
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Cyanbird> 966800:16
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Cyanbird> Hi everyone~ I'm using Ubuntu for 3 years but this is my first time try to contribute on it. I come from discourse and I will try to start with the guide00:22
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Cyanbird> English is not my first language so I'm sorry for any inconvenient or misunderstanding i made. I love open source and Ubuntu, I will try my best to have a great time with you www00:23
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Welcome Cyanbird :)15:43
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <tsimonq2> If I may ask, what is your native language?15:43
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <tsimonq2> /me may have a good place to point you :)15:44
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Otherwise yes any help we can get!15:44
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Leokolb> /me15:47
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Leokolb> /me15:47
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Cyanbird> Chinese ~15:49
ubuntubridgebot[telegram] <Cyanbird> Basically is fine, now I'm studying in UK university15:50

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