[10:56] [telegram] Hello, where can I find which version of xscreenserver comes with the latest Lubuntu? [10:57] [telegram] context: [10:57] [telegram] https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/screen-saver-shows-my-desktop-before-login/3390/3 [11:13] "[telegram] Hello..." <- 5.45 in 22.04 and 6.02 in 22.10 [11:13] @Rodrigo, I'd use `rmadison xscreensaver` to view package versions for Ubuntu releases; but if using a browser or for pasting here I'd likely use https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xscreensaver&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all to view package versions for each release [11:14] your post on discourse is 5 releases ago (20.04, 20.10, 21.04, 21.10, 22.04 being latest) [11:16] yeah I've see the issue you describe before... but I can't recall why (there were a number of reasons if I remember correctly; for some it was graphics module (driver) being used; .. but issue was resolved (for the most part anyway) on later releases with later software.. [11:17] you may find just switching to the HWE kernel will also help (ie. using later kernel modules, aka. drivers) - but that's guess only ... I can't recall clearly as 20.04 was a lot of releases ago sorry [12:47] [telegram] cool, thanks a lot as always guys [14:38] ops! === kiwi is now known as Guest3714