
NPForeverṔrimeira de diversas vezes usando linux07:33
NPForevertô muito ansioso07:33
melodiehi, I have installed Xubuntu Jammy on my laptop, Dell 5580, and yesterday tried to use the dual screen feature. These were tests for a client who told me he can't keep his dual-screen settings from one session to the other. I found the same thing. When rebooting with the same external screen plugged in a nice window asked which setting I preferred. When booting again later with no external screen attached I could not get my panel to show up : it is as if 10:36
melodieit is stuck with the ghost screen. 10:36
melodieI tried changing the settings using the gui tools, no luck, I tried to find the "thing" in the configuration files under ~/.config/xfce/* no luck either, I tried moving them out of the way, it didn't work either.10:37
melodieso a few questions : is it specifice to Xfce and working better with the official Gnome3 environment?10:38
melodieand when I mean better, I mean can it work automatically, and revert to normal when there is no second screen plugged in?10:38
melodieor is it a Jammy issue? And a Focal edition should have been preferred?10:39
melodieAlso I tried to create a profile with a name for the dual screen setup and save it : but the next time I was in the same windows, there was nothing showing in the list. I did it twice, and the profile is not available in the gui window anymore.10:41
melodielast question : have I missed something?10:41
tomreynmelodie: i have no proper answer, but some suggestions. (1) look for an existing bug report, if none, use the "ubuntu-bug" command to file one. (2) see if you have ~/.config/monitors.xml and how this might play a role in the constellations you discussed. (3) provide more details (also in the bug report): which graphics card and driver is being used? is this Xorg or Wayland?12:29
melodiehi tomreyn I was on #ubuntu-fr and with the help of someone I might have found a proper turn around, but I still need to perform some testing12:30
KBartomreyn: can xubuntu/xfce even run on wayland?12:35
melodieKBar, Wayland does not yet replace entirely Xorg, does it?12:43
KBarit doesn't and it can't12:44
KBarplenty still use X12:44
tomreynoh i really didn't know. i think i read about a year ago that there were first steps being made towards wayland compatibility12:48
tomreynor maybe this was just gtk4, which was described as a pre-depends, IIRC.12:49
tomreynhttps://wiki.xfce.org/releng/wayland_roadmap is probably what i read then12:52
melodiehave a good day! (or night)13:11

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