
Bashing-omgvvg: How much memory is allocated to the VM ? And perhpas related: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2022-June/042159.html <- systemd-oomd issues on desktop .00:15
gvvgI didn't understand the link00:17
gvvgwhat do you suggest regarding systemd-oomd ?00:17
gvvgFailed to disable unit: Unit file systemd-oomd.service does not exist.00:19
gvvgI guess it is not enabled00:19
gvvgBashing-om: do you have any suggestions of which log files would or anyway to find out what is causing the unresponsiveness?00:19
gvvgthe ctrl-alt-del doesn't have any effect00:20
Bashing-omgvvg: see: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Systemd-OOMD-Ubuntu-RFC . in 22.04 if the system runs short of memory --- it kills apps with no warning and locks up in some cases.00:20
gvvgI tried to disable oomd but it says: "Failed to disable unit: Unit file systemd-oomd.service does not exist.00:21
Bashing-omgvvg: Might see if the boot log catches anythhing: journalctl -b -0 .00:23
oerheksjournalctl -b 100:24
oerheksbut your vmware has a log too00:25
gvvgI see lots of this https://pastebin.com/M4H1ePht00:27
gvvgoerheks: I'm not sure where to look in vmware for logs00:28
gvvgoerheks: any suggestions?00:28
oerheksnope, but vmware does https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/102180600:29
oerheksalso, boot in recovery mode to  obtain journalctl log00:30
oerheksis this the 1st time you boot this vm?00:30
gvvgoerheks: it has worked for years - now I upgraded and I am getting this unersponsive issue00:31
gvvgwhat is multipath?00:31
gvvgcould this cause the issue?00:31
oerheks.. else there is a filechk going on..00:31
gvvgfilechk wouldn't freeze the vm normally would it?00:32
nunyaI'm at a friends house and he has a wireless printer. My lptop keeps adding it. I keep removing it and so on.... Is there some way to keep it from being added? I am running Ubuntu 20.04 and Gnome version 3.36.8  Windowing System X1101:01
oerhekssystemctl disable cups-browsed01:03
oerheksand that firewall part would stop such annoying thingies too01:04
nunyaoerheks: Thanks I missed that one because I didn't get that by remote they meant wifi or network01:18
nunyaoerheks: I did as suggested. No more printers added unless I want to. I put the details in my computer support files for future reference since my brain is like a sieve.01:21
oerheksnunya have fun!01:23
Psil0Cybinyou miss fired oerheks :P01:23
oerheksPsil0Cybin, i use 'have fun' as marker in the logs, since 200901:23
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oerheksto count happy customers01:23
Psil0Cybinah ;)01:23
Psil0Cybinyou are an interesting one01:24
ravagethe other marker is "good luck" :D01:24
Psil0Cybin:D Haha you are too awesome!01:24
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st0ne_hi.. anyone have storage ftp02:13
st0ne_too upload stash?02:14
st0ne_or shell account cheap02:14
st0ne_for irc02:14
arraybolt3[m]st0ne_: If you need that for helping debug a problem, your best bet is probably Pastebin.com. That will let you share logs and whatnot with us so we can help debug problems. You can use imgbb or Imgur for pictures.02:15
arraybolt3[m]st0ne_: And you can use termbin.com if you need to share the output of terminal commands (we'll share with you how to use that when a troubleshooting step needs it).02:15
oerhekscheap storage is beyond the scope of this channel02:18
humanBirdso remmina says that they aren't maintaining for ubuntu anymore.  I have issues with screen resolution using remmina on ubuntu to connect to a rdp wine server.  what can i do now?02:19
oerhekswhat is a wine server?02:21
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:22
oerheksthey would love your issue02:22
humanBirdthe issue is rdp screen resolution for remmina (which comes by default in ubuntu)02:26
oerhekswell, explain your issue, but my bet it is server side02:31
oerhekswhat is a wine server?02:31
oerhekslolz,, no way!02:34
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humanBirdhrm. installed xfreerdp and that seems to have imrpoved it slightly02:42
humanBirdit was the rdp client all along02:43
humanBirdsomeone please ban oerheks for trolling/filling up the chat with useless nonsense please02:44
humanBirdcould be a bot as well02:44
oerheksseriously, a docker with wine02:45
murmelis there a way to circumvent the phased update issue? have a container, and I can't install some packages because of that issue (and the apt conf doesn't help)02:45
oerhekswhy would it be an ubuntu issue?02:45
oerheksmurmel, no diskspace?02:46
murmelget this with Phased updates disabled: libsystemd-dev : Depends: libsystemd0 (= 249.11-0ubuntu3) but 249.11-0ubuntu3.1 is to be installed02:46
murmeland enabling doesn't also help :02:47
oerheksstill that oibaf ppa enabled?02:47
murmelnever had as it's a new container02:47
murmelhm, maybe it's relevant that's a nspawn with a cloud image (-root.tar.xz)02:48
murmeloerheks: oO what does a phased update have to do with a mesa ppa?02:52
realivanjxis anyone here that use lenovo laptops with dual batteries (v330)? does that work with ubuntu 22.04? any modifications required? thanks02:57
tanul1989Hello, I have an application written in golang and it is not able to resolve the hostname.local. Can we we do something so that any application can resolve this06:50
tanul1989ping is working fine..06:50
tanul1989My ip is not static otherwise I would have use /etc/host file to resolve it for the golang application06:50
tanul1989By any chance can resolve.conf help here or any other network file.06:52
BadAtomtanul1989: don't you have the loopback set up?07:15
tanul1989Loopback setup.. Means07:19
tanul1989Yesterday I have installed avahi.. through pings and connectivity starts working.. I found on google that golang has native resolver which does not support mDNS. Issue is coming due to this..07:21
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ice9if I set a var in "APT::Update::Pre-Invoke", will it be visible to "APT::Update::Post-Invoke"?10:31
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fullstackHello is rsync better backup tool or there is better one?11:20
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opa7331@fullstack depends on your task, but rsync works great in combination with adb https://github.com/google/adb-sync11:43
wezzzzzzopa7331: This is IRC, not discord.12:00
KBarmostafa: ^^12:03
mostafaopa7331: Thanks Man.12:08
BluesKajHi all12:16
floogyI currently upgraded from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS. It seemed everything went fine, but today i notioced, youtube videos in firefox doesn't have sound.12:30
KBarfloogy: upgrade as in installed from the ISO?12:34
floogyKBar, no do-release-upgrade -d12:35
mjtnot the answer you want to hear, but i'd backup my homedir and do a clean install, tbh12:35
tomreyntry it with a new firefox profile first of all12:36
tomreynrun the snap from a terminal to see more output12:36
tomreynsee whats appended to the systemd journal as you start firefox and as you try to play a video12:37
floogyKBar, but solved! Yesterday I had to control an rsj45 ethernet cable, and somehow that lead to a interrupted chinch connection. So the issue was physical. I tried it before, but that disn't changed the connection. I had to plug out and in again to notice the ad connection.12:37
KBaryeah.. always check hardware first12:38
floogyI'm sorry for the nose. Thank you!12:38
tomreyni hope you did not punch kbar in the face because of it.12:39
KBarno problem. have a good weekend12:39
floogyI did, but not correctly. And then I saw the peak bar in system sound configuration and speaker test. So it had output, biut only with optical reference. So i test the cable again.12:40
floogys/nose/noise/ I'm currently not able to type ...12:41
gvvgHi - I have a vmware 6.7 esxi where 1 vm (ubuntu 22.04) becomes unresponsive after approx 20 minutes consistently - this vm has been stable for years, I just did an release upgrade - not sure how to find out what is causing the issue - any suggestions?12:56
gvvg 06/26/2022, 3:48:36 AM Alarm 'Virtual machine CPU usage' on irf.dexco.com12:58
gvvgchanged from Green to Red12:58
tomreyndid you already check the "supported OS" table for your version of esxi? this is what you shouldprobably be doing first.12:59
tomreyn(pre upgrade)12:59
mostafaHello Guys ..what is /proc/ directory?13:00
tomreyn!hier | mostafa13:00
ubottumostafa: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier13:00
mostafaubottu: Thanks13:03
tomreyngvvg: if you'll find that it's compatible, you may want to inspect the systemd journal of the guest system at the time it became unresponsive; journalctl -eb -113:05
gvvgI notice  ModemManager[918]: <info>  [sleep-monitor] system is about to suspend13:09
KBarmostafa: it's a pseudo filesystem, basically lets you "probe" the kernel for various types of information (processes, file descriptors, mount points, etc). for general linux questions, join #linux13:09
gvvgNetworkManager[853]: <info>  [1656244263.3715] manager: NetworkManager state is now ASLEEP13:09
luna__gvvg: #nm ?13:09
KBargvvg: use a pastebin, don't paste everything here13:09
gvvgKBar: sorry13:10
KBargvvg: you'll get autobanned by the bot. it doesn't know feelings :)13:10
gvvgKBar: I understand :)13:11
gvvgtomreyn: yes the version of esxi (6.7) does support ubuntu lastest LTS13:17
lzerhello, can anyone help me solve an issue i have been having? if not which server do you think can help me solve an issue13:41
gvvgis there anyway to disable power saving or configure for always high performance?13:41
lzerFor some reason i am an issue with the graphics driver, while i program OpenGL using the nvidia drivers, the window lags while dragging the window. If on the other hand i use the open source drivers, it works fine, i will lose performance in other areas such as gaming13:43
lzeri have tried multiple drivers but still no luck13:43
KBarlzer what version of ubuntu? what flavor? hardware info?13:44
lzeri am very much to linux in general and really enjoy using it, kind of want to keep on using it for things like this13:44
KBargvvg nvidia optimus?13:45
KBarif you are using one of their cards that is13:45
lzeras of this momment i tried installing a different distro, Pop, but i the same issue is still occuring13:45
lzeri used to use Ubuntu LTS 20.0413:46
lzerI am using a gtx 1650 Palit card13:46
gvvgKBar: no it's a VM I just want it to be in high performance mode - I should never have installed the desktop version - should have been server version ...13:46
TheAppleNerdI'm using an Intel NUC i5-8000 series with Ubuntu server13:47
TheAppleNerdAnd a linode VPS 🤘13:47
KBarlzer: im confused. is it PopOs now?13:48
lzerKBar: as of this moment yes13:48
KBargvvg: that entirely depends on your virtualization method13:49
KBarlzer: this chat is for Ubuntu support13:49
KBarjoin ^ that channel13:49
mybalzitchonce you pop13:49
lzeroh woops sorry13:49
gvvgKBar: esxi 6.713:49
KBargvvg: have you tried reading its manual?13:50
gvvgI'll do that now - I thought someone might know - thank you13:50
descenti noticed rss-glx the screensavers the windows did that with my 1050 ti but the opengl xscreensavers didnt lzer13:59
descentmaybe some setting does it13:59
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descenta bug or something14:00
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jadenlianis it ok to just have every thing in /root  cause im using <sudo -i> and when im doing everything as root all the stuff instead of being saved the user that i used to log in its being saved in /root14:37
KBarjadenlian: its NOT okay but its up to you14:40
jadenlianwhat are the cons?14:41
alkisgFor stuff under /home/username you're not supposed to be using sudo. Also, you're not supposed to be using `sudo graphical-programs` in most of the cases14:41
KBar0 pros that is14:41
KBarand countless cons14:41
KBarjadenlian: when you enter the interactive mode with sudo, you change your EUID to that of the root user, i.e. 014:42
KBarjadenlian: ofc everything is saved to /root, because that's your identity now14:43
KBarjadenlian: you can check $LOGNAME or other env vars. thatll clear things up14:43
jadenliankbar: yeah i noticed that root is my id    but im i was thinking of doing was to reinstall and for the /root partition give it a lot of space since i notice that it runs out of space quick and then have my stuff saved there but i was trying to know if thats not going to cause issues14:45
oerheksas ubuntu uses 1 partition standard,why do you run out of space?14:46
samy1028jadenlian: there's a difference between the root partition  "/"  and Root's home directory "/root"14:46
jadenliansamy1028: you are right i was refering to /root  home dir14:47
samy1028so, /root is by default under /  and Ubuntu by default has a single / partition with everything under it.14:48
samy1028if you do "df -h" does it show / as almost out of space?14:48
jadenliani started using <sudo -i> so i dont have to type sudo all the time  but then i noticed the stuff being saved in /root  and then i got a warning that /root was runnign out of space14:49
KBarjadenlian: for starters https://wiki.debian.org/sudo & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:49
KBarthat doesn't make sense. did you split partitions during installation?14:51
jadenliansamy1028: 81% used but now the hard drive i have on this pc is not big14:51
samy1028how about MB total and MB free?  (or GB total and GB free?)14:51
KBarshare your fstab and `df -h /`14:52
samy1028because 81% doesn't mean much.  I have a system at 87% used on one partition, with 680 GB free.14:52
alkisgWhy do you need to run "sudo all the time"?14:53
KBarstuff is saved to /root because your HOME is set to root during `sudo -i` session. `getent passwd root` will tell you that14:53
KBaralkisg: laziness14:53
jadenliansamy1028: 44gb used   11gb available14:53
ioriajadenlian, are you really lazy  ?14:54
* alkisg thinks it's easier to type "command" rather than "sudo command" ... :D14:54
samy1028jadenlian: if you don't understand the issues of running as root all the time, you shouldn't be running as root because it's way to easy to f* your system.14:54
KBaralkisg: well, maybe they aliased it to a single 's' :D14:55
samy1028granted, there are some systems I manage I have to be in as root because of stupid vendor's software which only runs as root, not under sudo (odd things happen)14:55
samy1028but then, those specific instances should be rare for most people.14:55
samy1028jandelian: so out of a ~60GB partition, you have 11GB free and you're worried about space?14:56
jadenlianjust like ioria said  maybe lazy or just more convinient but why is my /root running out of space and my /home/username  is not14:56
jadenlianand can i increase the size of /root14:57
samy1028as KBar said, if you provide a fstab and df - /   then we can answer that better.  (if you put it into a pastebin somewhere)14:58
KBarjadenlian: now that does not concern Ubuntu. Feel free to join #linux14:58
KBarYou're not willing to provide any information. Sorry, but we really can't help you further.14:58
ioriajadenlian, seriously... why you need superuser privileges all the time ? that's not good on an ubuntu system14:59
oerheksincreasing size of root ..  without details about your partitioning, nobody can tell15:00
jadenlianioria: is no good reason at all just  more convinient typing <command> and <sudo command + passwd>15:00
oerhekswe heard no good reason why you work as root.15:01
ioriajadenlian, no dude, expecially not on a desktop edition15:01
ice9how to check for the latest installed kernel version?15:01
jadenlianok i guess sudo -i = bad news15:02
EriC^^ice9: ls /boot/vmlinuz*15:02
oerheksice9 run updates?15:02
samy1028If you're running Ubuntu Desktop as root and using browsers and such that's like running Windows XP as Administrator and using IE.  (maybe not quite as bad, but still bad).15:02
ice9EriC^^, I need to get the version for dpkg or apt, not from /boot/...15:03
KBarice9 `uname -a`?15:03
samy1028how much stuff are you doing that really needs root?15:03
KBarice9 `dpkg -l '*linux*'`15:03
ice9KBar, the kernel can be installed and not rebooted it15:03
EriC^^ice9: dpkg -l | grep linux-image15:03
samy1028ice9  "apt search linux-image | grep install15:04
ice9samy1028, EriC^^ and how to know the latest version automatically?15:05
jadenliansamy1028:its just stuff like rm, apt-get,mkdir,vim, most of the stuff needs sudo and i started using sudo -i just so i dont type sudo + passwd all the time15:05
KBarice9: you can check `/var/log/apt/history.log` for the latest entry after update15:05
EriC^^ice9: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-generic  maybe15:05
ice9does apt post-hooks, run only if the upgrade has been successful or it runs in all cases?15:06
KBarno need for grep, dpkg -l already accepts shell globbing15:06
KBarand opens in a convenient pager15:06
samy1028jandelian: so, how often are you using those commands on a daily basis on that machine?  Is it server or desktop?15:06
jadenliansamy1028: one pc i have ubuntu sever just for and the other desktop but and when i use the desktop im mostly on the terminal15:08
oerhekswe are doing your homework, ice9 ?15:08
jadenlianso pretty often15:08
ice9oerheks, i'm just asking for things that i couldn't find an answer for :)15:08
oerheksPost hooks only run when installation is succesfull, logically15:09
jadenliansamy1028:but ill just stick to sudo + passwd15:10
floownGuys, tell me why I could still log in as root (which I didn't do, I don't think root has an mdp, by the way): https://pastebin.com/pdSYgTtj15:47
oerheksremove the # ?15:49
oerheksPermitRootLogin no15:49
oerheksand restart the sshd deamon15:50
dsc_disable password authentication, filter users with `AllowUsers`, enforce key usage (ed25519 only if you want to be super anal)15:51
oerheksdsc_, keep the language in here family friendly, thanks15:52
dsc_oerheks: right, you go onto ignore15:53
ravagei suppose his family is a little behind too :)15:54
floownoerheks: I had add this line but I have the same result with prohibit-password15:56
floownsystemctl restart ssh   <-------- is the right command to restart the daemon?15:57
ravagefloown, yes it is. and with "PermitRootLogin no" and a proper restart of the daemon root will not be able to login anymore15:57
oerhekssystemctl restart sshd15:58
floownoerheks: oh!15:58
ravagewhat does ssh restart then?15:59
ravageor is it an alias?15:59
ravageits the same here15:59
oerhekssshd deamon is server side16:01
james_whatswrong with backbox16:04
oerheksjames_, we don' t tell, as it is not ubuntu16:06
james_how are you16:06
james_who are you16:06
ravage!chat | james_16:07
ubottujames_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:07
oerheksjames_, you are in the ubuntu support channel. see topic16:07
oerheksfind your backbox or blackbox channel for support?16:07
james_how can i get my wireless card working in backbox, it doesn't show up ine the networking manager16:08
oerheksjust told you ..16:08
james_is anyone in lancaster pa16:38
james_UFO's are vary real and no the designers  are not from earth16:40
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g2plushey, I am currently looking into 3d game development for ubuntu 22.04 , I have been trying to code in javascript for a while and it almost works, but I'm looking into c++, opengl way currently and can't find an easy to start example18:13
g2plusI tried from most simplest thing I could find, as abstraction should be able to write in code - https://github.com/stanfortonski/StickMan-3D#readme18:13
g2plusof course, got into some errors - https://pastebin.pl/view/f7aa3e3718:14
lotuspsychjeg2plus: you might wanna idle in #ubuntu-devel for future development contributing18:14
g2pluslotuspsychje , thanks for recommendation18:15
lotuspsychjeg2plus: your question would be still valid here aswell, just help widening your options18:16
nasumhow do i colorize $1?  cat .links | parallel -I{} -j $2 "echo -ne \\\r\\\033[2K$2x $1 {#}/$total && $DL {}"18:20
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dsc_nasum: when using parallel, I prefer redirection i.e: `parallel -j4 ./do_stuff.sh < .links`18:27
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dsc_nasum: i doubt parallel does something to ANSI escape codes, maybe try fix your echo command first before stuffing it into parallel18:29
nasumdsc_: the echo command outside of parallel colorizes with tput codes but not in it18:31
dsc_nasum: hmm18:31
dsc_nasum: regardless, my `do_stuff.sh` approach might be easier to debug18:33
nasum # i="$(tput setaf 2)"  k="$(tput setaf 7)"18:33
nasumhere are some color codes18:33
nasumi surrounded $1 by those two18:33
ice9why Ubuntu LTS gets updates more frequent that CentOS/RedHat etc...?18:34
ice9frequent updates18:34
nasum parallel -I{} -j $2 "echo -ne \\\r\\\033[2K$2x $1 {#}/$total && $DL {}" < .links18:35
oerhekscentos is dead, and redhat is paid. ubuntu gives more software, so more patches and fixes.18:36
enigma9o7[m]what kind of answer are you looking for ice9?18:36
nasumdsc_: its part of a script so i cant use a separate file but maybe if i put it in a function?18:38
ice9enigma9o7[m], an answer that explains how  both distros address updates since both are LTS18:38
nasumcan you define functoinso in functoins in bash/18:38
dsc_maybe try #bash, they are smart(er) there18:39
nasum{#} are the iteraitons from parallel, if you use a do_stuff.sh how will it know about it?18:40
dsc_good question18:41
dsc_nasum: seems like you can use "$PARALLEL_SEQ" in do_stuff.sh to get the iteration number18:43
tomreynice9: continued in -discuss18:44
xrandrHello. I have a hardware controller with 2 virtual disks. One is Disk0 with a size of 1TB, and the other is Disk1 with a size of 4TB. I used MegaCli to create the second raid vd. Using LVM, i've added the second virtual disk (disk1) to the volume group, but it only seems to have added 1.5 Terabytes instead of 4. I used lvextend -l+100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv to extend the space in the lv, and then resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/ubuntu-vg-ubu18:52
xrandrHow can I get the rest of my space in there?18:53
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tomreynxrandr: post "lsblk" to a pastebin, or to termbin.com18:56
xrandrperhaps megacli did not add the disks properly...19:00
xrandrno, it did, i see the SDC showing as 3.6 T19:00
xrandrIt also shows that it only added 1.5 tb instead of the full 3.6 tb to lvm /19:03
xrandrtomreyn: any ideas on what i can do?19:05
tomreynxrandr: redo it, the way you want it, i guess19:06
tomreynxrandr:what you posted / ended up with is certainly quite different from what you described above19:07
tomreynxrandr: i'm not sure exactly what your goal was, though. the hardware raid / virtual disk layout seems to be setup the way you wanted it19:09
tomreynbut you seemed to have different plans for the lvm than what you did19:09
tomreynthough i'm not sure exactly what your plans were there19:09
tomreynmaybe if you describe what your goal is with LVM, then we can suggest how to achieve this.19:11
xrandrtomreyn: I' like to have the full 4TB added to LVM19:16
xrandrwell, it seem when i just tried to fix this i hosed the machine. So, i get to do a reinstall. This is probably better19:19
tomreynxrandr: then remove the sdc2 PV (if you still can, but should work, i guess), remove the sdc1 and sdc2 partitions (unless there is data you need on sdc1?), clear lvm signature off sdc2  (may be optional), clear partition table off sdc (may be optional), make sdc a LVM PV.19:20
tomreynoh, that was written before you came up with the plan to reinstall19:21
xrandrThis is better. I had other things on there that needed to be cleaned out. It's a dev server, so it's ok to reinstall19:22
tomreynmake sure you're familiar with LVM's modes of operation, and the different types of strccute: PV, VG, LV19:23
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xrandrtomreyn: thank you19:39
tomreynxrandr: you're welcome19:40
tomreynand i means to write s/strccute/structures/ (oops)19:41
tomreynmeanT :)19:41
kristian_on_linuin Gimp, I get "Plug-in 'Film Grain' left image undo in inconsistent state, closing open undo groups."19:48
kristian_on_linualso this: "Error while executing script-fu-film-grain: Error: eval: unbound variable: plug-in-scatter-hsv"19:48
tomreynplease start with your ubuntu and gimp version19:50
kristian_on_linuhi tomreyn ... I forgot, sorry19:50
kristian_on_linuUbuntu 20.04.4, GIMP 2.10.32 (that I just got from a PPA to get rid of this issue, to no avail)19:51
tomreynno problem. i was thinking script-fu was only available on older releases19:52
tomreynright, 20.04 has gimp 2.10.18-119:53
tomreyndoes it happen there, too?19:54
kristian_on_linuthat's why I got the newer one19:54
oerhekshttps://snapcraft.io/gimp gives .3019:55
tomreynhmm i think gimp have a channel here, too, maybe try it there19:55
kristian_on_linuah yes, thank you19:56
jhutchinskristian_on_linu: I'd see if you could get in touch with anybody on the plugin team, see if others have reported the issue.20:10
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.20:10
jhutchinskristian_on_linu: They probably have a forum or mailing list.20:11
kristian_on_linuI just found another plugin that does something similar20:11
jhutchinsThe plugin wouldn't survive being unusable over multipiple versions.20:11
jhutchinsI would imagine plugins would have trouble finding files on snap.20:12
ograwhy would they ?20:14
ograthey will find the same files gimp finds ...20:14
jhutchinsogra: Does gimp pass file structures ot plugins?20:23
jhutchinsThe plugin is one more location they have to be coded to search.20:24
oerheksfor gimp, these settings are default https://imgur.com/gallery/gsf9Qho20:57
oerheks* snap20:57
hans_how i can replace /etc/php/7.4/fpm/php.ini with the package maintainer's version?21:10
hans_(it has been modified)21:10
oerheksfind php.ini-production ?  like this old answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/312520/how-to-recover-the-default-php-ini21:15
ranbox2di'm on ubuntu21:25
ranbox2di have a password i was logging in with just fine21:26
ranbox2dnow the sudo command won't accept it21:26
Bashing-omranbox2d: Might I suggest that you reset the password: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/resetpassword .21:29
ilikebirdsBirds birds and more birds. You can find birds that are totally related to Fedora Linux on this webpage that I am going to drop you. Just go to http://deekchat.ml and you will have many many fun fun.21:35
BadAtomranbox2d: if you're able to log in directly with the same credentials but sudo fails, verify that the path to the user shell is correct, and that sudoers and groups haven't been overwritten in an update, haven't had an error introduced into them in a recent edit, and contain your user correctly, and that dns and the system hostname are set up correctly21:50
ranbox2di have no idea what went wrong earlier21:50
goddardi had to download firefox from their website because yall removed the apt version21:51
goddardi couldn't use the geckodriver21:51
ranbox2di have a complex password, i copy-paste it, i pasted it inside the password prompt, didn't work, i paste it in plaintext in the terminal prompt to check, it's correct, i decided to close and reopen the session, after i did, it worked21:51
goddarddidn't anyone thing about unit testing?21:51
ranbox2dBadAtom i think it may have been a hostname issue21:52
tomreyngoddard: https://github.com/mozilla/geckodriver/releases22:02
=== david_ is now known as Guest9368
Some_PersonWell this can't be good... https://imgur.com/a/q543LzV22:10
Some_PersonWindows still boots, but Linux won't22:10
Some_PersonOkay, weird... shut it down and turned it on again (rather than just rebooting), and it booted up fine?22:12
justme1984__I’m sorry to ask and I’m a little worried it isn’t possible. Is there a way to revert 22.04 back to 20.04 ( just noticed 22.04 has literally removed packages I rely on )22:16
tomreynjustme1984__: not possible. which packages are you missing?22:17
justme1984__Python 3.6-3.822:17
tomreynoh you mean package versions22:17
justme1984__And I guess they only allow python 3.1022:17
tomreynit's normal that newer ubuntu releases have newer versions of packages. fortunately, you can check and plan this before carrying out an upgrade.22:18
tomreynthere is a 'deadsnakes' PPA which makes more python versions available on some ubuntu releases. maybe it could help you. PPAs are usually unsupported.22:19
justme1984__Well it’s really important I have those old versions also like many study places are only validating with 3.6 so you would fail if you deliver 3.10 code22:20
justme1984__Yeah ppa’s will never get to my home server because of lack of quality22:21
justme1984__But thanks a lot guess it’s time to then redownload 20.04 and block upgrading22:21
tomreynit's not like release upgrade happen automatically22:22
tomreynespecially not while they're not supported, yet.22:22
tomreynblocking security updates may be a bad idea, though.22:22
justme1984__22.04 were supported and full release. My server had said it for month about upgrade ( think I saw it first late April )22:23
tomreynoh you were on 21.10 then, i guess. when you said "server", i assumed LTS.22:24
justme1984__Well so bad Ubuntu has got on the server side since 16.04 ( were the last okay version ) it’s almost the only way I guess22:24
justme1984__No I were 20.0422:24
justme1984__Actually I believe 20.04.02 LTS22:25
tomreynmaybe you changed the Prompt= setting then, because 20.04 would not yet prompt for upgrading normally.22:25
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d22:26
justme1984__It even did that when I originally came from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS last year ( there it also told me every time at login )22:26
justme1984__Even my backup vps on 18.04 is also begging for upgrade every time I login to the ssh22:27
justme1984__So LTS are also informing and begging for it22:28
tomreynnot on a standard installation before the upwards LTS target reaches .122:29
justme1984__All of the systems were standard installed ( except upgraded home server last year from 18.04 to 20.04 ) so I don’t know then.22:30
justme1984__also how to I get the real iptables back on 22.04 ( if I stick on it ) and totally get rid of all nftables or what it’s called22:32
justme1984__?? What do you mean22:33
tomreynyou will also not switch back to upstart on 22.04. or to making fires by hitting one stone with another.22:35
justme1984__Are you saying that isn’t possible ether about getting rid of nftables and get iptables back? Well I guess then it’s literally time to download an old version again until I find a replacement system22:37
justme1984__And I guess then I’ll just gonna go all the way back to 18.0422:38
tomreyni think it can be useful to read release notes before upgrading, and to check software (version) compatibility. that's how anyone running production systems do it, anyways.22:39
tomreynand, yes, you can actually keep using iptables commands through update-alternatives22:41
tomreynbut it's a system-wide decision you make there22:41
tomreynas seen on the release notes.22:41
justme1984__Well at least about the python part Ubuntu has always had at least the last 3-4 in their repo but I guess it has been to money oriented since Microsoft started paying to them and harvest data as always22:42
tomreynthat must be true because it was said on the internet.22:44
justme1984__Well nftables has nothing to do at all on nether my home server or my vps if it ever sees 22.0422:46
justme1984__and about the Microsoft situation it is true why would Ubuntu else go into partnership with them as they even posted them self last year on their blog where Ubuntu called Microsoft partnership of the year22:47
tomreynjustme1984__: there's ubuntu-offtopic for non support topics (but not for spreading fud either)22:48
justme1984__Well it’s from the official Ubuntu.org blog and not fud as you call it22:49
tomreynjustme1984__: off-topic (non support) here. please find a more suitable location.22:50
BadAtomwell that wasn't random at all23:08
srchow dangerous is to upgrade all python packages via pip3? isn't it in theory possible things will be upgraded where ubuntu expects an older version?23:36
enigma9o7[m]As long as you don't use sudo, not super dangerous.23:37
srcenigma9o7[m]: k23:51
srccan you tell me why? noticed some upgrades failing, will some be held back automatically if they might break something?23:52
enigma9o7[m]I can say why that's not super dangerous, is beacuse without sudo, its not going to overwrite anything for all users.  It's only going to affect stuff for the current user, so worst case you could login as someone else.23:52
enigma9o7[m]without sudo instead of putting stuff in /usr/bin or whatever, it'll put it somewhere in /home/username23:53

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