
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Hi, guys! It's possible to play CS GO on Kubuntu?02:26
enigma9o7[m]Yes, thru steam.02:27
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Proton?02:27
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> I can't here02:27
enigma9o7[m]No, native.02:27
enigma9o7[m]It's linux native, not proto.02:28
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> It's doesn't play natively here02:28
enigma9o7[m]Why not?02:28
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> The game starts, the screen became black, but suddenly, it closes02:29
enigma9o7[m]I just checked mine for fun, says i havent played since oct 2021 and wants to update 1.25GB.  But after that I'll make sure it still works.02:32
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Some test to do here at my CS GO?02:34
enigma9o7[m]it still works for me, just played a few mins02:57
enigma9o7[m]do other steam games work?02:57
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Yeah, even GTA V. Just CS GO aren't03:01
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> I'm using AMD 5600G03:01
R13oseI have a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 1st Gen Type 3444 and now Kubuntu is saying "The battery's health is at only 48% and it should be replaced. Contact the manufacturer." Would this be best to replace the battery?  If yes, would this be better to contact Lenovo or the store where I got this?03:42
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> enigma9o7 still here?12:09
BluesKajHi all12:18
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Someone plays CS GO on Kubuntu using AMD video integrated CPU?12:55
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IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> hey , kubuntu 5.25 released????13:55
R13osePlasma 5.25 Beta is available for testing afaik14:01
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> yey, tht i know , i 'm talking about stable version (re @IrcsomeBot: <R13ose> Plasma 5.25 Beta is available for testing afaik)14:02
R13oseYes 5.25 is out for the public to use https://kde.org/announcements/plasma/5/5.25.0/ and they even have 5.25.1 out yesterday14:07
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> how to updateee?14:08
R13oseHere is a guide: https://www.debugpoint.com/2022/06/upgrade-kde-plasma-5-25/14:09
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> 5.25 is still currently too buggy to push to users14:09
R13oseWhich bugs would be good to take notice of?14:10
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Someone plays CS GO on Kubuntu using AMD video integrated CPU?14:10
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> cs go? (re @quokka3_14: Someone plays CS GO on Kubuntu using AMD video integrated CPU?)14:12
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Counter Strike Global Offensive14:12
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> i dont hv (re @quokka3_14: Counter Strike Global Offensive)14:12
R13oseYou can always try and see what happens.14:14
R13oseThe battery indicator on the panel is saying "The battery's health is at only 48% and it should be replaced. Contact the manufacturer." on my Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 1st Gen Type 3444. Would this be best to replace the battery?  If yes, would this be better to contact Lenovo or the store where I got this?15:01
oerheksask the store, for an original and replacement brand. i saved over 50%, €29,95 for a hp battery15:02
oerheksnow i have the full 2h45m worktime :-D15:02
oerheksa bad battery can go wrong that is why i replaced it, not to work offline15:03
BluesKajoerheks, that's a pretty good price, is it an OEM or generic replacemnent?15:04
oerheksif a broken battery keeps charged, it migt burst or worse..15:05
BluesKajmy laptop battery is at 51% health and it's giving me a similar warning as R13ose gets15:06
R13oseBluesKaj: are you going to replace your battery?15:06
BluesKajyeah, but I ordered my laptop from Dell over the internet so guess I'll just look for a replacemrnt generic type since the OEMs are over $100CDN15:09
R13oseGreat to hear.15:10
BluesKajthere's a computer store around the corner from my daughter's house in Toronto so I'll check there first15:12
R13oseLuckly.  I don't have a computer store nearby my place in Toronto.15:13
R13oseWhy do batteries go out when they hit around half way?15:16
oerheksjust one cell broken, i guess15:17
BluesKajyeah, fully charged gives me about 90mins15:18
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> Someone plays CS GO on Kubuntu using AMD video integrated CPU?15:20
oerheksquokka3 one better ask on askubuntu, much more traffic.15:23
oerheksor #winehq15:23
R13oseWould always having my computer plugged in affect the battery even more?15:24
IrcsomeBot<quokka3_14> oerheks the website?15:24
oerheksR13ose, cheap charger overcharge, yes15:26
BluesKajR13ose, apparently the number of charge cycles affects battery performance15:26
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:26
oerheksalso, it is good practice to run down a battery empty, once a month15:27
oerhekseven if the vendor says it has no power memory limit15:27
oerheksand last; a battery is designed to charge 500+ times.. maybe 1000 times15:27
R13oseHow does one know how many charges they have done?15:28
BluesKajwell, gotta go, 'later guys...take care15:29
oerheksR13ose, not all machines ca show this, the only lead is the difference, energy-full and energy-full-design . also acpi is a handy tool to check https://askubuntu.com/questions/69556/how-do-i-check-the-batterys-status-via-the-terminal15:33
R13oseThis is going to show the amount of charges?15:37
oerheksi find no tool that can, sucht defenition is not in the battery nor charger, it is a bios thing with compaq and HP15:49
silv3r_m00n2in kate text editor, the tab titles are showing the folder name along with the file name, how can i disable that ? this was not there in previous versions15:53
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R13oseWhy have this stuck in the BIOS?16:05
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IrcsomeBot<parkour_29> Can we expect ubuntu to upgrade kernel to 5.17 with 22.04.1?17:40
enigma9o7[m]Ubuntu doesnt change kernel versions with point releases.17:46
enigma9o7[m]Kinetic will have a new kernel when its released it will be available as hwe kernel for jammy.17:46
IrcsomeBot<parkour_29> which kernel could kinetic have?17:47
IrcsomeBot<parkour_29> like any guess17:47
enigma9o7[m]Too soon to tell, that isnt released til October.17:48
enigma9o7[m]could check what it is has now....17:49
IrcsomeBot<parkour_29> thanks17:49
enigma9o7[m]has now17:50
enigma9o7[m]but that keeps rolling until September17:50
IrcsomeBot<parkour_29> ok17:50
arraybolt3[m]parkour_29: While the kernel may not necessarily change with point releases, there are HWE kernel updates, which can give you newer kernels on older LTS releases. For instance, the normal kernel in 20.04 is 5.8, but the latest HWE kernel is 5.13.17:51
enigma9o7[m]Thats what I was telling him earlier, but the hwe kernel updates usually are released same time as the 6-month release.17:51
enigma9o7[m]So the next hwe kernel will be whatever kinetic is released with17:51
enigma9o7[m]i.e. the 5.13 is from impishg17:51
arraybolt3[m]Ah. I didn't read the backlog.17:52
arraybolt3[m]I see where you said that now, sorry.17:52
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orangood afternoon everyone19:58
orancan someone tell me is the 22.04 install has what ever is needed to set up my nvme raid built in?19:59
oranif not is19:59
ElliriaThat depends on what's needed. Do you know the packages you would need?20:00
oranno not at all this is the first time I have tried to learn linux  since mandrake in 2015.  im basically an idiot here20:01
orantomreyn and a few others helped me get my initial install done this weekend and this is the first time since that I have had time to mess with it20:02
ElliriaI guess you'd need to find a tutorial that tells how it's done and then check if the packages exist already or are available in the package manager.20:02
ElliriaAh. Welcome to Kubuntu 22.04 LTS. I've been enjoying it for a few weeks now.20:03
oranthank you, I really like it so far.  Even though I want to learn how to use konsole/terminal for everything, having the gui as a backup is fantastic20:03
ElliriaYeah, if there's one thing KDE is famous for, it's offering you LOTS of choices.20:04
oranfigured I would start with my server and if I get good with it here, ill change to a different distro for the server and switch my main system to kubuntu20:04
ElliriaI don't have experience with those. This channel is also usually very quiet. You might get a lot more information in the #ubuntu channel since that's always very busy and has some knowledgeable people in it.20:05
oranhave a graphics question aswell20:06
ElliriaWhat's that one? I might be able to help with it.20:06
oranthe nvidia upgrade from the what ever repository the .. i cant remember the command i used somethign like apt upgradeall or something liek that, it works and its recognizing my gpu correctly20:06
oranyou know what20:07
orani just answered my own question20:07
ElliriaMine updates itself as part of the regular system updates. Did you check the little box at the beginning of the installation so that the drivers would be installed for you automatically?20:08
oranyeah i was expecting my old hdmi gpu to output a signal at a refresh raite only my main systems hdmi 2.0  connection can acheive20:08
oranguess i spoiled myself20:08
ElliriaYou should be able to tweak the settings for it. Have you poked around in the graphics settings?20:09
oranyes thats where i noticed im at 30hz  at 4k instead of 6020:09
oranbut only hdmi 2.0 standard can support 4k 6020:09
ElliriaAnd it won't let you change it?20:09
ElliriaAh, okay.20:09
orani did notice there is not option for 2560 x 1440 in the dropdown though20:10
orannot a deal breaker but i found it to be od20:10
ElliriaThat's got something to do with the driver, I think.20:10
oranyeah i thought it was weird that it had so many options included 1080 and 4k but not 144020:10
ElliriaWhen I click on Driver Manager inside of System Settings and put in the password, I can't change any of the video settings because Ubuntu and Nvidia have taken over my drivers for me since I checked that box on installation.20:11
oranoh, there is a driver level issue, even at 1080 it wont let me go above 30hz20:11
ElliriaThey seem to update the NVIDIA driver pretty frequently, so maybe they'll fix that.20:12
orani downloaded the last may 2022 driver from nvidia but when i try to install it it gives me an error and wont install20:12
oranim wondering if i have to do it from grub20:12
ElliriaDid you put the error into Google to see if you can find out what to do about it?20:12
oranno but ill run it again and actually pay attention to what the error says20:13
oranim being impatient is all20:13
ElliriaNo idea. Graphics aren't a strength of mine. I just kind of limp along and do what other people tell me to do.20:13
oranthe hanger is setting in20:13
oranwell thats me with linux in general20:13
ElliriaYeah, if you can't get the info on Google, the people in the #ubuntu channel might be able to help. Also NVIDIA has forums, I believe, that might be worth a try.20:14
orani have a technical background so the concept of using terminal and troubelshooting is natural for me, but that doesnt matter if you dont know the commands20:14
ElliriaOh, heh. You mean just kind of doing what others tell you to do? It works a lot of the time.20:14
oranwell ive been an avionics tech troubleshooting aircraft computers and systems for 20 years20:14
oranim used to "stupid machine will only do what stupid human tells it"20:15
ElliriaOh, nice. Then you're no stranger to technical documentation.20:15
ElliriaYes, exactly.20:15
oranno not at all20:15
ElliriaNow it's just a matter of figuring out whose documentation to follow.20:15
ElliriaThat's where I sometimes run into trouble.20:15
oranso the error isnt really an error other than the word itself, its pointing me to a log file for details.  Ill go check that out first20:17
oranif my terminal is set to a specific directory, how to go make it go back20:18
oranim set to `/downloads right now20:18
Elliriacd ..20:18
orando i add the ..20:18
ElliriaNote that there's a space between the cd and the two dots, unlike in Windows.20:18
oranahh ok20:18
ElliriaThat's what tells it to go back one directory.20:18
Elliriacd all alone takes you home, which is also nice to know.20:19
oranahh awesome thanks20:19
ElliriaI love the command line.20:19
oranstill having permision denied issues if i try to just type the file path of the log direclty into terminal20:20
oranim in dolphin now, where do i find a /var directory20:20
ElliriaYou have to go down to the bottom in the left panel and click on your drive to open the system files. It's maddening. Dolphin is terrible.20:21
oranoh wow thats neat20:21
oranI never would have thought to click that20:22
ElliriaYeah, it took me a while to figure it out.20:22
ElliriaI used to use Kubuntu back when Konqueror was the file manager. I loved that one. Then I switched to Ubuntu MATE, which has a wonderful file manager. Now I'm back and am pretty horrified at Dolphin.20:23
oranyeah it sucks for me because most of the info I find online when doing research is years old and there have been soo many advancements in linux in the last few years20:23
orani know what i have been reading today is that btrfs is suppose to be blisteringly fast and that mdadmn or what ever its called was suppose to be a crap raid utility for modern linux.  but I think kubuntu was suppose to start coming with a different utility in the last few years.  The only raid info I have been able to find on the Kubuntu sight so far though said to install mdadmn20:24
ElliriaIf you go into "Settings" and then "Configure Dolphin..." and then click the "Startup" tab, you can choose to "Make location bar editable" and "Show full path inside location bar" and "Show full path in title bar" which I find makes life a lot easier as far as navigation is concerned.20:25
ElliriaNo idea. I'm not up to raids yet.20:26
orani can immagine it would help in long term retention of the most used file paths20:26
oranyeah im only using it because this is my game hosting server20:27
ElliriaBy the way, https://tldp.org is one of the best command-line resources ever. It's like the holy grail or something.20:27
oranim trying to get every possible bottleneck work around I can short of a more server oriented linux distro because im a linux baby20:27
orangood to know20:28
ElliriaWhen you set up that setting, you can just type or paste /var into the location bar to get there and don't have to mess with clicking on drives.20:28
oranperhaps noob would be more suitable than baby20:29
oranooh gotcha20:29
oranim in the log file now20:29
ElliriaHeh. I think we're all noobs when it comes to Linux because it's growing so fast.20:29
orannavigating dolphine with the drive tip you gave made it easy to find20:29
ElliriaYeah, it's a bit strange. By the way, if you plug in a USB stick, it will show up in your system tray. I was used to it showing up on the desktop in Ubuntu MATE.20:30
oranahh I learned that one when troubleshooting my permisions20:31
oranand my graphics driver20:31
oranused the thumbdrive to go into the try kubuntu thing in safe graphics mode or what ever it was called20:31
ElliriaAh, good to know. I had to hunt around for it when it didn't show up where I expected it. Now that I know where to look, though, it's fine.20:31
ElliriaYeah, I did that not all that long ago, too.20:31
orani got used to seeing it there from windows using the unmount thing20:31
oranjust did more than i expected in linux20:32
ElliriaAh, okay.20:32
oranwhats funny is this log file......20:32
ElliriaThe NVIDIA one?20:32
oranthe only thing in it is the error messaging directing me to said log file20:33
ElliriaOh, now that's just strange.20:33
ElliriaWhat's the date on the file?20:33
ElliriaThis sounds like snake eating tail.20:33
oranright lol20:33
ElliriaBasically, I am an error, look at me?20:34
oranit does say sometimes if packages dont unload correctly you can reslove it by simply rebooting20:34
oranso i might try that20:34
oranif i load into grub, can I just type `/downloads to access the directy and run my command from there?20:34
ElliriaI need to put that into the program I'm working on. I already have this in pretty much any Python script I create: # I am a comment. Fear me.20:34
ElliriaYou can also pkill them.20:35
ElliriaDo you know the process name?20:35
oranyou should do a tts that says hello dave20:35
ElliriaHehe. Or, "I'm sorry, Dave. I can't let you do that."20:35
oranyeah hahah20:35
orangreat minds20:35
Elliriapgrep -c processname20:35
ElliriaThat will give you the number of processes by that process.20:36
oranuse a british girls accent and make it say "your all going to die down here"20:36
ElliriaZero is good. Anything more than that is a problem if you want it gone.20:36
ElliriaIf it still exists, you can do pkill processname20:36
oranwell it says any process using nvidia20:36
ElliriaHeh. I don't know that one. Which movie is that from?20:36
orani would immagine the kde is using it20:36
oranresident evil20:36
oranthe first movie20:37
ElliriaAh, I don't know that one.20:37
oranyeah its an ai20:37
ElliriaI could do, "Surely, you can't be serious. Quit calling me Shirley."20:37
orantraps the survivors in to contain the virus20:37
oranahh lesley neilson20:37
orancarefull i migh carbon date myself20:38
ElliriaSame here.20:38
ElliriaI think we already are.20:38
oranhere is yoru redqueen reference just a two second clip of it20:39
ElliriaHeh. I know someone who would like that.20:40
ElliriaSo, I'm curious. I was completely and utterly blown away by the amazing quality of the colors in Kubuntu 22.04 LTS. Have you noticed the same thing?20:40
ElliriaIt was like night and day going from Ubuntu MATE to this. It took me a few weeks to get used to it.20:41
ElliriaEvery morning when I booted my computer, I'd have that, "Oh, my," moment where I just sat there gawking at the amazingness of color that was everywhere. Now I'm spoiled by it.20:41
oranwell I havent done much to test color accurasy or hdr, but im on a qled tv with my server so even the plainest of colors are dripping20:42
ElliriaWith dripping being good?20:42
oranyeah like its liquid its amazing20:42
orani just switched to the greyscale default wallpaper and even its different shades of grey are stunning on this tv20:43
ElliriaAh, good. Then you're seeing it, too.20:43
ElliriaWhat a treat they've created.20:43
oranbut thats plasma20:43
oranor so im told20:43
oranthats one of the things that drove me to my kubuntu decision for distro's20:43
ElliriaThe Plasma?20:44
oranthe kde20:44
orankde plasma20:45
oranits the 22.04 gui20:45
ElliriaYeah, it will keep you busy for weeks just exploring and tweaking it all.20:46
oranyeah im hoping to not need to. im hoping to rely almost exclusively on the konsole and then teh individual programs I am running for my servers20:48
ElliriaAh, so mostly headless.20:50
oranyeah I want to try to just take the comfort of knowing I have the kde in the background incase of fall off the bike, like my training wheels20:51
oran.. i have no idea why20:52
oranbut that just made me crave cherry pie20:52
oranlike home made20:52
orannot that canned or frozen junk20:52
oranim still around just messing around in discord and google21:05
ElliriaThat's okay. I was trying to get some help with Emacs.21:05
ElliriaWell, I'm off to feed. It's dinner time here. Good luck with your configurations. It was good chatting with you.21:10
arraybolt3[m]My first distro used KDE Plasma, I'll probably never fully switch to anything else. Tried GNOME for a while, just wasn't the same.21:11
orangoing to try to reboot and install this new nvidia driver, be back21:12
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