
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie
rbasaku-d-a@ moderation please08:02
rbasak!no dmb-ping is rbasak, sil2100, teward, bdmurray, kanashiro, seb128, utkarsh2102: DMB ping08:33
seb128rbasak, yes?08:34
seb128ah, testing the updated list right?08:35
Unit193!no dmb-ping is <reply> bdmurray, kanashiro, rbasak, seb128, sil2100, teward, utkarsh2102: DMB ping08:35
ubottuI'll remember that, Unit19308:35
rbasakJust updating the list to add Utkarsh08:35
Unit193rbasak: Needs more sort.08:35
rbasakI didn't think the DMB members needed sorting?08:36
rbasakBut sure, thanks :)08:36
Unit193https://ubottu.com/ubottu.html#_editing_factoids in case you like the sed method, fwiw.08:36
rbasakI don't do it often enough.08:37
rbasakUnit193: is <reply> required here? Should I document that?08:37
rbasakI need to fix https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/KnowledgeBase#Checklist_after_a_DMB_election08:37
Unit193Depends on how you want it to respond, it was there before.  Try !+dmb-ping to see the literal factoid.08:45
rbasakOK, thanks08:47
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gargaHey!  I need to create a custom kernel based on focal hwe-5.13 adding one extra builtin item to support a new hardware and I'm failing to get it done.  IS there any documentation with needed steps to get it done?11:30
gargaI managed to create the new release and build it but I'm getting a "disagrees about version of symbol module_layout" error when I try to load modules.  I already updated debian.netgate-5.13/abi/amd64/generic file with new ABI information but error persists11:32
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jawn-smithpackaging question:19:18
jawn-smith        dh_auto_install19:18
jawn-smithdoes that have any effect? It seems to me like it wouldn't19:18
seb129jawn-smith, should no, maybe there was another line and someone deleting it and didn't notice they could remove the section?19:29
jawn-smithseb129: that was my thought as well. I looked into a previous release and found exactly that. I was just trying to make sure I understood correctly19:35
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=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie

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