
coresi seem to remember an unofficial ubuntu iso with closed source nvidia drivers pre-installed. not sure how they did that. is that still a thing i can find?02:49
coresbasically, i want to boot into a live usb session with the nvidia drivers already set up, i don't want to use nouveau02:50
oerheks19.10 had that idea, but not enabled by default ( live mode)  https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/05/ubuntu-19-10-nvidia-drivers-iso02:51
oerheksif there are other unofficial images, bing/google it?02:52
coresoerheks: yeah.. i've been searching. haven't stumbled on anything promising. i know about pop!_os but i was hoping to avoid that too and stick with vanilla ubuntu as much as possible02:54
oerheksa live iso is not mend to be used as daily driver..02:55
corestrue, i don't mean this as a long-term solution. just wanted to try something real quick.02:56
coresi might bite the bullet and just do a real install on another drive02:56
arraybolt3[m]cores: You could flash the ISO onto one drive, install Ubuntu onto a different USB drive and enable proprietary drivers there, then have a removable Ubuntu installation with your good driver\s.02:56
coresinteresting. i didnt realize that would work02:57
arraybolt3[m]cores: Just be really careful to not select your internal drive by default. If you have a USB drive other than the installation drive plugged into your system at the same time as you install, you should be able to select it.02:59
coresarraybolt3[m]: worth a shot, thanks03:00
arraybolt3[m]cores: Also, if it doesn't give you an option to select a drive, don't assume it's going to install to the right drive... You probably already knew that, but just in case, I'd hate for someone to unintentionally nuke their data.03:02
coresgood point. i generally don't do anything unless i'm sure what it's going to do.03:10
ShapeShifter499I'm not entirely sure which to ask. But does anyone know what the difference is between UnityX and Unity8?   Seems like ubports is using Unity803:30
ShapeShifter499*which channel to ask03:30
Bashing-om!touch | ShapeShifter499 Try at >>03:32
ubottuShapeShifter499 Try at >>: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports03:32
ShapeShifter499well is ubuntu on UnityX now?03:32
ShapeShifter499mainline regular Ubuntu?03:32
oerheksunityX is a community project, https://gitlab.com/ubuntu-unity/unity-x/unityx03:33
ShapeShifter499oh hmm03:33
oerheksso, no official iso of that one03:33
ShapeShifter499what's the major difference so far though?03:33
oerheksdunno, i see unity here, same Rudra https://ubuntuunity.org/blog/ubuntu-unity-22.04/03:34
oerheksit is still in community hands, like MIR too..03:34
ShapeShifter499oerheks, ah, weird.03:42
lotuspsychjemanwhowouldbekin: did you fix your browsers issue?05:26
rieser5Hello, I want to install ubuntu server as basis for kvm machines. I understand that ubuntu core or ubuntu minimal are the best choices. Is this correct?05:42
lotuspsychjerieser5: you might wanna ask that in #ubuntu-server where our specialists gather05:43
lotuspsychjerieser5: being sundays, you might wanna idle a bit longer to get replys05:44
Brian666What software can I use in Ubuntu to turn it into a router?06:36
Brian666I'm going to purchase a Wifi 5.4Gbps PCIE card.06:36
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r4m47hi all07:02
r4m47i am using ubuntu 20.0407:02
r4m47last time when i tried using ubuntu 22.04 LTS, i had issue in connecting to wifi07:02
r4m47wifi was very slow despite my actual network connection speed07:03
r4m47and i found that it is due to some bug in kernel 5.1507:03
r4m47through some forums07:03
r4m47so, the thing i would like to know is.. has anyone uses  ubuntu 22.04 now or would anyone know that the issue has been resolved?07:04
r4m47because i would like to upgrade now07:04
r4m47anyone using ubuntu 22.04 now?07:05
r4m47anyone here>07:09
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manwhowouldbekinHi, all. I am troubleshooting an issue on Ubuntu 22.04 where I cannot load web pages in browser. Elsewhere (messengers, IRC) the connection seems to work. It appears that whatever daemon was running at 34675 port is no longer running. My system proxy is set to manual and to localhost:34675. Is there a way to figure out why that daemon is not running and/or how to get it running again?08:55
murmelr4m47: It really depends on the wifi card, so nobody can really tell if it was fixed08:57
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: did you look into journalctl to see why the service doesn't run anymore?08:58
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, No I have not. I do not know much about this proxy service and not even sure what it's called.08:59
murmelmanwhowouldbekin: so why did you install it then?09:00
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, Install what?09:00
murmelthe proxy09:01
murmelas this is not by default09:01
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floownHello. Where is the configuration folder for flatpak application, please?09:52
KBarfloown: ~/.var/app/09:55
floownKBar: thanks09:58
amrootingguys, i have a folder containing 3 files (script.py, config.txt, results.txt) normally i put the folder in my home and run it. there. How do I make script.py available or executable by all users but they can' edit the config.txt/result.txt in their home. So they don't read, edit, move the script.py?10:17
amrootingscript.py depends on config.txt which should be editable by users10:17
KBaramrooting: `chmod 0711 script.py` and `chmod 766 config.txt result.txt`10:34
KBaramrooting: and put it somewhere accessible to all, not just in your home directory10:34
amrootingKBar, every user would have separate config.txt which they can edit but script.py is one file run from /usr/loca/bin/script.py but it should read file from /home/ANYUSER/script_config_folder/10:39
KBaramrooting: if its set up to read the config files from standard XDG_CONFIG_HOME correctly, and the binary is in /usr/local/bin already, then you don't have to worry about unauthorized users moving it around10:41
amrootingKBar, so usually if my pwd is /home/KBar/script_config_folder/ i can just type script.py from pwd and it would read config.txt in /home/KBar/script_config_folder/config.txt10:41
KBaramrooting: you need to do that in your script10:42
KBarand initialize it properly10:42
KBaramrooting: what's the output of `printenv PATH`10:43
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, I didn't install anything. There is some kind of a proxy daemon running at locahost:34675 on Ubuntu. I didn't install it.10:47
manwhowouldbekinmurmel, My problem seems to be that it stopped running. If I turn the browser proxy to off, then the pages load. If I set it to "use system settings", then it stops working.10:48
EriC^manwhowouldbekin: what does 'lsof -i:34675' give?10:56
manwhowouldbekinEriC^, Nothing. Empty.11:13
EriC^manwhowouldbekin: try with sudo11:14
BluesKajHi all12:07
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manwhowouldbekinEriC^, Same.12:46
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: this seems to suggest that there is no service listening at localhost:34675. but then, that's what you already stated.12:48
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: and i concur, no default ubuntu installation has a service running that is listening on this port. it's not even a commonly seen port, or one that a standard service would listen on.12:48
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: which brings up the question: what makes you think that some service was running that was listening on localhost:34675 ?12:50
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: do you have some vpn client installed? which ubuntu version is this? how did you install it? is it a recent, fresh installation?12:51
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, What makes me think about a service on that port? - In my network settings, there was a proxy setting set to manual, and it was set to localhost:34675. I do not recall ever going in there. Hence, I had concluded that it was Ubuntu's default thing. In addition, when I do echo "$http_proxy", I get "
manwhowouldbekin" back.12:59
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, My Ubuntu is 22.04. Recently I have installed OpenVPN and tried setting it up as a client (server being a machine elsewhere). I typically go a few days between reboots, so it is possible that I only saw this problem yesterday.13:00
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Another bit of info: when I switch Firefox from "use system settings" to "no proxy", it begins loading pages.13:01
manwhowouldbekinIn general, I am wondering how important it is to have a local proxy and whether it is needed in the first place. I do not have much experience with that :/13:02
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: so, your web browser uses the value of the http_proxy environment variable (when set to use "system settings"). now what you'll need to understand is how that was set in the first place.13:02
KBartomreyn hackerZ and their cat, obviously13:02
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, I think I have my answer! I have just recalled that I recently installed Lantern. It appears that whenever it is not running in the tray, its proxy service is not running locally. Seems to work now ... :/13:03
tomreyn"Another surge occurred after the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine when internet freedoms in Russia were severely curtailed. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lantern_(software)13:05
tomreyni'm glad you found out how the environment variable was modified on your system13:06
de-factohow can i disable those annoying crash report popups?14:14
de-factothey always interrupt my workflow requiring root password etc14:15
de-factoi dont want any crash reports ever.14:15
Maikde-facto: https://askubuntu.com/questions/93457/how-do-i-enable-or-disable-apport14:22
de-factothanks :)14:25
Maikyou're most welcome :)14:25
transhumanisthi! what is the current way to do this since -x and -e are depreciated? https://superuser.com/questions/198015/open-gnome-terminal-programmatically-and-execute-commands-after-bashrc-was-execu15:08
jhutchinsThe real way to stop crash reports is to stop the crashes.15:08
transhumanistyou talking to me jhutchins? TO clarify I am trying to do what the url tile implies15:10
oerhekslast part of the 1st answer?15:10
oerheksBASH_POST_RC='command1; command2' gnome-terminal15:10
transhumanistoh I miss understood I thought that required -x or -e switches15:11
Maiktranshumanist: he didn't15:11
transhumanistlast question why are they retiring the -x and -e switches?15:14
jhutchinstranshumanist: No, de-facto was complaining about crash reports harshing his workflow.  I would think the actual crashes would be enough, but whatever.15:15
transhumanistok no problem sorry to interrupt15:15
VIAi still dont know how to make a simple script / link / call a function and on average i get lots of passive aggresiveness for asking simple questions ^^eh OK15:15
jhutchinsVIA: Not sure what your actual question is, but #bash has a LOT of people in it, all focused on bash.15:17
VIAthats actually not unhelpful on another level, thx jhutchins15:21
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de-factojhutchins, yes i know and agree, unfortunately its a closed source binary that crashes, hence i cant really do anything about it if i have to use it, and crash reports from ubuntu keep popping up until committed, hence very frequently17:36
tomreynde-facto: see /etc/apport/blacklist.d/README.blacklist17:41
tomreynyou *may* want to just blacklist your one executable, but keep apport running in general17:41
de-factohmm thats actually quite useful thanks for telling me17:45
tomreynyou're welcome17:46
moldyi am trying to use the on-screen keyboard on an hp x360. it works fine in the termina, for example, but not in firefox or chromium.18:30
moldythe terminal doesn't activate if i touch the address bar in the browser18:30
moldyany idea how to debug this?18:31
tomreynmoldy: since firefox and chromium are snaps, this seems to be the common denominator there18:33
moldytomreyn: hmm yup18:34
enigma9o7[m]You could try the only browser left in ubuntu repo that isnt snap... epiphany-browser....18:35
enigma9o7[m]Or you could try a non-snap browser from outside ubuntu... like chrome from google or firefox from ppa or mozilla....18:35
moldytomreyn: i think a way to manually summon the keyboard would be fine as a workaround18:36
moldygoogling suggests that swiping from the bottom should work, but that doesn't do anything here18:36
ravagemoldy, if you are on Xorg maybe https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1061/on-screen-keyboard-button/ can help18:39
ravagethe swipe up from the button seems to be wayland specific18:39
moldyravage: it'a on wayland18:40
ravagemaybe https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4413/improved-osk/ works better18:41
tomreynwhile that keind of defeats the purpose, you could also set up a keyboard shortcut to launch onboard18:41
moldytomreyn: the device is a convertible and i am trying to make it work in tablet mode :)18:42
tomreynright, that's what i thought18:42
jpmhI know that when the contents of a file are really small that the info is kept directy in the inode and not in a new section of disk.  What is the size limit for this?18:46
moldyhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/1976328 seems to be my issue basically18:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1976328 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "On screen keyboard doesn't pop up" [Undecided, New]18:50
ravageso mark yourself as affected18:51
moldyravage: yeah i probably will... i am helping a friend with her device right now and don't have my launchpad login info here...18:52
Brian666Does anyone know if IpFire is a good firewall?19:09
ravage!ot | Brian66619:10
ubottuBrian666: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:10
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Thanks for your help with figuring out the proxy port thing. Sometimes pointers and questions really do wonders! :)19:39
jhutchinsenigma9o7[m]: Is chromium a snap now?19:40
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: glad i could help, you're welcome.19:40
jhutchinsenigma9o7[m]: I thought you could still install firefox as a normal program from the repos (just not as bleeding edge).19:40
Maikjhutchins: chromium has been snap since Ubuntu 19.1019:56
Maikand firefox has been snap by default since 21.1019:58
MarzIsn’t snap slower ?20:05
jhutchinsDepends on what you measure and how.20:09
jhutchinsCPU cycles are cheap these days.20:09
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