[00:47] @teward001 I'll go ahead and try to fight with it myself - I should learn how to do this. Basically I can just run something like Ubuntu Server in a riscv64 emulator and then set it up as a dev environment? Sounds easy enough. [01:14] Just found the "peruvian rice" Reddit post, now it makes perfect sense. [01:27] You know you're deep into Linux when you've got four VMs open at the same time, one of which isn't even for the CPU you're using... [01:39] Simon Quigley (Developer): Shoot, you know what I just realized? I just realized that a riscv64 build of libfm-qt is going to fail because we don't have riscv64 builds in the backports PPA. That means... I'm going to have to compile every. Single. Dependency. In an emulator. Surely you don't have to do this every time you need to handle riscv64 symbols, right? [01:41] Dan Simmons: I'm open to suggestions here. I'm ready, willing, and able to build the whole thing in an emulator if that's the way to do it, but if there's a better way, please jump in and let me know. [01:53] Well, there are a couple of different approaches I guess. Honestly there is a lot of trial and error in my experience of dealing with symbols. Quite frankly, the package you are working on is the worst one. It makes sense due to the fact it is all the underlying libraries for most of the desktop environment. There are some special PPAs that can build on all architectures or you build it all in a VM for riscv. 🤷 Simon certainly has more [01:53] experience here and can probably advise best. [01:55] In theory you can just take all the packaging you have for the other components and build them so you have something to build against. [01:57] kc2bez[m]: Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I really wish they didn't restrict riscv64, this is really throwing a wrench in the works. It might be best for someone with a faster computer to do this part (maybe teward?), since I'm rocking a 3rd- or 4th-gen Intel Xeon with 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM, so others may be able to do this quicker. [01:57] riscv is slow everywhere [01:58] Even if I had a SiFive board or something? [01:59] [telegram] I am actually on something fairly new in terms of CPU is a ryzen 3 2200G [01:59] arraybolt3[m]: Maybe. I know the physical builders Canonical have take a long time too. riscv always publishes way behind everything else. [02:02] kc2bez[m]: Crummy. [02:03] lubot: Thank you! If it's so slow we need a team effort to try and compile it, that might come in handy! [02:19] send details about what repo/packaging we need risc built. i also have a risc enabled PPA if necrssary. poking it is a Tomorrow task [02:22] teward: Great. I need this thing's symbols for riscv64. https://github.com/ArrayBolt3/libfm-qt-packaging You'll probably want to undo everything I did to the symbols file in this before building so that the build log contains the right diff for patching in the symbols. Also, it has dependencies that need built before it, which are all here: https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/wiki/Building-from-source#Compiling All the latest packaging [02:22] should be in the lubuntu-team GitHub AFAIK. [02:23] teward: Thank you! I'll still get my end of things hooked up so that I can handle riscv64 in the future. With how slow the VM is, though, you'll probably get to it before I do. [02:24] yeah i dont do a full VM deploy only the sbuild output. I'll put everything it does on the cloud once i wake up :P [02:24] for now, sleep. [02:24] 👍️ [02:43] Hey arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:libera.chat how are you? [02:43] OK, how about you? [02:44] Not too bad, just organizing the Cala settings package [02:44] Simon Quigley (Developer): Any ideas on getting riscv64 symbols without having to install a riscv64 VM and build everything piece by piece? [02:45] So far the best alternative idea we've got is teward's going to build everything for me. [02:45] I can create a CI train PPA for you and do the uploading [02:46] A) can I use backports-staging as a prerequisite PPA? B) can I get a link to the DSC file from your PPA? [02:47] Simon Quigley (Developer): I can easily get you the DSC file I believe, but I don't know if backports-staging will work as a prerequisite since we don't have riscv64 builds of the earlier dependencies. [02:47] Right, right. [02:47] I can get it set up... hold on a minute [02:48] In the mean time, I have figured out how to set up the world's ugliest, most insecure Arch Linux based web browser kiosk! [02:50] https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4873 [02:50] I manually copied lxqt-build-tools over [02:50] Just have to work up the stack... give me like two hours [02:51] Simon Quigley (Developer): Silly question most likely, but is there some way for me to do this CI train thingy you're doing so I don't have to bug everyone every time I need RISC-V symbols? [02:52] Nope, you don't have access yet (and won't for at least a couple of years yet) [02:52] OK. Guess I'll keep setting up my VM then. [02:52] (Also, thank you for your help, this would take WAY longer than two hours without you!) [02:52] Of course :) [03:01] Simon Quigley (Developer): By "dsc file", do you mean libfm-qt_1.1.0-0ubuntu7~ppa2.dsc? [03:01] Yes [03:02] Simon Quigley (Developer): Looks safe to pastebin, would that work, or should I Google Drive it? [03:02] (Also, I'll do another sbuild real quick so I get back the "~ppa1" version.) [03:03] Simon Quigley (Developer): And one last thing, I currently have the symbols file that's likely going to slaughter RISC-V, should I undo my changes to the symbols file and then push that so that everything goes as cleanly as possible? [03:10] Oh, also, you know how someone was talking about not being able to install Pop!_OS and Lubuntu side-by-side? I did Pop!_OS 22.04 side-by-side with Lubuntu 22.04, both non-encrypted, in a BIOS VM, and it worked just fine. [03:10] "Simon Quigley (Developer): Looks..." <- Nah, keep it in Launchpad. I'll pull from your PPA [03:10] arraybolt3[m]: Interesting. [03:11] Didn't realize it was already in Launchpad... 🤦‍♂️ OK, here's the link: https://launchpad.net/~arraybolt3/+archive/ubuntu/rnd/+sourcefiles/libfm-qt/1.1.0-0ubuntu7~ppa2/libfm-qt_1.1.0-0ubuntu7~ppa2.dsc [03:11] Simon Quigley (Developer): Pinging with DSC file link. [03:12] Cool. Still waiting on build deps to build [03:13] Eickmeyer: See potentially breaking changes to Cala settings: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/1:22.10.6 [03:18] Bumped to .7 [03:55] *oof intensifies* [04:01] Right after I typed that, my son decided to start the microwave with the air conditioner still running, tripping the breaker to my server. *oof* [04:02] Eickmeyer: Oh for heaven's sake. [04:02] Sometimes you just have one of those days... [04:02] That's the 4th time in a row for him. [04:03] So... wait, you have your server in the same circuit with an air conditioner and a microwave? [04:04] (I guess my desktop is on the same circuit as an air conditioner and ~5 laptops, so...) [04:05] arraybolt3[m]: Considering we live in an appartment, not much choice in the matter. [04:06] Honestly, the microwave should be on the kitchen circuit, but electricians in 1986 weren't so smart. [04:06] Man, you should see how my house is wired. Not all of the outlets have a ground prong, and only one of the ones that has a ground prong is actually grounded. [04:07] All the others just pretend to be grounded (including the one my desktop is plugged into right now!) [04:07] Been there, ran a live sound system weekly in that (building built in 1922). [04:10] tsimonq2: I just did a cursory review of my own on cala-settings-ubu, and it all looks pretty sane to me. As long as d/control does its job (which it looks like it will), then I'm good with it. [04:10] Most of those were duplicates that I had copied anyhow, so it makes sense to have a common bin package. [04:11] And, bravo on the oops commit. :P [04:32] Thanks. :P [04:38] Last build dep stage to be able to build your package, Aaron [04:38] We're about 30-45 mins out [05:12] guiverc, @teward001: Could someone please PM me the login URL for WP? [05:28] arraybolt3: Just uploaded it. You should be able to watch closely now. [05:35] Simon Quigley (Developer): Watching. [05:40] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/lubuntu-devel/2022-June/001909.html [05:43] Definitely going to be part of the sprint if I can (I think I can). [05:55] Sent an email over to the LC. [06:41] Simon Quigley (Developer): Thank you so much for your help, I just finally got the symbol diff for RISC-V! [06:41] Very nice!!!! [06:42] https://github.com/palinek/nm-tray/pull/62 [06:42] Pull 62 in palinek/nm-tray "Add Qt 6 support" [Open] [06:42] And as expected, it choked on so many, many of my (!riscv64) thingies. [06:42] Still built just fine, but griped about it. [06:42] Cool. [06:42] tsimonq2: It's definitely SUCH an upgrade when it comes to looks. Holy cow. [06:43] Awesome. Is it already in Lubuntu and you're just upstreaming it, or is it being merged first and then pulled down? [06:43] Merged first then pulled down. [06:44] RikMills: I'd love to chat about building modemmanager-qt and networkmanager-qt with Qt 6, even if it's in a separate binary package to start. [06:44] So now it looks like all I have to do is go through and fix the symbols, then I can try to build on my "native" RISC-V virtual snail. [06:44] Cool. [06:55] tsimonq2: maybe debian uploaders would also like to try that? [06:55] RikMills: Maybe so. Will ask there later. [06:55] * tsimonq2 zzz [06:56] okay [06:56] * arraybolt3[m] _ZNK2Fm9DeleteJob10metaObjectEv@Base [06:58] bahahahaha [06:58] Simon Quigley (Developer): Thanks for your help again, see you tomorrow, hopefully with a finished libfm-qt! [15:41] [telegram] Where do I have to upload the translations of the .desktop files as I finish them? [15:44] For which package(s) @Roberalz ? [15:46] We really need one page that just lists where to submit translations for everything... [15:49] [telegram] in this case, it is to modify some .desktop with the translations. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) We really need one page that just lists where to submit translations for everything...) [15:50] [telegram] apply full upgrade, printers, advanced network configuration.... [15:58] [telegram] what desktop file? [15:59] [telegram] theres 100s of those in Lubuntu and each is slightly different so we need to know which package you are working with to update translations [16:01] [telegram] I already know the .desktop that remain to be translated. [16:01] Each package would need to be done separately and yes, they are all over the place so having it documented where to do the translation is a good idea. [16:02] Which one? [16:02] For anything that is Lubuntu native, I think GitHub is the place to submit PRs. [16:03] kc2bez[m]: Well, if you bribe teward with enough coffee, perhaps he'll create an account on our brand new shiny Gitea instance ;) [16:04] The gallons i send now aren't enough ;) [16:04] * Eickmeyer yawns, stretches, throws coffee at teward for reasons.... [16:04] arraybolt3 @arraybolt3:matrix.org: Hey man, you floating around or is the sun still shining a bit too bright for a Monday? ;) [16:04] * tsimonq2 also throws coffee at teward for reasons [16:05] [telegram] how can I do it? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) For anything that is Lubuntu native, I think GitHub is the place to submit PRs.) [16:05] * kc2bez[m] throws coffee but cold brew so he can drink it faster [16:05] Just getting up now, about to check the result of my RISC-V Sixty-slow build from last night. [16:05] * arraybolt3[m] guards teward from all thrown coffee, then gives him a cup of well-flavored coffee [16:06] Cold brew yesssss [16:06] * arraybolt3[m] realizes I don't have coffee, attempts to materialize it out of thin air and accidentally creates a black hole [16:06] Roberalz: Log into GitHub, find the package on lubuntu-team (it will be called something like XYZ-packaging), fork it, clone it... [16:07] Roberalz: ...edit it locally, push it, then you [16:07] "[telegram] apply full..." <- printers and advance network are probably on Launchpad.? [16:07] Roberalz... you'll get a "Submit pull request" button if all goes well. [16:07] * arraybolt3[m] wishes I'd stop hitting Enter when I mean Shift [16:08] Oh wait, I envisioned "throws coffee" as another one of our typical attacks... [16:08] * arraybolt3[m] dumps peruvian rice on Simon Quigley (Developer) [16:09] [telegram] Where can i see it? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) "[telegram] apply full..." <- printers and advance network are probably on Launchpad.?) [16:10] NOOOOO! I built the Kinetic branch last night... 🤦‍♂️ [16:14] OK, so we'll be waiting about another hour before anything good happens with libfm-qt. [16:48] [telegram] i need your email again arraybolt3. dm me on irc. [16:48] teward001: On it. [16:48] @teward001: Done. [16:48] [telegram] tyvm [17:20] Simon Quigley (Developer): The symbols are good. RISC-V builds work just fine. However, I got the following disturbing Lintian message from the RISC-V VM: "E: libfm-qt11: binary-from-other-architecture usr/lib/riscv64-linux-gnu/libfm-qt.so.11.0.0" [18:16] Bah I doubt that matters [18:16] Send it :) [18:22] Simon Quigley (Developer): https://github.com/lubuntu-team/libfm-qt-packaging/pull/1 Just skim over the unresolved conversations to make sure I did everything right, other than that, it's ready to merge! [18:22] Pull 1 in lubuntu-team/libfm-qt-packaging "Backports/jammy" [Open] [18:22] (Also, I now have a RISC-V 64 build environment, should anyone need help with that.) [18:26] Hey, before you do that, let me do one more PPA build and make sure everything succeeds. [18:28] OK, I'll let you know when the PPA build finishes. [18:47] * Eickmeyer throws tsimonq2 into a vat of lava: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/609893682/buildlog_ubuntu_kinetic_amd64_ubuntustudio_BUILDING.txt.gz [18:49] Simon Quigley (Developer): All builds successful, ready for merge! [18:50] Eickmeyer: Oh no. [18:50] *kool-aid man* Oh yeah. [18:51] Though, my unamused face is on. [18:52] Eickmeyer: You could just use your MOTU powers to reverse the change. 🙃 [18:53] arraybolt3[m]: I could, but I'd rather work with tsimonq2 on it because it's the right thing to do. Looks like it's merely a file conflict, and I could simply diff the file and figure it out, but I'm juggling. [18:53] Besides, Simon's a core-dev and has privs breater than me. [18:53] *greater [18:53] I know, I was making a joke. [18:53] Fair. [18:54] Are there duplicate files between the binaries? [18:54] Part of me thinks we should make Lubuntu and Ubuntu Studio separated enough so that we don't keep b0rking your stuff. I mean, Xubuntu never blows up Lubuntu, but Lubuntu blows up Ubuntu Studio sometimes. [18:55] tsimonq2: Looks like it. "trying to overwrite '/etc/calamares/modules/before_bootloader_mkdirs_context.conf', which is also in package calamares-settings-ubuntu-common 1:22.10.7" [18:55] Eickmeyer: Can you confirm this is the case? [18:55] (Does Xubuntu sometimes blow up Lubuntu?) [18:55] Do the Lubuntu ISOs also fail? [18:56] tsimonq2: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/609893682/buildlog_ubuntu_kinetic_amd64_ubuntustudio_BUILDING.txt.gz It's confirmed right there. [18:56] arraybolt3[m]: It can happen even if rare [19:03] Simon Quigley (Developer): I see a Lubuntu ISO for today, the Ubuntu Studio ISO is marked (re-building) and is for yesterday. [19:04] arraybolt3[m]: That was my request from yesterday which also failed. Once a rebuild request fails, it takes someone on the release team to manually start a rebuild. [19:04] So, that rebuild request is already done. [19:04] Sorry, was trying to answer Simon's question "Do the Lubuntu ISOs also fail?" [19:04] Ah. [19:08] [telegram] Tested todays Lubuntu ISO with no new problems [19:26] * Eickmeyer suspects something was left in the ubuntustudio package that wasn't supposed to be there [20:21] * Eickmeyer will work on it later when off work [20:31] Unless somebody else gets to it. [20:33] Simon Quigley (Developer): What should I do about a missing upstream Metadata file in debian/upstream? (Backporting lxqt-themes, dealing with a Lintian gripe.) [20:38] Simon Quigley (Developer): https://github.com/lubuntu-team/lxqt-themes-packaging/pull/1 [20:38] Pull 1 in lubuntu-team/lxqt-themes-packaging "Backports/jammy" [Open] [21:05] [telegram] how to remove windows 7 to hd? [21:05] [telegram] sorry, my english is bad [21:06] @RickPHP Try #lubuntu for support. I'd be happy to help you there! [21:06] (This is the developer's channel.) [21:06] [telegram] ok, thank you [22:12] [telegram] my pc flashes the monitor and comes back locked, do you know what's going on? [22:27] !support | @RickPHP [22:27] @RickPHP: For Lubuntu support, please join the #lubuntu channel on IRC or https://telegram.lubuntu.me/support for Telegram. Also, at https://forum.lubuntu.me you can find our Discourse forum.