
Kuraokamihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq#Sources fwiw, this says 'freenode' rather than 'Libera'.02:44
oerheksServerFaq (last edited 2012-09-09 17:09:30 by mikedep333)02:48
oerheksthingy is renewed, Kuraokami 02:49
KuraokamiI was just looking up what the difference between linux-image-kvm and linux-image-virtual was, and that popped up.  'Tis all.02:51
rieser25I want to install ubuntu as basis for kvm machines. I unerstand that the best choice is ubuntu core or ubunt minimal. Is this correct?05:46
rieser28I want to install ubuntu as basis for kvm machines. I unerstand that the best choice is ubuntu core or ubunt minimal. Is this correct?06:32
RoyKjust use minimal - it works06:48
RoyKor just ubuntu-server06:48
rieser28How do I get minimal? Did not find the download link.06:54
RoyKjust use the normal server install06:57
RoyKrogorido: it just contains a few more binaries than you might need, but it won't hurt anything other than using a few megs more of diskspace07:05

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