
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> @mitya57 is pyqt5 to be synced/merged?09:22
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> or waiting for next Qt?09:22
lubot[telegram] <RikMills> also Qtwebengine that synced is FTBFS https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebengine-opensource-src/5.15.10+dfsg-2/+build/2411339209:24
Delta-OneIn Debian as well.09:52
lubot[telegram] <mitya57> It's fine to sync it. (re @RikMills: @mitya57 is pyqt5 to be synced/merged?)09:53
lubot[telegram] <mitya57> I know, will look later today. (re @RikMills: also Qtwebengine that synced is FTBFS https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebengine-opensource-src/5.15.10+dfsg-2/+build/24113392)09:53
lubot[telegram] <mitya57> Every time I look at Chromium I start hating it more.15:12
lubot[telegram] <mitya57> In order to integrate FFmpeg build into their build system, they ship pre-generated config.h files for "every supported platform" instead of running FFmpeg's configure script. And of course this causes all kinds of assembly errors.15:12

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