[12:04] good afty peeps [12:04] good moaning [12:05] diddledani: psst, don't fancy doing battle with Visual Composer do you? ;) Hayley's site keeps producing a blank editor D: [13:00] oh, the magical reset button solved her problem this time, neat [13:02] "have you tried turning it off and on again?" [13:02] wordpress plugins aren't that logical ;) [13:02] the world would be a happier place without wordpress [13:03] i'm still not over them stealing some of my code many years ago [13:03] could well be true, the reason they have this to begin with is that some dodgy business up in England cold-called them and for some reason they agreed and let them re-do their website [13:03] even transferred away their domain, too [13:04] many moons ago, wordpress didn't have any password reset method. so i added that code, I made it available to others and I contributed it, but it was rejected. [13:04] :O [13:04] then in the next release, there's my code [13:04] wow not even subtly edited to mask it? [13:05] there were minor changes [13:05] i wouldn't have minded if they would have at least mentioned in the release notes that it was contributed. [13:05] that's when i stopped using it [13:06] well they certainly sound like a bunch o' nozzles === jlj__ is now known as jlj