your system uses compressed kernel modules: (eg. unknown symbol or unknown parameter).11:41
webchat4786I don't know about that11:41
webchat4786It is running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS11:41
Bugieswebchat4786, . If the system attempts to concurrently load both sets into memory, you are bound to run into modprobe insertion errors11:43
webchat4786I guess this webcam won't work, Next time I'll buy a compatible webcam11:45
outoftimehttps://www.hikvision.com/europe/products/Turbo-HD-Products/Turbo-HD-Cameras/webcam-series/ds-u02/ there are some firmware11:45
webchat4786There's a .img file in that11:47
webchat4786I don't know how to use that11:47
webchat4786dfu-util ?11:48
outoftimewebchat4786: can you modprobe <removed module> then tail -f dmesg and plug web cam?11:48
outoftimewebchat4786: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Firmware11:49
webchat4786modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'uvcvideo': Invalid argument11:50
webchat4786Its not working for removed module11:50
outoftimewebchat4786: can you reboot ?11:53
outoftimewebchat4786: after reboot look at dmesg for errors, and "$ dmesg --follow-new  # same as -W" then plug web cam11:58
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Maybe webchat4786 isn't using "sudo" with the modprobe commands - I just did "sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo" followed by "sudo modprobe uvcvideo" and it worked just fine on my system.12:02
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: he is rebooting for a very long time...12:03
outoftime10 m already12:03
outoftimedoesn't looks like brand new notebook at all12:03
webchat47Hi,  I just reboot my laptop..12:04
outoftimewebchat4786: after reboot look at dmesg for errors, and "$ dmesg --follow-new  # same as -W" then plug web cam12:04
webchat47This have changed, my external monitor resolution dropped to 720p and laptop monitor is not detected12:05
webchat47 Checking dmesg12:05
outoftimewebchat47: remove that v2.ko from /lib/modules/ (mv ... /tmp)12:09
webchat47_laptophttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7Qrg29nRYz/ after connecting webcam12:09
mncheckto have a deterministic ipv6 address on ubuntu focal desktop with "Linux 4.15.0-184-generic"  I tried "sudo ip link set eno1 addrgenmode stable_secret" but got "RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument". how can I have a deterministic ipv6 address for link-local use on a wired ethernet network interface?12:09
webchat47_laptopI'm removing that v2 file now12:10
arraybolt3[m]webchat47_laptop: Looks like it was recognized.12:10
webchat47_laptopIt get's recognized but doesn't work12:12
outoftimewebchat47_laptop: define "doens't work" pls12:12
outoftimewebchat47_laptop: can you launch "cheese"  app ?12:12
BluesKajHi all12:12
webchat47_laptopI mean, I won't be able to access that webcam anywhere12:12
webchat47_laptopcheese works just for internal camera12:13
outoftimewebchat47_laptop: have you tried it now?12:14
webchat47_laptopFailed to set UVC probe control : -110 (exp. 26). I get that error in dmesg12:14
webchat47_laptopI just did12:14
webchat47_laptopInternal camera is working fine but not external12:14
outoftimewebchat47_laptop: what lspci says?12:15
webchat47_laptopI don't know why my display settings got screwed up, my 2k monitor is now running at 720p. The internal monitor is turned off and seems like some issue with Nvidia12:15
outoftimewebchat47_laptop: yes, I'm conserned about nvidia too12:16
webchat47_laptopI'll restart my laptop again12:17
webchat47_laptopto see if it works12:17
outoftimewebchat47_laptop: have you done # depmod ?12:18
webchat47_laptopI just removed v2 from /lib/modules and running depmod again12:20
webchat47_laptopI'm restarting my laptop now, I'm also connected via my phone to this chat12:20
outoftimewebchat47: I'll reboot too12:21
webchat47HDMI Port stopped working 😬12:31
webchat47External monitor has no signal12:31
outoftimectrl+alt+f1-5 (delay few seconds why trying)12:32
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Wow, great. This is a mess. Can you pastebin the output of "apt list --installed | grep nvidia"?12:32
webchat47Yeah 1 min12:32
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ioriatoo many drivers12:38
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webchat47_laptopShall I set one from settings?12:39
ioriawebchat47_laptop, i suggest to purge that all, reboot and install just one12:40
outoftimepurge, install, restart12:40
webchat47_laptopHow do I purge?12:41
ioriawebchat47_laptop, what's your problem exactly ?12:41
arraybolt3[m]sudo apt purge nvidia-driver-450 nvidia-driver-460 nvidia-driver-470 && sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt install nvidia-driver-470 && reboot12:42
ioriainstead of autoremove, i'd say 'sudo apt autopurge'12:42
arraybolt3[m]ioria: Which one, the part where nvidia threw a fit, or the one where this webcam driver has been fighting the five of us for hours?12:42
ioriaarraybolt3[m], webcam driver ?12:43
arraybolt3[m]ioria: Autopurge is a thing? Didn't know that. Cool.12:44
ioriayeah, it's new12:44
outoftimeioria: man has https://www.hikvision.com/europe/products/Turbo-HD-Products/Turbo-HD-Cameras/webcam-series/ds-u02/ and it is not working12:44
arraybolt3[m]ioria: It's an entire saga. I'd read through the IRC logs. Long story short, unhelpful technical support told webchat47 to upgrade a driver to make a webcam work, and it's been hours of trying to get it to work. We had to mod the driver source code at one point (?!)12:45
ioriayeah, i remember it's a kernel problem, i guess ; he needs a different (newest) one12:45
webchat47Yeah after restart Nvidia stopped12:46
ioriawebchat47, what's your kernel ?12:46
webchat475.13 Ubuntu 20.04 lts12:46
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: "uname -r" will tell you that.12:46
ioriawebchat47, i posted you this, the other day : https://lore.kernel.org/all/33efe80e-9667-ffd0-49cc-541ebd9ff586@freezy.cz/T/12:48
arraybolt3[m]ioria: We really need to make an easy driver installer or something. It was literally easier to install Arch Linux my first time, than to get this driver into some semblance of working.12:48
webchat47_laptopioria the vendor told me to install latest uvc driver12:49
ravageif you dont mess around with any manual driver installs for nvidia you open "additional drivers", select it and it works12:49
ioriawebchat47_laptop, the latest is probably in the latest kernel, i'am afraid12:50
ioriawebchat47_laptop, so 5.13 is NOT the latest12:50
ioriawebchat47_laptop,  i don't know if i'am making sense for you .... you need another kernel12:51
arraybolt3[m]webchat47_laptop: Did Manjaro ever download? If so, flash it to a USB, boot from it, and see if your webcam works there. If not, then it's unlikely that this webcam is going to work even with the updated driver.12:51
ravagealso, did you try the 22.04 live usb?12:51
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ioriahe need something above 51.612:52
webchat47Downloading now12:52
gpkumarwhat's your laptop model?12:54
webchat47Removed Nvidia drivers and selected open-source driver and rebooting now12:54
ioriai'am not sure it's an nvidia problem12:55
oerheksioria +112:55
ioriait's a kernel problem12:55
oerheksat least it is not a webcam issue.12:56
arraybolt3[m]ioria: He's dealing with two issues - one is the webcam, the other is his video's gone crazy.12:56
webchat47While making changes for webcam, settings got messed up12:56
ioriaoh, i see12:56
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: LOL lets hope, if even Manjaro doesn't let the webcam work, it might be the webcam that's the problem!12:57
webchat47My laptop is detecting only one display12:57
webchat47What could be the issue?12:57
oerheksarraybolt3[m], that we already found out, it is not backwards compatible with usb312:57
ioriawebchat47, you probably need again nvidia: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999912:58
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: That may be because now you're on the open-source driver. Try going to the proprietary driver with the biggest number (I think 470) and see if that makes it right.12:58
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: I thought even with USB2 it was having issues.12:58
arraybolt3[m]IIRC, the camera would work the first time over USB2, but then not work anymore until the system was rebooted.12:59
webchat47If I plug in HDMI while starting the laptop then my external monitor detected and internal monitor won't turn on. Still resolution is poor 720p12:59
oerhekslook for a FN + screen key combo, or go into settings > displays13:00
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: To me that sounds like the open source drivers aren't working, and your system had somehow fallen back to them before we purged all the nvidia stuff.13:00
ioriawebchat47, dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999913:00
webchat47Installing nvidia driver from software & updates13:01
ioriabad, leftovers and broken package13:06
arraybolt3[m]?! That's one motley mess of driver soup. I think you may not have purged everything.13:06
webchat47_laptopshould I remove them all?13:06
webchat47_laptopI'll do it now13:06
webchat47_laptopI can't uninstall those drivers https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PD67DHP4YQ/13:12
arraybolt3[m]Where did you get those driver from? The main repositories, or the graphics drivers PPA?13:15
Necmi have a problem about email server13:15
Necmhow i can enabled my email server ?,13:15
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outoftimealso, IMHO manjaro uses 5.1513:16
arraybolt3[m]webchat47: Don't know who you're answering or what answer.13:18
webchat47_laptoparraybolt3[m]: I'm trying to uninstall all nividia drivers13:19
arraybolt3[m]Did you get them from the main repositories?13:19
webchat47_laptopI think they were downloaded from software & updates13:20
arraybolt3[m]Really, though, I don't know what to do to fix that error, I just think that maybe someone botched something and that's what's causing it.13:20
webchat47_laptopI don't know, I'll try bring everything back to how it was before13:22
webchat47_laptopSorry, I feel bad for wasting your time. I'll buy a new webcam.13:22
arraybolt3[m]Don't feel bad! We're here for a reason, and trying to wrangle stuff like this is the reason!13:23
tomreynNecm: which ubuntu version are you asking about? do you mean to run a mail server yourself, or access your email from ubuntu desktop?13:23
arraybolt3[m]Just because this particular problem was tougher than expected doesn't mean it was a waste.13:23
outoftimewebchat47_laptop: do you have proper separation on /boot / and /home in fstab?13:25
webchat47_laptopoutoftime No, that was the mistake I made while installing Ubuntu.13:25
arraybolt3[m]outoftime: Ubuntu usually plops everything in /.13:26
oerheksubuntu installs in one partition, nowadays.13:26
webchat47_laptopLater I found out it would save myself from such troubles by just reinstalling the OS13:26
oerheksincluding swapfile, instead of swap partition13:26
webchat47_laptopI have an external HDD, shall I take my files back up and install fresh?13:27
outoftimeoerheks: I do use swap file, btw13:28
webchat47_laptopIf I take a backup of home directory, I get all files right?13:30
webchat47_laptopexcept OS and other changes?13:30
outoftimewebchat47: all configurations of DE and user's software goes into $HOME.13:32
webchat47Ohh, then I'll take its backup13:33
outoftimeI suppose you can make / and /home for now and, install ubuntu into / and just add line in fstab for /home13:34
outoftime... after install13:34
webchat47Are there any Softwares that make backup and restore easy?13:34
oerheksfilemanager is awesome13:34
outoftimewebchat47: can you make new partition and move your files there?13:35
webchat47I have dual boot so Ubuntu is running from single partition.13:35
webchat47I'm planning to move $HOME to my external SSD13:36
outoftimeNot the best idea13:37
outoftimeBetter to move $HOME/Video and $HOME/Audio to HDD13:37
outoftime$HOME dir have a lot of configuration file you don't wont to wait to get access to13:37
outoftimee.g. chromium stores a lot of info in $HOME/.config13:38
ravagealso your laptop will not work without that external drive anymore at all13:38
outoftimeravage: will, but not specific user13:38
ravagei think 99% of desktop users have exactly one13:38
varaindemiananything wrong wit hadding debs like this? https://github.com/doomedraven/Tools/blob/8e537f2ff6216330e1db72233e90d9e757a526b8/Sandbox/cape2.sh#L60813:51
varaindemian    wget -qO - https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-${MONGO_VERSION}.asc | sudo apt-key add -13:51
varaindemian    echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs)/mongodb-org/${MONGO_VERSION} multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb.list13:51
oerhekssudo apt-key add -  is depreciated13:56
oerhekswget -O- <https://example.com/key/repo-key.gpg> | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/<myrepository>-archive-keyring.gpg13:56
tomreynvaraindemian: generally speaking, it's fine to use third party apt repositories if they are compatible to your ubuntu release. it's not supported, though, unless the repository provider also provides support.13:59
outoftimearraybolt3[m]: I'm using gentoo because of amount of control you have over your system and if you messed up like webchat47 with drivers you can fix it without reinstalling distribution. I changed my ubuntu 14.04/16.04 just because of that reason. Debian looked like much more stable but it haven't saved me from very same problem. Gentoo is way for "harder" but it only in terms of docs to read. Still one14:11
outoftimecan argue that any Debian user have to read manual, but have to doens't mean "will". In case of gentoo have to means you have no choice (:14:11
webchat47I uninstalled all Nvidia drivers and restarted.. now the boot screen is stuck on Blinking cursor14:11
webchat47I'm able to enter terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+F314:12
ravagewebchat47, check if all nvidia packages are gone. then do "sudo ubuntu-drivers install"14:12
webchat47Dpkg is giving error14:13
ravagethe error message would be very helpful14:14
webchat47Sure I'll send14:14
webchat47Laptop is connected to my wifi14:14
webchat47I'm just missing GUI14:14
webchat47How do I start desktop environment?14:15
ravagenot at all at the moment i guess14:15
ravagewhat is the dpkg error?14:15
webchat47I'm taking photo on my phone and sharing14:15
ravageyou can use termbin if you are online14:16
ravageapt list --installed|grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999914:16
ravagefor example14:16
ravagewill show if any nvidia packaged are still installed14:16
ravageapt list --installed|grep nvidia | tee nc termbin.com 999914:17
ravageok that does not work14:17
ravageignore the last command :P14:17
ravagein general adding "| nc termbin.com 9999" to your command will generate a link with the outpur14:18
studentanyone here14:19
ravage!ask | student14:20
ubottustudent: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:20
ravageok. so we have to get rid of those packages14:20
ravagesudo apt remove --purge nvidia-340 nvidia-opencl-icd-340 nvidia-settings14:21
webchat47Running that command now14:22
webchat47Now all Nvidia packages are removed14:24
webchat47What should I do next?14:24
ravagenow: sudo ubuntu-drivers install14:24
webchat47I got an error14:25
webchat47I'll send wait14:26
webchat47These get installed by Ubuntu but installation breaks in between14:28
ravagei need the error. not the installed packages14:29
ravagealso "lspci|grep VGA|grep NVIDIA|nc termbin.com 9999" please14:30
oerheksravage +1, what nvidia gpu indeed14:32
oerheksmaybe it is so old, it needs the 34014:32
ravagemaybe it really works better with nouveau14:33
ravagewe will see if he returns :)14:34
webchat47How do I connect to this IRC from Android app?14:44
webchat47I'm using revolution IRC14:44
llanhmodwebchat47: most use irccloud or some other web client14:45
webchat47I'll download14:46
ravageyou can connect with revolution IRC14:46
ravagei use it too14:46
ravagejust enter the server information14:46
rrrhello all. I get an error when I try to upgrade because mysql isn't configure, so the mysql server fails with an error 22 (invalid argument) - I cannot seem to uninstall mysql-server-8.0 because of this? Is there a remedy, either to configure it or uninstall it?14:46
ravagerrr, upgrade from which Ubuntu version to which one? what is the exact error message you get?14:47
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rrrI meant to say update. I forget these things, I'll pastebin the error message.  https://nn2.us/pastebin/2zz9/ it suggests I check the error log. I don't know which one yet.14:51
transhumanistif this isnt the right channel to figure out what the issue it with a debian deboostrap running from ubuntu, then let me know--sorry in advance (debian folks sent me here) . https://bpa.st/JTOQ << any idea what causes this seems a loop of symbolic links and might be why I cant properly dismount a chroot14:51
transhumanist/usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch amd64 --variant minbase buster buster-uml http://deb.debian.org/debian   << is the deboostrap command in my script14:53
rrrravage: the mysql error log says "Failed to initialize DD Storage Engine" and suggests Log file ./ib_logfile1 is of diferent size 0 bytes than other log files. http://nn2.us/pastebin/641114:53
alkisgtranshumanist: what command did you use, and what's the file system of /root?14:54
alkisgE.g. if you're in a container with overlayfs etc, you should mention it14:54
ravagerrr, do you need the sql server and its data?14:54
rrrravage, no. I would just uninstall if I cannot fix.14:54
transhumanistnot sure what you mean an overlayfs? can you clarify?14:54
ioriarrr, using zfs or lxc ?14:55
ioriait's a bug14:55
darshanHello, I'm connecting from my mobile app14:55
ioriarrr,  ls -l /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*14:56
lotuspsychjewelcome darshan14:56
darshanI'm webchat4714:56
transhumanistalkisg: I rsynced it to an img file and chroot in the image file , shouldnt affect the original deboostrap14:56
darshanI was asking about removing all Nvidia drivers and reinstalling them14:57
ravagerrr, you could try to locate the postrm script for the package that fails in var/lib/dpkg/info/14:57
ravageput "exit 0" in there as the first command14:57
rrrravage, I'll check that.. There are two log files ib_logfile0 and ib_logfile1 http://nn2.us/pastebin/a72w14:58
darshanI can't boot into gui, I'm able to enter terminal using ctrl+alt+f314:58
ioriarrr,  truncate -s 128M /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*14:58
ravagerrr, if you dont care about the data i would not mess around with the actual data files14:58
ravagejust get rid of the server :)14:59
lotuspsychjedarshan: sudo lshw -C video, to see wich driver your card picked up or not14:59
ravageyou can cleanup /var/lib/mysql manually afterwards14:59
rrrI can't seem to uninstall it.14:59
ioriarrr, did you run the cmd ?15:00
darshanlotuspsychje: checking15:01
rrrthat did work15:01
rrroops, the exit 0 in the postrm file technique worked.15:01
rrrioria the truncate -s 128M command didn't15:01
ravagesee if "apt autoremove" wants to clean anything up15:02
alkisgtranshumanist: rsync can fail in many ways if the proper parameters aren't used. I'd suggest to use tar or mksquashfs to transfer the image15:02
ravagethen you can delete the /var/lib/mysql directory if you dont need the data15:02
transhumanistso rsync will affect the orginal deboostrap?15:03
darshanlotuspsychje:  I see two display, nvidia and intel both are unclaimed15:03
transhumanistah yes I see, your right ! thanks15:03
ravagerrr, if you want to use mysql again maybe use mariadb next time15:03
rrrok, I chose to use mongodb for my url shortener15:03
alkisgtranshumanist: also when rsyncing, you shouldn't include the special directories like /dev if they're mounted15:03
lotuspsychjedarshan: unclaimed means the driver didnt load properly, so try switching to whatever you tryed last15:03
transhumanistrsync -raHAXS  buster-uml/ root_fs/   << this is what I was using15:04
darshanlotuspsychje: I need to install nvidia drivers that I removed previously15:04
alkisgtranshumanist: and was buster-uml running (with /run mounted) etc when you used that command, or was it offline?15:05
rrrravage, ioria: thank you, for your assistance today.15:05
darshanUbuntu-driver install is using cached drivers, how to clear them and download fresh?15:05
transhumanisthmm, it SHOULD be offline, looking at my script unless there is a lock by the original deboostrap command15:06
ravagerrr, no problem :)15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1969247 in zfs-linux (Ubuntu Jammy) "fallocate with FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE produces zero-size files on zfs in Jammy" [Undecided, Fix Committed]15:06
darshanravage: hey, you had sent an command to install nvidia drivers, could you please send that again?15:06
lotuspsychjedarshan: could you share your dmesg in a paste please so the volunters can see whats going on, not loading your graphics drivers?15:07
darshanI can't copy from CLI15:07
darshanMouse is not working15:07
darshanHow can I share?15:08
arraybolt3[m]darshan: A picture of the pastebin URL is enough, or you can type it if you prefer.15:08
arraybolt3[m]darshan: You can make a paste by doing "dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999"15:08
darshanarraybolt3[m]: thanks doing it now15:09
darshanI don't know what is happening15:11
arraybolt3[m]The nVidia driver doesn't appear to be loading.15:12
darshanYeah there's no driver, I've removed them all15:12
arraybolt3[m]I don't see any nVidia errors, either.15:12
darshanNow I'm not able to install driver15:13
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Can you do "ls /var/cache/apt/archives | nc termbin.com 9999" and give us the URL to that? Note that this will probably tell us a lot about the software you previously installed, so don't run that command if you aren't comfortable with that.15:14
ravagedarshan, "lspci|grep VGA|grep NVIDIA|nc termbin.com 9999"15:14
arraybolt3[m]darshan: This will tell us if the nVidia drivers are cached in apt or not (I suspect they are).15:14
lotuspsychjeyeah its weird dmesg doesnt show any nvidia info at all15:14
darshanYes yes they are cached arraybolt3[m]15:14
transhumanistthanks guys trying some different options as recommended....15:14
arraybolt3[m]OK. Let me see if I can find a cache clear command.15:15
transhumanistbbl after a reboot since my sys and proc are borked now15:15
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Try "apt-get clean".15:16
arraybolt3[m]That will clear your cache.15:16
darshanOkay done15:16
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Great, you should be able to install your nVidia drivers now. "apt install nvidia-driver-470" is what I would try first.15:17
gpkumarI currently have a laptop which only has intel hd620 graphics, god knows how many issues I will face when I update my hardware and buy nvidia cards15:18
arraybolt3[m]gpkumar: What's odd is, for me, I installed an nVidia card in my system, installed the drivers, and everything just worked and so far has stayed that way. My desktop is chugging along with nVidia right now.15:19
darshanarraybolt3[m]: it's downloading driver15:19
arraybolt3[m]So I dunno why nVidia can be SO FINICKY for some systems. Apparently the HP Z220 SFF Workstation is happy with Linux and nVidia. 🤷15:20
gpkumararraybolt3[m]: that's nice, hope the driver won't get too picky, since some cards driver source is public15:21
darshanEverything was working properly till I tried to install driver for my webcam manually and everything started falling apart after that.. 😅15:21
arraybolt3[m]gpkumar: Yeah, saw that with the 3000 series cards. I, however, upgraded my system to a 1050 Ti. (It was the best it would take, and hey, it was cheap. Had to literally use wirecutters on my system to get it to fit, but it worked. 👌15:22
lotuspsychjedarshan: you also might wanna check if you have bios updates for your machine15:22
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Hold off on BIOS updates until you do research.15:23
darshanlotuspsychje: I'll check by booting windows later. I don't know how to update ghkse things on Ubuntu15:23
arraybolt3[m]lotuspsychje: Someone messed up their system the other day with a BIOS update - their system had a CPU that worked with the older BIOS, but not with the newer one. So the BIOS upgrade really threw a wrench in the works, and I dunno if they ever got it fixed.15:23
darshanYeah if everything is working fine then I don't touch it15:24
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: this was not the same user here i assume?15:24
arraybolt3[m]lotuspsychje: True. But the fact that a BIOS vender could do something that potentially damaging makes me think that one should always research a BIOS update carefully before just applying it, to avoid something haywire like that happening.15:25
darshanarraybolt3[m]: I think it got installed15:26
darshanIt completed and no errors15:26
lotuspsychjearraybolt3[m]: thats a bit of weird thinking, but lets save that for another channel to discuss15:26
darshanShould I restart now?15:26
arraybolt3[m]darshan: I think so.15:26
darshanreboot is the command right?15:27
darshanFrom terminal15:27
outoftimewebchat47: are you ok now?15:27
darshanI'm webchat4715:27
darshanI logged in from my mobile15:27
darshanoutoftime: fixing nvidia15:28
darshanHi, driver seems to be installed15:31
darshanBut I still don't have GUI15:32
darshanWhat could be the issue?15:32
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Try running "sudo systemctl restart sddm".15:32
geniiI think you might want sddm.service there15:33
darshangenii: not found15:33
gpkumarare you using ubuntu?15:33
gpkumarsudo systemctl restart gdm.service15:33
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darshan  gpkumar it is trying to start, I got nvidia prompt15:35
oerhekskernel update 5.15.0-3915:35
darshangpkumar: it's back to same terminal, it didn't restart15:36
arraybolt3[m]gpkumar: Oh my gosh, you're right. I'm used to Kubuntu and Ubuntu Studio, where we use sddm... 🤦‍♂️15:37
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Any error messages on the screen? Also, can you check /var/log/syslog for anything suspicious?15:37
darshanNothing on screen.. checking sys log15:38
darshanIt is printing from get very beginning, how do I just check last few log15:39
arraybolt3[m]darshan: try "tail /var/log/syslog"15:39
ioriadarshan, check if you have a previous  xorg.conf   : most probably in /usr/share/X11/  ; you can use this cdm : sudo updatedb && locate  xorg.conf15:42
darshanhttps://termbin.com/9r83g syslog tail 10015:43
geniidarshan: If you want to see the last specific number of lines, add the -n option to tail, like tail -n25 /var/log/whateverfile ..to see the last 25 lines15:43
darshanYeah did15:43
darshanI've sent the output15:44
mirotalk_test msg15:44
ioriadarshan, modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia': No such device15:44
oerheksThe NVIDIA GeForce 610M GPU installed in this system is supported through the NVIDIA 390.xx Legacy drivers.15:45
oerheksThe 470.129.06 NVIDIA driver will ignore...15:45
darshanYeah, it's an old laptop15:45
gpkumar__The 470.129.06 NVIDIA driver will ignore Continuing probe... No NVIDIA GPU found.15:45
oerheks340 or 390..15:46
=== gpkumar__ is now known as gpkumar
ioriadarshan, what nvidia driver have you installed ?15:46
darshan470 latest15:46
gpkumarubuntu doesn't even boot darshan?15:46
oerheksNow you have your fix15:46
ioriadarshan, ubuntu-drivers list | nc termbin.com 999915:46
darshangpkumar: nope, I can only access terminal with ctrl+alt+F315:47
oerheksi wondered, why your system took the 340 driver, now we know why.15:47
ravagewe tried to get that information 2 hours ago oerheks but i gave up after asking 3 times :)15:47
oerheksravage, i know..15:48
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arraybolt3[m]Appears that I was wrong about the 470 driver then. Sigh. I didn't know that it was something that could be googled for. I guess purge the 470 driver, autoremove, then install the right ones.15:48
ioriadarshan, if you run the cmd i sent you we'll know something more15:48
oerhekssudo ubuntu driver install 39015:48
darshanioria: it gives output as15:50
ioriaok, 340 has a bug and might be better not install it15:50
enigma9o7[m]nvidia-340 doesnt work with recent kernel without patch15:50
ioriathe second is wifi, we don't care15:50
darshanWifi is working15:50
darshanIt's connected in background15:51
ioria!info nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 focal15:51
ubottuPackage nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 does not exist in focal15:51
stealthreconDoes anyone know if there is a problem with installing and using network-manager on 22.04? I am not finding any information about it online.15:51
ioriadarshan, can you please run   apt-cache policy nvidia-graphics-drivers-34015:51
enigma9o7[m]You must use https://launchpad.net/~kelebek333/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia-legacy if you want to use nvidia-340 on 22.0415:52
enigma9o7[m]or on 20.04 with hwe kernel15:52
oerheksstealthrecon, installing network-manager? it is part of your desktop already?15:52
ioriadarshan, but first we need to purge the old ones again15:53
oerheksioria, he can use the 390, see the error log15:53
ioriaoerheks, 390 ?15:53
darshanI'll try 39015:53
darshanCan anyone send command for that?15:53
darshanis it nvidia-390 ?15:53
ioriadarshan, why 390 ?15:53
oerheksThe NVIDIA GeForce 610M GPU installed in this system is supported through the NVIDIA 390.xx Legacy drivers. The 470.129.06 NVIDIA driver will ignore...15:54
darshanSo that's the last supported version15:54
darshanI guess15:54
ioriaok, we can try :   darshan  : dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999915:55
stealthreconoerheks, This is on server.  Netplan works fine, but network-manager does not seem to install right.15:55
darshanhttps://termbin.com/0my3 ioria15:56
oerheksuse netplan, or remove it and install network-manager15:56
ioriadarshan, sudo apt purge nvidia-driver-47015:56
darshanDoing now15:57
darshanShould I run autoremove after that?15:58
ioriadarshan, sudo apt autopurge15:58
stealthreconoerheks. I can definitely try that. In previous versions of Ubuntu I have always installed network-manager side by side and migrated over from netplan. In the yaml file you just change the renderer to NetworkManager. network-manager does not appear to install the service in 22.04.16:01
darshanioria: it's done16:01
ioriadarshan  : dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999916:02
darshanIt's empty16:02
ioriadarshan, sudo updatedb && locate  xorg.conf | nc termbin.com 999916:03
darshanUpdatedb not found16:04
ioriadarshan, ls  /usr/share/X11/  | nc termbin.com 999916:05
ioriadarshan, try a reboot16:06
jhutchinsWhat's the command to update to 22.04 now and not waitn for .1?16:08
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | jhutchins16:08
ubottujhutchins: Regular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:08
darshanioria: restart done16:11
darshanI'm back to same terminal16:11
ioriadarshan, you mean you don't get the login screen ?16:11
darshanNo GUI16:12
darshanIt was showing _16:12
darshanI had to enter tty316:12
ioriadarshan, lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999916:12
darshanioria: https://termbin.com/srp016:14
ioriadarshan, you have nouveau blacklisted somewhere16:14
darshanI don't know16:14
ioriadarshan,  sudo find / -name xorg.conf* | nc termbin.com 999916:16
jchittumdo-release-upgrade -d won't work moving from 18.04 to 22.04 right now. 1. by default, you'll get a prompt saying LTS only. you'll need to update /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades. 2: if you set it to "normal" isntead of "lts" you get "Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release"16:16
jchittumto move from 18.04 to 22.04 you must move stepwise16:16
oerheksjchittum, it works for 20.04 lts16:17
jchittumyes, because that's stepwise LTS -> LTS16:17
oerhekshe did not mention 18.0416:17
darshanioria: there is a power cut right now, I think it'll be back in 5 mins.. my external monitor turned off and laptop monitor is not detected16:17
jchittumI'm just filling in the statement for 18.04 for anyone following along16:17
jchittumand the limitations16:17
darshanI'll send it's output soon16:18
ioriadarshan,  ok, but i might be gone sy; btw, look at /etc/modprobe.d16:18
darshanWhat should I check in that?16:18
ioriadarshan,  a nouveau blacklisting file16:19
darshanI remember running sudo depmod -a command today, did that cause any issue?16:19
ioriaprobably not16:20
darshanHow to I resolve that if nouveau is blacklisted?16:21
jhutchinsdarshan: Remove the blacklist entry.16:23
Bugiesthe module is already in use  Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau !16:24
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ioriaBugies, look better16:30
ioriaBugies, you need to check the 'Kernel driver in use'  line16:30
ioriadarshan,  still waiting for this : sudo find / -name xorg.conf* | nc termbin.com 999916:32
darshanIt's taking time to run16:33
darshanI get this message after running16:35
darshanfind: 'run/user/1000/gvfs' : Permission denied16:35
darshanbut it still running I guess16:35
ioriadarshan,  that's not normal16:35
darshanI can break it with ctrl + C16:36
ioriadarshan,  you should have at leat one entry  as /usr/share/doc/xserver-xorg-video-intel/xorg.conf16:36
darshanI'll try to check that folder wait16:37
ioriawhy don't you install mlocate ?16:37
darshansudo apt install mlocate?16:38
enigma9o7[m]can you suggest some possible reasons?16:38
ioriadarshan,  after installing, run    sudo updatedb16:39
darshanCan I override nvidia and make it only use iGPU ?16:39
darshanIntel HD Graphics 300016:40
darshanInitializing mlocate database is taking time16:40
jhutchinsdarshan: Right.  It's actually doing something, scanning the locations of the files it's indexing.16:41
libraleonhi, this is the output of dh -h on my vps: https://pastebin.com/pyZSyTRe -- why is /dev/sdb1 mentioned twice and since the second line has only 1% used, does it mean I still have 30 gb free disk space?16:41
darshanjhutchins: okay16:42
ioriadarshan,  do you have this file ? : /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf16:44
ravagelibraleon: that should not be possible and will lead to serious filesystem problems. did you mount /mnt manually? are you in some rescue environment or chroot?16:45
darshanioria: I checked that folder it is not there16:45
ioriadarshan,  do you have this file ? : /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf16:46
libraleonravage: no I didnt mount it manually, and I'm on regular ssh but some scripts run on the server stopped working because of no more disk space16:46
jhutchinsHaving a 100% full root filesystem is likely to cause lots of unanticipated problems.16:46
darshanmlocate looks stuck at 60%, should I break it ?16:47
oerhekslibraleon, contact your vps vendor?16:47
jhutchinsdarshan: Just leave it, do something else while it works.16:47
ioriadarshan,  nope, but that means that you have removed xserver-xorg-video-intel16:47
jhutchinsdarshan: Do you see disk activity?16:47
oerheksthey will say; buy more !16:47
darshanit got completed16:47
ravagelibraleon: reboot that server and make sure your rootfs only gets mounted one time16:47
ioriadarshan,  locate xorg.conf | nc termbin.com 999916:48
darshanioria: https://termbin.com/cqqk16:49
ioriadarshan,  sudo mv  /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-nvidia.conf   /home/$USER16:50
ioriadarshan,  sudo mv  /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/11-nvidia-offload.conf   /home/$USER16:51
libraleonravage: hm I'm unable to delete some files because of "sudo: unable to resolve host mima14: Temporary failure in name resolution16:52
ioriadarshan,  ls   /lib/modprobe.d  /etc/modprobe.d/ | nc termbin.com 999916:52
libraleonravage: I'm just really terrified of losing data if I reboot :D16:53
ravagelibraleon, whatever scripts you executed really messed up your system. if your provider offers a backup then create one before you continue to do anything16:53
libraleonravage: hmmm there shouldnt be running anything that messed up the system, just a script was saving data into mysql database and it stopped working because of no more disk space16:55
ioriadarshan,  sudo mv  /lib/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf   /home/$USER16:55
ravagelibraleon, your root filesystem is somehow mounted twice. as i said that will or has cause a lot of problems. so you have to resolve that first. make sure you have a backup/snapshot og the current state of your VPN. check /etc/fstab if it only lists your root partition once. then reboot16:57
ioriadarshan,  sudo mv  /lib/modprobe.d/nvidia-kms.conf   /home/$USER16:57
ravagelibraleon, normal reboot may fail. so you will have to do a hard reset probably16:58
ioriadarshan,  grep blacklist /etc/modprobe.d/* | grep nouveau16:58
libraleonravage: this is /etc/fstab: https://pastebin.com/XQLgi2HZ - is it ok? it's just the default one16:58
ravagelibraleon, comment the line with /mnt16:59
darshanioria: no output16:59
ravagelibraleon, that looks weird. but i have no idea how azure works really.16:59
ioriadarshan,  ok; sudo update-initramfs -u -k all16:59
darshanioria: done17:02
ioriadarshan,  dpkg -l | grep nouveau | nc termbin.com 999917:02
KBarfyi, dpkg -l accepts globbing patterns, so no need for extra pipes17:03
ioriadarshan,  what's this libdrm-nouveau2:i386  ?17:04
darshanI don't know17:04
KBarcould be one of steam's 32-bit libraries17:05
ioriadarshan,  do you have steam installed ?17:05
darshanI have i3 2nd gen processor17:05
ioriasteam is a software17:05
darshanNot installed17:05
oerheksbut this should be a fresh install, no?17:06
ioriaok... it's installed by nvidia17:06
ioriadarshan,  purge it : sudo apt purge libdrm-nouveau2:i38617:06
kveremitzis anyone available to help me sort out packaging this package for debian/ubuntu - https://github.com/graysky2/anything-sync-daemon? granted I can build it from source, but I'd like to figure out how to build debs, and possibly set up a build system for it17:06
ioriadarshan,  don't remove the amd64; just the i38617:07
KBarkveremitz join MOTY17:07
darshanI'm just executing your command same17:07
kveremitzKBar: where?! :D17:07
enigma9o7[m]kveremitz: there is #packaging on oftc17:08
KBarkveremitz: start off from here: https://packaging.ubuntu.com/17:08
kveremitzaha thanks!17:08
KBarread debian policy and debmake-doc17:08
KBarjoin #ubuntu-motu17:08
darshanioria: done17:08
ioriadarshan,  cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 999917:08
ioriadarshan,  sudo apt update17:09
KBarkveremitz: some relevant parts: https://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html & https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages17:10
kveremitzKBar: reading now .. :D17:10
ioriadarshan,  see if you have some updates pending17:10
libraleonravage: seesm to be working normally after reboot, this is df -h now after I uncommented the line you told me https://pastebin.com/bSv4Yqn917:12
KBarkveremitz: good! gonna be a long read :)17:12
KBarbest of luck17:12
darshanioria: yeah few updates are available17:12
ioriadarshan,  sudo apt full-upgrade17:13
kveremitzKBar: I'll just refill my coffee .. ;)17:13
ravagelibraleon: yep looks ok17:13
libraleonravage: what I found very interesting/weird now and I didnt notice before, there's a folder17:13
libraleonyes this is the whole path, really17:14
arraybolt3[m]libraleon: That's a symlink loop.17:14
libraleonarraybolt3[m]: what does it mean?17:14
arraybolt3[m]libraleon: /bin/X11 is a symlink to /bin, which contains a symlink called X11, which links to /bin... you see where I'm going with this. Thus the /bin/X11......... thing.17:14
libraleonarraybolt3[m]: but why so many?17:15
oerheksa symlink to itself17:15
arraybolt3[m]libraleon: It means that some piece of software probably expects there to be a folder called /bin/X11, but whatever used to be in /bin/X11 is now in /bin, so the /bin/X11 symlink leads to /bin for compatibility reasons. That's what I would guess.17:15
arraybolt3[m]The reason there's so many is because it's a recursive loop. It's like this:17:15
arraybolt3[m] /bin contains a symlink called X11.17:15
arraybolt3[m] /bin/X11 points to /bin.17:16
arraybolt3[m] So when you go to /bin/X11, you enter /bin/X11, but you're still looking at the contents of /bin.17:16
arraybolt3[m]And since /bin contains a symlink called /bin/X11, therefore /bin/X11 also contains a symlink to /bin/X11.17:16
KBarisnt there a limit to symlink recursion at the kernel?17:16
libraleonarraybolt3[m]: so this is basically harmless? :)17:16
arraybolt3[m]And traveling that symlink takes you to /bin/X11/X11, which points to /bin, which contains a symlink called X11...17:17
oerheksKBar, i think 40 ?17:17
arraybolt3[m]libraleon: Yes, harmless.17:17
KBaroerheks: yeah either 40 or 5017:17
libraleonarraybolt3[m]: ok tnx :) now I just need to find out how to mount a new disk on my vps :D17:18
darshanioria: its updating still, PostgreSQL and edge downloads are very slow17:18
gpkumarwhy edge? any good feature over chrome or brave?17:29
ioriaedge on linux is the new toy17:29
darshangpkumar: I had to install it for VSCode, It allowed broswer previews for only edge17:30
darshanioria: Updates got installed17:30
ioriadarshan, echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE17:30
gpkumar🤔okay, I don't use vscode17:31
darshanioria: tty17:31
ioriaoh, sorry17:31
ioriadarshan, reboot please17:31
libraleonhi, just one more question: I think I have successfully mounted a new 128gb disk into /newdisk .. but let's say I neeed data for mysql database which is I believe stored in /var/lib/mysql ..17:32
libraleonLabMonkey: so if my /dev/sda is full, how can I use free disk place at /dev/sdc ?17:33
arraybolt3[m]libraleon: You can bind-mount in a folder from /newdisk. That would be an easy way.17:34
TreskjegI have an HP Envy Pro 6452 connected to my Ubuntu desktop via USB (network printing in this printer is a bugger). It seems to be working well now through USB, except for one issue: when I print 1 job, the printer won't finish the last cm of the print job until I queue up another print job. Also, it won't print the second print job at all. So: in order to print anything, I have to queue up two print jobs, the first gets printed,17:34
Treskjegthe second spits out the first. What gives?17:34
arraybolt3[m]libraleon: You might also be able to use an overlayfs or something similar. Or if you wanted to get really complicated, you could try your hand with LVM, but that could be really tricky and might not even be an option in your situation.17:35
libraleonarraybolt3[m]: so can I use something like mount --bind /newdisk / ?17:35
darshanioria: I still didn't get the login screen.. but now both of my monitors are working17:36
arraybolt3[m]mount --bind /newdisk/sparespace /var/lib/mysql/putmyspacehere17:36
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darshanBoth are showing same screen17:36
arraybolt3[m]Anything saved in /var/lib/mysql/putmyspacehere will then be saved onto /newdisk/sparespace. It's sorta like a symbolic link.17:36
ioriadarshan, sudo systemctl restart gdm17:37
libraleonarraybolt3[m]: well but would that mean I need to do this for every folder I need free disk space for? what if /home/user needs free space and /home/user2 too etc?17:38
darshanioria: it didn't work, it's back to tty17:39
arraybolt3[m]Then you'd need to bind-mount in more folders wherever you needed them.17:39
bombhi, anyone using Ubuntu Linux in this channel?17:39
libraleonarraybolt3[m]: but I mean what if I do it for / ? wouldn't cover everything?17:40
ioriadarshan, apt -s autopurge | nc termbin.com 999917:40
arraybolt3[m]bomb: Lots of us, it's the official Ubuntu support channel.17:40
bombarraybolt3[m] nice! can you pastebin your >>   ulimit -l   << output. I really need it?17:40
arraybolt3[m]One moment...17:40
arraybolt3[m]bomb: I'm getting "unlimited" on my Ubuntu Studio box.17:41
=== Forza_ is now known as Forza
oerheksbomb,  mint is not ubuntu, they have their own channel?17:41
arraybolt3[m]libraleon: I think it would cover everything, if it worked at all. A bind mount beams one folder to another.17:42
ioriadarshan, sudo apt  autopurge17:42
oerheksyou might get weird answers that does not fit your install17:42
bombarraybolt3[m] thank you! I've installed a program (Harrison Mixbus) that modified ulimit values, I suspect they might be the reason of constant freezes on my old computer17:42
bombit's a Kubuntu 22.04 with latest updates17:43
arraybolt3[m]bomb: Yeah, sure. oerheks advice is good if you're not using an official Ubuntu flavour, but FWIW, my Chrome OS Linux development environment also gives me "unlimited" in responce to "ulimit -l".17:43
howudodatdns question.  my laptop gets dns from my firewall which runs unbound.  unbound is configed for peter.home to resolve all my internal addresses and forward the rest to  So far so good.  I have one company that I connect to using pulse secure on my laptop.  they overwrite my resolv.conf (icky) but I can block that. However I'd like to set up DNS on my laptop (or my dns server / firewall) that forwards company.com to their17:44
howudodatDNS servers.  Not quite sure how17:44
howudodatI tried a forward zone in unbound, but that wont work since the firewall doesn't have the tunnel, only my laptop17:45
darshanioria: I got an error17:45
darshanrmdir: failed to remove '/lib/modules/5.13.0-44-generic' : Directory not empty17:45
bombarraybolt3[m] I see. gotta look elsewhere, then17:45
ioriadarshan, it's ok; reboot again (sorry)17:45
arraybolt3[m]bomb: I have Kubuntu, too, I can look for it.17:45
transhumanistCan anyone look this lsof error after building deboostrap directly to img file and subsequently mounting it : https://bpa.st/JPTA  NOTE: most of the script is not executed at this stage I early exited the script right after building the deboostrap17:46
bombarraybolt3[m] oh I'd appreciate it! ulimit -a17:46
bombarraybolt3[m] because I think Ubuntu Studio might have the same modifications that Mixbus/Ardour suggests17:46
arraybolt3[m]bomb: OK. It'll take a bit for me to get it since I'm going to install Kubuntu afresh into a VM, but it shouldn't take too long.17:47
transhumanistcrap I have to go , I will come back and repost later, sorry...17:47
bombarraybolt3[m] oh, a live CD would do?17:47
bombarraybolt3[m] I think I can boot into a live CD as well. please don't spend your time for me :)17:48
arraybolt3[m]bomb: It's not a hassle. I do so many installs, this is quick and easy. I've even got a tool to make it fast, and it's not a live CD, it's a full install.17:49
arraybolt3[m]So it's more likely to be correct.17:49
bombarraybolt3[m] thank you, then. I appreciate it :)17:49
darshanioria: I got Ubuntu loading screen graphics and it ended to launch login screen but failed I think and now it's back to tty screen17:50
darshanany issue with ubuntu-desktop?17:51
KBarbomb: darshan sounds like a pam issue17:52
ioriadarshan, i' am running out of ideas : lspci -nnk | nc termbin.com 999917:52
KBardarshan: check journalctl17:52
KBarit usually spits out17:52
KBareverything wrong at gui initiation phase17:52
ioriadarshan, good Kernel driver in use: nouveau17:54
ioriadarshan, we're  almost there17:55
darshanHow to start desktop ui?17:55
ioriadarshan, both nouveau and i915 are loaded now17:55
ioriadarshan, you know : sudo systemctl restart gdm17:55
darshanIt runs and ends up in the same screen with blinking _. Then I have to enter tty17:56
arraybolt3[m]darshan: journalctl | nc termbin.com 999917:56
KBardarshan: dont do that17:57
KBarit will give you logs from january or worse17:57
ioriadarshan, journalctl -b 017:57
darshanYeah it's quite large17:58
arraybolt3[m]KBar, Sorry, didn't know that, I did "jounalctl | cat" to see how long it was and it seemed reasonable on my system... 😬17:58
ioriause  it with -b 017:58
KBardarshan: journalctl -b --no-pager17:59
KBarit will open in less by default17:59
KBarjust pipe that --no-pager output to termbin17:59
arraybolt3[m]bomb: ulimit -l from Kubuntu 22.04 is 502492.18:00
bombarraybolt3[m] ah, interesting. how about ulimit -a18:00
ioriadarshan, after that, paste this :   apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 999918:00
arraybolt3[m]bomb: Pastebinning...18:01
arraybolt3[m]bomb: https://termbin.com/yu8r18:01
ioriaUnable to run X server  is not a good sign18:02
bombarraybolt3[m] thank you very much! looks like my "max locked memory" is set to unlimited, and "real-time priority" is 9518:03
KBardarshan: it errored out on loading libglx.so18:03
darshanKBar: it's related to nvidia I guess18:04
bombarraybolt3[m] and... they're set by audio.conf found in /etc/security/limits.d/18:04
ioriadarshan, you have purged nvidia, right ?18:05
KBardarshan: i wasnt here from the start, but have you tried with ubuntu-drivers18:05
mpe1hi quick help please: is there a way with gimp to select a portion of an image say in the middle (selecting it entirely horizontally, but not vertically) and trimming it so that the part above the selection and the part below the selection get stitched together and the image automatically resized (with reduced height)18:05
KBaror whatever the command was18:05
darshanioria: yes18:05
KBarto install optimal drivers for you card18:05
arraybolt3[m]bomb: I don't have anything in my VMs /etc/security/limits.d.18:05
ioriadarshan,  apt list --installed | grep ',local\]$' | nc termbin.com 999918:05
KBarmpe1:  #gimp might help you. sorry, this is Ubuntu-specific support channel18:06
ioriaKBar, ubuntu-drivers suggest -340, but there a severe bug about it18:06
KBarioria: ah, i see. well. nvidia socks as per usual then18:06
bombarraybolt3[m] me neither, not anymore! thank you, again; you saved me a lot of trouble :)18:07
darshanioria: https://termbin.com/3s0g18:07
ioriadarshan,  moved by desperation, you can install 340 from the legacy ppa , but i'd rathen find the cause18:07
lotuspsychjemaybe he can try lubuntu 20.0418:08
darshanCan I install any other desktop environments?18:08
darshanI mean to test18:08
lotuspsychjesure, but purging might get you in more trouble18:09
ioriadarshan,  your system crashes  at the login screen or when you try to log in  ?18:09
darshanGnome environment is not launching18:09
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Almost all of them will use the X server, which is the part that's going wonky.18:09
mpe1KBar: i'm using ubuntu18:09
MMZF_Hello there18:09
KBarmpe1: well yes, but GIMP is not part of the Ubuntu repositories. It's an Open Source world and software comes from various sources.18:09
KBarI mean its not one of Canonical's projects.18:10
darshanioria: there is no login screen, all I get is a Loading screen with Ubuntu logo at the bottom and then it goes to blinking _ instead of login18:10
KBardarshan: there is a login screen. gdm starts successfully18:10
KBarthe module just fails and it kicks you out18:10
darshanOhh but it's not visible18:11
KBarit even opens FDs for your video driver successfully18:11
Bugiesdarshan, do you have installed xserver-xorg-video-nouveau ?18:11
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.18:11
darshanBugies: how do I check?18:12
KBardarshan: `dpkg -l PKG_NAME`18:12
darshanOhh should I try recovery mode then?18:12
KBaror `dpkg -s` (too verbose)18:12
MMZF_I am using u ubuntu 22.xx on desktop I installed mate desktop environment then removed it with apt remove —autoremove ubuntu-mate-desktop after reboot i was shown terminal no de was loaded, I installed cinnamon from tasksel and reboot now the system is not starting stuck at could not boot due to start job running for hold18:12
ioriadarshan,  oerheks has a good idea, use nomodeset18:12
MMZF_I am on hp probook 6570b uefi and esc key for recovery does not work for me it gives my laptop bios menu18:13
darshanBugies: it is installed18:13
KBarMMZF_: well. this is why you don't mix DEs18:13
KBarMMZF_: once you install a desktop environment, there is no going back. Purging doesn't help.18:13
ioriadarshan,  you know how to use nomodeset ?18:14
MMZF_KBar ikr, my internet got disconnected somehow which made this issue much worse18:14
KBarMMZF_: back everything up and install afresh18:14
darshanioria:  no never tried it18:14
ioriadarshan, reboot in Recovery Mode and then choose 'resume'18:14
MMZF_KBar: other than that?18:15
darshanioria: recovery mode for same kernel version right?18:15
MMZF_Is there any fix to make it boot18:15
darshanThere are other operator as well18:15
KBarMMZF_: yes. Reinstall.18:15
KBarMMZF_: hold on a second.18:16
MMZF_Thats the issue i dont have usb now18:16
KBarMMZF_: here, don't take my word for it: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241567618:16
arraybolt3[m]MMZF_: What? All your USB ports don't work?18:16
ioriadarshan, yes18:17
KBararraybolt3[m]: they probably meants as in no physical USB drive/stick18:17
arraybolt3[m]MMZF_: Oh. What you can do it hit Esc to get into your UEFI boot menu, then select ubuntu, then immediately hit Esc again and see if that gets you into GRUB.18:18
arraybolt3[m]MMZF_: If that works, you can enter recovery mode, and potentially be able to copy your files to some other external device (maybe free up a USB drive while you're at it).18:18
darshanioria: looks like it crashed at that resume page18:19
arraybolt3[m]MMZF_: If you need to buy new USB drives, I had good success with TeamGroup 32GB C175 3.2 drives from Newegg.18:19
ioriadarshan, there's something really wrong there18:19
KBari think we should implement some type of a warning before a user tries to install new desktop environments18:19
darshanIt is now exiting from recovery mode screen18:20
ioriadarshan, when you can, login again in tty18:21
darshanI can login in tty18:21
ioriadarshan, sudo dkms status18:22
MMZF_arraybolt3[m]: ports do work but the usb i used is not with me anymore18:23
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darshanShould I install try sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390 ?18:24
darshanIt's available18:24
ioriadarshan, sudo dkms status18:24
transhumanistback again, Can anyone look this lsof error after building deboostrap directly to img file and subsequently mounting it : https://bpa.st/JPTA  NOTE: most of the script is not executed at this stage I early exited the script right after building the deboostrap18:24
ioriadarshan, if you got output,  sudo dkms status | nc termbin.com 999918:25
MMZF_arraybolt3[m]: the method you told did work to get in recovery mode lets see what i can do now18:26
iorianvidia still there18:28
darshanI tried installing Nvidia 390 then my both monitors showed up18:28
darshanI don't know that if it's completely installed or not18:29
ioriadarshan, you installed 390, before i asked you 'dkms status' ?18:30
darshanI'll remove and purge it in a minute18:31
darshanIf that's required18:31
ioriadarshan, ok; but the point was why your system dos not work with nouveau, but ok18:31
MMZF_arraybolt3[m]: changed to gdm and boot successful thanks18:31
arraybolt3[m]MMZF_: 🎉18:32
ioriadarshan, no need to purge; reboot and see if you can login18:32
darshanYeah trying18:32
darshanShould I install 340 as well?18:32
darshanioria: https://imgur.com/a/6EgC3ev I get this screen18:35
darshanAnd it won't go to login screen18:35
gpkumarpress any key, you will see some output18:36
ioriadarshan, press Esc18:36
darshanInstead stays on blinking _18:36
MMZF_darshan: oh tape on the camera 👍18:36
darshanioria: during that screen?18:36
darshanOkay I'll try18:36
iorianeither 390 is working, then18:37
oerheks390 was advised.. but his reinstall automatic gave 340..18:39
oerheksso, that ancient 610 needs 340?18:39
ioriai doubt it18:39
arraybolt3[m]Hey, is it possible we're missing some of the nvidia stuff? A command I found on AskUbuntu for purging nvidia was "sudo apt-get purge nvidia*". Maybe we're making a motly driver soup on accident?18:40
ioriaarraybolt3[m], we asked for dpkg -l | grep nvidia and it was empty, but his system was still having leftovers (even after autopurge)18:41
eax_@darsahn & @ioria: i may be jumping in late here, but what is the output of sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall | nc termbin 999918:43
ioriaeax_, 34018:43
ioriaeax_, i asked for ubuntu-drivers list   to be correct18:43
darshanioria: https://imgur.com/a/1Yq0Jl3 it stops at that line18:44
eax_@ioria: oh i c18:44
ioriadarshan, log in in tty18:44
darshanYeah logged in18:45
ioriadarshan, cat /etc/gdm/custom.conf | nc termbin.com 999918:45
darshanthere's no gdm18:46
darshangdm3 exist18:46
ioriadarshan, sorry: cat /etc/gdm3/custom.conf18:46
ioriadarshan, uncomment   #WaylandEnable=false18:49
darshanShould I try reboot?18:51
ioriadarshan, sudo systemctl restart gdm18:51
ioriathis is the journal log, if someone wants to jump in : https://termbin.com/71p918:52
darshanioria: didn't work, it goes back to blinking _ screen18:53
ioriadarshan, i really need to go, maybe someone else can help, or come back tomorrow18:53
arraybolt3[m]Oddly enough, gdm3 is trying to manually insert the nvidia driver, which is resulting in an error. I wonder...18:54
darshanIt's okay, thankyou very much ioria18:54
darshanarraybolt3[m]: is there any way to ignore nvidia and use intel graphics instead?18:55
arraybolt3[m]darshan: "echo /etc/modules | nc termbin.com 9999" not sure if we did this already but might be handy to see18:55
arraybolt3[m]darshan: If only I knew... on my system, having an nvidia card plugged in causes the Intel graphics to be entirely disabled, even on the BIOS boot screen.18:56
darshanarraybolt3[m]:  it gives same output /etc/modules18:57
ravagearraybolt3[m], you mean cat and not echo18:57
arraybolt3[m]ravage: Right, my bad. darshan "cat /etc/modules | nc termbin.com 9999"18:58
Bugiesdarshan, the nvidia driver won’t get called for a given GPU if the nouveau driver has already claimed it18:59
arraybolt3[m]Hey, your nVidia drivers aren't being loaded at boot, possibly. Can you try "sudo su -", then "echo nvidia >> /etc/modules"? Also we may need to blacklist nouveau.19:00
darshanAppend nvidia to modules?19:00
arraybolt3[m]To blacklist nouveau: https://askubuntu.com/questions/841876/how-to-disable-nouveau-kernel-driver19:00
ravageis nouveau loaded right now?19:00
darshanravage: don't know19:01
arraybolt3[m]darshan: That's what I'd try. And also do the nouveau blacklist to make sure that it doesn't get in the way.19:01
ravagelsmod|grep nouveau19:01
ravageok. and nvidia-390 is currently installed?19:03
ravageif yes:19:04
ravagesudo bash -c "echo blacklist nouveau > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf"19:04
ravagesudo bash -c "echo options nouveau modeset=0 >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nvidia-nouveau.conf"19:04
ravagesudo update-initramfs -u19:04
arraybolt3[m]darshan: Don't do my thing with appending nvidia to /etc/modules, my system with working nvidia doesn't have that.19:04
darshanarraybolt3[m]: okay I'm done for today..I'll check it  tomorrow.. it's almost 1 AM here and I haven't moved from my desk for almost 14 hours 😅  I'll get some sleep19:06
darshanAgain thanks you all for helping and answering my very basic questions19:06
oerheksYes, this was a long ubuntu support issue19:06
arraybolt3[m]darshan: OK. Sorry about this mess.19:06
arraybolt3[m]If nothing else, baackup and reinstall will almost certainly do the trick.19:07
darshanNo it's fine, tomorrow I'll try to take backup and think try reinstalling19:07
ravagetry 22.04 then19:07
darshanSure I'll give it a try.. I just need this laptop for 4 more weeks. My new laptop is still not built and might take 4 more weeks to deliver..19:09
eax_@darshan: you have no nvidia drivers (in this case an incorrect one) installed. I fyou go through your journal log output. It is telling you what the issue is. The nouvaeu drivers are taking over the actual NVDIA drivers19:10
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eax_@darshan: therefore, try disabling your noauvaeu drivers if you are confident that you have installed the actual NVDIA drivers: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-blacklist-nouveau-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu-20-04-focal-fossa-linux19:11
gpkumarwhy not try linux mint too, in the live session19:12
darshan eax_: If that doesn't work out then I'll be still able to login to tty right?19:12
darshangpkumar: yeah I'll try to make live usb tomorrow19:13
darshanCan we able to access current file system through live boot?19:13
darshanThen that will solve my problem.. I'll just live boot for next few days19:14
eax_@darshan: @ravage: it is. check his journal log (he pasted it earlier)19:15
eax_@darshan: you'll always have the tty.19:15
darshanI don't know why the opensource driver isn't working, it was set as default when I install Ubuntu on this machine19:16
eax_@darshan: i also suggest that you install your NVDIA drivers w/ `sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall`19:17
darshanIt will install nvidia 340 driver19:17
eax_@darshan: and your card is 390? correct19:17
darshanNo no, 😅 610M19:17
darshanIt's an old laptop19:18
eax_@darshan: have you enabled NVDIA's ppa. They'll have the binary for such an old card19:19
darshanEarlier there were multiple drivers installed on my machine19:19
darshanYeah I think I have enabled19:19
eax_@darshan: run this cmd `add-apt-repository --list` and ensure that it's actually in your sources dircectory19:22
eax_@darshan: if you  dont have that script. then just grep it. `grep ^ /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*`19:23
eax_i think the --list flag option got deprecated19:24
darshanIt's not there19:25
eax_@darshan: add it ( sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa) and suo apt update19:25
eax_@darshan: then install your actual drivers; blacklist nouveau and reboot19:27
darshanOkay I'll give it a try19:27
eax_gn folks. mov eax, 019:41
transhumanistI filed a bug report, thanks20:10
banshihello all. I've just installed ubuntu focal on my netbook. And I'm getting into GRUB 2.04 - Minimal BASH-like line editing is supported. If I do 'set root=(hd0,gpt2); set prefix=(hd0,gpt2)/boot/grub ; insmod normal; normal' then OS boots. But how do I automate it all? I've tried 'grub-install /dev/mmcblk0', 'grub-install /dev/mmcblk0p1', 'grub-install /dev/mmcblk0p2' with 'update-grub', but have no success20:51
EriC^^banshi: type 'sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999' paste link here20:58
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banshiEriC^^, https://termbin.com/vdtq21:06
EriC^^banshi: type "sudo ls -lR /boot/efi | nc termbin.com 9999"21:06
banshiEriC^^, ^21:10
EriC^^banshi: type 'sudo tail-v /boot/efi/efi/{ubuntu,lxle}/grub.cfg | nc termbin.com 9999'21:11
banshiEriC^^, https://termbin.com/i8qe21:23
EriC^^banshi: sudo blkid | nc termbin.com 999921:23
banshiEriC^^, ^21:25
EriC^^banshi: type "sudo sed -i 's@1a3ebd03-fce5-4d84-9600-b8fca31ba2e8@0427d6fa-13e2-4372-bba4-d8720b67d40d@' /boot/efi/efi/ubuntu/grub.cfg"21:27
banshithat should fix it?21:28
banshiI'll try right now21:28
banshiEriC^^, OMG! You are WIZARD! Thank you very much!21:32
EriC^^banshi: no problem21:32
oerheks!cookie | EriC^^21:32
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:32
ravagebut why would the installer choose the wrong uuid?21:34
ravageisnt that exactly what the unique ID was suppsed to fix?21:35
EriC^^it's a complicated bug i think, it's actually not supposed to use ubuntu/grub.cfg, in efibootmgr current boot was the lxle dir21:36
EriC^^i think ubuntu is defaulting in the .efi file itself to look for efi/ubuntu/ instead of using the dir of the .efi file21:37
EriC^^probably he installed ubuntu earlier, then lxle and the bug ensued21:38
EriC^^thus the different fs/uuid21:38
ravageok. that makes sense21:38
ravageshould not affect that many people then really21:38
ravagemaybe still worth a bug report?21:39
EriC^^it's uncommon, it first appeared maybe 2-3 years ago, i think ive only seen 3-4 people have it21:39
EriC^^yeah for sure21:39
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xrandrHello! I was wondering if it was possible to create an S3 filesystem on a linux server. I see tools to mount an amazon s3 bucket, but if i wanted to create buckets out of my hdd, is this possible?22:15
matsamanxrandr: isn't it a fairly well documented API/system?22:21
xrandrmatsaman: ravage's answer was what I needed. :)22:22
xrandrit helps with what I am looking to do. I am sure it is a fairly well documented system. Sometimes it is more efficient to just ask though :)22:22
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jhutchinsxrandr: Is there any indication that S3 is an open filesystem with a published spec?22:40
howudodatI am trying to get systemd to set certain parameters when my tun0 interface comes up.  so I created /etc/systemd/network/10-tun0.network and put in [match]tun0 with [network]DNS and Gateway parameters as a test, but they are not getting set23:14
Sbur3I need help with an id card problem.  In eid-voewer, the id card is read correctly and displayed. But on the government web site I use it on every year, it doesn't work.23:29
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: What web browser are you using? Also Ubuntu version would be helpful.23:29
Sbur3Ubuntu 22.04. Web browser Firefox ... recen t23:30
Sbur3To be exact, Ubuntu Studio 22.0423:31
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: Ah, 22.04. Then you might be running into Snap issues. Let me see if I can look up how to fix this.23:31
MMzFWhich ubuntu version would be great for Hp Probook 6570b with i7 3rd gen cpu and 4 gb ram?23:32
Sbur3But eid-viewer works23:32
Sbur3CSAM doesn't23:33
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: Right, but Firefox might not have permissions to access your ID card.23:33
matsamanMMzF: the latest one23:33
arraybolt3[m]MMzF: With 4 GB of RAM, you might get away with Kubuntu, but Lubuntu would be better.23:33
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: I think he means flavour.23:34
Sbur3I installed the add on with Firefox23:34
matsamanMMzF: if you mean flavor, it doesn't matter at all23:34
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: So, Snap packages are each put into their own little sandbox, and can only access hardware that Snap lets them access. So if Snap won't let Firefox read the ID card, no amount of Firefox extensions will fix that. But you may be able to change the Snap permissions, which is what I'm going to look up.23:35
Sbur3And I did sudo pcscd23:35
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: In my experience, Lubuntu worked quite well with 4 GB RAM, while Ubuntu (with the GNOME desktop) was too heavy.23:35
MMzF[ arraybolt3[m] ]: i'll try to get 8gb ram.23:35
matsamanarraybolt3[m]: graphics would matter more than ram23:35
MMzF[ matsaman ]: i want to use webgl on linux so i was trying to figure out what will give more performance23:36
matsamanGNOME is accelerated by default these days23:36
Sbur3MMzF: Do you have a virtual machine (virtualbox) to test it on?  Or via livecd?23:36
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: Heh, tell that to the multiple times I got thrashed to a total halt. :-(23:36
MMzFi've tested default ubuntu de, mate, cinnamon but see freezes and drop in performance23:36
MMzF[ Sbur3 ]: i'll go with live usb23:37
matsamanMMzF: if you want a more stable product, I would suggest Xfce23:37
Sbur3MMzF: for starters to see if it works23:37
MMzFbut i do have currently installed ubuntu 22.0423:37
matsamanMMzF: but I'd also suggest Debian over Ubuntu23:37
MMzF"(<<Sbur3>>) MMzF: for starters to see if it works"23:39
MMzFwhat do you mean?23:39
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: It does indeed appear that smart card usage in Snapped Firefox is difficult or impossible. I would recommend backing up your personal data (bookmarks, passwords, etc.) out of Firefox, downloading the Firefox tarball from Mozilla, then uninstalling Firefox snap and installing the tarball.23:40
matsamanyou should be able to install it from a deb, not a snap, without having to use some random upstream tarball23:40
matsamanif not, definitely find another distro23:40
matsamanand maybe do that anyway23:40
matsamansnaps, lawl23:40
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: You can install it from a PPA, but PPAs are not guaranteed to be maintained. The upstream Firefox tarball is, and it doesn't appear to act in a way that will totally mangle the package manager AFAIK.23:41
Sbur3arraybolt3[m]: I will try that.  I don't have anything impactful on Firefox, so it wouldn't be a problem23:41
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: I'll find the instructions for installation real quick.23:41
matsamananything that isn't installed by the package manager is going to mangle your system at some point23:41
matsamanarraybolt3[m]: isn't the PPA from the same upstream?23:42
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: People compile software all the time, that doesn't kill package managers. You just have to stay out of the deep system directories.23:42
Sbur3matsaman: How would installing something outside of snap screw something up?23:42
matsamanarraybolt3[m]: no, it kills your system23:42
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: I think so, but I'm not positive, and I think it's a testing PPA or something like that.23:42
matsamanSbur3: outside of the package manager I said23:42
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: It's complicated - it's not installing it outside of Snap, it's outside of Snap and apt.23:43
Sbur3matsaman: Ok.  I don't know the nuances of that distinction23:43
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arraybolt3[m]matsaman: I'm sorry, but I've copied scripts into /usr/local/bin and my system is working just fine.23:43
matsamanSbur3: snaps, as idiotic as they are, are at least still a package management system23:43
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: Maybe look at the Mozilla instructions before you declare it a system killer?23:43
matsamanSbur3: the normal Debian, and therefore Ubuntu, package management system is dpkg/apt/.deb files23:44
matsamanarraybolt3[m]: pass23:44
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: They're just untarring it into /opt, making a symlink to /usr/local/bin, and plopping a desktop file in. I don't see how that's going to ever throw a wrench in the works.23:44
arraybolt3[m]If they were putting stuff in /usr/bin, or in /lib, or something, then I'd be worried.23:45
matsaman" Install from your distribution package manager (Recommended)"23:45
* matsaman rolls eyes23:45
arraybolt3[m](And if there was a sudo make install involved, then I'd be really worried. But there's not.)23:45
matsamanwhy do people link to thinks they haven't read23:45
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: Yeah, that's Snap. And it's not working for Sbur3.23:45
matsamanarraybolt3[m]: it's actually dpkg more than snap, even for Ubuntu, even now23:46
matsamanthey have a whole other entry for snap23:46
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: I did read it. Recommended and working can be two very different things. Panasonic recommends Windows for their Toughbooks, does that mean we should keep away from Linux when handling Panasonic stuff?23:46
matsamanit is their 3rd recommendation23:46
matsamanyou did not read it, and still haven't23:46
matsamanand I'm done talking with you about it =P23:46
arraybolt3[m]matsaman: Yes, but Ubuntu made the Snap and the package manager method one and the same thing. You do know that Ubuntu 22.04 packages Firefox as a Snap, right?23:46
arraybolt3[m]Anyway, no need to prolong the argument. Sorry if I'm being annoying.23:47
Sbur3matsaman: arraybolt3[m] But I still need to install the add on after replacing the snap firefox by the other one?23:51
arraybolt3[m]Sbur3: I don't know for sure, but you should be able to determine by trial and error (if the smart card doesn't work without the extension, try it with the extension).23:52
Sbur3But the thing that bugged me is that eid-viewer worked but not in firefox23:53
matsamanshould be pretty straightforward to try it with a non-snap version of firefox, anyway23:53
Sbur3arraybolt3[m]: matsaman Hats off to you both for your help (and anyone else who I might not have seen).  It works. Thanks23:56
matsamanwell I don't know if I helped you at all, but well done23:57

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