
=== Kuraokami is now known as Guest5120
RhondaUnit193: What's the reason to dropping botti?  I found an open issue that it doesn't seem to build with autotools, and I guess that might be the reason you switched to meson, but … doesn't it build with meson neither? If so, why the switch?08:55
Unit193Rhonda: Yes it doesn't build with autotools now, and I don't remember if it does with meson but there was a possibility of removing it (Nei said something about it not really doing anything anymore, and not worth keeping around.)  Autotools also had a permissions error with rules-requires-root, I believe this is a regression, but with meson it all worked fine.  In a branch, autotools had been08:59
Unit193removed, since it's not properly maintained now anyway (it seems) I went ahead and moved to meson (which, of course you don't have to.)08:59
Unit193(In meson, /etc/irssi.conf isn't installed anymore, so I install it otherwise, though they say that's not needed.  I just preferred it. :3 )09:01
KBarHi. I don't know much about python but I decided to try to fix bug #1931350. After doing some research, I figured that the equality comparison is more correct to use with strings and replaced those complaining instances of 'is/is not' with !=/==. However, I'm a bit stuck after that: should I create a separate patch with quilt next or is it okay if I change the source directly and document the changes with `dch -i`?11:08
ubottuBug 1931350 in gitsome (Ubuntu) "gitsome: SyntaxWarning while installing" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193135011:08

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