
ravagesrc, you should use virtualenv with your python projects00:06
ravageand only update python packages system wide via apt00:06
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mybalzitchanyone with wsl2 under win11 using konsole from backports? the URL hilighting wont' work for me00:36
mybalzitchoh, wrong profile. everythings fine. thank you00:36
srvi use00:40
srvbut that question about wsl you should do it on #windows-wsl00:40
srv this is just for ubuntu support00:41
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lastleo85IRC for Hackers02:31
lastleo85Please Guide02:31
arraybolt3[m]lastleo85: #security02:31
lastleo85arraybolt3[m], Thanks02:33
arraybolt3[m]lastleo85: You might also checkout #kali-linux on02:33
arraybolt3[m]lastleo85: 👍️02:33
arraybolt3[m]Ack, send a message on accident...02:33
arraybolt3[m]lastleo85: OFTC also has a #kali-linux channel that might be interesting for cybersecurity stuff.02:33
lastleo85arraybolt3[m], Got it02:34
Psil0Cybin#networking can help also. lastleo85.02:34
lastleo85Psil0Cybin, Joined02:35
lastleo85All guys seem to be asleep this is the only place to get ans! :(02:37
arraybolt3[m]lastleo85: If you're using Ubuntu or an official Ubuntu flavor, we'd be happy to help! (So long as you're not doing anything illegal, of course, LOL)02:38
src /exit02:40
NeverWentHello, um how do I stop lb config in ubuntu to just default to ubuntu?03:21
NeverWentI've tried lb config -d bullseye03:22
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: Hello! Not sure what "lb config" is. Could you clarify?03:22
NeverWentlive-build config03:22
NeverWentI'm trying to build a debian iso03:23
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: Hmm. I've never used that tool, but you may have more luck on the #debian channel. #ubuntu only offers support for Ubuntu and official Ubuntu flavours.03:24
arraybolt3[m]Oh, wait, you're trying to build a debian ISO on Ubuntu. Nevermind.03:24
NeverWentIf I was on Debian, I probably wouldn't have this problem03:25
ravagemy advice is to install lxd and run a bullseye container and build it in there03:25
ravagealmost no overhead and you are actually running debian03:25
arraybolt3[m]Another, more easy solution, might be to install Debian in a VM (using gnome-boxes or the like). It's not as fast, but it's WAY easier to set up than LXD.03:26
ravagelxd setup is answering 5 questions03:26
ravageand you are done03:26
NeverWentReally? Isn't there a better way to use lb config?03:26
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: We'll keep looking. That's a quick fix, but there might be a better way.03:27
arraybolt3[m]ravage: I guess I was trying to do awfully advanced stuff in LXD when I fought with it, but it was a NIGHTMARE for me...03:27
NeverWentThanks, all I want is an initial tree for debian03:28
NeverWentThe debian manual seems to assume that I'm starting up on debian03:28
ravagethat is a sane assumption03:29
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: Is it possible that Ubuntu's livebuild has a config change that's messing you up? Check /etc/live/build.conf and /etc/live/build.d.03:29
NeverWentravage: perhaps, but not helpful03:30
NeverWentNo such file or directory03:31
arraybolt3[m]Ugh. I've got no clue then.03:32
NeverWentWhat happens in your system if you create a file and run "lb config -d bullseye"?03:33
NeverWentCan you please check?03:34
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: Sure, give me a minute.03:34
Psil0Cybinstupid question on my end is live build used to create a new debian image, or like an image with the current configurations?03:35
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: P: Creating config tree for a ubuntu/amd64 system03:36
NeverWentPsil0Cybin: /etc/live doesn't exist03:36
NeverWentarraybolt3[m]: at least that confirms that its not my problem but ubuntu's03:36
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: Yeah, not sure what to do to fix it then. I mean, there's probably some way, but if you want a quick solution, LXD or a virtual machine might get you to your intended solution quicker (though you're welcome to wait for help here if you'd prefer).03:38
Psil0Cybintrue never mind i have to read more up on live build - - https://live-team.pages.debian.net/live-manual/html/live-manual/customizing-package-installation.en.html03:38
Psil0Cybindid not even know how to add packages to the live build03:38
Psil0Cybinfrom the guide its says to build against the system you are using03:38
NeverWentarraybolt3: its just that there has to be a better way right?03:39
NeverWentbut probably I'll go down that route03:39
NeverWentThis just seems incredibly silly03:39
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: Welcome to the deep guts of Linux development. End-user use is pretty well polished, programmer use is fantastic, but start messing with the guts of distro development, and there's a lot of silly to go through. I'm over here making a RISC-V 64 dev environment on my Intel-based desktop for Linux development.03:42
Psil0Cybinarraybolt3[m]: wow hats off to you.03:44
NeverWentWow that's so cool03:44
NeverWentI really want more support and access with the RISC-V03:44
NeverWentBy the way fixed the problem03:45
arraybolt3[m]NeverWent: Nice going!03:45
NeverWentSo almost every goddamn guide seems to assume that you start in debian03:45
NeverWentIf you dont, you simply use03:45
Psil0CybinNeverWent: and arraybolt3[m] have to say thank you for this convo teaching me a lot also.03:45
NeverWent--mode debian03:45
NeverWentI had checked the doc for defaults03:46
arraybolt3[m]Psil0Cybin: It's not as awesome as it sounds, it's just a lot of waiting for QEMU. Plus, my core-dev trainer/friend is able to make RISC-V enabled PPAs (which is apparently tricky!), so he's able to get the ONE FILE I need for the package I'm fighting with.03:46
Psil0CybinNeverWent: could you link that doc, want to read and learn also03:46
NeverWentshould have checked global03:46
NeverWentjust a sec03:46
Psil0Cybinty my friend.03:47
Psil0Cybinoh true same one from before okay thank you 🙏03:47
NeverWentYou might also benefit from the debian manual regarding live installs03:47
NeverWentTeaches a ton03:47
NeverWentYou're welcome03:48
NeverWentThanks for the help everyone03:48
NeverWentThat specific part explains the tools including lb config03:49
tatsumaru2hey guys, I am doing 'chmod +x hello.py' on a program but it doesn't become executable. Any ideas why?04:41
tatsumaru2it works if I do it through the DE, but not termina04:42
BadAtomhave you got the path set correctly?04:42
tatsumaru2I am not sure, how can I check?04:43
descenthow are you trying to run it04:45
descentyou tye "python3 hello.py"04:46
tatsumaru2descent: I don't have a problem running it, I have a problem making it executable.04:46
tatsumaru2it runs fine if I make it executable from within the DE, but it won't become executable from within the terminal04:46
BadAtomyou have to set the shebang line at the top of the file to "#!/usr/bin/env python"04:47
tatsumaru2BadAtom: is this required for chmod to do its thing?04:48
BadAtomit's required for the script to be able to find the interpreter to run it04:48
BadAtomwithout that, there's nothing to execute04:49
tatsumaru2BadAtom: I don't have a problem running it, my problem is that after I do 'chmod -x' the file doesn't change permissions to executable04:49
BadAtombecause you haven't got the shebang line set, or not set correctly04:50
BadAtom"ls -l filename" will show you what you've set for the permissions04:50
BadAtomare you listed as the owner of the file?04:52
tatsumaru2for the record I do have the shebang line setup: #!/usr/bin/env python04:52
tatsumaru2BadAtom: yes04:52
BadAtomand are you launching it with "./filename" or "/home/username/filename"?04:53
ravagewhat is the output of your chmod command?04:54
tatsumaru2ravage: no output, just a new line04:54
tatsumaru2ravage: actually not a new line as in a text editor, but a new terminal line04:55
ravagethat sounds right04:55
jdmarkI'm Linux is fine on my elitebook05:01
silly_scribenOoops no caps.06:27
arraybolt3[m]silly_scriben: Yes, but please save yourself a potential migraine and back up your data BEFORE trying this. Upgrades are known to go south somewhat frequently.06:29
arraybolt3[m]silly_scriben: You can get a cheap external hard drive like a WD EasyStore from Best Buy, reformat it, and copy all your personal data there.06:29
arraybolt3[m]silly_scriben: Once that's done, you can prepare to upgrade your system by installing the latest updates with "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade". Once that's done, remove any software you installed through PPAs. Once that's done, you can try "sudo do-release-upgrade -d". If all goes well, you will be allowed to upgrade, and everything will hopefully just work.06:31
arraybolt3[m]silly_scriben: (Final note - Upgrades from 20.04 to 22.04 usually aren't allowed until a bit after 22.04.1 is released, for the sake of stability. The "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" command bypasses this limitation, but if you need high levels of stability in your setup, you may consider waiting before upgrading. On the other hand, I'm running 22.04 as my daily driver, and everything works just fine.)06:33
silly_scribenI have a couple of pocket drives already (with  the exact same info on them. (A, B backup) aka Not that Newby06:34
arraybolt3[m]silly_scriben: Very good. I've just seen so many upgrades go wrong that I always say "backup first!" any time the concept of upgrading to a new Ubuntu release comes up.06:35
silly_scribenarraybolt3[m],  how will I know which was? (I cant remember wtf I installed. )  [ remove any software you installed through PPAs]06:35
arraybolt3[m]silly_scriben: "ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d" in a terminal. That should tell you the PPAs on your system IIRC.06:36
silly_scribenI appreciate being reminded of things, NP.06:36
silly_scribenarraybolt3[m], Yes, that is the list of PPA's ( and I didnt knwo that so thatnks) BUt NOW how do I find out what softwarz I have installed thru those PPA's ---AND--- how do I remove software. I have never eve3r done that. (Grin)06:38
arraybolt3[m]silly_scriben: https://askubuntu.com/questions/307/how-can-ppas-be-removed I believe you're looking for "ppa-purge".06:39
PeGaSuSidea: `do-release-upgrade -d --allow-third-party` will try to upgrade the PPAs also and only disable those that don't work. (I did it myself)06:40
arraybolt3[m]Hey, neat!06:41
PeGaSuSor `RELEASE_UPGRADER_ALLOW_THIRD_PARTY=1 do-release-upgrade -d` -- I've used the former and worked for me from 20.04 to 22.0406:44
silly_scribenarraybolt3[m], links are great. Mucho gassho. and PeGaSuS  Thanks. I will compy because I am tired. No good comes from changing a system tired.06:50
PeGaSuSyw & stay safe :)06:52
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mohaWe have Microsoft DHCP server that identifies Ubuntu machines with a long string as unique ID, but strings change per restart, resulting to a new IP assigning to the machine that makes some faults in our service designs. If we change the identifier in netplan settings to mac, it works well with no more change in IP; But why the Ubuntu default behaviour does not work well? Is there any solution to use those string, but not change07:29
=== ingsock92 is now known as ingsock9
mohaWe have Microsoft DHCP server that identifies Ubuntu machines with a long string as unique ID, but these strings change per restart, resulting new IP assigning to the machine. If we change the identifier in netplan settings to mac, it won't change the IP anymore; Is there any solution to use default setting, but not change in the unique ID?07:48
=== mike is now known as Guest2584
bobdobbsHi all. I'm troubleshooting video issues, so I replaced the proprietary nvidia driver with nouveau. After a reboot all my networking settings have dissapeared. I cannot connect to the net.08:37
bobdobbsI'm using gnome. And on the top right of my desktop screen, there is usually an icon with a wifi logo. That has gone. And there don't seem to be any wifi-related options in the settings dialogues08:38
bobdobbsok, as part of my network troubleshooting I have plugged in an ethernet cable direct to my home router. There's still no network connection09:03
bobdobbsIt's bizarre: removing a video driver has nuked my networking09:03
bobdobbsAlso, if use the KDE system dialogue to look at hardware settings, I don't see any network hardware09:12
bobdobbsNow, I'm running a dual-boot system. I booted into windows. From there I can connect to the network via wifi or ethernet just fine.09:13
bobdobbsDoes gnome have a way for the user to probe hardware?09:25
bobdobbsWIth the KDE dialogue I can see network settings, but not hardware.09:26
dkfkecheck the boot log09:27
dkfkelook for "firmware" and your wifi's driver name09:28
LiblxHello, is it better for my laptop and the battery to put it in hibernation mode before pausing for 1-2 hours several times a day or is it better to keep it running? Thank you!09:28
=== kaiseisei1 is now known as kaiseisei
bobdobbsI'd love some help with this if anyone is available. After changing my video drivers and rebooting, the networking system on my computer running ubuntu 22.04 has dissapeared. The networking icons from the top-right hand of the desktop have dissapeared. I can't access the network either by wifi or ethernet.09:49
murmelbobdobbs: that does sound weird. did it work before the driver change?09:51
Guest34I'm building a .deb file and I'm trying to install docker and nomad via the control file. Still, I'm getting the following error when installing the deb file:09:52
Guest34dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of nunet-dms: nunet-dms depends on docker-ce; however: Package docker-ce is not installed.09:52
Guest34Same  for nomad.09:52
bobdobbsYes, it is weird. It sounds like I might have messed a command, but I can't find anything obvious in my commandline history.09:52
bobdobbsYes, the networking was working perfectly before the driver change. I was using wifi, but I've now plugged in an ethernet cable direct to the router to test.09:52
murmelGuest34: so install docker-ce? (it's the official package by docker.com09:52
Guest34Shouldn't the installer install those packages when I've listed them as Depends in control tile.09:53
Guest34murmel ^09:53
bobdobbsmurmel: also, the system in question is dual-boot. If I boot to windows, the networking works just fine09:53
murmelbobdobbs: what does lspci -vvv | grep -A3 Network say?09:53
murmelGuest34: no? as docker-ce is not in the repos09:53
murmelbobdobbs: did you disable fast boot?09:54
murmel(in windows)09:54
bobdobbsmurmel: I can't copypaste to this chat, cos I'm chatting from a seperate computer. Having said that, that lspci command you gave returns with what looks like a report of a wifi device.09:55
murmelyes, as I want to know which device you have ;)09:55
bobdobbsah, I see09:55
murmelbobdobbs: make sure you disable fast boot in windows, as it messes quite a bit with other OSes. as it doesn't shutdown anymore (it's hibernate basicalle)09:56
bobdobbsCopying with eyeballs... DeviceName: RTL811EPV09:56
murmelbobdobbs: that's okay, I don't need mroe xD09:56
bobdobbsyeah, intel integrated wifi I think09:57
murmelbobdobbs: rtl is realtek, so no intel ;) except you gave me the lan device09:57
bobdobbsah, ok09:57
murmelbut I guess, we should start out with windows, as that's the most obvious thing.09:58
murmelyou can disable it in the power settings -> startup options or the like (you need administrator priv)09:58
bobdobbsstart out with windows? You mean I should disable this fast boot thing?09:58
murmelGuest34: you following me?09:58
murmelbobdobbs: yes, as I said, windows doesn't shut down anymore09:58
bobdobbsmurmel: ok. I'll reboot into windows and disable fastboot now09:59
murmelbobdobbs: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-disable-windows-10-fast-startup09:59
bobdobbsoh, I should have mentioned. I'm using windows 11... if that makes any difference09:59
Guest34murmel, yes, I hope same is applicable to nomad. Is using preinst script to manually install the dependency is the way then?09:59
murmelbobdobbs: same problem ;) same location for disabling10:00
bobdobbskk :)10:00
murmelGuest34: as I said, you would need to depend on the ubuntu docker package (docker) or add the docker repos from docker.com10:00
KBarGuest34: no. It's not in the repos.10:00
murmelGuest34: oops, it's docker.io not docker10:01
Guest34murmel Is says the same Package docker.io is not installed.10:05
bobdobbsmurmel: ok, I've disabled fast startup in windows. booting back to ubuntu10:05
murmelGuest34: so I guess it's not installed?10:05
murmelbobdobbs: hopefully that fixes it :)10:05
bobdobbsI'll be over the moon if that does fix it10:06
Guest34I want to install it as part of my package installation. I'm the .deb creator. I want the docker to be installed with my package.10:06
Guest34Docker is a dependency to my app. Same with nomad.10:06
bobdobbsmurmel: alas, no. Still no networking. I can't see the networking icons in the desktop bar. And I can't ping google or access the web from my browser.10:07
murmelbobdobbs: what does this command say?: 'systemctl status NetworkManager.service'10:07
murmelGuest34: can you share the control file10:08
KBarGuest34: do you want to distribute this package? If so, you need to follow the guidelines: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ & https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/index.en.html10:09
Guest34KBar which specific part you want me to look at in those documents?10:10
bobdobbsmurmel: sorry, I can't copypast. But the feedback from that command tells me that the network service is running. It also reports that /etc/netwwork/interfaces doesn't exist10:10
murmelbobdobbs: good10:10
KBarAnother useful tutorial: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debmake-doc/index.en.html this one outlines how you can debianize a source package and build .debs from it10:10
bobdobbsyeah, it's a start!10:10
murmelbobdobbs: are you sure that it's an intel wifi card? if yes make sure that the firmware are installed with 'apt search linux-firmware'10:12
Guest34murmel https://pastebin.com/8pqW0skg10:12
bobdobbsI don't know anything beyond the return value of that command from earlier.10:12
bobdobbswill 'apt-search' be useful at all without a network?10:13
Guest34KBar I am already successful in creating the debfile. I'm stuck at dependency installation. What are your ideas on that? How can I install those?10:13
KBarGuest34: your questions will be better answered in #ubuntu-motu or #packaging on irc.oftc.net10:14
murmelGuest34: well nomad is not in the default repos, so that's already a nogo. additionally, you require docker.io but it conflicts with docker.io10:14
KBarGuest34: what kind of software is this? Where did you get the source code? Is it your personal project?10:14
bobdobbsmurmel: "apt search firmware" returns... some stuff, but again - I can't copypaste.10:14
murmelbobdobbs: just make sure that firmware-linux is installed10:15
KBarbobdobbs: use `whatever_cmd | nc termbin.com 9999`10:15
Guest34@KBar, yes kind of my personal project.10:15
KBarand share the link here10:15
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bobdobbsKBar: unforteunalte the problem is that I have no network access. So I can't push anything to a pastebin10:15
KBarGuest34: if the deps aren't in the repos... you can't really do anything, besides providing them in the package or rewriting your software10:16
KBarbobdobbs: i see. that certainly shucks!10:16
bobdobbsmurmel: that command seems to tell me that I have three firmware packages installed. One for kernel drivers, one for AP1302 (I don't know what that is) and something for "Xilinux VCU firmware files"10:17
bobdobbsKBar: ikr! happened at the least convenient time too!10:17
KBarGuest34: again, you need to ask the right people and read the debian policy10:17
murmelbobdobbs: you should have 3 search results (which 1 of them is installed). so i guess you just misread it10:18
Guest34Thank you KBar and murmel.10:18
murmelGuest34: working?10:19
bobdobbsmurmel: yes, I prolly did misread. I think I have something called "linux-firmware" installed. I conclude this because in an output line indicated that package, this appears: "[installed, automatic]"10:19
murmelbobdobbs: good. so now back to make sure you have an intel device 'lspci -vvv | grep -A9 Network' does it say iwlwifi on the last row?10:20
murmelor also the one above that?10:20
bobdobbslets see...10:20
bobdobbsmurmel: no, it does not10:22
murmelbobdobbs: what does it say?10:22
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bobdobbsmurmel: I'll have to basically copy the relevant bits by hand... The very first line *might* be of interest:10:23
bobdobbspcilib: sysfs_read_vpd: read failed: No such device10:23
murmelbobdobbs: only the last 2 lines should be interesting10:23
bobdobbsok. that saves me some eyestrain10:24
bobdobbsCapabilities: [c8] Power Management version 310:26
bobdobbsFlags: PMEClk- DSI+ D1- D2- AuxCurrent=0mA PME(D0+, D1-,D2-, D3hot+, D3Cold-)10:26
bobdobbswhoops. That very last substring should say D3Cold+10:26
murmelbobdobbs: oO. okay that's interesting. as it should say something along the lines of Kernel modules, Kernel driver in use10:27
bobdobbsI see10:27
bobdobbswell, I kinda see10:28
murmelbobdobbs: what does it say?10:28
bobdobbsSorry, what does what say?10:28
murmelbobdobbs: does the output of that command give you anything about which driver it uses?10:29
KBarbobdobbs: just run `lspci -k` and find the right entry10:29
bobdobbsIn that command output, I don't see anything that looks like information on a kernel module/driver10:29
murmelbobdobbs: eh? can you increase the amount what it outputs? something like -A15 and look for the last 2 lines (of that block)10:30
bobdobbssorry, that last message was in reference to the previous command you gave me.10:31
KBarthe -k flag should only output kernel drivers and modules in use10:31
murmelKBar: til xD10:31
KBariirc you can also specify a certain interface/domain, or was that for lshw?10:32
bobdobbsFor 'lspci -k', I get a whole heap of output. Scanning it now for the wifi into. I do see something relate to ethernet. Do you think that this might be of interest to us? I have an ethernet cable plugged in currently. When I plugged it in, a little green light comes on from, indicating that the motherboard sees the ethernet connection.10:32
murmelbobdobbs: but no internet?10:34
bobdobbsthat's right. no webz for bob.10:34
murmelbobdobbs: other devices have internet?10:35
bobdobbsAh, I thnk I see the info for the wifi controller in the output from lspci -k. Copying by hand...10:35
KBari read your description briefly and to me it awfully sounds like you blacklisted networking modules.10:36
murmelKBar: this is what I also "fear"10:36
bobdobbsmurmel: yes. My phone is on wifi. And I'm chatting to you via a laptop, also connected via wifi. Also my mac is getting wifi. As is my amazon device, my ipad and... damn I have too many devices10:36
bobdobbsblacklisted networking modules?10:37
murmelbobdobbs: kk, just making sure10:37
murmelbobdobbs: maybe, that's what we are trying to figure out10:37
bobdobbsI think I've blacklisted modules before... in the distant past. Racking my brains to recall teh commands and compare them with the commands I used when altering my video drivers just before I lost networking10:38
KBarbobdobbs: did you do something in /etc/modprobe.d /etc/modules-load.d by any chance?10:38
murmelbobdobbs: I mean it sounds like you really had a fight with your gpu drivers oO?10:38
bobdobbsmurmel: sorry, this web client dropped my connection10:41
murmelbobdobbs: np10:41
KBardid we get `lshw -C network` from you?10:42
bobdobbsnope. I'll do that now...10:42
KBarbobdobbs: with sudo10:42
KBarit will print out each of your network devices. could you tell us their names? (the product field)10:43
bobdobbsI usually have a root prompt open, cos I do stuff with apache and php-fpm and whatnot10:43
murmelbobdobbs: apache and php-fpm don't need that much "root" xD10:43
KBaryou probably destroyed some configs while in "root" :)10:44
murmelis there a specific backports channel for ubuntu? alis says no :/10:44
bobdobbsYeah, I see what looks like two sections; product: RTL8125 2.GBE Controller... and product: Wi-Fi 6 AX210/AX211/AX411 160MHz10:45
KBarmurmel: there should have been #ubuntu-backports ?10:45
murmelidk, alis says there is only #kernel-backports, which is definitely not #ubuntu-backports10:46
KBarmurmel: #ubuntu-motu might be the closest. but for requesting, you're gonna have to file a bug10:47
murmelKBar: nah, have a bug,10:48
murmelthanks KBar10:48
murmelrfp is only through bugzilla?10:48
KBarmurmel: np. did you tag the ubuntu-backporters team in the bug report?10:49
murmelKBar: i still didn't put in a request. as I was looking into where I need to post the request.10:50
KBarbobdobbs: what's in the capabilities and bus info fields?10:50
murmelKBar: additionally, no good experience so far on ubuntu with bugreports :(10:50
bobdobbslets see...10:50
KBarmurmel: this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports might be a good start10:51
murmelKBar: thanks :) last time I looked at that page it was really outdated10:51
KBarwell, the process has been the same for a long time, i'd imagine10:52
bobdobbscapabilities for ethernet: pm msi pciexpress msix vpd cap_list10:52
bobdobbsFor wifi... the list is exactly the same10:52
KBarbobdobbs: what about configuration? particularly driver=10:52
murmelKBar: well as the backports team was basically dead before jammy.10:52
murmeland imo they are still rather on the slower side. there is not many backports :/10:53
bobdobbsKBar: I don't see anything for either section that looks like driver info10:53
KBaryeah, ubuntu strives for stability first and foremost10:53
KBarbobdobbs: how about its bus info?10:55
murmelbobdobbs: it should be second to last line10:55
KBarbobdobbs: we need the numbers after the first 0000:10:55
bobdobbsfor ethernet: after the zeroes: 26:00.010:56
bobdobbsfor wifi: 28:00.010:56
KBarbobdobbs: okay. do this then `lspci -ks 26:00.0`10:56
bobdobbsthat gives me info on the ethernet controller. Should I copy it to channel?10:57
KBarbobdobbs: just the kernel driver in use part10:57
KBarbobdobbs: btw, when you ran `lshw` did it say UNCLAIMED or whatever for those two devices?10:58
bobdobbsI don't see anything that looks like kernel driver info10:58
bobdobbsyes, 'unclaimed' for both10:58
KBarbobdobbs: whats the value of `grep '^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' /etc/default/grub` apart from 'quiet splash'?11:01
KBarany custom params?11:01
bobdobbs"command not found:11:03
KBarbobdobbs: you mistyped it. double check11:03
bobdobbswhole output: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet: command not found11:03
bobdobbsk, looking closely...11:03
KBarbobdobbs: dont copy the tail part... just `grep '^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' /etc/default/grub`11:04
KBarwithout the backticks ofcourse11:04
bobdobbsGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"11:05
KBarbobdobbs: now `ls -ltrd /etc/mod*`11:06
KBarwithout backticks11:06
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KBarbobdobbs: and tell me which one is most recent11:06
bobdobbsthe most recent is /etc/modules-load.d11:07
bobdobbsgeez, you are good at this11:07
KBarbobdobbs: whats the date?11:07
bobdobbstodays date... 4:48pm11:08
bobdobbsmight be worth noting that I was playing with the video settings much later. Like, about 8pm I think11:08
bobdobbsIt's about 11pm now11:09
KBarbobdobbs: was it listed last in the directory listing?11:09
bobdobbsSorry, what do you mean?11:09
KBar(if it's indeed the most recent, it should be last)11:09
KBaryou ran `ls` it should have listed 3 or 4 directories. was modules-load.d the last?11:10
KBarok. just making sure. now can you `ls -ltr /etc/modules-load.d`11:11
KBarhow many files and what's the most recent one?11:12
KBar(ls -ltr lists in long format, reverse sorts by modified time, thus the last one is the most recent)11:12
bobdobbstwo files. One is a symlink...11:12
KBaryou better tell the names and where the link points at11:13
bobdobbsThe most recent is the symlink, called 'modules.conf'. It links to "../modules"11:13
bobdobbsThe datestamp is for the 7th of June.11:14
KBarthat doesn't make sense. anyway `ls -ltr /etc/modprobe.d`11:15
bobdobbsDo you want the most recent again?11:16
KBarhow many files. the names and dates of the most recent ones, get out of root, and read each one11:17
KBarbetter yet11:18
KBarbobdobbs: `grep -ri 'RTL8125' /etc/modprobe.d`11:18
bobdobbswell that's weird. I've got entries for August. But I only installed this system recently. Like, about a month ago11:18
bobdobbsthat last command brings up nothing11:19
KBarbobdobbs: how about RTL811EPV?11:21
KBarah it was the lan device11:21
KBarbobdobbs: find /lib/modules/ -name 'rtl8125be'11:24
bobdobbsno return from that command11:25
KBarbobdobbs: find /lib/modules/ -name '*rtl8125*11:26
KBarbobdobbs: find /lib/modules/ -name '*rtl8125*'11:26
KBarforgot about the closing single quote11:26
bobdobbsnothing. no return11:27
KBarbobdobbs: what's the version of Ubuntu?11:28
murmel22.04 def has the firmware for that device.11:29
bobdobbsyeah. It was all working perfectly... until it wasn't11:29
murmelbobdobbs: out of curiousity, which gpu driver did you fiddle with?11:30
bobdobbsI was running the proprietary nvidia driver. I replaced it with the nouveau driver11:30
KBarbobdobbs: `dpkg -l linux-firmware`11:31
bobdobbsSorry, I can't paste the output, but there's a line in the output that looks grim11:32
KBarbobdobbs: did it produce a table with two 'ii's in the first column?11:32
bobdobbstable has name, version, architecture and description11:33
KBarbobdobbs: two i's correct?11:33
KBarbobdobbs: `ls -l /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8125*`11:34
KBaryou got anything in there?11:34
bobdobbsyes. Three entries11:35
KBar`im running out of ideas. you definitely disabled them at some point, somewhere11:36
KBarbobdobbs: last directories are /etc/sysctl.d11:37
KBarand the /etc/sysctl.conf11:37
KBarbobdobbs: did you modify files in there?11:38
bobdobbswell, I don't recall touching them. I'll check my command history...11:38
KBarbobdobbs: no, just do the `ls` thing on them11:39
KBarreverse sort by time11:39
KBaron those files11:39
bobdobbswell thats really odd. I did 'ls -ltr /etc/sysctl.conf'... and the date that shows up is in Feb.11:40
KBarif you issued those commands in root, you wont see them in your ~/.bash_history. if you had multiples terminals open, only the first one gets to write to ~/.bash_history11:40
bobdobbsBut I haven't had this system for that long11:40
bobdobbsfor the files in /etc/sysctl.d: no changes this month11:41
KBarbobdobbs: according to https://linuxreviews.org/Realtek_RTL_8125, it's supported by r8169 module11:43
KBarbobdobbs: `lsmod | grep r8169`11:43
bobdobbsno return from that command11:44
KBarbobdobbs: find /lib/modules/ -name 'r8169*'11:45
bobdobbsno return from that command either11:46
KBarbobdobbs: what was the kernel version? `uname -r`11:47
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KBarbobdobbs: `dpkg -l linux-modules-5.15.0-40-generic`11:52
KBartwo ii's?11:52
KBarbobdobbs: also linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-40-generic11:53
bobdobbs"no packages found matching..."11:53
bobdobbsoh wait11:53
bobdobbssorry, I typo'd. When corrected, I do get a table with two ii's11:53
bobdobbssame for 'extras'. I get a table with two ii's11:54
KBarbobdobbs: you sure there is nothing? find /lib/modules -name '*r8169*'11:56
bobdobbsThat find command returns nothing11:57
KBarbobdobbs: which versions are listed in /lib/modules?11:58
bobdobbs5.15.0-25-generic, 5.15.0-30-generic, 5.15.0-33-generic, 5.15.0-39-generic, 5.15.0-40-generic12:01
bobdobbsKBar: I'm not really sure what the significance of these outputs. What are we looking for? What have we deduced?12:03
KBarbobdobbs: download these two packages: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/amd64/linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-25-generic/download & https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/amd64/linux-modules-5.15.0-25-generic/download12:05
nbusroneHi , may I know how to find which process interfere with screen saver ? example i run a command turn off screen "xset s off" but it doesn't run.I want to know which application block the code from running.12:05
KBarbobdobbs: and also these two: https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/amd64/linux-modules-5.15.0-40-generic/download & https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy-updates/amd64/linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-40-generic/download12:05
KBarthe -40 ones are backup for your current version. try installing the ones for -25.12:06
KBardownload to your usb, insert it on that computer, and install the -25 ones with `sudo dpkg -i`12:06
KBarnbusrone: `xset` only works in x11. ubuntu has switched to wayland12:07
bobdobbsKBar: will do. I'm just gonna have to hunt around my room for a USB. I12:08
bobdobbsI'm sure I'll find one relatively shortly12:08
KBarbobdobbs: just make sure to download the -40 ones as well.12:08
KBarbobdobbs: you will install modules-25 and modules-extra-25 first, reboot12:08
KBarnbusrone: if you want to disable screensaver on GNOME, try with caffeine12:09
nbusroneKBar : i am using ubuntu flashback gdm12:09
nbusroneKBar : echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE12:11
KBarnbusrone: `gsettings list-recursively | grep -i screensaver` anything related to it?12:11
KBaralso, gnome uses gnome-screensaver12:13
nbusroneKBar : https://pastebin.com/Tr3bWXT812:15
KBarnbusrone: good. so what do you want? you can set various prefs through its GSettings backend12:16
nbusroneKBar : I manually set "xset dpms 30 0 0" turn off 30 second but it doesn't turn off . Sometimes I need to close all apps and i can't find which software interfere it12:19
KBarnbusrone: because xset is for xscreensaver. if you're using gnome flashback the screensaver should be its own gnome-screensaver. check gnome-screensaver-command(1)12:20
nbusroneKBar : ok , thanks i will check then .Thanks , i will reply again if it doesn't work12:21
Ganonkhello all,12:26
Ganonkis possible to install Xubuntu 14.04 LTS via netboot.xyz ?12:26
KBarGanonk: its End of Life.12:26
murmelas 14.04 is out of support (without esm) probably not12:26
murmelKBar: even esm?12:27
Ganonkyes i know..12:27
GanonkXubuntu 14.04 LTS is my favorite version :)12:27
murmelso? just download the iso and install it if you really want it. but please don't connect it to the internet ;)12:28
guiverc14.04 ESM is still supported; but ESM support can provide desktop package support via snap packages (as was announced when 16.04 went ESM)12:28
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guivercGanonk, 14.04 is not supported here though12:29
Ganonkyeah many thanks all12:29
KBarGanonk: https://xubuntu.org/news/14-04-release/12:29
KBarthe actual link to the ISO appears to be dead tho12:30
KBarmaybe you can find it on one of the mirrors?12:30
KBaror download it as a torrent.12:30
Ganonkon archive.ubuntu.com12:30
Ganonksee http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/12:31
KBarconsidering flavors get 3 years of support instead of 5, i doubt you can find xubuntu 14.04. there is 16.04 https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/ anyway its not supported anymore cant help you further12:33
murmeladditionally, idk, xfce doesn't change that much, so there shouldn't be a huge difference between 14.04 and 22.04 (they only added gtk3 support)12:34
bobdobbsKBar: I hit an obstacle when trying to install the first of those packages. The error message says that a dep isn't installed. "linux-modules-5.15.0-25-generic depends on linux-image- | linux-image-unsigned-"12:35
bobdobbsThis is so insanely complicated. I've got no idea what is going on.12:36
guivercmurmel, I disagree with Xfce hasn't changed.. even if the UI hasn't changed much, underneath the surface there have been significant changes12:36
murmelguiverc: which Ganonk really disagrees with?12:37
KBarbobdobbs: ok. maybe try to boot with the previous kernel version? press shift during boot, it should open the GRUB menu, select -25 if you have it12:37
murmelKBar: that kernel is not installed anymore, that's why it's requiring it12:37
murmeldef. with how many kernel modules are installed, as ubuntu only retains 2 afair12:37
KBarwell, in that case file a bug and hope the module for your hardware gets included?12:38
bobdobbsbecause I've got dual-boot set up, the boot process stops at the grub menu and gives me a choice for what to load. But I don't recall seeing previous kernel versions... but then again I haven't had this system for very long.12:38
bobdobbsI'll reboot and see what I get...12:38
murmelbobdobbs: it should be under advanced12:39
bobdobbsah, found it12:39
bobdobbsbooting into a slightly older kernel12:40
bobdobbsand yes! I have networking back!12:40
bobdobbsomg. such a relief12:41
bobdobbsthank you!12:41
KBarnp. set this as your default kernel for now12:41
KBaruntil they fix it12:41
bobdobbsfeels good knowing I can go get some sleep tonight12:41
BluesKajHi all12:43
bobdobbsKBar: just noticed something interesting that might offer a clue.12:44
bobdobbsI went to start synergy - it's a software KVM12:44
bobdobbsSynergy couldn't start. It gave a message saying that wayland isn't support12:44
bobdobbsEarlier today I installed KDE12:44
murmelbobdobbs: that has nothing to do with it ;)12:44
murmelthat's another issue12:45
KBari doubt it's related12:45
bobdobbsAt some point I must have changed from xorg to wayland12:45
bobdobbsah, ok12:45
KBarirrelevant. the issue is with loaded modules12:45
murmelbobdobbs: but interesting to see somebody still using synergy :) most moved to barrier after they went closed source12:45
bobdobbsI've only recently heard of barrier12:45
murmelbobdobbs: probably when you switched from nvidia to nouveau as nvidia doesn't support wayland12:46
KBarbobdobbs: so what now, when you run `sudo lshw -C network`12:46
KBarboth have drivers and modules showing?12:46
KBarnot unclaimed anymore?12:46
KBarhow about `lsmod | grep r8169` or whatever the model was12:47
bobdobbsKBar: back in two secs... I'm gonna log off here, and jump into irc on my actual ubuntu machine12:47
bobdobbsKBar: back!12:48
bobdobbssorry, what wwere the diagnostic commands you wanted me to user?12:49
murmel12:46 < KBar> bobdobbs: so what now, when you run `sudo lshw -C network`12:50
bobdobbsmurmel, KBar:  https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/ewebubukav.yaml12:51
murmelbobdobbs: nice, so yes, something happened with the new kernel not including your driver12:52
bobdobbsI see12:52
bobdobbsseems too dumb to be an actual production bug. I must have done something stupid12:53
murmelI def. would do a bugreport. you can start one with ubuntu-bug linux-image-5.15.0-40-generic12:53
murmelbobdobbs: maybe, but I guess with the older kernel, it mostly points to the kernel12:54
KBarmost likely an oversight12:54
KBarfrom the kernel team12:54
bobdobbsI need my kvm. I'm gonna see if I can switch back to xorg... which means logging out and logging back in, I think. brb.12:54
lotuspsychjebobdobbs: you dont got secureboot enabled?12:55
swebi need install chrony as ntp server, questions: 1. is any problem to expose ntp to public network? 2. can i install chrony on VirtualMachine ?12:56
murmelsweb: yes, but question is, why would you need to expose it to the internet?12:58
swebmurmel: why not, other people could use it.  any concert ?12:59
swebwww.ntppool.org like these servers...13:00
murmelsweb: just saying as it's very unlikely yours is getting used by others. additionally you asking here means very likely you are not ready to administer a server for the public13:01
mostafaHello Do any of you guys see "FolderChangeView" Application For Windows? I want like that one for Ubuntu . Can some one help me. ( More Info: This app check file system for changes and show changes folder in real-time)13:01
KBarjust run `watch 'ls /path/to/directory'`13:03
KBarmostafa ^13:03
mostafaKBar: aha..Thanks man13:03
bobdobbsKBar: well, I'm glad that the network problem is sorted. But now my display is totally broken13:12
KBardefine broken13:12
KBarjust use wayland13:13
bobdobbsIf I use gnome, there is no colour profile set, so the screen is blazing yellow and unreadable. In both gnome and KDE the mouse that I can see isn't the mouse position as far as any desktop controls are concerned13:13
bobdobbsI believe I am using wayland at the moment. My suspicioum is that wayland is the problem13:13
murmelbobdobbs: plasma?13:14
bobdobbsbut... I can't actually do much. My desktop is totally unusable13:14
KBarbobdobbs: printenv XDG_SESSION_TYPE13:14
bobdobbsmurmel: yes, I'm logged in using plasma at the moment13:14
KBaryou said you have to switch back to xorg13:14
murmelbobdobbs: plasma is still not ready for wayland :/ so really switch to x1113:14
bobdobbsoh. that variable holds "x11"13:15
bobdobbsso I guess that means that I am actually using x11?13:15
bobdobbsIs there something I can do about the mouse positioning? I think that'd be the start.13:17
KBari dont think its related to the module issue you previously had. you did something again13:17
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bobdobbsI don't think I can do anything without the desktop and myself having an agreement about where the mouse is13:17
bobdobbsI can't think of anything I've done.13:18
bobdobbsAfter I logged in with the old kernel, the next thing I did was log out and switch to gnome13:18
bobdobbsIn gnome I couldn't do anything. I couldn't even log out. So I had to do a hard restart. I shut down the computer using the power button :(13:19
bobdobbsThis situation is such a mess.13:20
fubar1000just reinstall13:20
bobdobbsfubar1000 the whole system?13:21
KBarand dont use root just because13:21
bobdobbsthat'd take me a couple of days at least. I'd have to back everything up13:21
bobdobbsIs there a way to reinstall the display system without doing a complete reinstall?13:31
bobdobbsone thing about the mouse positioning: it's fine in gdm. When I'm in gdm, the desktop responds to the mouse position normally. But after I log in to either gnome, kde or cinnnamon, the desktop doesn't agree with me about where the mouse is13:39
bobdobbsoh. this might be a monitor problem. KBar, murmel: you might remember that the reason I started changing things to begin with was because I was having issues with a monitor.13:44
bobdobbsWell, if I unplug the problem monitor (I'm running a dual-monitor setup) then the desktop responds normally to the mouse13:44
leftyfbbobdobbs: do you have synergy running?13:45
leftyfbbobdobbs: do you have synergy running?13:46
bobdobbs35I just restarted. Down to a single monitor. Logged in using plasma. everything works well (despite loss of one monitor). Synergy started automatically and it works as expected.13:47
bobdobbs35I suspect that the mouse issue might be related to my new monitor having issues13:48
leftyfbbobdobbs35: synergy causes issues with multiple monitors if it's started after they are detected or your display settings are changed. Restarting synergy should resolve it. Not an ubuntu issue13:48
bobdobbs35the mouse and monitor issues were happening without synergy running. So I don't think the issue is related to synergy13:49
leftyfbgo check again13:50
bobdobbs35well, I've restarted multiple times. I've seen the mouse/monitor issue happening without synergy running.13:50
leftyfbjust now?13:50
bobdobbs35leftyfb: within the last 30 minutes - several times13:51
bobdobbs35I was restarting constantly because I couldn't use the mouse to logout13:51
bobdobbs35so I was alt-tabbing to a shell and using the 'reboot' command.13:51
KBari think they're suggesting restarting synergy not rebooting the pc13:52
murmelbobdobbs35: additionally, i would really recommend barrier. but no idea if that bug is happening over there14:48
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Guest35Had a question that does not directly pertain to Ubuntu, but a piece of software that I think is pretty common in the Linux eco system in general..15:56
Guest35Timeshift specifically.15:56
jhutchins!info timeshift15:57
ubottutimeshift (21.09.1-1, jammy): System restore utility. In component universe, is optional. Built by timeshift. Size 719 kB / 3,234 kB15:57
lotuspsychjeGuest35: its an official package on ubuntu15:57
Guest35Right. My question pertains to it more than Ubuntu itself -- wanted to make sure I wasn't overstepping scope. Admittedly rushing here.15:58
enigma9o7[m]Well whoever you are talking about that had the question, thanks for letting us know, hopethey resolved it.15:58
enigma9o7[m]Yeah this channel is better for asking current questions, rather than sharing storeis about questions someone had before.15:59
lotuspsychjemaybe he can ask it, then point him in the right direction15:59
enigma9o7[m]Nah but he's in a rush, no time to ask questions now.16:00
Guest35Haha, okay. So my current question in the realm of the present, and one that I'm hoping doesn't exist outside the scope of discussion here -- My understanding is that it could be used in the way of a reboot/restore mechanism, similar to Deepfreeze. My question is, am I overestimating Timeshift's ability to accurately and completely handle that type16:04
Guest35of use case? It would be on the scope of a public device used by multiple users and audited on between each.16:04
alkisgDo you mean that you want "all changes reset on EVERY reboot", or selectively whenever you want to do some kind of factory reset?16:07
Guest35It would be done manually, rather than every reboot, but yes. All changes. All user filesystem changes, which, it seems like a completely capable application to handle that. I suppose what makes me nervous are fringe cases I've read where system restores have failed via reverting to a time shift snapshot. Those seem to imply inaccurate results..16:10
Guest35potentially. I'm less worried about system failure, and more worried about user data being persistent when it's required to have been deleted before the next takes the reigns.16:10
alkisgUser data is in /home, while system is in / (rootfs). If you want to erase user data, you can just format /home (or dd it from a previous known state)16:11
leftyfbor just create a new user16:15
Guest35True.. there's the other hand where I appreciate the.. while not as brute force to the degree that writing bit for bit would be, brute force nature of enforcing any file system changes I dont expect to happen in places that they shouldn't. Essentially, redoing the whole drive (sort of) with timeshift SEEMs like a good, fast way to revert machine16:15
Guest35state wholesale, including user files.  However, I find dd'ing the home directory to be interesting.. that's actually a very very good idea.16:15
oerheksif that user data is limited, push it to zram?16:15
Guest35Particularly because timeshift will obviously not be truly removing it from the drive.16:16
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Guest35I'll take a look at zram.. I imagine that's  a ramdisk type solution. I did think about that when I first considered this project. Basically, it's all in the name of getting Linux onto these devices, away from Windows.16:17
Guest35Deepfreeze is the mechanism used to ensure both a passive security benefit as well as user data scrubbing. I'm trying to not necessarily mimic it in whole, but provide a Linux based alternative of sorts. These devices are slow af on windows. A Manjaro setup...beats it like... Seven fold on application speed and boot times. As expected.16:19
alkisgIf you want to explain more about your needs, we might be able to suggest better solutions. I.e. what kind of devices they are, and when do the users switch and their data needs to be wiped16:19
alkisgYou can easily emulate deepfreeze using the overlay linux kernel module; with any kind of backing store (upper/work dirs), either RAM or disk based16:22
alkisgIt's how linux live CDs usually implement "persistence" (and of course live booting as well)16:22
Guest35They're x86_64. Kano PCs. Work great in Linux. Low ram, though. 4GB. Makes me think the ram disk solution might spread resources too thin. Users keep them for weeks on end before the next user gets there hand on it. Right now, deepfeeeze, which is built around restoring on reboot, works great for in house devices. But A, not on Linux, and B, users16:23
Guest35who keep these particular devices online for some time risk losing data if not heading directions to save data in a specific place. Which is gross.16:23
Guest35Read that whole typing on a smart phone alkisg16:24
alkisgIf users take the devices (e.g. at homes) then you don't want to put the next user into risk, as the previous user might have installed keyloggers etc16:25
Guest35Right, explicitly or accidentally.16:25
alkisgUse a VM to maintain your template image, and dd it every time you want to give one of them to a new user16:25
alkisgDeepfreeze isn't safe at all there either16:26
Guest35Mm. I'm not surprised to hear that.16:26
InteloHi, How can I know/log the websites being visited on a computer?16:28
oerheksyour browser does.16:29
dsc_Intelo: look at the browser history? not a question for this channel btw.16:29
Intelodsc_ no system wide16:29
Intelodsc_ some kind of access log or network stats16:30
oerheks' system wide', explain?16:30
Guest35Always learning. It sounds like completely reimaging is the only true way to ensure a secure device. Which is totally fair. Thank you alkisg and oerheks16:30
Intelooerheks Operating system wide for all users or for a particular user16:30
oerhekswebsites only get logged in a browser.16:31
Intelooerheks how about monitory network traffic?16:31
dsc_Intelo: arp spoof, mitm TLS, ngrep http headers16:31
InPhaseIntelo: You can setup dns to go through a local dns server, and set it up to log what it looks up.  That wouldn't break down by user though.16:31
Intelodsc_ mitm, arp. Are these without trouble/ ok16:31
InteloInPhase ok understandable. dnsmasq?16:32
InteloInPhase is there any other way ?16:32
Inteloother than this strategy I mean16:32
InPhaseIntelo: That's the only system-level service that all browsers would by default use in a standard setup.16:32
InteloInPhase so the OS network stats don't work ?16:33
InPhaseIntelo: And of course, browsers can be set to not use it.  So this is not a robust approach.16:33
arraybolt3[m]Guest35: Would it be possible to do a diskless thin client setup, where the devices connect over a VPN to a virtualization server that holds the actual workstations?16:33
Inteloso there is no other way?16:33
dsc_Intelo: there are many ways...16:34
Intelodsc_ like?16:34
dsc_but not a question for this channel16:34
dsc_im not going to help you monitor someone's network traffic16:34
Intelodsc_ lets talk in #theotherchannel then16:34
Intelodsc_ "someones"? its my pc16:34
Intelodsc_ how do you think I  or someone can access someone elses pc. If you don't know the answer, that is fine to say straight. its ok :)16:35
InteloInPhase so looks like there are no other ways but i wonder once I saw some network tools that showed websites visited16:35
Inteloip connections etc16:35
Intelowhat was that?16:35
InPhaseIntelo: You can join #wireshark to discuss the other approaches with the people there.16:36
Intelothats a network sniffing tool ok16:36
circlewavedo a pc with a bridged connection between router and modem and wireshark16:42
Intelocirclewave ya. i wonder if I can disallow browsers to use external dns?16:50
Intelocan i force browsers to use my own dns only?16:50
circlewavei dont know16:50
Inteloif no, then it would mean impossible to block a certain site16:50
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: Disable DNS-over-HTTPS in Firefox to start with, then everything should go through whatever DNS your system is set to.16:50
rob0These days browser developers think it's cool to ^^ DoH/DoT16:51
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: But DNS-level blocking might not be the most efficient - really, if you're trying to block sites, do it on the level of IP addresses.16:51
leftyfbIntelo: you should be doing this upstream at the network/router level. Not on individual clients. Especially when the machine is yours and you don't have any other users on it16:51
arraybolt3[m](I think browsers can cache DNS results or something.)16:52
Inteloarraybolt3[m] I don't want to control each browser but systemwide16:52
leftyfbIntelo: also, ask in #networking as this isn't an ubuntu support issue16:52
rob0If your browser is using DoH/DoT, it bypasses what your router would return.16:52
Inteloarraybolt3[m] i see. how to block at ip address level?16:52
Inteloleftyfb the router would be the best place I guess?16:52
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: #networking may be better, they'll know more about this than we do.16:52
leftyfbIntelo: yes16:53
Intelorob0 then we can't block browser even by router?\16:53
arraybolt3[m](At least, hopefully they'll know more than we do...)16:53
* dsc_ rolls eyes16:53
InteloI see16:54
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: I've seen this done before on WIndows 10 (Fortune 500 company with CIsco Umbrella), but I don't know the details of how they did it.16:54
rob0Intelo: IP address blocking can be done at the router, or locally on your machine using nft or iptables.16:54
circlewaveipfire firewall distro16:54
rob0Cisco Umbrella is a DoT thing, running a simple nameserver on which forwards everything through DoT.16:55
Intelorob0 for now I just did entry in /etc/hosts16:55
dsc_fine, my official suggestion is Intelo should write a eBPF program that hooks browser internals16:55
Intelorob0 is that etc/hosts sane?16:55
leftyfbIntelo: if this is your machine and you are the only user, what is the end goal here? For what purpose?16:55
dsc_leftyfb: he's writing malware. duh.16:55
KBardsc_: its already written16:56
Inteloleftyfb well I didn't wanted to announce it but its for kids . You know the rest of the story16:56
arraybolt3[m]dsc_: There's lots of legitimate reasons to do this other than writing malware.16:56
dsc_KBar: link me :)16:56
KBardsc_ its called W******16:56
dsc_haha :P16:56
KBardsc_: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows16:56
leftyfbIntelo: ok, then you 100% need to do this at the router level and not via DNS. You need parental controls at the router level16:56
Inteloleftyfb and block IPs?16:57
arraybolt3[m]This is becoming accusationary, and I am not afraid to use the !ops trigger. If you guys want to be helpful, be helpful.16:57
KBardisclaimer: click on your own risk16:57
leftyfbIntelo: yes. Good luck16:57
arraybolt3[m]Intelo needs help, if he's on Ubuntu, we can try to help him.16:57
Inteloleftyfb and the same thing can be done at /etc/hosts  file where I just point site names to
Inteloleftyfb correct?16:57
leftyfbIntelo: which the "kids" can easily modify16:58
rob0not quite16:58
leftyfband is also not easily supported16:58
Inteloleftyfb kids don't have root access16:58
dsc_arraybolt3[m]: you are not afraid to use the !ops trigger?! wow, you must have quit the guts there16:58
jhutchinsThen again, you could just teach the kids to use the network responsibly and monitor each other.16:58
Intelothe /etc/hosts need root acces16:58
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: If you have firewall software on your system, you should be able to detect all DNS-over-HTTPS domains and block them.16:58
Intelojhutchins ya theoratically16:58
leftyfbIntelo: ok, then use /etc/hosts or iptables, both of which are going to be a constant cat and mouse game. Good luck16:59
Inteloarraybolt3[m] ok, hows that?16:59
dsc_this person is obv. either wanting to mass surveillance browser usage and/or writing malware16:59
leftyfbdsc_: please stop17:00
Inteloleftyfb am.. well isn't the router having list of banned ips and /etc/hosts file having list of banned ips same cat & mouse thing?17:00
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: Find the IP's with wireshark, then block outgoing connections to them with the firewall. However, no matter how many things you blacklist, you're going to leave a hole open. You may want to whitelist domains.17:00
leftyfbIntelo: firewalling should be done at the network level, not the client level17:00
Inteloarraybolt3[m] sane suggestion17:00
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: If you can block all IPs except the ones that lead to legitimate websites, that will be leaps and bounds safer than blacklisting.17:00
Inteloleftyfb agreed. yes..17:00
InteloI am just curious. /etc/ hosts file will do the same as what router blacklist does. correct? assuming user has no root acces17:01
arraybolt3[m]leftyfb: Eh, companies do it at the client level sometimes. Laptop with Mobile Broadband leaves you with not much options in the way of network-level firewalling. So network-level may be better, but it's not absolutely required.17:01
leftyfbarraybolt3[m]: this is at home with some kids, not an enterprise network17:02
Inteloarraybolt3[m] its a tough hole. The kids study, browse and I cant white list all good sites in google results. I don't want to frustrate you guys either17:02
leftyfbIntelo: locking down a single computer doesn't lock down mobile devices or the same computer booted to a live cd/usb17:03
rob0Your ultimate best choice might be a proxy like squid, and don't allow them full Internet access other than the proxy.17:03
Inteloleftyfb true. I only gave system access to them. and made password on mobile17:03
Inteloexcept play time17:03
Inteloand weekends17:03
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: Sadly, there's no real middle ground. You can either try to blacklist everything bad in a firewall, or whitelist everything good. Both are going to be a serious pain, but the latter is going to be far safer. It's up to you.17:03
arraybolt3[m]leftyfb: BIOS password?17:03
Intelobut adult sites is another story17:03
Intelorob0 ok17:04
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: If you just want to block adult sites, CloudFlare might help.17:04
dsc_I bet some religious organisations have previously developed software for this specific requirement17:04
leftyfbIntelo: this really isn't an ubuntu support question and should be done upstream at the network level. Not on a single computer17:04
Inteloarraybolt3[m] Ya... I am thinking. Looks like I am not the only one with this confusion. Others might also have it. Its a common issue.17:05
Inteloarraybolt3[m] oh I didn't knew about cloudflar. Will research17:05
dsc_I think it is called "parental control software"17:05
arraybolt3[m]Argh, DNS-over-HTTPS might still get around that (using CloudFlare ironically).17:05
Intelodsc_ your positiveness has impressed me :)17:06
Inteloleftyfb yes.17:06
Intelothanks all17:07
* Intelo waves17:07
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: If the kids don't have root access, can you just block stuff in the browser?17:07
leftyfbuse a different browser17:07
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: They won't be able to install anything else bad. You can uninstall wget.17:08
leftyfbthere are so many ways to work around client-level access control. Less at the upstream network level17:08
KBaractually, thinking about it, ubuntu doesnt have parental control mode baked in. shall we move this discussion/suggestion to #ubuntu-discuss?17:08
arraybolt3[m](They could still use advanced Bash tricks, though... crud. Sorry this is hard.)17:08
leftyfbssh tunnels17:09
KBarand maybe open a topic on discource17:09
leftyfbthose get around everything17:09
arraybolt3[m]leftyfb: You're right. But no matter what level you do it at, you have to do it on an IP address basis with either a whitelist or a blacklist. Whitelists will prevent SSH tunnels, blacklists won't.17:09
leftyfbarraybolt3[m]: proper parental firewalls do it at the domain->ip level17:10
oerhekssome dns services give parental control17:10
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Yeah, but again, SSH tunnels...17:11
oerheksbest solution is to talk with your kids on your computer.17:11
arraybolt3[m]Intelo: You could implement a whitelist with a firewall, then every time your kid asks, "Hey, xyz.com won't open!", you can just go in and fix it. Eventually there won't be any more access requests once everything good is unblocked.17:11
leftyfbIntelo: if you must: https://installati.one/ubuntu/22.04/e2guardian/17:11
arraybolt3[m](Oh no, I have no idea where xyz.com goes to, don't click that, sorry.)17:12
leftyfb^ content filtering17:12
dsc_Intelo's question went from "How to monitor browser usage" to "how to block access to certain parts of the internet"17:13
dsc_some context would have been nice17:13
arraybolt3[m]leftyfb: Oh that is so awesome. I hope he sees that.17:14
leftyfbit's a fork of DansGuardian which I know died a long time ago. I didn't know there was a fork17:15
arraybolt3[m]Looks like even the fork died in 2018... thus why Intelo was trying to do this the hard way.17:15
leftyfbhttps://github.com/e2guardian/e2guardian doesn't look completelt dead to me17:16
arraybolt3[m]Nice, the website made it look dead. Woot!17:18
oerheksis a proxy mentioned in all the solutions?17:19
leftyfbproxies only work if the only browser you are able to use is forced to use the proxy in some way17:20
dsc_yes, in addition one can switch off that proxy17:20
dsc_(inside the browser settings)17:21
KBarisnt it lockable via firefox prefs?17:21
leftyfbI used to work in retail where the Windows pc's had a locked down IE to use a proxy. I merged the desktop wallpaper jpg with a .zip of portable Firefox and got around that real easy :)17:21
Inteloarraybolt3[m] I am not aware how to block things in browser as root. leftyfb e2guardai looks good!17:35
* Intelo taking off17:35
LuksNuke_Weiss hier zufaelligerweise jemand wie man einen Kuchen backt?17:45
KBarLuksNuke_: join #ubuntu-de17:45
gordonjcpLuksNuke_: das is besser in #ubuntu-offtopic gefragt ;-)17:50
LuksNuke_Par la présente, et avec mes sentiments les plus distingués, je trouve ca pas tolérant de votre part17:52
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KBarLuksNuke_: impressive, but this channel is English-only. join your local Ubuntu community, #ubuntu-de for German, #ubuntu-fr for French18:02
LuksNuke_Scusi, mi ho spagliato :)18:04
LuksNuke_Alright alright18:04
xrandrWhat do you recommend for using a windows laptop for a 3rd monitor in linux? I've looked into Gnome network display, but my ubuntu computer is connected via LAN cable. Gnome Network Display doesn't like that.18:04
leftyfbxrandr: huh?18:05
xrandr@leftyfb: where did i lose ya? lol18:05
leftyfbxrandr: you want to use a windows laptop as an additional monitor for ubuntu?18:05
xrandryeah, as a networked display18:06
leftyfbnever head of such a thing. Pretty sure if the software did exist, it wouldn't work all that well18:06
ogrardp sould be able to do it18:07
xrandrGnome Network display is supposed to use miracast (which is what MS uses to do it), there was a project called XDMX which isn't around anymore. There was a thing for XVnc, but that looked a little too involved to set up18:07
ograperhaps you can deduct something for windows from this article ..18:08
mostafaLinux Lite is Very Slower Than Ubuntu on Vmware18:39
lotuspsychjenot a topic to discuss in the support channel mostafa18:39
lotuspsychje!chat | mostafa feel free18:40
ubottumostafa feel free: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:40
leftyfbmostafa: ok? Do you have an ubuntu support question?18:40
mostafaleftyfb: God .. OK Thanks. Sorry18:41
dreamonhello. could someone start 2 terminator-terminal windows move them side on side and input somethin in one of them. I have a issue, what I type in window A its shown twice in window B.18:49
dreamonSo contacted author of terminator. he could not reproduce this fault. so I installed 22.04 again in Virtualbox. and the fault is gone. dont know why.18:50
dreamonhoping someone of you can, who understands more than me, can give me a hint18:52
leftyfbdreamon: it's near impossible to troubleshoot an issue you are no longer having18:52
leftyfbwe could speculate all day but that won't solve anything18:53
dreamonleftyfb, I still have this issue in my real system. So I tryed to reproduce it on a new installation for the author of terminator to fix it. But the issue is not there.18:54
murmeldreamon: seems like you have a bad config18:56
dreamonmurmel, I already purged terminator and deleted .config/terminator ..18:58
dreamonmaybe a probleme with upgrade from 20.04.. maybe.18:59
KBardreamon: is it stdin or stdout/stderr that gets shown in the second terminal?19:03
KBarwhatever you type or whatever it outputs?19:03
dreamonits been show twice → https://github.com/gnome-terminator/terminator/issues/59619:04
ubottuIssue 596 in gnome-terminator/terminator "Upgraded 21.10 to 22.04, input is doubled on broadcast windows" [Closed]19:04
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OnkelTemHi ubuntu folks. How are you doing today? I have issues with colors in Midnight Commander on Kubuntu 20.0421:35
OnkelTemand in fact I had the same issues on the previous version of Ubuntu21:35
OnkelTemerm, sorry, Kubuntu21:36
OnkelTemThe issue, actually21:36
OnkelTemYou ain't gonna see 4 files, but they are there :)21:37
InPhaseOnkelTem: Have you tried just leaving that window open and poking at your theme settings until you figure out which one sets that?21:38
OnkelTemInPhase: I'm not really sure what exactly should I tweak. Do you mean system settings?21:38
OnkelTemAnd I would expect this problem to have some common resolution21:39
InPhaseI don't use Kubuntu or Midnight Commander, but I would assume system theme settings are the issue.21:39
OnkelTemw/o tweaking anything but instead - use some other similar theme w/o this problem21:39
OnkelTemYeah, I  don't remember i had any issues with this colors on Ubuntu/Gnome21:40
murmelOnkelTem: if you use konsole, you would need to edit your profile colors21:40
OnkelTemoerheks: I tried every other color scheme MC provides and each one had issues with colors21:41
OnkelTemManually editing colors, that's awful21:47
OnkelTemOk, I'm gonna ask #kde guys21:47
bobdobbsI'm using ubuntu 22.04 with x11 and two monitors. My monitors and I do not agree where the mouse is. It looks to me like ubuntu thinks the mouse is in one monitor when it's in the other monitor22:29
bobdobbsI can't test the issue in gnome, because gnome doesn't have a color profile set and offers me no way to set one, so it's completely unusable22:33
enigma9o7[m]That sounds very confusing.  I guess just stick with keyboard.22:35
bobdobbsenigma9o7[m]: Not an option I'm afraid.22:40
bobdobbsIs there a way I can completely remove and reinstall x11?22:44
tomreynbobdobbs: any configurations are more likely to be persisted in your home directory22:48
tomreyn... and would continue to remain there if you uninstalled and purged xserver-xorg22:49
bobdobbsAt the moment I'm going with the hypothesis that the issue is with my video driver. I'm currently using nouveau. I'd like to remove the nouveau module and install the proprietary nvidia driver.22:52
bobdobbsThe issue with that is that I can't use gui's to do anything at the moment.22:53
bobdobbsI've got the script for installing the nvidia driver, but it fails because nouveau is installed... and it doesn't offer a way of removing nouveau22:54
bobdobbsSo... how can I remove the nouveau driver?22:54
cbreakbobdobbs: have you tried ubuntu-drivers list?22:54
bobdobbsI don't know what that is. Is it a terminal command? I'll try it...22:54
cbreakit is indeed22:55
cbreakit lists available drivers to install22:55
cbreakyou should be able to install them via ubuntu-drivers install (with sudo)22:55
cbreakthere's a gui for that too22:55
bobdobbscbreak: because of my video issue I can't use gui tools22:56
cbreakor you can download the cuda .deb package from nvidia, it comes with its own drivers22:56
bobdobbscbreak: I've got nvidia's install script for the drivers. But it won't install them because nouveau is installed.22:56
cbreakit should be able to deal with that22:57
cbreakat least for me, it replaced it22:57
cbreak(I think :)22:57
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Nvidia advises do not do that ! "Note that many Linux distributions provide their own packages of the NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver in the distribution's native package management format. This may interact better with the rest of your distribution's framework, and you may want to use this rather than NVIDIA's official package."22:58
bobdobbsBashing-om: At the moment the best working hypothesis I have for my mouse issue is that the video drivers need to be replaced.22:59
bobdobbsBashing-om: mouse problem: when running dual monitors, the monitors and me don't agree on where the mouse is22:59
bobdobbsSo I see the mouse in one position, and the monitors think it somewhere else. So I cant use the pointer.23:00
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Agreed that might well be the case. Ubuntu has the tools to do that for you - to install the Nvodia proprietary driver.23:01
bobdobbsBashing-om: unless those tools are accessible via the terminal, I can't use them23:01
cbreakyes. And one of those tools is the ubuntu-drivers program I mentioned above23:01
bobdobbscbreak: I can see that that tool allows me to to diagnostic stuff. I can't see a clear way for me to use it to replace nouveau with the proprietary drivers. I'm still looking at though.23:02
bobdobbscbreak: I'm also looking at the download page you linked me to.23:03
cbreakthose are two separate options23:04
Bashing-ombobdobbs: cbreak: Yeah - in terminal run ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' *IF* you are 100% sure you have a somewaht rescent Nvidia graphic's card.23:04
bobdobbsBashing-om: relatively recent. RTX 307023:04
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Fiid the kernel will picj the best driver for that 3070.23:05
bobdobbsBashing-om: ok. I'll take that route presently23:06
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-515 jammy23:07
bobdobbsok. looks like 'ubuntu-drivers autoinstall' did alter the graphics driver23:07
ubottuPackage nvidia-driver-515 does not exist in jammy23:07
bobdobbsI'm rebooting the ubuntu machine now and crossing my fingers...23:07
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-390 jammy23:08
ubottunvidia-driver-390 (390.151-0ubuntu0.22.04.1, jammy): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Built by nvidia-graphics-drivers-390. Size 389 kB / 1,082 kB. (Only available for i386, amd64, armhf.)23:08
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Let's play this by ear - as looks like the recommended driver has not to this time made it to our repo. a) an earlier version driver may work just fine - b) we can look into our trusted PPA for the 515 version driver. [or our bot is not up to date]23:10
bobdobbsok, after reboot - only one monitor is being detected. The mouse issue doesn't present when only one monitor is deteted.23:10
bobdobbsbut yeah... it'd be nice to have both monitors going23:11
cbreak515 is from cuda 11.723:11
cbreakthat's what I got when I installed nvidia's package23:11
cbreak22.04 has 510, shouldn't be too bad either23:11
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cbreakconsidering that driver is much newer than the graphics hardware23:11
Bashing-ombobdobbs: What compositor do you have - as Wayland still does not play nice - ' echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ' - please.23:13
bobdobbsBashing-om: that command returns: x1123:14
bobdobbswell, at least the system is detecting my better monitor. That's a start, I guess23:16
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Good deal - and let's next see what is installed for the driver. Pastebin the output of - dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia .23:16
bobdobbsBashing-om: sure thing. I'll need a couple of minutes. I'll jump into irc on that machine...23:17
bobdobbscan I use this channel if I'm not auth'd on libera?23:17
Bashing-ombobdobbs: Yeah - this channel is open, best I recall.23:17
mantis`Bashing-om: k, it's bob here.23:18
mantis`dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia23:18
Bashing-ommantis`: You recall how to use termnin for pasting the results ?23:19
mantis`Bashing-om: no, I don't. I recall you showed me that trick last night though23:20
mantis`Bashing-om: Is this command showing us available packages on the system?23:22
Bashing-ommantis`: That shows us what is presently installed - maybe here there is a driver conflict between the 510/515 versions ??? - what returns for ' sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" ' ? as a place to start poking at it.23:27
mantis`Bashing-om: that command is taking a while to return. Interestingly, when using it with both sudo and as root, the return lines I get back first have "permission denied" in themill23:31
mantis`* in them23:31
mantis`total output: https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/xahufanosu.lua23:32
Bashing-ommantis`: Hummm ... 1st time I have encountered "permission denied" - lemme run it on my 20.04 system.23:34
Bashing-ommantis`: yukkie - runs clean for me on my 20.04 :(23:35
mantis`very interesting23:35
Bashing-ommantis`: Sure stuck here on what to think ! No idea of where to jump :(23:38
mantis`Bashing-om: yeah, it's all very bizarre.23:38
Bashing-omcbreak: You running 22.04 - able to see what the find return is for you ?23:39
mantis`I'm running 22.04, yes. That last paste shows the complete output of that find command.23:41
mantis`incidently, this is the output of 'ls -al /run/user/1000': https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/saceruwozo.yaml23:42
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mantis`The last time I saw rows of question marks like that was before a hard-drive death. But this ssd is brand new. This whole system is brand new.23:42
Bashing-ommantis`: https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/xahufanosu.lua << is that output via the use of sudo >> sudo find / -name "NVIDIA-Linux-*" ?23:45
mantis`Bashing-om: that's the output of the command if I'm logged in as root23:46
Bashing-ommantis`: Will take one smarter than I to know why "root" gets that permission denied !23:47
tomreyncat /proc/version might help23:48
tomreynhmm that's a proper kernel. and    findmnt /run   says it's a tmpfs?23:50
Bashing-om!Info linux-image-generic jammy23:50
ubottulinux-image-generic (, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 20 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)23:50
tomreynone version behind23:51
mantis`output of 'findmnt /run'L https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/xujehexeji.nginx23:51
mantis`tomreyn: yeah. I've got a new kernel installed. But I boot to this version because if I use the updated kernel I don't get access to networking.23:52
tomreynwhy is that?23:53
mantis`I have no idea. It's way beyond me.23:53
mantis`tomreyn: yesterday I decided to try KDE. As soon as I installed it networking died and could not be recovered. A couple of kind souls on this channel tried to help me. They were very skilled, but in the end the only way to get back on the network was by booting to an older kernel.23:54
cbreakBashing-om: packages.ubuntu.com/ should have all packages ubuntu offers23:55
mantis`At the same time that the network died I started having issues with video: gnome became unusable because of the colour profile issue, and both gnome and kde stopped showing me the true mouse position23:55
mantis`It's honestly really bizarre. Feels like I'm cursed.23:56
murmeltomreyn: on the newer kernel, the wifi and lan card on his pc are unclaimed23:56
mantis`This all happened at around 6pm yesterday. I was up til 2am trying to get my system usable. It's now close to lunchtime on my second day of dealing with this.23:56
mantis`tomreyn: yeah, murmel is one of the guys who was helping me last night.23:57
tomreyni'm afraid i don't have the time to try to look into this either tonight. and not sure it would help either.23:57
mantis`tomreyn: understandable. This is all so bizarre.23:58
mantis`last night someone suggested that I just do a straight reinstall. I'm very reluctant, but I'm considering it.23:58
Bashing-ommantis`: With good backups and a fast internet connection - 20 minutes and back in bussiness :P23:59

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