
Guest4425hi what does the following mean? runtime/cgo: pthread_create failed: Operation not permitted00:11
Guest4425SIGABRT: abort00:11
Guest4425PC=0x7fa02c4dda7c m=0 sigcode=1844674407370955161000:11
Guest4425looks like some os limitation or docker idk00:11
CeeClearLooking for advice on a optical Drive that is not burning DVDs00:16
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enigma9o7[m]need a laser technician00:42
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kamruli read somewhere that chromium is is not safe to use it is for developers only for testing things :( , is it true? which browser should i install alongside firefox then?03:15
oerhekscheck your sources.03:15
kamruli read it in a blog post03:16
oerhekssome find it ugly all they need is a them03:16
oerheksif chromium is bad, why is microsoft edge and google chrome based on it?03:17
kamrulit’s missing some of Chrome’s default features and may suffer from glitches, security holes and other flaw03:18
kamrulit says it has security holes03:18
oerhekswell, freespeech is oke. just an opinion without proof,... reads like a friday 5 o' clock copy writer03:20
oerheksno browser is failsafe.03:20
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kamrulthanks i am switching to chromium03:23
jhutchinskamrul: If you're looking for a browser that somebody, somewhere, has not posted a screed of hatred or fear about, you're probably out of choices.  Maybe lynx?03:23
kamrulnah thanks xd03:24
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soban@are you a girl06:18
lunanope non binary06:18
sobani dont understand06:19
soban@luna are you muslim06:19
sobancan u send best network for fun06:20
lotuspsychje!ot | soban06:20
ubottusoban: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:20
C0ckGobbLeRluna: you're a girl who is non binary ?06:21
lotuspsychjeofftopic is for you too C0ckGobbLeR06:21
sobanoh now i understand06:21
C0ckGobbLeRlotus what about you, are you a girl too06:21
C0ckGobbLeRoh I understand06:21
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ice9how to run apt post hook only if a specific package is upgraded?07:54
pewpewwHi, keepassxc browser integration is not working for me. I have installed Keepassxc with snap, and Chrome browser using google's repository (.deb).08:03
KBarsnaps are confined. keepassxc snap probably cant access your chrome's data08:05
pewpewwIt can access everything in my $HOME, so unless I'm missing something it should be able to access whatever it needs..08:08
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Dhjhg678hello friends10:30
Dhjhg678I have a question10:31
fhaacI want to update a package myself beyond what the repos offer. How do I deal with package splitting?10:38
Maik!ask | Dhjhg67810:38
ubottuDhjhg678: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:38
Maikfhaac: installing software from outside the official repo's is at own risk, not recommended and can't really given support for when thing get wonky.10:40
fhaacI really really want an updated poppler so I'll update it myself even if I have to compile it myself. I just don't know how to deal with package splitting.10:40
EriC^what do you mean by package splitting?10:41
Maikany specific reason why you want to update it?10:42
fhaacMy understanding is with ubuntu (and debian) is that there isn't just poppler, it has libpoppler118 and poppler-glib and poppler-glib-dev etc. I want to update because of the improved font embedding from the may release of poppler that solves a huge problem with non ascii fonts.10:43
EriC^fhaac: i think when you install it yourself it will go into /local/usr/ and use those dirs intead of the main ones10:43
fhaacMaybe I should request a backport instead.10:44
fhaacTrue EriC^, but if I was to make a deb package it should update over the default installation.10:48
tomreynfhaac: you use a higher package version number, or pin your package10:50
tatsumaru2hey guys, in terminal is there a way to auto-fill file and dir names instead of typing them completely the same way you can press tab to fill the name of someone you want to mention on irc?11:21
tatsumaru2sometimes there's only one file starting with 01 for example and I'd like to specify it without typing the other 24 characters that precede that11:21
tatsumaru2s/precede/follow after11:22
murmeltatsumaru2: autocomplete definitely works.11:23
tatsumaru2murmel: oh I am stupid it literally works the same way in terminal too11:24
gvvgHi - I have a system running 20.10 and would like to know how to do a dist upgrade - it says "Upgrades to the development release are only available from the latest supported release."12:22
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:24
murmelgvvg: ^12:24
guiverc[m]gvvg: Ubuntu 20.10 release-upgraded to 21.04, but that door closed when 21.04 reached EOL so you've missed the intended/supported release-upgrade process.12:25
KBari was just gonna say this. i think you're gonna have to wait a little bit until august, when 22.04.1 comes out12:26
KBaryou're gonna be able to upgrade to that lts12:26
yutaafter I updated ubuntu 22.04,firefox doesn't run.12:27
guiverc[m]KBar: 20.04 can skip non-lts releases & upgrade to 22.04 (or next-available-non-LTS in next cycle); non-LTS cannot though12:27
KBar20.04 cannot upgrade to 22.04 just yet12:30
KBarunless fresh install12:30
murmelKBar: it can12:31
yutagood night12:31
guiverc[m]You can re-install desktop systems without erasing existing data files, and having manually-installed packages (where available in Ubuntu repositories) auto-reinstalled ... it's what I'd likely do with a 20.10 system  (ie. install 22.04 LTS desktop)...  You re-use existing partition(s) & don't format (esp. /) which triggers this type of 'upgrade via re-install'12:32
murmelthis is definitely not recommended, as it can mess up quite a lot. not formatting /home is quite okay, but / oO12:34
ravageguiverc[m], you found the bridge i see :)12:34
gvvgAn upgrade from 'groovy' to 'impish' is not supported with this tool.12:47
guiverc[m]gvvg:  no the Ubuntu-release-upgrader tool supported 20.10 to 21.04 only.12:48
guiverc[m]as I said before, that upgrade path disappeared when 21.04 went EOL.12:48
gvvgso I am stuck indefinately unless I do a fresh install?12:48
guiverc[m]gvvg:  as was stated before by others, you should *release-upgrade* before your release goes EOL, but you have a further few months or in your case until 21.04 reached EOL meaning an extra 6 months after 20.10 reached EOL.   You can (if desktop) do an unclean install as I stated before ; it'd be my choice as I stated ^12:50
guiverc[m]s/stated before by others/stated before and by others/ ^12:50
gvvgit's a server no desktop stuff12:50
gvvgsorry I wasn't quite understanding12:50
guiverc[m]far more complex; as system directories get wiped (server apps often store confs in sysdirs thus they'll get lost) ... thus clean install is likely your manner as you'll need to restore data (unless desktop systems)12:51
ioriayou could use the old-release repos, but there would be no sense in that12:52
gvvgand after the extra 6 months it should be possible?12:52
guiverc[m]gvvg: no... 20.10 reached EOL (https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2021/06/18/ubuntu-20-10-groovy-gorilla-reaches-end-of-life-on-july-22-2021/)  but you could still release-upgrade your system after that date until 21.04 reached it's EOL (https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2022/01/21/ubuntu-21-04-hirsute-hippo-end-of-life-reached-on-january-20-2022/) which was six months after 20.10 reached EOL...12:54
gvvgok thank you very much12:54
murmelgvvg: as the bot pointed out. it's possible. but very likely it's easier to just reinstall12:55
KBarsorry, can anybody confirm if the main archive is dead?13:30
KBarfailed to fetch on my end13:30
ravagethere is no such thing as a main archive13:31
ravagethere are many servers involved13:32
ravageit is possible that one you are trying to reach does not respond right now13:32
KBarravage there is13:32
KBarravage the one without the prefix is the main one: archive.ubuntu.com13:33
lotuspsychjeno issues on .be13:33
ravagearchive.ubuntu.com ist just a DNS name13:33
ravageit resolves to many different servers13:33
ravagepossibly also depends on your location13:33
ravagei see at least 2 in there13:34
ravageand they both work13:34
lotuspsychjewich country is you KBar13:35
ravagehttps://p.haxxors.com/cewjwbj8.txt thats my output. v4 and v6 work13:36
KBarravage: it resolves to the same addresses on my end13:37
KBari dont live in neither countries13:37
KBarnot even close13:37
ravageat least the ip spaces belong to canocial and says london13:37
ravagei did not trace them all13:37
ravagemaybe use a mirror closer to you then13:38
jessKBar: i just got a failure from trying to upgrade, but i started it again and it worked13:40
KBarjess: a-ha! so that makes the two of us!13:40
lotuspsychjeglitch in the shell13:40
jessa very, very wild guess is that one of the IPs in whatever pool is being used is busted13:40
jessso it's a bit hit & miss13:41
KBaror it got ddosed13:42
KBar(classic excuses of gamers)13:43
KBarwell, at least its reachable now. hopefully it stays alive13:43
giuliahi, I'm using xelatex and I want to use the font "simoncini garamond". I've alway been told "font cannot be found" even if I installed it. Any hint?13:56
oerhekshi giulia, what guide do you follow for that font?14:29
oerheksjust make sure you run: sudo fc-cache -f -v  # to enable it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts14:32
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armin_I'm a bit confused about theming in Ubuntu. So there's the "Legacy Application" theme which to my understanding works for most applications for now. But how are the new GTK4/libadwaita applications supposed to be themed? Is this impossible now? Ideally, I would like to have a single, consistent theme for everything (Arc in my case). I know not Ubuntu specific but idk where better to ask16:03
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cbreakarmin_: I think the GTK people don't like theming16:21
cbreakthe whole libadwaita stuff is intended to get rid of theming and make everything look uniformish16:21
armin_Oh no that's bad news. But thanks!16:30
* cbreak switched to kubuntu a few months ago, it's much more configurable16:31
cbreakarmin_: hmm... https://www.reddit.com/r/gnome/comments/v1aw6k/themeing_libadwaita_a_tldr/16:32
KBar!hi | tanul198916:35
tanul1989I have just installed ubuntu server in oracle virtual box. Is there anyway to ping the this VM from host OS using hostname16:36
tanul1989I have tried with both bridge only and host only adapter16:36
KBartanul1989: open your VM manager and press F116:38
tanul1989ok.. I am using oracle virtual box on windows. Pressing F1 opening help guide16:39
oerheksmaybe this is your answer too.. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1307707/recognising-ubuntu-vm-hostnames-on-my-local-network16:41
oerheksif not, it can be a windows/virtual box thingy16:42
tanul1989Thanks for sharing.. sure let me try16:44
vector101is there an easy way to build wayfire for gnome 42 on 22.0416:57
vector101I kept getting dev after dev conflict16:58
vector101messed up dpkg and apt cache, had to clone an older image to my ssd16:58
KBarvector101: use `apt build-dep` or `mk-build-deps`16:58
KBarvector101: https://github.com/WayfireWM/wayfire/wiki & #wayfire16:59
oerheksmaybe this post give you a clue http://blog.northfield.ws/16:59
oerheksbut it needs a lot of tweaking, good luck!17:00
vector101what exactly does the build-dep argument trigger17:01
oerheksbuild-depends, not so hard to imagine17:01
enigma9o7[m]it installs the build dependencies (as defined in the package control file)17:02
vector101it pulls in the dependecies, but does install them17:02
KBarid say mk-build-deps from devscripts is better17:02
oerheksi think it gives the same as the 2nd url;17:02
oerhekssudo apt install git python3-pip pkg-config libwayland-dev autoconf libtool libffi-dev libxml2-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libgbm-dev libinput-dev libxkbcommon-dev libpixman-1-dev xutils-dev xcb-proto python-xcbgen libcairo2-dev libglm-dev libjpeg-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev xwayland17:02
jjehttps://github.com/WayfireWM/wf-install can also help ease the pain17:03
KBarit build all deps in a single deb package. then you just `apt install` it. but to each their own i suppose17:03
KBar^ about mk-build-deps17:04
vector101not so easy when the dev packages are conflicting 3.1  3.217:04
vector101for example when I type the apt listed above, it is trying to pull in a ppa for libgdm1 that I removes17:06
vector101ligbm1 i mean17:07
enigma9o7[m]sanity check - you ran sudo apt update after removing the ppa?17:07
vector101yes always17:07
vector101I removed the ppa last week17:07
enigma9o7[m]You must have something still installed from it.17:08
KBarsounds like you have issues with repos17:08
KBardouble check it17:08
vector101that too, I changed servers yesterday and it pulled in a whole lot of different updates17:08
KBarvector101: do you mean you changed mirrors?17:09
KBarthey're all in sync. i doubt its the issue here17:10
KBardont be so sure. check your sources.list17:10
vector101libsystemd0 , libsystemd-dev , and systemd all were different revisions17:11
oerhekshow did you remove that ppa?17:11
vector101ppa-purge ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers17:11
oerheksoh oke17:12
KBarvector101: `lsb_release -rd` and `apt policy libs...`17:12
vector101i tried to install the proposal .debs but apt was broken, couldn't trump it17:14
vector101I even went as far as to download the official debs from 22.04 and dpkg them17:14
KBartwo things: 1) if its not packaged and put in the repos, we cant really help you 2) even if it were, you're building from source, so its your adventure17:14
tanul1989oerheks, It worked.. I am able to access via hostname.. Thank you so much  :)17:14
oerhekstanul1989, have fun17:15
vector101ok, I will journey on17:15
KBarno fun on windows until you switch fully!17:15
tommy_how come my system is so much slower after booting with hypervisor on ubuntu???17:16
tommy_the whole system runs choppy....any ideas would be appreciated17:16
tanul1989Can I ask one more question but it is related to Azure kubernetes in which I have ubuntu node pool. I know its not the correct forum to ask this but may be someone is aware of the issue as its related to the node image. If you guys allow me to ask ??17:17
oerhekstommy_, we need more details, what ubuntu, what hypervisor, how much memory17:18
enigma9o7[m]wow such a preamble, shoulda just asked it and then apologized if someone complained )17:19
oerhekstanul1989, there is #kubernetes here on #libera too17:19
tanul1989Oh thanks.. I'll check over there as well. But my question is that the node image version is coming as null in the AKS. Ideally it should show the version of the Node OS.. Has someone faced like this before..17:21
tanul1989I wanted to update my node os.. But due to this I don't know if my nodes are on latest version or not... When I check via command line it returns null in the json {"nodeImageVersion":null}17:23
KBartanul1989: you should probably ask on the relevant channel.17:24
tanul1989Sure not a problem.. Thanks.. And happy weekend to all  :)17:24
kanefossis there a specific launchpad channel? uploaded my first package, and can't get it to show up (doesn't compile?)17:25
tommy_22.04 with xen hypervisor and only 8 gigs of ram but only 2gig is being utilized17:28
KBarkanefoss: #ubuntu-motu if its related to incorporating new packages. or #launchpad for general questions17:28
KBar2gigs? no wonder its shitting bricks!17:28
tommy_only 2 gigs is being used17:29
tommy_still has 6 gigs17:29
tommy_ill just turn hypervisor off....i guess not needed17:29
tommy_thanks for letting me rant haha17:30
tommy_bye guys have a good day (<>..<>)17:30
enigma9o7[m]show more17:38
enigma9o7[m]you dont even show what you were trying to do17:38
oerheksdo a proper apt update first17:39
oerheksenigma9o7[m], yes, questionable why they hide that17:40
KBarwelcome to dependency hell, my friend!17:40
enigma9o7[m]Well it could be as simple as not updating...17:40
enigma9o7[m]otherwise its usually ppa's fault17:41
KBarthis is the first circle17:41
oerheksno apt update? why?17:41
Unit193IIRC there's a problem with some phased update.17:41
KBarah, that'd explain things! thanks Unit19317:42
oerheks!info libsystemd017:42
ubottulibsystemd0 (249.11-0ubuntu3.3, jammy): systemd utility library. In component main, is required. Built by systemd. Size 311 kB / 993 kB. (Only available for linux-any.)17:42
vector101I will just install the source, I just was upset17:42
KBarindeed there was17:42
Unit193`apt-cache policy $pkg` will show if it's phased.17:42
KBaryep, thats what i asked for17:43
enigma9o7[m]Vector: sudo apt update17:43
enigma9o7[m]or just apt update, looks like you're using root shell17:43
vector101ahh, it just installed....17:44
Unit193KBar: FWIW, last time it was brought up, someone linked https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2022/06/23/%23ubuntu-devel.html17:44
vector101thanks again, does wayfire run on top of gnome 4217:45
oerheksvector101, you tell us? we do not have that package in the repos17:47
vector101gotta reboot, I be back in a little bit17:47
KBaris there a factoid for such cases? like "you are trying to install a third-party software not in the official repos. do it on your own risk and dont ask for support here"17:49
KBarUnit193: downgrading the affected packages should suffice for users, no?17:51
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jhutchinsKBar: Restoring backups works.  Downgrading assumes the publisher incorporated downgrade support.18:03
jhutchinsPurge/Reinstall might work, might leave artifacts.18:03
||--||trying to do-release-upgrade from 21.04 shows 21.10 instead of 22.04. Why?18:05
jhutchins||--||: To prevent automatic upgrades that might break services.18:07
||--||so, I have to go through 21.10 to get to 22.04? right?18:07
oerhekshave fun18:07
jhutchins||--||: Better yet, read the upgrade notes.18:07
jhutchins||--||: No, that's not the answer.18:08
oerhekswait for 22.04.118:08
||--||lol what's going on? some terrible issue with 22.04 causing this?18:08
jhutchins||--||: Try reading the upgrade notes.18:08
oerheksNo? it is by design.18:08
||--||jhutchins: where do I get upgrade notes?18:09
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:09
||--||thanks, bot!18:09
jhutchins||--||: There should be an explicit factoid, but I don't seem to remember the trigger.18:09
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Guest3756hi I have a question about snaps18:10
ubottuUbuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) release notes can be found at https://ubottu.com/y/jammy18:10
Guest3756are snaps based on like docker images or whatever?18:10
Guest3756or it runs using the normal OS?18:10
||--||Guest3756: I think LxC, not docker18:11
oerhekssnaps run in a confinement, yes, with its own dependencies included.18:11
enigma9o7[m]you are ever so welcome, if i do say so myself.18:12
||--||so, jhutchins, "I have to go through 21.10 to get to 22.04" is correct then, right? It just says "To avoid damaging your running system, upgrading should only be done from one release to the next release (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 16.10) or from one LTS release to the next (e.g. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)."18:12
Guest3756i am trying to figure out what the consequences of that are, so like, if I install "pycharm" using a snap, will it use a version of python that's bundled in the container, or use the system python?18:12
Guest3756i feel like it would be simpler if I didn't use a snap but that seems to be the recommended way18:13
oerheksit runs its own dependencies, so yes, bundled18:13
oerheksunless that snap writes uses the system defaults..18:14
Guest3756thank you!!18:16
kanefossGuest3756 you will use the python which is in the snap18:17
KBarooh, i smell the scent of snap haters nearing us..18:20
KBar||--|| you cannot go to 21.10 and then to 22.04 as the target was removed long ago.18:20
dbqp hi, is it relatively easy to have ubuntu with my home directory on a bootable USB flash stick? I want to be able to go onto any computer in the world and just load up my OS with my documents. I am an ubuntu user so I can easily install ubuntu onto a PC, just so you have an idea of my level of experience just never tried what I mentioned in my first line18:21
oerheksnot sure you find these options in flatpak https://snapcraft.io/docs/interface-management18:21
oerheksdbqp, yes you can, but it will be horrible slow.18:22
KBaryou'll probably wanna have a persistent storage18:23
dbqp@oerheks, is there another alternative distro that isn't as slow? Not interested in puppy linux tho18:23
oerheksdbqp, not the distro, but the fact running from an usb makes it slow.18:23
KBarrunning on usb is inherently slow.18:23
dbqphmm, OK I see18:24
oerhekslighter desktop like mate or lubuntu might be faster, not that much faster18:24
KBardbqp: you may also try xubuntu18:24
dbqpyeah, I'm using Ubuntu MATE right now, I love it, super fast (although not off a USB)18:24
jhutchinsdbqp: http://pendrivelinux canhelp you build a USB imgae that runs in RAM, has persistent data, and performs reasonably well.18:40
jhutchinsdbqp: A standard install to even the fastest available USB drive will be painfully slow.18:41
jhutchinsdbqp: You'll still be dealing with having to solve driver dependencies with varying success on every new platform.18:42
enigma9o7[m]slitaz is fast18:42
jhutchinsFast is relative.18:42
dbqpso you mean just the installation process is slow?18:43
jhutchinsFast is being able to get your printout the same day you turn in your card deck.18:43
dbqpIf it runs in RAM, surely it runs fast?18:43
jhutchinsdbqp: There's only so much you can put in RAM.  An optimised system will be usable.18:43
dbqpyeah that's true actually18:44
oerheksupdate firefox in ram ..18:44
dbqpok thanks for the info18:44
dbqpany hopes that future standards of USB will be fast enough to be more usable for this kind of purpose?18:45
enigma9o7[m]a USB3 SSD is fast.  Its flash drives that are slow.18:46
enigma9o7[m]USB3.2 i think it is is 10Gbps?  or is it 3.1.  In any case USB3 is fast enough.18:47
jhutchinsenigma9o7[m]: Are you running on USB?18:49
dbqpoh I see18:50
dbqpOK yeah, USB3 definitely, I would get. I guess I'm old school so I said flash, but yeah SSD. I'll see if I can get an SSD drive that fits in my pocket18:50
jhutchinsdbqp: It's a niche case, so it's unlikely mainstream development will address it.  Portable devices make it unnecessary.18:51
jhutchinsdbqp: Booting to user-provided media is one of the first things a responsible administrator secures on a publicly accessible system.18:52
dbqpI was just thinking, if I go travelling, I can use a friend's PC without having all of their crap intermingle with mine. A bit of a privacy thing I guess, but also i don't want to deal with someone else's clutter and settings if I borrow their PC18:53
dbqpI was also thinking the same for going to some cybercafe, I can't trust what keyloggers they ahve on etc. but if they have that blocked...18:54
dbqplastly, just seems like a fun weekend project to get that working xD even if I don't actually really absolutely need it18:55
jhutchinsdbqp: It is that, and could be useful as a rescue system. (There are pre-built rescue images.)18:55
jhutchinsIt's always a good idea to have a rescue boot medium in reserve.18:56
dbqpI've used puppy linux in the past to rescue18:56
dbqpbut good to know18:56
Blohshis there any way to install linux without usb or dvd? i see online guides but what i want to know is if i have 2 laptops, 1 is my main 2nd is in which i want linux, is it possible to write files on 2nd laptop by attaching its hdd to my main laptop so when i put back hdd in 2nd laptop it has linux in it?19:07
oerhekspxe boot install ?19:10
oerheksand what host? ubuntu ?19:11
oerheksoh you are crossposting multiple channels19:12
Blohshubuntu derivate19:12
oerheksand not even running ubuntu :-D19:13
Blohshi have ubuntu on 2nd laptop, have to go to xubuntu19:14
Blohshfresh install19:14
jwashdoes anyone have experience with the program motion and surveilance cameras? my cameras are all stop/start, they don't show smooth video19:17
PsiloCybinJoin #ubuntu-offtopic20:13
PsiloCybinAfternoon mistakes20:13
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gvvgHi - I have a vmware 6.7 esxi host that is running a ubuntu 22.04 I just upgraded the system. Now it hangs after 1 minutes approx - I do know how to figure out why - in VMARE it shows that cpu usage is high and then the VM does not respond anymore -23:56
gvvgany suggestions to help me find the root cause would be appreciated23:56

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