
RikMills5.25.1 is now landed in kinetic release10:07
keithzg[m]Wait lock and logout are being removed from right-click on the desktop? Damn, if KDE was still on Phabricator I'd be complaining about this, but I can never figure out how to navigate GitLab so I'll just briefly whinge here and move on I guess ;)10:57
BluesKajHi all12:18
mmikowskiRikMills: Got 5.21.1. Thank  you! Plasma still crashy when changing themes. Vertical panels look less broken, *possibly* unbroken. Testing is ongoing... 15:27
Eickmeyerkeithzg[m]: So, it *can* be added back, but removing it by default does seem like a bad move.16:42
bkovacs7Is KDE 5.25 still in the landing backports?. 19:50
RikMillsbkovacs7: yes, as there are still some bugs of concern19:59
RikMillsthough if you want to test, feedback is great20:00

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