[01:05] rbasak: If it was just me, then sure -- but there a whole bunch of posts about this, not to mention that other people might have hit this and then go "oh well, time to install Fedora" [01:12] StevenK: I understand it's frustrating, but without concrete steps to reproduce, and assuming it works for the majority of people, saying "we should do better" didn't seem constructive; that's all. [07:53] that is a strange bug, in that it certainly isn't happening to everyone [07:54] oh it's a grub issue really? [08:08] Possibly http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?61058 , but that hasn't had much traction either === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [13:51] tjaalton: hi, do you plan to upload sssd 2.7.2-2 (with https://salsa.debian.org/sssd-team/sssd/-/commit/a64db42fba29b4c7ddbe0050f27b9e378d975b43) soon? I'd like to start working on merging it before the end of the week [13:51] Commit a64db42 in sssd-team/sssd "rules: Fix python install directory. (LP: #1979453)" [13:54] sergiodj: yup [13:54] tjaalton: thanks [14:12] Can a core dev please trigger these two PPA autopkgtests? TIA. [14:12] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=kinetic&arch=amd64&package=systemd&ppa=enr0n/systemd-251&trigger=systemd/251.2-2ubuntu1~ppa13 [14:12] https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=kinetic&arch=ppc64el&package=systemd&ppa=enr0n/systemd-251&trigger=systemd/251.2-2ubuntu1~ppa13 [14:23] enr0n: on it [14:24] jawn-smith: thanks! [14:53] tjaalton: before you upload, there's another bug with "sssctl analyze". /usr/libexec/sssd/sss_analyze has the wrong shebang [14:53] I'm going to submit a Merge Request soon [14:55] sergiodj: uploaded already :) [14:55] hah [14:56] tjaalton: you can either upload -3 now or I can patch sssd in Ubuntu meanwhile [14:56] up to you [14:57] I can wait [15:06] cpaelzer: didrocks: I have a question about symbols tracking for senior MIR team members: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lerc/+bug/1977551/comments/4 – this is not urgent and we can also discuss it during the next meeting, but maybe you find some time in-between and could have a brief look. [15:06] Launchpad bug 1977551 in lerc (Ubuntu) "[MIR] lerc" [Undecided, New] [15:29] slyon: is there anything like DPKG_GENSYMBOLS_CHECK_LEVEL set to 4 or any other value? [15:30] it seems default is 1, so "Level 1 fails if some symbols have disappeared." [15:30] * didrocks likes to use 4 to ensure the symbols file is always updated [15:30] didrocks: yes, the package sets it to "-c0" in d/rules (i.e. ignoring any failures) [15:30] ah, here we go :) [15:31] but they are doing on purpose and don't want to change (see debian bug report) [15:32] I don’t know, I feel the warning is not enough, and then, if there is a change that isn’t an ABI/API breakage (and yes, C++ is a nightmare in this regard), IMHO, this is up to the maintainer to do the check and update the symbols files accordingly [15:33] but at least, we know the symbols file (even if not perfect) is really tracking what’s in it [15:33] I meant, we were able to handle unity/nux as big C++ projects and still track symbols there [15:33] it wasn’t an everyday joy, especially with the amount of changes when a new g++ is introduced, but it’s doable [15:34] so if we want to ignore the error/mismatch why having a symbol file in first place? [15:35] I’m happy to read other MIR team member opinions [16:06] didrocks: I totally agree with your stance on it! (sorry, I was stuck in a meeting) [16:06] tjaalton: in case you haven't received a notification: https://salsa.debian.org/sssd-team/sssd/-/merge_requests/13/diffs [16:06] Merge 13 in sssd-team/sssd "Fix shebang on sss_analyze" [Opened] [16:07] If the Debian Maintainer doesn't want to track those symbols properly, we might want to introduce an Ubuntu delta to increase the DPKG_GENSYMBOLS_CHECK_LEVEL to something like -c4 ourselves. [18:25] sergiodj: thanks, merged and uploaded [19:05] tjaalton: thanks [19:33] lvoytek: approved, shall I upload? [19:41] sure, thanks! [20:52] * tarzeau was wondering why ubuntu doesn't get uftrace updated? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uftrace [21:03] tarzeau: uftrace has an ubuntu delta so it will not autosync, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess [21:03] ginggs: thanks for the hint. will consider when uftrace is synced with the latest upstream release [21:05] and looks like that delta was added in debian [21:06] uftrace (0.10-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium [21:06] ... [21:06] - Fixes FTBFS from spurious test failures (closes: 966988). Thanks [21:06] to Logan Rosen for identifying the issue and submitting a patch, [21:06] although I failed to address it in the 0.9.4 series. [21:06] so it *sounds* like it can become a sync (judging just by the d/changelog updates) [21:07] Logan_: are you that Logan Rosen? :) [21:09] heh [21:13] * tsimonq2 waves in this channel for the first time in a while [21:13] no I'm not Logan ;) [22:39] ahasenack: I am indeed that Logan [22:41] feel free to sync if it seems safe. Otherwise I can take a look later [23:49] paride: does lxd launch --vm work on armhf? i didn't think we published images that would work for that