[06:12] good morning desktoppers [06:12] Hi oSoMoN [06:15] hey duflu [07:12] good morning [07:39] salut didrocks [07:47] goood morning desktopers [07:56] salut seb128, ça va? [07:56] oSoMoN, lut, un peu fatigué mais sinon oui, et toi ? [07:58] pareil, les nuits sont un peu courtes, mais ça va plutôt bien [08:00] Morning didrocks and seb128 [08:01] salut oSoMoN, seb128, duflu [08:04] hey duflu, lut didrocks, how are you? [08:05] seb128, bit of a sinus headache but still productive. You? [08:06] seb128: ça chauffe, ça chauffe [08:15] duflu, a bit tired and having to deal with quarantine again is annoying :-( [08:17] :( [08:19] lissyx, hey, just as a fyi https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/pull/814 [08:19] Pull 814 in flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal "file-chooser: Use GVfs to map remote files locally" [Open] [08:38] seb128, what will it do, will it fix the issue? [08:38] that's what I would understand at least [08:41] lissyx, it would fix it by using the fuse mounts if those are available yes [08:41] so the /run/... path [08:41] I am not sure about the comment mentionning firefox is not doing the right thing [08:42] but this is something we can fix I guess [08:42] I guess I can try and apply it locally [08:53] yeah, unsure, sergio is still working on the patch so maybe he figure out a workaround [08:59] hm I'm adding the patch to ubuntu's source debian/patches/series [09:00] but I'm never sure how to verify it was properly applied during the build process [09:05] well ended up applying it manually [09:20] seb128, looks like it is working \o/ [09:59] lissyx, great! [09:59] lissyx, the build log should list the patches it applies at the start [10:00] well I saw nothing related [10:00] so maybe quilt is not used anymore on this package? [10:01] it should be, you can do a 'quilt applied' on a local build to check [12:01] good morning [13:23] jbicha, hey, how are you today? [13:37] good [13:55] hey === ginggs_ is now known as ginggs [16:13] just about to go live on twitch.tv/diddledanillew improving systemd on WSL2