
Unit193tumbler 4.17.2-1 uploaded to experimental by Unit 193 (unit193)01:06
newhoa[m]I've noticed Firefox as a snap causes a lot of issues with opening files and interacting with other applications. Does Xubuntu have the freedom to deviate from Firefox as a snap or is that an Ubuntu thing that needs to stay as it is?04:52
newhoa[m]For example, Firefox won't open files from archives, from catfish (when opening from zip files). It can't launch the fish configuration. Documentation can't always be read from apps. This is just a few things I've experienced over the last few weeks. This is because any program that makes use of /tmp, any file in a dot directory, or any file/documentation that is not whitelisted, will not open with a snap.04:56
newhoa[m]I made an issue here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/197276204:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1972762 in snapd "Firefox snap won't open files in /tmp or ~/.cache -- affects many apps" [Undecided, New]04:56
Unit193Ubuntu's repos no longer have a packaged firefox, so that's a repo thing.04:56
newhoa[m]But I don't know if Ubuntu isn't interested in a solution. If not is there anything Xubuntu would consider doing to change this? Because as it is now a lot of apps feel broken without any indication as to why, and users will not be able to open some of their files or documentation.05:00
newhoa[m]Would using a different source be considered? Like the Mozilla Team ppa: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/ppa05:46
Unit193Can't really do that in Xubuntu itself, but you certainly could try that.05:48
newhoa[m]I did. Just trying to think of a solution for the average user that probably won't understand what's happening or how to do anything about it.05:52
newhoa[m]Does Ubuntu require only using their sources/packages for its family of distros?05:53
Unit193Not entirely sure on the rules on that anymore, but generally speaking yes it has to be in the archive or a snap.05:57
=== Baytuch_2 is now known as Baytuch
Unit193[ubuntu/kinetic-proposed] tumbler 4.17.2-1 (Accepted)08:39

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