
leppeKHi, any way to configure a multipath route via netplan?11:46
leppeKfor example i want to add a route like:11:46
leppeKip route delete default11:46
leppeKip route add default scope global nexthop dev ens192 via weight 1 nexthop dev ens224 via weight 111:46
leppeKi am aware of asynchronous routing but it is not an issue in this setup.11:46
slyonleppeK: No that's not possible via netplan11:56
leppeKI've currently fixed it via networkd-dispatcher. any plans to add such features in the future?12:01
slyonWe do have a feature request for ECMP: https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/1923190 but implementation is not scheduled on the immediate roadmap12:05
leppeKAlright, thanks slyon12:10
xMopxi'm noticing that, on 22.04, i need to specify the MAC address of bridge interfaces in netplan configs. Here's my config with the line in question highlighted: https://pastebin.com/raw/0TWQHVvQ16:21
xMopxon 20.04 (netplan package version 0.103-0ubuntu5~20.04.5), the bridge interface seemed to automatically clone the mac address of (in my case) eno1. But on 22.04 (0.104-0ubuntu2), eno1 comes up with a random mac16:22
xMopxis this expected? A bug? I didn't see anything clearly related to this in the changelog but i could have missed it16:22

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