
nesoicool, thanks EriC^^, I'll check it out00:00
tomreynI assume /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz may not actually exist on AMIs, though00:00
nesoitomaw:  I'm concerned with stuff I installed though00:00
tomreynthis file is to get a baseline which you then made changes on00:01
tomreynit's part of the command EriC^^ posted above00:01
nesoitomreyn I mean00:01
nesoithat file doesn't exist00:02
alch3misthey all, recently upgraded to 22.04, however now if I have my display resolution set at 4k (2160P) or 1440p, I get random black screens where the screen seems to go out for few seconds and then comes back and sometimes it stutters and then goes out. on 2160p resolution it happens more often and on 1440p less so. if I set it to 1080p, then it basically goes away. I have a NUC7i5BNK with 8gb of ram, and per specs sheet, it should sup00:02
alch3mistk with one monitor connected (my current set up) or 1440p if 2 monitors are connected00:02
EriC^^nesoi: tomreyn maybe he can use some manifest file from ubuntu's website?00:03
nesoiis there any reason not to upgrade to 22.04 vs 20.04 or 18.04?00:03
oerhekswe officially wait for 22.04.1 as releasepoint00:04
oerheks20.04 certainly can be considered stable00:04
tomreynEriC^^: maybe http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/xenial/ubuntu-16.04.7-server-amd64.manifest - that's if its amd64 (there is also i386)00:05
nesoiwell interestingly, that upgrade finished but does not seem to have kept my installed software somehow00:05
nesoiit looks like it deleted it as "obsolete packages"00:06
nesoiwhich kind of makes the entire point of the process moot00:06
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/2389/how-to-list-manually-installed-packages#answers says "Other possibilities *don't work as well*: - Using the ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.manifest file (here for Ubuntu 14.04) instead of /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz. More packages are shown as manually installed even though they are not."00:07
EriC^^nesoi: comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(wget -qO- http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/xenial/ubuntu-16.04.7-server-amd64.manifest | cut -f1 | sort -u)00:08
nesoithanks EriC^^00:08
oerheksso, you have obsolete packages that are likely without support, or worse..00:09
nesoiwhat do you(all) think about upgrade removing my software?00:09
nesoithey aren't00:09
oerheksmake a good plan, what do you do with a vm?00:09
nesoiEriC^^:  that one liner works, but it shows a large number of packages I didn't install00:10
EriC^^nesoi: i guess you could parse /var/log/apt/history.*00:10
tomreynnesoi: what does this print?   dpkg --print-architecture00:11
tomreynwell that at least ;)00:12
tomreynokay then i have no better suggestions00:12
alch3misthey all, recently upgraded to 22.04, however now if I have my display resolution set at 4k (2160P) or 1440p, I get random black screens where the screen seems to go out for few seconds and then comes back and sometimes it stutters and then goes out. on 2160p resolution it happens more often and on 1440p less so. if I set it to 1080p, then it basically goes away. I have a NUC7i5BNK with 8gb of ram, and per specs sheet, it should sup00:12
alch3mistk with one monitor connected (my current set up) or 1440p if 2 monitors are connected00:12
alch3mistany suggestions is appreciated00:12
tomreynnesoi: have you considered moving to containers, or at least a deployment solution such as ansible? how are you using this server?00:13
tomreynis it just one of many, is it part of a larger architecture?00:13
tomreynis this a business, a hobby project?00:13
nesoitomreyn:  I haven't really considered it, but not sure how that would help00:14
nesoicontainers seem problematic for various reasons00:14
nesoiit's a server for doing some research00:16
tomreynnesoi: is there data on there that you cannot afford to loose? or just configurations?00:17
arraybolt3[m]alch3mist: What graphics do you have?00:18
nesoino graphics00:18
nesoioh sorry00:18
arraybolt3[m]alch3mist: Open a terminal and do "lspci | nc termbin.com 9999" and send the link it spits out, that will let me see details about your hardware.00:18
nesoino data, it's just that I don't have a record of what all was installed, so it would be nice to not have to reinstall everything00:18
nesoidata is on another volume00:18
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: apt list --installed00:18
nesoior volumes00:18
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: Also "snap list"00:19
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: That will tell you everything installed on your system (so long as you installed it through apt or snap).00:19
EriC^^nesoi: zgrep -h "Commandline: apt-get install" -A2 /var/log/apt/history.log.* | grep -Ev "Requested-By|Commandline|End-Date" | sed -e 's/^Install: //' -e 's/^Reinstall: //' -e 's/([^()]*)//g' -e 's/ , /\n/g' -e '/^--$/d'00:20
nesoiarraybolt3[m]:  thanks and that is right, although a bunch of that was not installed by me00:21
tomreynnesoi: as tempting as upgrading my seem, it really is going to both involve manually updating a lot of configurations, and you may still end up with failing services, and, for sure, an unclean installation with leftover files in /etc and possibly elsewhere.00:21
EriC^^wait that cant be right 1 sec00:21
arraybolt3[m]EriC^^: LOL I can't hardly tell what it does, so you're doing better than me!00:22
tomreynnesoi: so i'd just get the list of manually installed software, clean it up manually, backup data and /etc and install a fresh 22.04 AMI, setting up services again (probably all manually if it's a single system).00:22
EriC^^arraybolt3[m]: it's messy i just wrote it but i think apt also lists the dependencies in the Install: line00:22
nesoiEriC^^:  it seems to be listing the dependencies00:23
EriC^^i think ill just use the command line and get the packages from there00:24
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: Strongly agreeing with tomreyn here, upgrading from one release to another gives you an awfully high chance of messing up everything in various interesting ways. I don't ever upgrade my systems, clean installs only.00:24
tomreynnesoi: lsof -i   will list services listening and connecting elsewhere, but your security group should also hint on that.00:24
nesoiI don't have any new services installed00:24
nesoiEriC^^:  does that one-liner work? :)00:29
EriC^^nesoi: i think this should do it, zgrep -Eh "Commandline: apt-get install|Commandline: apt install" /var/log/apt/history.log.* | cut -d" " -f4- | sed -e 's/^--reinstall //'00:30
EriC^^it assumes though that apt was used with just --reinstall maybe, so it could pick up other arguments in the list, but i think it should get you close to the list enough, also i think it wont show packages you installed via software center00:32
nesoiright, it's missing most stuff because I didn't use apt :(00:33
nesoibut it did find some I would have forgotten00:33
EriC^^nesoi: if you show something you installed using software center in that history file i can modify it to look for those instead00:34
EriC^^zgrep some-program-you-installed /var/log/apt/history.log.*00:34
nesoiI actually don't even know what software center is00:34
EriC^^how did you install the software?00:35
nesoiprobably downloading it00:35
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: Appimages? Or dreaded "sudo make install"? Or...?00:35
nesoimake install etc00:36
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: Check your .bash_history, that may be your best bet.00:37
EriC^^yeah that's a tough one :D00:37
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: Also, start using "sudo checkinstall" rather than "sudo make install", that will save you from b0rking your VM and may save you from problems similar to this in the future.00:37
EriC^^also see your /root/.bash_history in case00:37
EriC^^if you wanted to get granular, or desperate, you could parse /var/log/auth.log for sudo make install, and look at what the PWD was to maybe get an idea of the program you were installing00:39
EriC^^that's like desperation level 100 though00:39
nesoifor whatever reason my .bash_history doesn't go back very far00:40
nesoiso upgrades just don't work well it seems?00:41
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: Not particularly, but especially not with "make install"'d software in the system - your upgrade may shred the whole thing, since apt has no way of knowing what you installed or where it put stuff when you use make install.00:42
nesoiI don't know why it deleted all my old software rather than letting me upgrade it00:42
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: Checkinstall does about the same thing as "make install", but it packages the software you're installing into an apt package, allowing you to uninstall it safely and find what you're looking for in the future.00:42
nesoiit deleted stuff that doesn't seem to have been installed with apt-get00:42
nesoilike /usr/bin/R00:43
nesoiwith your one-liner EriC^^ R was not installed with apt-get00:43
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: "make install" doesn't tell apt anything about what it's doing, so apt has no way of knowing how to work around it. So apt may do things that should be safe but actually shred your system, possibly including deleting files that get in its way.00:43
nesoiyet upgrade deleted it00:43
nesoiwhy would that happen?00:44
EriC^^nesoi: zgrep "sudo.*COMMAND=/usr/bin/make" /var/log/auth.log.*00:44
nesoinothing found EriC^^00:45
tomreynunknown, unless you have logs? but it's really pretty moot at this point. you won't be able to migrate your 'make install' software builds to a newer release anyways.00:45
EriC^^anything with     zgrep "make install" /var/log/auth.log.* ?00:45
tomreynnesoi: this was in response to <nesoi> it deleted stuff that doesn't seem to have been installed with apt-get00:46
nesoinothing EriC^^00:46
nesoiyeah it deleted R and all R packages although they were not installed with apt-get00:46
tomreynmaybe it tried to clean up your system a little so that it could still work after the upgrade00:47
nesoiit deleted something like 286 "obsolete" packages rather than giving any chance to upgrade00:47
nesoiok but if something doesn't work, you can usually still upgrade it00:47
arraybolt3[m]alch3mist: You still there?00:48
tomreynthe recommendation remains the same: backup and reinstall. just use actual apt installed debian packages from ubuntu repositories next time, then you'll have a better chance for a release upgrade00:48
nesoinot all software exists in those repos00:49
tomreynthen build your own .deb's or use PPAs or take notes on how you installed the additional software and how you can uninstall it later, and how you'll keep it patched00:50
nesoiit also seems to have uninstalled required dependencies like:00:56
nesoibcftools: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.4: version `CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by bcftools)00:56
nesoiI thought the idea of "upgrade" as opposed to "new install" was that an upgradeā€¦ upgrades, and doesn't require starting from scratch00:57
tomreynif conditions are met, correct.00:57
nesoiok, but in this case some software requires specific versions of packages, and upgrade appears to have decided to just uninstall them rather than keeping them00:58
nesoiis there a way to get it to not do that?00:58
nesoilike, if I start over, can I get it to do an actual upgrade?00:58
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: The moment you type "sudo make install", everything goes up in the air, similar to undefined behavior in C. There's no telling what will happen at that point, unless you want to dig into all the details of where the software puts stuff and things like that. This sort of behavior may not be expected, but once you've done a make install, "expected" isn't a concept any longer.00:59
arraybolt3[m]nesoi: If you don't sidestep the package manager, then yes, an actual upgrade should work so long as you're careful to make sure it's not going to do anything weird (though upgrades are notorious system-busters).01:00
nesoiit seems fairly easy: I want to do an upgrade and not remove anything that actually doesn't work01:00
nesoiis there a way to do that?01:00
nesoiI don't want it to remove things just because they are "obsolete" unless they are known to not work, and in that case I want it to install a newer version or give the option01:00
oerhekswithout proper information, what programs you want to convert to 20.02/22.04, you can talk away but nobody can give help.01:04
oerheksif these are company programs, seek help there?01:05
nesoioerheks:  what I would like to know is if there is a way of doing an OS upgrade and have the upgrade process not delete all the stuff it doesn't recognize01:05
nesoijust upgrade whatever it actually needs to upgrade and leave everything else alone01:06
oerheksnope, that is not going to happen.01:06
nesoiso there's no option that can be selected to not wipe out random stuff if it doesn't recognize it? I don't understand how it can delete things from /usr/bin for example01:07
nesoifor an OS upgrade I want it to upgrade the OS, not things which are not required by the OS. If other things break, then they can be upgraded separately. That's the idea. Is there any way to do that?01:09
nesoilike, if I write some software, the OS shouldn't delete it because it doesn't know what it is01:10
oerhekstime passes by, software gets better, changing from an ancient 16.04 to a current supported release can be confusing, read the releasenotes and get updates for your unknown programms.01:10
oerheksthe change to python3 is a huge example01:10
nesoisure, my point is I don't want the upgrade process to just wipe things out01:10
oerheksthen back them up?01:11
nesoithe entire point of an upgrade is that it's supposed to not wipe out what was there already, as opposed to a new install in which you are expected to start over, no?01:12
nesoinot sure how I would know what to back up that isn't part of the OS01:12
ravage"upgrade" takes care of programs that were installed through the provided package system. you are responsible for any programs you manually added to the system. thats just how it is01:13
nesoiright, that's what I want01:13
nesoiwhat I don't want is for "upgrade' to delete things it doesn't take care of01:13
ravageit doesnt01:14
nesoiit did01:14
oerheksthat is between your program vendor and you// as you are kinda vague, what do you expect? your are out of support without ESM.01:14
nesoino vendor01:14
nesoiit deleted R01:14
nesoifor example01:14
oerheksno, thanks.01:15
nesoiold system has /usr/bin/R, after upgrade its gone. Should that happen?01:22
nesoiit seems wrong to me for it to just willy nilly delete stuff like that01:22
nesoiand I was hoping there was an option to tell it not to do it01:22
nesoiam I an idiot for thinking that upgrades shouldn't go around deleting your software, and if they do you should be able to tell them not to?01:23
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lotuspsychjeim trying to test a mainline kernel; https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.17.7/ but i get a lot of unmet dependencys07:56
=== kaiseisei1 is now known as kaiseisei
lotuspsychjeim trying the amd64 one07:57
alkisglotuspsychje: are you trying to dpkg -i all .debs together (modules included), or just the kernel?07:58
alkisgIf it depends on the modules or even the extra modules, you need to specify them all in the same dpkg line07:58
lotuspsychjealkisg: no, im installing them one by one via software centre07:59
alkisgThat won't work07:59
alkisgYou can apt install ./.deb or dpkg -i ./.deb, but not one-by-one07:59
lotuspsychjeit used to work on earlier releases07:59
alkisgAt some point they included the modules in the kernels, and it was big like 60 MB07:59
lotuspsychjeok lemme try07:59
alkisgThen they splitted it to -modules etc; so if the kernel is small you can't install it without its modules08:00
alkisgSee an example there: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.3.1-precise/ ==> the kernels there don't use separate -modules packages, are bigger, and can be installed without dependencies08:02
lotuspsychjesucces alkisg sudo dpkg -i worked08:04
alkisg`apt install ./*.deb` is better as it ensures there are no unmet dependencies08:04
lotuspsychjetnx mate08:04
lotuspsychjeapt doesnt complain, seems fine08:05
KBaryeah, dpkg is too low-level for such things (i.e. installing a bunch of packages)08:05
lotuspsychjenow lemme try booting it for my flicker bug08:07
lotuspsychjewohoo party!08:10
lotuspsychjeflickering has resolved here08:10
BedMandpkg -i is like trying to use a scalpul to cut a tree limb08:10
BedManapt is a better tool for the job08:11
KBaryes, it is apt08:11
lotuspsychjebug #195819108:12
ubottuBug 1958191 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i915] Screen flickering in Ubuntu 22.04 (until i915.enable_dc=0 intel_idle.max_cstate=2 are added) (fixed in 5.17.7 and later)" [High, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/195819108:12
KBarlotuspsychje: see how easy that is? now try beating that, microsoft!08:13
user7_Hello folks .. looking for help to install Web browser IceCat on Ubuntu 18.04.6  and updating it .  Seems there is only a version from 2019 I can download.  Any resources to help update the downloaed file.  Instructions etc to update with latest capabilities and security ?09:06
=== kaiseisei1 is now known as kaiseisei
user7_can anyone confirm this is a working channel please09:07
sonOfRait is, but everyone here is here on their own accord and not being paid to be here09:08
user7_Understood. Im not looking for paid support. dont expect that from an open source project :)   Im just curious if all the people logged on are active.  Thanks.  And Ive asked a question that may have an interest to multiple people09:09
dsc_people will eventually respond, if the question is relevant for them09:10
user7_Thank you for the response. I appreciate knowing channel is functional :)   Have a nice night.09:10
user7_For anyone interested in a secure Web browser for Ubuntu ... Icecat came recommended to me after some research online09:13
dsc_I dont think many people use icecat, which is reflected in the amount of people answering your question(s) here09:14
user7_Are there any other Web browsers for Ubuntu 18.04.6  that are as secure ?    I just found the e cat channel.. #icecat  But would love any feedback on other browsers you all found to be secure as Icecat or better.  Thanks09:15
user7_thanks for the feedback dsc_    may I ask what you use,  and is it a secure solution  regarding privacy and security ?09:16
alkisguser7_: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnuzilla/ seems to have latest release = 201909:22
alkisgSo if upstream has died, there's not much distributions can do09:22
alkisgIf it's not up to date, it's certainly not secure09:23
alkisgfirefox and chrome would be a whole lot more secure09:23
dsc_user7_: I personally use firefox09:27
user7_Thanks dsc_09:28
KBaruser7_: promotions are not allowed (latent or blatant). stick to support questions allowed09:30
KBarregarding secure browsers. duckduckgo has launched its own, although its not available for linux just yet09:31
user7_Kbar , thanks for the feedback.   What promoting are you refering to ?  because I mentioned an open source software and requesting feedback or advice on finding something similar ?09:33
user7_Ohhh ..  you dont like other channels mentioned in your chat .... wow.  if that is the case. Im sorry.09:34
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ice9how to run apt hook only if a specific package is upgraded?11:33
wezice9: perl script I reckon11:38
BluesKajHi all12:07
schraubritter80what would be the easiest/recommended way to tell either the plasma "display" controls or the nvidia driver gui to offer all possible resolutions regardless of EDID etc.? I had seen some info on the web about changing several xorg.conf parameters, is there some more high-level flag somewhere?12:43
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iffraffHi, I have recently upgraded to 22.04.  I have a laptop with intell gpu and an external 4k monitor.  every 10 minutes or so the system seems to disconnect the monitor for about 5 seconds then it comes back as a 1080p.  Can someone help me diagnose this?13:21
KBariffraff: when you're afk/idle?13:21
iffraffnope workin away.  just drops me right in the middle of typing13:22
iffraffI've looked at this file ~/.config/monitors.xml and it seem correct even when the monitor is at low res13:23
iffraffjust happened again, so I guess it doesn't matter if I'm in 4k or low res it still cuts out.  It has even cut out of low res and returned as 4k but only once sadly13:28
iffrafflooks like it's actually more like every 5 minutes.  just happened again.  uggg.  I'll wait for a bit and try back.13:32
Maikiffraff: you sure the cable is plugged in correctlY13:42
leftyfbiffraff: you sure the hdmi cable you're using is good enough quality to provide constant 4k?13:42
iffraffYep, I was going to mention, early on I wondered if perhaps I was hitting the cord with my foot, you know, giggling it but I have ruled that out.13:43
Maikiffraff: also, look for bug reports on Launchpad about the matter. If there's none, open one.13:43
iffraffleftyfb: so ... I mean, it has been working for a long time.  I don't know if these cables degrade or if maybe it was just barely enough, idk13:44
tomreyniffraff: all cables degrade, as does any other hardware. trying it with a different cable can be worth it. i previously suggested looking at the bug tracker, and filing a bug, if none found, too. i also suggested reviewing logs - but do not remember whether you responded on this, or what, if so.13:56
iffrafftomreyn: yes, thank you. So I unplugged the html ( thinking I had another htmi -> usb c which I don't ) and when I plugged it back in it was 4k. it's been ~8 minutes :) so far so good.  I am now starting to believe it may be a cable issue.  I am hesitant to file a bug for what could be a hardware issue.  I'm already a bit embarrased that it may be a cable and I'm here trying to diagnose it like it's a software issue.13:59
tomreynyou unplugged the html cable? :)13:59
tomreyni assume you mean HDMI14:00
tomreynthat or DP14:00
tomreyntry getting a new cable then14:01
iffraffIt's been a very long time since I dug into any logs and I don't remember what to run.  Is there any log that my show that the cable is too weak?14:01
iffraffalso yes :) I'm diagnosing problems in my setup and at work.  so no html cables :) just hdmi -> usb c14:01
tomreynmaybe at work someone even has a cable they could borrow you for 5 minutes to test14:01
iffraffSo it stands to reason that unplugging the cord would ... giggle it around a bit and may resustate it for a bit.  It's been working for longer than usual, so I'm going with crappy cord for now.14:02
iffraffThank you all, and sorry to bother you with some day 1 stuff.14:02
iffraff@tomreyn and others, is there some spec that would indicate a cable is good enough quality for 4k? I mean you can pay $100 for a Monster cable or $12 for an off brand one, and I have no sense that either one is good.  There must be some other metric than cost.14:08
tomreyniffraff: you may get better replies to hardware questions on a #hardware channel14:10
iffraffyes, makes sense. Figured I y;all alredy know my context. I'll try over there though.  Thanks14:11
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gerihi is there a smill docker image for ubuntu 22.04?14:58
gerii build a binary on ubuntu 22.04 and want to run it on the slimest image possible15:00
jhutchinsgeri: I know they've been working on the images and they should have a basic one available.15:02
geriyou mean ask in docker channel?15:02
gerii cant enter for some reason :/15:02
jhutchinsgeri: https://hub.docker.com/_/ubuntu15:03
jhutchinsgeri: You might just need to register your nick.  Read the message.15:03
geriok did enter15:03
jhutchinsgeri: The exclamation is an attempt to trigger our brain-dead bot.15:04
gerijhutchins where you see the slim image?15:04
jhutchinsgeri: I don't.  Not a container guy.15:05
Maikgeri: slim image... do you mean a minimal iso?15:08
murmelgeri: the only docker images are those you can find on docker hub (at least officially)15:16
jwashhi guys i have motion running https://i.imgur.com/rzZh9T2.png my webcam. as you can see, i can open it from my local pc, but i can not on my network.15:34
jwashi have added a firewall rule for 8081, ssh is working.....15:34
jwashdoes anyone have experience setting up a webcam and making visible to the internet?15:35
jwashi have opened a port forward rule in my router also15:35
ravagejwash, maybe motion only listens on ?15:38
jwashit's used for multiple cameras15:38
jwashand as a webcam solution15:38
jwashso that doesn't seem likely15:38
ravageproof :)15:40
kamrulhi this is my first time , visiting a irc :(15:40
kamruli have upgraded my os to 22 lts today, when i open multiple tabs on my vivaldi browser the text on tabs kinda breaks :915:43
ioriakamrul, have you tired to start it from terminal ?  vivaldi-stable --no-sandbox15:48
kamruli am doing it now15:50
kamrulthe issue still remians15:51
ioriakamrul, and what's the output in terminal ?15:52
kamrullibva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)15:52
kamrul[7446:7446:0624/215045.705852:ERROR:image_generic.cc(77)] Unable to decode PNG for 1.15:52
kamrul[7446:7446:0624/215047.070217:ERROR:CONSOLE(1)] "syncDetachedTabInformation: The message port closed before a response was received.", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/bundle.js (1)15:52
kamrul[7446:7446:0624/215051.243447:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)15:52
kamrul[7446:7446:0624/215101.627335:ERROR:CONSOLE(0)] "Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received", source: chrome-extension://mpognobbkildjkofajifpdfhcoklimli/browser.html (0)15:52
kamrul[7479:7479:0624/215105.969681:ERROR:gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc(260)] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!15:52
ioria!paste | kamrul15:53
ubottukamrul: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:53
ioriakamrul,  try with   '--disable-gpu'15:54
kamrulvivaldi-stable --no-sandbox with this command ? or seperately15:55
ioriakamrul,  vivaldi-stable --disable-gpu15:56
ioriakamrul,  but consider that vivaldi is not supported on ubuntu15:56
kamruloh should i tuse other browser other than vivaldi then?15:57
kamrulioraia --disable gpu command seems to fix the problem15:58
ioriakamrul,  you use what you want... but ubuntu supports firefox and chromium15:59
kamrulnvm i will switch to chromium then15:59
kamrulthank you ioria16:01
ioriakamrul,  it's ok16:01
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ice9in post apt hook, how to check for the upgraded package name?16:08
jhutchinsI wonder if kamrul was running vivaldi in a container?  I wonder if switching to chromium fixed the problem.16:14
jhutchinsice9: What are you actually trying to do?16:15
ice9jhutchins, run script if a specific package is upgraded16:16
jhutchinsSeems like a human interface would be good for that.  One more reason not to mess with unattended upgrades.16:16
ztaneusing firefox snap, 22.04, pretty sure hovering stopped working in wayland... grr16:19
oerheksone can spot a package that gets updates; apt list ā€”upgradable | grep <package>16:19
dsc_> snap16:19
oerheksnot sure afterwards16:19
oerheksyes snap16:19
ztanelike, no mouse events are passed through unless clicked, I wouldn't call this much of advance :/16:21
oerheksztane, bare metal or in a VM ?16:21
ravagemy firefox hovers links just fine16:21
oerhekssame here16:22
ztaneit is worse than just hover, I could not draw in google jamboard by dragging yesterday, I just realized today that hovers do not work *anywhere*, neither are mouse cursors changed unless I click :D16:23
ztanehmmmm strange then, maybe I need to see if there are pending updates... and restart this wayland too.16:23
ravagecant test with wayland here. nvidia victim :)16:24
oerheksrabut there is egl-wayland16:26
ztanenot sure if this intel garbage is better, fast as a snail.16:26
ravage"work in progress library" sound not stable16:26
ravageand Xorg works without any errors16:27
ravagei dont miss wayland atm16:27
oerheksoh oke16:27
ztaneI just am too old for messing around with system, just want something that works. do-release-upgrade shove snap firefox and wayland down my throat so here we are16:28
ravageztane, logout. select your username. click the gear icon. select Xorg16:28
oerheksztane, there is choice, logout, switch to Xorg session and login again16:29
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ograFWIW, to find upgradeable snaps you use "snap refresh --list" ... (as equivalent to "apt list ā€”upgradable")16:38
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ztanewell, I just installed everything, logged out and logged in to wayland and ... hovering works in firefox again17:33
ztane"have you tried turning it off and on again"17:34
alkisg# clamscan /usr/lib/firefox/browser/features/webcompat@mozilla.org.xpi17:53
alkisg/usr/lib/firefox/browser/features/webcompat@mozilla.org.xpi: Archive.Test.Agent2-9953724-0 FOUND17:53
alkisgI guess clamav doesn't like the firefox update for 20.04? Can someone else confirm the false positive?17:53
tommy_whats the point of building a bot on irc???? like advertisement???? anyone know??17:53
oerhekstommy_, here the bot ubottu is a channel helper.17:54
oerheksalkisg, https://github.com/Cisco-Talos/clamav/issues/620 false17:55
ubottuIssue 620 in Cisco-Talos/clamav "False Positive Signature 'Archive.Test.Agent2-9953724-0'" [Closed]17:55
alkisgYeh I was just reading that one; thank you oerheks17:55
tommy_cool thanks17:55
BedManztane: sometimes just logging off and on again is enough18:13
BedManinstead of reinstalling everything18:13
ice9what does it mean if a snap package is listed as "disabled" however this app runs and get updates too?18:16
kristijonasHello, I'd like to ask if it's possible to have a LiveUSB Ubuntu (to try it / as emergency) with proprietary drivers for BCM43142 wi-fi card?18:17
enigma9o7[m]It means snap still needs work.18:17
enigma9o7[m]krist: sure its possible18:17
enigma9o7[m]but does the broadcomm license allow you to do it?18:18
enigma9o7[m]not like Hock Tan is gunna hassle you tho if you do it for personal use.18:18
kristijonasenigma9o7[m], Debian has https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/ that's what I'd need to have for Ubuntu, right?18:19
enigma9o7[m]Ubuntu includes non-free int heir regular installer, dont need aseperate one.18:20
enigma9o7[m]During install it asks if you're okay with 3rd party drivers.18:20
enigma9o7[m]But if debian includes the driver and ubuntu doesnt, that's kinda surprising.18:20
enigma9o7[m]debian has two different isos because their official one is 100% FOSS.18:21
enigma9o7[m]but ubuntu doesnt care about that18:21
kristijonasThe laptop doesn't have hard-drive, and I want to have it as emergency laptop that would work with wifi from USB stick in "try it" mode18:25
kristijonascurrently I have a USB stick with 18.04 and it doesn't recognize a wifi device18:25
u0_a2048doing full disk-encryption when you first install ubuntu is that a good idea?   i know probably booting is a little slower since the data needs to be decrypted but is there any other draw backs from doing this full disk encryption18:28
u0_a2048and is it secured18:28
enigma9o7[m]krist: itd be a lot easier to install it, even onto aother usb drive, than figure out how to build your own live image with that driver, if you're not already familiar with such things18:29
ravageu0_a2048, yes18:33
enigma9o7[m]u0: i think its dumb personally, but its opinion18:35
enigma9o7[m]do you need to hide child porn or something?  sure do it18:35
enigma9o7[m]otherwise you're just causing possible complications and making troubleshooting harder18:35
enigma9o7[m]encryption complicates things18:35
enigma9o7[m]But, if you think the government might be stealing your computer, or you're afraid if you get robbed what a robber would find on your pc, then use it.18:36
ice9why snap doesn't remove old versions automatically?18:36
enigma9o7[m]to keep people getting mad18:37
enigma9o7[m]from getting mad18:37
enigma9o7[m]nobody likes it when their pc startws removing stuff automatically18:37
enigma9o7[m]well maybe somebody does18:37
Noxturnixauto update is scary18:38
ravageice9, sudo snap set system refresh.retain=218:38
ravagethat will keep 2 versios18:38
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ice9thanks ravage but honestly, snap has been always a trouble until now in everything, I hope canonical terminate it and just keep apt18:40
u0_a2048ok  im just tweeking and trying and doing new things  ill just get an old pc to try it just to see what i see18:40
ravageice9, not gonna happen. also off-topic. see #ubuntu-discuss18:41
webchat62nice to meet you.20:00
PeGaSuSHello webchat62. Welcome to #ubuntu support channel. How can we assist you today?20:00
enigma9o7[m]Me?  Yeah thanks20:01
webchat62When I will be able to do dist-upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04?20:01
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enigma9o7[m]August 4th, or you can force it right now with a switch.20:01
webchat62-d ?20:01
enigma9o7[m]but of course if you do it now, youre more likely to run into issues than waiting til the first point release.20:02
PeGaSuSwebchat62: when 22.04.1 will be out, probably in August20:02
PeGaSuSI've been running Ubuntu 22.04 since its release and didn't faced any major issues. worth to note that I use my laptop mainly to watch youtube, irc and ssh20:03
enigma9o7[m]Clean install, or upgrade?20:04
enigma9o7[m]Anyways lota people have upgraded fine, and the minor issues some run into can be resolved.20:04
PeGaSuSI did an `do-release-upgrade -d --allow-third-party` and all went smoothly20:08
llanhmodHey guys... looking to install visualvm and noticed that apt package comes with ant. Im using Gradle, is there any way I can get VisualVM without ant or is this just not possible?20:17
enigma9o7[m]is ant a seperate package?  the only depends i see for visualvm are "default-jdk (>= 2:1.11) | java11-sdk, libnb-platform18-java (>= 12.1), libvisualvm-jni" with no reccomends.20:23
enigma9o7[m]but of course one of those other things might require or recommend it20:24
enigma9o7[m]in any case, what you can try if you want is adding `--no-install-recommends` when you install it20:24
llanhmodhm... wondering if that would get me a bad install20:24
llanhmodbut..recommends are not requires...so...maybe not20:25
enigma9o7[m]well, it no longer includes ant on the list20:25
enigma9o7[m]or you can just insatll it as normal then remove ant20:25
enigma9o7[m]it does seem ant is a seperate package, a reccommend of one of the dependencies (or its dependencies)20:25
llanhmodmetered connection here20:26
llanhmodbut okay20:26
* enigma9o7[m] uploaded an image: (670KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/EIHQLOzRykvaWEMCWPNrqQaC/Screenshot%20from%202022-06-24%2013-27-57.png >20:28
enigma9o7[m]well depending on what you have installed already, there is a difference......20:28
Psil0Cybinhow much does ant take up? hmm20:28
llanhmodI dont know Psil0Cybin ... didnt want to find out either20:28
Psil0Cybinmakes sense.20:28
enigma9o7[m]well you can check how much ant is by itself by installing it (or test installing it)20:33
* enigma9o7[m] uploaded an image: (445KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/bwCXfCDmQgjgtzXNpGBQfmwe/Screenshot%20from%202022-06-24%2013-33-08.png >20:33
enigma9o7[m]for me its a 44mb download and 175mb install20:33
enigma9o7[m](including depends & reccommends)20:34
enigma9o7[m]but for you it may be different depending what you have already20:34
Psil0Cybinhmm interesting okay20:37
Psil0Cybinthanks for that info enigma9o7[m].20:37
Psil0Cybin44mb isnt too bad20:37
enigma9o7[m]plus probably some of those depends might be needed for the main thing he was installin ganyway, so probably even less.20:38
enigma9o7[m]as shown i dont have java at all20:39
u0_a2048i just wanted to know if this is something usefull and for what20:55
oerheksyes? where do you read that , and how is it related to ubuntu support?20:55
u0_a2048i read it on linuxconfig.org  and since its supported by ubuntu i thought i could get an opnion of its use20:57
oerhekssnaps mount as a squashfs, but i have no clue what a loop-device is20:58
u0_a2048want me to give you the link20:59
Psil0Cybinsure i will read the link21:25
jhutchinsu0_a2048: Perhaps an example would be a file that is an image of a filesystem and can be mounted and treated as a device.21:29
jhutchinsu0_a2048: I have several iso images mounted as shared filesystems (read-only).21:30
rfmu0_a2048, this is all kind of offtopic for #ubuntu, but loop mounts can be used by various container platforms so the container's filesystem is separated for the host.  also used as jhutchins said, to look at the files in an iso without having to burn it to a disk...21:32
u0_a2048rfm:yeah i understand better now21:41
jhutchinsIn my case, I'd have to have a half-dozen optical disk drives, and the access time's much better.22:19
gordonjcpjhutchins: no-one has to have an optical drive any more22:20
gordonjcpjhutchins: they went obsolete 20 years ago22:20
jhutchinsgordonjcp: You do if you haven't already ripped the disc.22:21
cbreakoptical? Bah. LTO-8 is where it's at.22:30
gordonjcpjhutchins: can't remember the last time I had an optical disc to rip tbh22:31
gordonjcpjhutchins: I do have OS9-x86 somewhere though22:31
jhutchinsgordonjcp: I have an 18" 1MB platter.23:02
arraybolt3[m]I've got some original "floppy" floppy disks around here somewhere.23:20
arraybolt3[m](Got them from a thrift store in an old software package, didn't realize the disks were the wrong ones for the old computer we were using.)23:21

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