
=== kostkon__ is now known as kostkon
Guest87hi not sure if right forum; have an issue booting DELL EMC poweredge server with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server; install worked fine (when using BIOS not UEFI and using nomodeset in grub linux line)  but on reboot from disk (BOSS drive), the system locks into a blank screen  right when grub boots the kernel. The  system boots fine if one ESC to menu22:35
Guest87and boot with Ctrl-X. it also boots fine when Dell is powered off and then powered on (no esc required). Any suggestions for linux cmd line params to avoid this? Dell support refuse to support 22.04 at this point22:35
tomreynGuest87: is the bios up to date?22:46
Guest87yes bios/firmware on latest22:54
tomreynGuest87: and which model is this server?22:59
tomreynare there warnings in the systemd journal about this?23:00
tomreynor any unsual output? feel free to share.23:00
tomreyn(use a pastebin or termbin.com)23:00

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