[00:00] One question, how can I make this Os Update & Recovery panel appear because I don't have it in the configuration options in Pop Os 22, does anyone know of a command using Alt + F2? An example image https://support.system76.com/_nuxt/image/79d11e.webp [00:18] diosdeluniverso, that seems to be a GNOME panel. Xubuntu doesn't use GNOME. Whisker menus>Settings>Software and Updates is the closest equivalent I know of for Xubuntu. [00:21] I ask for Pop Os, not for Xubuntu, if there is a way to start that panel from a console command with Alt + F2? [00:23] diosdeluniverso, if you [00:23] diosdeluniverso, if you're asking about Pop OS, ask somewhere else than #xubuntu.... [00:29] !pm | diosdeluniverso [00:29] diosdeluniverso: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.