
didrocksgood morning03:56
dufluHi didrocks and oSoMoN 06:02
oSoMoNhey duflu06:03
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:03
didrockshey duflu, salut oSoMoN 06:08
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 06:11
jibelGood morning all06:30
seb128goood morning desktopers06:57
dufluHi seb128 07:00
dufluHi jibel 07:01
seb128hey duflu, how are you doing?07:06
didrockssaklut jibel, seb128 07:07
seb128lut didrocks, jibel, en forme ?07:07
didrocksça va, et toi ? :)07:09
dufluseb128, not great today but coping. You?07:09
seb128duflu, :-( 07:12
seb128I'm alright thanks, heat wave ended!07:12
didrocksnot for everyone :p07:13
* didrocks waits for the promised rain tonight07:13
dufluWinter and 22 degrees here B)07:14
seb128also played tennis which was quite nice :)07:14
seb129duflu, on bug #1976204 are you saying that the same source built locally and from the archive gives different results?09:44
ubottuBug 1976204 in OEM Priority Project "Screen freeze if a 4K monitor is added to a 4K laptop while DING is active" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197620409:44
seb129also that should be fixed with the SRU that moved recently to update if that's the same as #13?09:45
dufluseb129, the freeze never occurred in git builds run from a local prefix (normal development environment). But the freeze does occur in git builds packaged into debs and installed system-wide. So that's what I'm using now09:46
seb129duflu, is it fixed in 42.2? #13 suggested that it might?09:47
dufluseb129, nope09:49
dufluthat's the first thing I checked today09:49
seb129ah ok09:49
seb129are you working on the issue? or Marco?09:50
seb129it's an important one of the oem team since it's blocking enablement for new models09:50
dufluseb129, I am as mentioned in the bug but I will assign it to be clear...09:51
seb129duflu, ok thanks, sorry I got confused by the reference to #13 where Marco stated it should be fixed in 42.209:52
dufluYeah but that was on 8 June09:53
dufluAt that time I think I was spending all week catching up on bug mail post-vacation09:54
jbichagood morning12:05
seb129jbicha, hey, how are you?12:08
jbichakinda confused by your number today 🤣12:08
seb128jbicha, lol, I had an hexchat open minimized on another workspace, I though the number came from a timeout/reconnect and tried to rename but it didn't work out, now it makes sense why :)12:12
seb128kenvandine, hey, want to review some rls bugs today?14:03
kenvandineseb128: yes!14:04
seb128no desktop there14:05
seb128bug #1977769 is one but in the wrong section since that was not promoted yet14:05
ubottuBug 1977769 in gnome-console (Ubuntu) "Customize default content translucency color to Ubuntu's color scheme" [Wishlist, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197776914:05
seb128Sergio is working on it14:06
seb128those are handled14:06
seb128bug #197363814:06
ubottuBug 1973638 in gjs (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell 42 leaks tens of megabytes with every screenshot" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197363814:06
seb128sounds like worth getting in .1 since it's fixed upstream14:08
seb128jbicha, Trevinho, ^ do you know if that's going to flow in through some update or if we should cherrypick?14:08
seb128jbicha, I'm assigning to you since Marco is already overbusy with other things but feel free to check with him if we do a version update or a cherrypicj14:10
seb128triaging a bit the other ones14:12
seb128bug #196616714:12
ubottuBug 1966167 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Dock icons not clickable at the edge of the screen" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196616714:12
seb128would be nice to fix but I don't know if that qualifies for rls?14:13
kenvandinewould be nice14:14
seb128k, let's import it to the board14:14
kenvandinelet's at least find out how much work it might be14:15
seb128k, that's it for J14:16
seb128no desktop there14:16
seb128http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html 14:16
seb128nor here14:16
seb128let-'s review quickly the tracking listd14:17
seb128bug #1962135 needs verification if someone feels like doing focal SRU verification14:17
ubottuBug 1962135 in gstreamer1.0 (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] gstreamer 1.16.3 series" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/196213514:17
seb128there is a stack of adsys focal targetted but not assigned reports14:18
seb128adsys is in the queue so I guess that will autosort itself once the upload is accepted14:19
seb128we should probably try to clean those assigned list, it's clear that some of those are not going to be worked on at this point14:20
kenvandinewe should make sure someone verifies that gstreamer SRU before it gets deleted14:21
seb128right, I carded it but that didn't help finding a volunteer14:21
seb128I could do it but I keep delaying the ubiquity work because I take on things like that than we don't find anyone to do...14:21
seb128anyway, that's it for this week, quite some noise we could try to clean in the lists but nothing urgent14:23
seb128kenvandine, thanks!14:23
kenvandineseb128: the ubiquity work is higher priority14:23
seb128I know...14:25
ricotznteodosio, hi, were you able to upload the poppler patch for libreoffice gerrit?18:24
nteodosiohi ricotz! Nope, not yet18:25
ricotznteodosio, you could give a "git format-patch"?18:26
nteodosioIt always gets stuck at "writing objects 7%"18:26
ricotzi assume you prepared it against the master branch?18:26
nteodosioYes to both18:27
nteodosioDo you want me to mail it to you?18:27
ricotznteodosio, pastebin or how you like it18:28
nteodosioAlright, disconsider the one you got earlier from me then18:28
ricotznteodosio, ok, I got it, but the versions in POPPLER_CHECK_VERSION are wrong18:55
ricotzthose should be POPPLER_CHECK_VERSION(22, 6, 0)18:56
ItzSwirlzjbicha: thanks. In NJ we end in june and start in sep18:59
ItzSwirlzznc is killing me18:59
nteodosioricotz: Thanks for catching that19:00
ricotznteodosio, I will try to push it to gerrit again19:01
ricotznteodosio, ah, I lack 'forge author' permission19:03
nteodosioricotz: Never heard of that. Is that something I can do on my side?19:03
ricotzbut gerrit seems to work as expected19:03
nteodosioThen it's all good. I wonder why I couldn't push.19:04
ricotznteodosio, no, I am just not allowed to use you email as author with my account19:04
nteodosioOh, so no dice? :(19:04
ricotzno, not without taking over the patch19:05
ricotzyou are using ./logerrit as documented?19:06
nteodosioThanks for looking into it anyway. I will try the "solution of the hopeless", which consists in deleting the whole repository and trying it again.19:06
nteodosioI went through the part to generate a password with a ~dozen line script19:07
seb128jbicha, bug #1979037 is a gnome-shell SRU regression, yaru needs to catch up with design tweaks, I'm going to card it so we don't forget to deal with it for .119:07
ubottuBug 1979037 in yaru-theme (Ubuntu) "Monitor numbers are almost invisible in an Ubuntu/Yaru session" [Low, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197903719:07
nteodosioI don't remember ./logerrit, this could be it, I will investigate19:07
ricotznteodosio, to upload the patch you have to use "./logerrit submit master" while your patch is on top of upstream master19:09
ricotz./logerrit --help19:09
jbichaseb128: thanks19:14
nteodosioricotz, success, thanks! I had to './logerrit setup' first. I think I was reading the wrong documentation, https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/Documentation/index.html19:23
ricotznteodosio, https://ci.libreoffice.org/job/gerrit_linux_gcc_release/120584/console19:28

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