
lotuspsychjegood morning to all08:14
lotuspsychjejust to let you know my flickering bug on intel has seem to stopped testing on mainline kernel Linux R00TB00K 5.17.7-051707-generic #20220512114608:15
lotuspsychjebug #195819108:15
ubottuBug 1958191 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i915] Screen flickering in Ubuntu 22.04 (until i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2 are added) (fixed in 5.17.7 and later)" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195819108:15
mncheckmlooking for kernel config specs for focal that shows what kernelteam  intends to be enabled, does such document exist?08:46
mncheckmsame for jammy08:46
mncheckmI couldn't find on wiki or discuss08:47
xnoxmncheckm:  each kernel ships config in /boot/ or you can download buildinfo deb to see it.10:52
xnoxmncheckm: or you can checkout the git repo and look at the configs dir that has split configs that apply to all arches; arch specific flags; arch-flavour specific flags.10:52
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mncheckmxnox, thank you, I checked boot/config* and package linux-buildinfo-$(uname -r). in git do you mean git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/+git/@SERIES@ ? I got that from package linux-oem-20.0412:41
xnoxmncheckm:  no, not that. meta just contains top level flavour which pulls in current linux abi build.12:57
xnoxmncheckm:  configs are in the /linux/ source repo12:57
mncheckmxnox, thanks14:25
=== ahasenack__ is now known as ahasenack

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