[06:57] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** bors[bot] merged [pull request #2492](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2492): Add .drop method to mutex [07:09] Good morrow \o [07:39] Hello! [07:40] * RAOF engages in some “commit-message-driven development”, where you explain the change and why it's necessary in the commit message and then realise that it isn't. [07:48] That sounds like more work that writing the test and discovering that it already passes [07:53] It was more fixing the failing test and then deciding that the test was wrong. [08:41] I think we need to think more about the structure of mir-server.io "docs" tab. This lacks a top level under which server-side docs would live alongside Frame docs (and anything else we build with Mir) [09:21] +1 [13:59] alan_g can this be dropped? https://github.com/MirServer/pi-gadget/tree/fix-vt [14:00] And https://github.com/MirServer/egl-wayland (RAOF (he/his)?) [14:03] Saviq: Yes, it got merged [14:05] All, can anything else here be archived / dropped? [14:05] https://github.com/orgs/MirServer/repositories?type=all [14:06] Asking b/c I need to run the inclusive naming tools on what we have, and would rather not burn unnecessary cycles [14:07] I'd need to review some of the old experiements to see how relevant they are. But I think snapcraft-desktop-helpers can definitely go [14:07] And travis-trigger-ci and tutorials.ubuntu.com [14:08] Right, those are already archives, but I suppose we can prune since they're all forks [14:08] Will do [14:10] We ought to be able to get rid of xwayland-kiosk-helper, but I fear it will have untracked dependencies [14:11] Sounds like a candidate for archiving, then [14:13] -GitHub[m]:#mir-server- **[MirServer/mir]** bors[bot] merged [pull request #2479](https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/2479): Refactor event matchers [16:24] Good evening all o/ [17:00] And good evening from me too!