
EgyParadoxHello, I just created an account on Libera, I am asking whether I can have my cloak back05:55
EgyParadoxLaunchpad: https://launchpad.net/~omohsen05:57
EgyParadoxAny help?08:08
MaikEgyParadox: there's probably no one around at this time to fix that for you. Try again later.08:10
=== o is now known as niko
EgyParadoxHello, can anyone help with the Ubuntu cloak?18:24
hggdhEgyParadox: hello, give me a moment to check on this19:11
hggdhEgyParadox: can you please make a change on you LP home page -- for example, setting your nick for Libera? I need to verify you have access19:13
hggdhEgyParadox: thank you, on it19:18
hggdhEgyParadox: you are all set19:22
=== EgyParadox is now known as Guest4992

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