[02:02] good morning [08:43] Good morning [15:58] oink .. bing.. was my favorite .. [15:58] https://medium.com/@ryanbadger/magic-links-can-end-up-in-bing-search-results-rendering-them-useless-37def0fae994 [15:59] ai ai [16:02] I use bing cuz it supports voice search. [16:02] click the microphone and tell it what I want, so much easier than typing [16:02] I often pretend I'm on star trek and preceed with "computer" [16:04] google also supports voice search [16:04] but you won't see this message becsause you have me blocked [16:26] oerheks: Good grief, what? Wow. This is alarming enough it may be something we want to bring up with the Ubuntu Security guys - Ubuntu One is using magic links for Launchpad registration. [19:49] OK, this is part of why I love Linux. I've been somewhat annoyed that I'm not able to do parts of my work from my Chromebook and need to use my desktop for it. I just installed an SSH server on my desktop, and am now able to use SSH with X forwarding and compression to let me remote control the desktop from my Chromebook. Ubuntu Rocks! [19:58] UWN: Issue741 now available: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue741 :D