
metastasiss9You know the best thing about Ubuntu?01:07
oerheksthe huge community?01:08
oerhekshandsome founder?01:09
oerhekssexy launchpad?01:09
oerhekssorry, i am joking; it is YOU!!!01:11
metastasiss9Yes, but also that i feel like i'm using you, boon 2...i mean it sounds chinese? sort of.01:11
oerhekscanonical is hiring..01:12
tremble2sorry i mean yes oerheks! it is the YOU01:15
tremble2in You Bend 2! as a non binary robot living in the future...01:15
tremble2i do appreciate U-boon 2, and U looks like an old magnet.01:15
arraybolt3[m]<lotuspsychje> "arraybolt3: https://www.phoronix..." <- \o/01:57
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: I'm on Matrix, what I typed probably looks like gibberish in IRC, sorry about that (it looks fine in Matrix).02:03
arraybolt3[m]I was replying to lotuspsychje who linked a Phoronix post about a systemd-oomd solution, and used the "\o/" emoticon (or whatever) for "Yay!"02:03
oerhekssometimes i think this all happens when you open 10 pages02:04
oerhekscookies, tracking stuff, preloading02:04
oerheksit is like winamp, version 1.8x was like 200mb, now gigabytes02:06
arraybolt3[m](Just looked in the IRC logs, no wonder you said "what?" That's about what I would say if I sow that!)02:06
lotuspsychjegood morning03:08
ice9why Ubuntu LTS gets updates more frequent updates that CentOS/RedHat etc...?18:35
oerhekscentos is dead, and redhat is paid. ubuntu gives more software, so more patches and fixes.18:39
oerheksthe ' etc'  is not true, there are more linux versions with lots of updates18:39
tomreyni would not expect major differences between the the leading, commercially funded distros in terms of whether or how fast updates are made available. the amount of packages supported will likely differ.18:43
ice9so what's the difference between LTS updates and non-LTS with in the same period of the non-LTS release?18:46
tomreynpackage versions will differ, possibly supported packages, too.18:47
oerheksand current 22.04 lts i find still in testing, until the 22.04.1 point release18:48
ice9tomreyn, what do you mean by package versions will differ?18:48
oerheksnon lts using a more recent list of packages, and sure there are more bugs to find18:48
tomreynoerheks: if've read such statements (".0 = still in testing") a couple times lately, is there any even semi official statement to back that up? it would be a shift to how it used to be.18:49
ice9but even with LTS update, it can have a major version update right? that could introduce a behavior change or deprecation of a feature right?18:50
oerheksfrom an LTS version, you would expect it to be tested trhrough, and widely with a huge group of early adaptors18:50
tomreynice9: that's very rare (it did happen), would have to be very well reasoned. because the expectation is the contrary - what goes into an LTS release (in 'main' anyways) continues to be supported.18:53
tomreyn(in this very version)18:54

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