=== BOWnbERTHA3 is now known as BOWnbERTHA [09:24] I have a raid5 which is 'inactive' after a hard reboot and I can't seem to get it 'active'. I noticed that one of the 6 disks (the 'spare') has the status 'rebuilding': [09:24] - 8 80 5 spare rebuilding /dev/sdf [09:24] Is this why the array can't be brought up? [09:35] If I try to assemble the array I am told that all the disks are 'busy' -> https://pastebin.com/5mnt55mq [09:35] mdadm info https://pastebin.com/GAAs6UAt [11:41] Is there an option in the server installer to use UTC? [11:43] I cannot see it. If I choose a country with several timezones (like the US) I can only choose one of those TZs. [11:43] J_Darnley: if it's available it should be Etc/UTC [11:43] Where is "etc" though? [11:46] J_Darnley: idk, with server, I just 'sudo timedatectl set-timezone Etc/UTC' [11:46] So only after installation? [11:47] afaik there is no setting in subiquity [11:48] What? Is that the name os the installer program? [11:48] J_Darnley: yes, and btw, I just verified. it's UTC by default (good to know I guess) [11:49] So I need to skip the TZ step [11:49] lets see if I can do that [11:50] J_Darnley: oO which iso are you using? [11:54] J_Darnley: as the server iso doesn't ask about TZ [12:17] murmel: ubuntu-18.04-server-amd64.iso [12:17] I need to check something when a new kernel is installed in updates [12:17] So I figured that would be the easiest place to start [12:18] J_Darnley: ahh, that would be good to know beforehand. there should be a ETC/UTC ;) as it still uses d-i [12:18] right, sorry [12:28] After creating the username and password I am presented with the option to choose TZ. [12:29] J_Darnley: nice [12:29] Since I chose my region as US at the start I get Eastern Central, etc [12:29] It says if my desired one isn't there I should go back to the choose language step [12:30] Do you know what I should choose there to find utc? [12:30] J_Darnley: eh, just edit it via timedatectl [12:31] i tested debian, and during install it offers me my tz and UTC by default, later I guess you can just edit it with that command [17:31] whoever designed that idiotic subiquity must be slapped into hell [17:31] who asks for subnet in a CIDR format and then Address when configuring manually [17:31] wtf backwards ass-logic is that? [17:32] perhaps a bug report would be more helpful? But please be more polite [17:34] and why the hell does it ask for a user to be created once you select a minimized install where it literally says "where humans aren't expected to log in" [17:35] and hostname in the same screen, jesus christ [18:07] I forgot to say I "solved" my problem by just selecting any TZ then entering a shell from the installer, chroot, and doing "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata" [18:07] Then I can choose UTC from the text menu there [18:08] hi, I have an ubuntu server (20.04) with 4 nics, all with static ips. I have a netplan config that works, but after "netplan try", "netplan generate", and "netplan apply" report no errors, and happily bring up all interfaces correctly, a few seconds will tick by, and 3 of the 4 interfaces get an ip of 169.254.x.y, despite DHCP being specifically set to off. Does anyone know how to make the netplan [18:08] settings stick for more than 5 seconds? [18:09] also, NetworkManager is, and never was, installed [18:10] sorry, "is NOT, and never was" [18:19] would be helpful to see the actual netplan [18:39] richd: you can probably disable this auto-assigned IPv4 behavior with the "link-local" param (see https://netplan.io/reference and search for "link-local") [19:36] sdeziel: that did it. Many thanks!