
tomreyna fresh install is often a good approach when you have unexplicable behavior such as those questions marks on a tmpfs on https://www.toptal.com/developers/hastebin/saceruwozo.yaml00:01
arraybolt3[m]mantis': Sadly, installing two desktop environments side by side can have serious problems, and while part of me is surprised to hear that it's GNOME and KDE that caused the mess, it's still not recommended. Once you get this sorted out, you can use a virtual machine to try out other distros with the desktop environment you want to experiment with.00:02
arraybolt3[m]Bashing-om: And even without backups, if the user data is still accessible, the thing can be recovered without too much fuss.00:02
arraybolt3[m]mantis': This might be a silly suggestion, but can you make a new user account and see what happens if you log in there?00:03
tomreyni would think there must be system level issues affecting this installation. those question marks on tmpfs directory listing make me think an essential lib is broken, or worse, ram. time of day is apparently off,  journalctl is probably full of errors.00:06
tomreyn(or dmesg even)00:06
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alkisgtomreyn: ls -l /run/user/* => it's normal to have question marks in doc and gvfs there, don't you?08:06
WereCatfHow do I enable Ubuntu to turn the display off on Ubuntu Server? This is not a desktop-installation, there is no X installed. Also, no, adding consoleblank to kernel command-line doesn't turn the display off, it just blanks it.09:09
ikoniaWereCatf: power management09:13
WereCatfThat's not a very useful answer, mate.09:14
KBarWereCatf: define "turn off". you want something to act like a hard kill switch?09:17
KBarie press the power button for ya?09:18
WereCatfKBar: No, I specifically am talking about the display, not the entire device.09:21
WereCatfTurning off a connected display has been a feature supported by PCs for over 20 years now.09:21
alkisgWereCatf: something like this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/62858/turn-off-monitor-using-command-line09:24
WereCatfalkisg: except that's a manual process. I just wanna know why Ubuntu Server refuses to turn the display off when using consoleblank on the kernel command-line and how to make it work, when it works fine on other distros.09:25
alkisgWereCatf: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.html says that consoleblank is supposed to blank the screen, not power it off09:27
alkisgWhat does it do in Ubuntu, blank it or nothing?09:27
WereCatfalkisg: it blanks the screen, it doesn't turn the backlight off. Also, yes, consoleblank *can* actually turn the backlight off.09:29
ograWereCatf, consoleblank has never managed DPMS ...09:29
ograperhaps other distros ship vbetool by default and have it react to the blanking or some such09:30
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Helmholtz1How can I install flatpak in a minimal way so I can completely remove it after I check somethig?09:39
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murmelWhen I have a question about a backport, where should I go to, as there is no backports channel :/10:41
murmelHelmholtz1: there is really no minimal flatpak install as all recommends are quite useful10:41
murmelHelmholtz1: but what do you want to check out?10:41
ogramurmel, https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-backports10:46
murmelogra: eh, just for a general question, not a bugreport10:47
ograyes ... this is where they discuss stuff10:47
murmelogra: thanks :) just wanted to make sure10:48
ograi think the throughput is too low to actually keep an IRC channel alive ...10:48
ogra(they seem to have regular IR meetings though)10:48
murmelahh nice, I guess it's better to ask there10:49
ogralast meeting seems to have been on june 15th though ... might take a while til the next one10:51
murmeleh, no problem, there is no rush. as I am trying to get myself into packaging and trying to selfbackport some stuff, but a package in bpo (trying to compile myself) I can't get it quite to work. whatever I try to do :/10:52
tanul1989We have reboot-required file in /var/run11:09
tanul1989After reboot.. Does this file remains there or it will delete automatically11:10
murmeltanul1989: it will be deleted11:15
tanul1989oh ok.. Thanks11:17
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BluesKajHi all11:48
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deadromhi all13:33
deadromare there any fixed IP mirrors?13:33
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oerhekswhat are fixed IP mirrors?13:38
deadromcanonical mirrors at fixed IPs I can put in sources instead of dns names13:39
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leftyfbdeadrom: why would you do such a thing?13:40
deadromleftyfb, eliminate DNS issues13:40
deadromfor security13:40
leftyfbfix the DNS issues13:40
deadromI don't run the internet's DNS13:41
leftyfbusing ip's over DNS does not improve security13:41
leftyfbdeadrom: then you don't use the internet13:41
deadromThere are DNS attacks that's been done in the past. No DNS resolving, talk to static IP, no risk of going to fake hosts13:42
leftyfbdeadrom: good luck with that13:42
leftyfbdeadrom: the internet without DNS is called a broken internet13:42
oerheksi see no list of available mirrors and their IP, dig the one you are currently using?13:43
oerheksi see a whole range..  dig +short $(grep -Pho '^\s*[^#].*?https?://\K[^/]+' /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list | sort -u) | sort -u13:43
KBardeadrom: try  &
oerheksso no, just one hard ip will not work13:43
leftyfbdeadrom: there have been attacks on IRC, web browsers and operating systems. You should just use the internet without those as well13:44
deadromleftyfb, that discussion leads nowhere. a certain other OS manufacturer has IP ranges reserved for update servers and they will give in writing that when I takl to these IPs I will be talking to their servers.13:45
deadromNow I want to know is there such athing for canonical, too, or not13:45
KBarthere probably is13:46
KBarfor enterprise customers13:46
oerheksonly if you run yoru own mirror, still snaps are on a different IP13:46
deadromKBar, good point. I shall talk to Canonical.13:46
KBartry to contact https://ubuntu.com/support13:47
dsc_deadrom: mirrors are often over HTTP, so even if you were to get those fixed IPs, you'd still have unencrypted traffic that is easy to modify (from the perspective of an ISP or goverment)13:48
dsc_deadrom: however that wont work, because ubuntu has some client-side checks to protect against that13:48
dsc_so your quest to find fixed IPs makes no sense at all.13:48
oerheksone can test this with that one-liner13:49
deadromdsc_, have you heard of https?13:50
dsc_deadrom: i dont think you understand what I just said13:50
deadromdsc_, you said yOuR TrAfFiC WiLl bE uNeNcrYptEd CuZ HtTP13:51
dsc_yes, canonical ships ubuntu with http mirrors, see also your /etc/apt/sources.list13:52
xheimlicha while back I was in a google meet and tried to open audacity to record it.13:52
xheimlichever since, I can't use a microphone with my laptop.13:52
xheimlichalsamixer shows the mic input as disabled. ---13:53
dsc_deadrom: they are cryptographically signed13:53
deadromdsc_, I know.13:53
xheimlichI was thinking of turning it off and on again, but maybe there's an incantation?13:53
dsc_deadrom: so you want fixed IPs "for security" but it helps nothing.13:54
KBarxheimlich: what version of ubuntu? what kind of a mic? internal/external? did you upgrade Ubuntu to 22.04 recently?13:54
rob0xheimlich: say it in an Irish accent?13:54
xheimlichI updated to 20.04 recently. My keyboard is also messed up.13:54
xheimlichexternal, the internal mic still works.13:54
oerheksinstall apt-transport-https and grab one supporting https https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors13:54
xheimlichheadphone with mic.13:55
KBarnow lets tackle one problem at a time13:55
xheimlichyes. I tried to get help here about my keyboard once and gave up. anyway, about the sound.13:55
KBarxheimlich: first, make sure it works at all. got a spare computer/device?13:55
xheimlichuname says (Linux xheimlich #136-Ubuntu SMP x86_64 GNU/Linux13:56
xheimlichthe headphones? I've been using them on my phone since I can't attend meetings on my computer.13:56
KBarxheimlich: the mic on the headphones13:56
xheimlichthe internal mic also works. It's not a good solution because I live at a noisy home.13:57
oerheksremove .config/pulse and restart pulseaudio?13:58
dsc_deadrom: consider if you perhaps fell for the marketing gimmicks of a certain OS manufacturer13:58
deadromxheimlich, pulse or plain alsa?13:58
xheimlichdeadrom: I don't know.13:58
deadromxheimlich, ps ax | grep pulse13:58
xheimlichI installed 18.04 about three years ago and updated to 20.04 just two weeks ago. But that didn't produce sound problems imediately.13:58
xheimlichah, it's there. /usr/bin/pulseaudio13:59
deadromxheimlich, check your pulseaudio mixer what it thinks of your mic13:59
xheimlichI use alsamixer to adjust volumes. (I use a tiling wm instead of gnome and tend to use TUI tools like nmtui, etc_14:00
xheimlichanyway, instead of a volume bar, it literally says "-------". Is there an image pastebin to post a screenshot?14:01
deadromxheimlich, pamix or pulsemixer14:01
deadromxheimlich, pasteboard.co14:01
xheimlichI have neither pamix or pulsemixer installed.14:02
deadromapt install? :)14:02
oerheksand maybe kill your Zoom client.. it starts up automatic, IIRC14:03
xheimlichyeah, I uninstalled zoom and teams.14:03
xheimlichalso the slack linux channel is horrible. I have brave set up so it doesn't do tabs and instead all browser windows show up on alt-tab.14:04
xheimlich(meaning rofi)14:04
xheimlichs/linux channel/linux port/14:04
xheimlichmeanwhile I'm installing pulsemixer.14:05
deadromxheimlich, in alsamixer, can you umute the mic pressing M?14:05
xheimlichCan't. Usually I have internal mic and speaker perma muted because the baby sleeps in my office in the mornings and afternoons.14:06
xheimlichit's not a case of that.14:06
xheimlich(getting pulsemixer.......)14:06
BluesKajcheck alsamixer to enable said mic14:07
xheimlich(We were discussing the headphone. It works with an external USB sound card too. Just not when plugged in straight into the laptop.)14:09
xheimlichsomehow apt is stuck at Progress: [ 80%]. I'll report back.14:09
BluesKajsry, my mistake14:10
xheimlichwhat the hell, kitty didn't repaint the bottom of the window. it's been done for a while.14:10
xheimlichyeah. without a headphone plugged in, pulsemixer shows the built-in audio analog stereo fine.14:12
xheimlichplugging in a headphone makes it gray out.14:12
xheimlichanyway, I think tonight I'll just power cycle the thing.14:17
xheimlichI need to get back to work.14:17
transhumanistHI! Whats wrong with this deboostrap line that it actually creates a file called --include=net-tools   ? https://bpa.st/WENQ14:32
transhumanistfor some reason its not interpeting it as a valid command?14:32
dsc_transhumanist: try net-tools,iputils-ping,... (without spaces)14:33
transhumanistah ok I also notice its out of order with the options as listed in the man pages does that matter14:34
dsc_transhumanist: no14:35
transhumanistok thanks a lot we will see that's great!14:35
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:37
=== Polo is now known as money
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BarnerdHaving intermittent SSL issues with 22.04 Postfix 3.6.4/OpenSSL 3.015:15
Barnerd2 clients (both Java/JavaMail) get intermittent issues when connecting:15:16
Barnerd warning: TLS library problem: error:0A0003F2:SSL routines::sslv3 alert unexpected message:../ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1584:SSL alert number 10:15:17
BarnerdHow do I best report this? Expecting an incompatibility issue between OpenSSL 3.0 and JavaMail mostly15:17
ravageyou should report that those clients should not be allowed to connect to the internet anymore15:18
BarnerdOr: fixing it would be a shame as it may fix an issue that skiddies will have15:19
BarnerdDon't even get me started on the version of the JavaMail package that at least one of them runs...15:20
BarnerdBut still: best way to report issues?15:21
Mentoshi all15:32
MentosI am having network (wifi) issues on my fresh ubuntu 22.04 install via live usb15:32
Mentosit's a  rtl 8822 BE15:33
MentosNothing too crazy15:33
MentosI had a look but couldn't find any DMKS or whatever it is driver for that specific chipset15:34
MentosI also then found a few github projects saying their thing could basically make it run with <some random> dkms driver15:35
Mentosbecause it's foundationally identical I think maybe it just doesn't identify under the ubuntu device lists or something15:35
Mentosthe closest match I found on apt was I think the 881115:35
Mentoswhich I'm pretty sure would probably work just fine but <isn't>15:36
Mentosany advice appreciated -- I can provide some more info as well but don't want to flood the channel15:36
rob0(Good thing Diet Coke is not here! Talk about flooding the channel!)15:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:39
enigma9o7[m]Mentos, odds are if you didn't find it with apt, its not in ubuntu repo.  Some of those realtek drivers have to be installed manually cuz some weird license issues makes them non distritutable.15:40
=== Polo is now known as money
KBara bit strange that an increasingly number of users report problems with their rtl network adapters15:49
KBaron 22.0415:49
KBarMentos: did you try rtl8821ce-dkms ?15:52
KBarMentos: `apt install rtl8821ce-dkms`15:54
transhumanistgconftool-2 -t bool --set /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/scrollback_unlimited 1    <<< this appears to do nothing anyone know why? is a  log out and log back in required or something15:59
transhumanistI am on Ubuntu 22.0416:01
MentosKBar: but it's the 8822 though16:01
transhumanistproduces no errors though16:01
MentosI will try16:01
Mentosit looked like the tools I saw were basically to fool the identifier to use the ""wrong"" driver16:01
Mentoswhich is ofc like 100% compatible16:01
MentosI will try though16:02
Mentosit makes it hard because I have to use my phone as a hotspot because it has no wifi lol16:03
KBarMentos: ?? it has modules for 8822 the name is confusing16:03
Mentoser ethernet16:03
KBarcheck the package content16:03
MentosKBar: the package for 8821 has 8822 ?16:03
Mentoscan you link me16:03
KBarMentos: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=rtl8822&mode=filename&suite=jammy&arch=any16:04
MentosI feel frustrated by the whole thing tbh because I know the <other> driver WILL work16:04
KBaryou could do with apt-file, but its not installed by default16:04
KBar`apt-file list pck-name`16:04
Mentosso why isn't the device ident more like, either signed like windows for a whole host of devices16:04
Mentosor soft/fuzzy logic16:04
MentosIt's going to be a problem for people in the future because they make such arbitrary chips for random items let alone whole models16:05
Mentosand Ethernet is oft expected to be added via usb-c16:05
Mentosas with my device16:05
Mentosanyway I will network it up using my phone and give it a go16:05
KBardid you install the package?16:05
Mentosone moment i'm setting up a bluetooth PAN to my desktop -- easier than phone hostpot16:11
enigma9o7[m]ya cuz plugging a cable between phone and pc is difficult16:21
Mentosit is when all it's non-usb-c ports are "dodgy"16:29
Mentosaka propping the cable/device up to work reliably16:29
Mentosthough windows 10 has confused me16:29
Mentosit used to be a trivial thing16:30
Mentosmeh sidebarring that cause legit windows 10 has tried to transition it to the new UI but missed it or something16:32
Mentosto wifi we go16:32
MentosUrgh ok usb was totally unworkable without a usb-c to usb-c cable16:47
Mentosit was dropping every few seconds even16:48
Mentosbut managed to get bt PAN working from my phone16:48
Mentos(again they really messed up the UI for where/how lol)16:48
Mentosok trying now -- sorry for delays, it's frustrating to NEED networking but not have networking despite having a pretty dang generic realtek lol16:48
lotuspsychjeMentos: wich kernel are you on currently?16:50
Mentosam currently doing a (second since install) 500mb upgrade16:52
Mentosso will let you know once that completes/reboots16:52
MentosI am not entirely sure if it's relevant though -- afaik I just need a compatible dkms driver (third party to some degree possibly) and have the system go "yep, use this"16:53
Mentosfrom what I was finding, that's basically what the tools on github did in a more robust way than ubuntu and then forced/faked it to load properly or something16:54
Mentosit's not going very fast unfortunately because <bluetooth>16:54
lotuspsychjeMentos: most cases realtek chipsets are kernel itchy, works on one and not on another16:54
Mentoswell if it's dkms as I have seen then it's at a minimum outside the kernel afaik16:54
Mentoscould be wrong16:54
Mentosit should show up as a "third party" driver16:54
Mentosand again if I had like a 8811 from what I understand it'd work perfectly16:55
Mentosand I think the 8822 just added newer wifi specs lol16:55
lotuspsychjeMentos: you might wanna checkup some recent bugs like; bug #197209116:55
Mentosie "n" onwards16:55
ubottuBug 1972091 in rtl8821ce (Ubuntu) "rtl8821ce wifi not working ubuntu 22.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/197209116:55
=== PsiloCybin is now known as Psilo-mobile
androwhat is the difference between Ubuntu Server regular install and Ubuntu Server (minimized)? it says that the minimized version has a "small runtime footprint in environments where humans are not expected to log in". so if i plan to use this server via ssh, should i be using the regular install?16:56
Mentosubottu: 8821ce is the driver I was just told to try16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8678 in control-center (Ubuntu) "Gnome session will not start when no audio device present" [Medium, Fix Released] [duplicate: 8821] https://launchpad.net/bugs/867816:56
Mentoser lotuspsychje *16:56
Mentosbut I am unsure if, without said random tools, it will actually allow itself to use that16:56
Mentosgiven it's <not a 8821>16:56
Mentosthe "more robust tool" I saw was basically using fuzzy logic for it I belief16:57
Mentosinstead of direct identifiers16:57
Mentosalso wonder if, just randomly, I might have better luck with say 20.0416:58
Mentosor 18.0416:58
oerheksandro, where did you read that?16:58
Mentosoerheks: both options are available16:58
MentosI am unsure how you would exactly list all the packages of both16:59
Mentosin theory say, synaptic should be able to... ?16:59
androoerheks: its on the ubuntu server install screen16:59
androword for word16:59
Mentosandro: from my experience16:59
oerheksoh i see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Minimal16:59
Mentosthe server install wont even do xorg16:59
Mentosit's purely CLI17:00
Mentosso no libre-stuff etc17:00
oerhekswell, on both you need to install the ssh service17:00
Mentosno you don't... ?17:00
Mentoson literally either of them ?17:00
oerheksplease easy on the enter mentos17:00
androI don't need Xorg17:01
androthis will be a server machine17:01
oerheksandro, ignore those comment.. server does no xorg/wayland17:02
Mentosthat's what I said17:03
Mentosand that is the core difference17:03
androwhy does it say that the minimized environment is one where humans are not expected to log in?17:03
Mentosand also won't include anything <gui reliant> ie libre etc17:04
Mentosandro: where?17:04
Mentossounds weird17:04
androMentos: in the server install screen, it says: Ubuntu Server\n The default install contains a curated set of packages that provide a comfortable experience for operating your server.\n Ubuntu Server (minimized)\n This version has been customized to have a small runtime footprint in environments where humans are not expected to log in.17:05
oerhekssee those minimized images as host for docker or a service.17:08
Mentosandro: it's just minimized more aka no gui side at all which eliminates a lot of requirements17:09
Mentosas I say there SHOULD be a page where you can view each specific forks package requirements17:09
Mentosbut not any easy tool to compare them directly17:09
Mentosbut that's ESSENTIALLY the difference between the two, and nothing to do with "if humans log in"17:10
Mentosnot sure where you read that thus why I asked for a link17:10
Mentosthey both come stock with SSH part of the same kernel ready to go17:10
Mentosthey will both have you make "a user"17:10
androi think it means to say that nerds arent humans17:19
androso logging in through ssh doesnt count17:19
tanul1989I need to know exactly which dates of patch is installed in my ubuntu.. If someone open this url17:22
ubottuDpkg::Source::Archive in dpkg, the Debian package management system, before version 1.21.8, 1.20.10, 1.19.8, 1.18.26 is prone to a directory traversal vulnerability. When extracting untrusted source packages in v2 and v3 source package formats that include a debian.tar, the in-place extraction can lead to directory traversal situations on specially crafted orig.tar and debian.t... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-1664>17:22
tanul1989you can see that for bionic one it is resolved in Released (
oerhekslook at the package for your version, then check out launchpad17:23
Mentos... if you're not running atleast bionic...17:23
Mentosthen yeah17:23
tanul1989This is my OS details17:24
tanul1989DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS"17:24
oerheksUploaded: 2022-05-2517:24
oerheks!paste | tanul198917:24
ubottutanul1989: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:24
tanul1989This are my OS details: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu, DISTRIB_RELEASE=18.04, DISTRIB_CODENAME=bionic, DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS", NAME="Ubuntu" ,17:26
tanul1989VERSION="18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver)", ID=ubuntu, ID_LIKE=debian, PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS", VERSION_ID="18.04"17:26
oerheksi already gave the answer, read back17:26
tanul1989oerheks, Oh ok..  Microsoft told me to update the OS to at least 2022.05.31.. As per my understanding this update is already in my node.. I just wanted to check if its already there oo not17:28
tanul1989How to check that17:28
oerheksapt list <package> or apt-cache policy <package>17:29
tanul1989ok.. just checking.. the command will be apt list dpkg right??17:30
oerhekstry it?17:30
tanul1989The output of apt list is dpkg/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now amd64 [installed,automatic]17:33
tanul1989N: There is 1 additional version. Please use the '-a' switch to see it17:33
tanul1989I think it has the the correct version right oerheks17:34
oerheksyes you do.17:35
tanul1989hmm.. I don't know why prisma cloud is giving this vulnerability CVE-2022-1664.. And, suggesting me to update the version to  1.20.1017:41
ubottuDpkg::Source::Archive in dpkg, the Debian package management system, before version 1.21.8, 1.20.10, 1.19.8, 1.18.26 is prone to a directory traversal vulnerability. When extracting untrusted source packages in v2 and v3 source package formats that include a debian.tar, the in-place extraction can lead to directory traversal situations on specially crafted orig.tar and debian.t... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-1664>17:41
=== vxwarlock is now known as vx_darkfallen
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: CVE detecting tools may simply be checking the software version, not the actual presence of the vuln. If you're using an old but patched software version (like Ubuntu does all over the place), you may still be told about the CVE even if it isn't actually there.17:42
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: If you have someone who skilled at cybersecurity in your corner, you could ask them to try and hit the vulnerability to see if it's there or not.17:43
tanul1989oh ok.. So that's the game17:43
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: This is why penetration testers exist - nothing tells you a vuln exists like having someone exploit it, and if the person exploiting it also happens to be on your side, then everything's good. So long as you prepare for any mayhem that ensues when the vuln is exploited (so probably don't run a penetration test on production!).17:43
tanul1989actually this cvescan I can't install.. Its a Azure kubernetes node17:48
tanul1989But that is problem with prisma cloud. Now my security team is forcing me to resolve them.. Where as they are actually already resolved..17:49
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Are you here?17:49
tanul1989For example I have just checked for one more CVE-2022-1292.. Its in openssl.. And resolved in Released (1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.17)17:50
ubottuThe c_rehash script does not properly sanitise shell metacharacters to prevent command injection. This script is distributed by some operating systems in a manner where it is automatically executed. On such operating systems, an attacker could execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the script. Use of the c_rehash script is considered obsolete and should be replaced b... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-1292>17:50
tanul1989oerheks, arraybolt3[m], But when I'm checking my version then this is installed  1.1.1-1ubuntu2.1~18.04.1917:50
tanul1989I think this is also the same thing which arraybolt3[m].. Is referring Am I correct17:51
oerheksthe last number is higher than 17, so ..17:51
tanul1989The vulnerability patch is already there but prisma is showing on the basis of version.. Am I correct??17:51
tanul1989yes mine one is higher than 17..17:52
oerheksprisma cloud, is it in our repos?17:52
oerheksif not, contact the maintainer?17:52
tanul1989Hmm.. i need ot check with the prisma cloud community17:53
enigma9o7[m]im a subtraction expert, and actually 19 is two higher than 1717:54
tanul1989Prisma cloud already has a slack channel.. Asking over there.. What's going on with them17:57
oerheks!ot > AntiGamerPlayzz18:02
ubottuAntiGamerPlayzz: Please see my private message18:02
enigma9o7[m]you gotta put /j first18:02
enigma9o7[m]i.e. /j #sexchat18:02
AntiGamerPlayzzwindows: i hope this dosent have a virus mac os:if its on the app store i can run it linux: i hope this command dosent take forever to fill out18:04
AntiGamerPlayzzwindows: i hope this dosent have a virus. mac os:if its on the app store i can run it linux: i hope this command dosent take forever to fill out18:04
arraybolt3[m]AntiGamerPlayzz: This is the Ubuntu support channel. Off-topic discussions are generally not permitted here.18:04
javaJakeLast week I added a ZFS pool to my Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 install. Today, I found it completely removed. I had to import it by hand for it to become present again. What's the correct way to add pools to Ubuntu so I don't have to fight the OS? :(18:13
oerhekshttps://ubuntu.com/tutorials/setup-zfs-storage-pool#1-overview handy wiki18:14
lotuspsychjejavaJake: there are known bugs around on 22.04 + zfs + encrypted aswell (if thats your case)18:15
javaJakeI'm not doing anything fancy. I am using a vanilla Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop with the official ZFS support enabled. I don't tweak my system much at all. I used all the included zfs/zpool tools that are installed by default.18:15
javaJakeoerheks: this is what I did18:15
manwhowouldbekinHi, all. What is the safest and most reasonable way to uninstall old kernels? In the past year or so, I built mainline kernels from source and installed them (mostly to try new features). I am currently running 5.16.0+ on Ubuntu 22.04. I would like to remove all others. https://termbin.com/6kfb18:16
javaJakelotuspsychje: I don't use encryption. The only ZFS option I changed is the mountpoint for the new pool.18:16
tanul1989one small question does dpkg version 1.20.10 comes with ubuntu18.04.6 LTS18:16
lotuspsychjeok, then the bug prob wont be your case then javaJake18:17
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: sudo apt remove <package name>18:17
enigma9o7[m]How did you install them?  You can autoremove a lot of headeras nd stuff, then just apt remove the rest....18:17
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: I would not recommend removing all of the native(supported) kernels18:17
enigma9o7[m]i have dpkg  on bionic tanul18:17
tanul1989Me too have the same version18:19
oerheksnope, there is no such 1.20.10  .... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg18:20
tanul1989I don't know what prisma cloud wants.. I think they have some place from where they get 2 know the latest version of packages and start throwing the vulnerabilities18:20
oerheksand unlikely it will be backported, you will get bugsfixes, but numbering stays the same18:21
oerheksyou might want to switch to Jammy 22.04...18:21
tanul1989oerheks, is it.. Man what is happening with prisma cloud. Can some one suggest how to share a screenshot here18:21
tanul1989I'll show you the prisma screen shot18:21
oerheksprisma is not under our support. why do you need a higher dpkg?18:22
oerheksit got the latest bugfixes, so..18:22
javaJaketanul1989: third party software may be unaware of how Ubuntu backports security fixes. See: https://ubuntu.com/security/notices and https://ubuntu.com/security/cves18:23
tanul1989I don't want latest.. The thing is that our prisma cloud is showing that dpkg version 1.20.10 has resolved this cv 2022-1664.. My point is when this version of package doesn't exist then how they are referring that as a solution18:24
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb, How can I distinguish native(supported) kernels from others? Are native ones the ones I have not built and installed?18:25
javaJaketanul1989: again, prisma cloud is probably not aware of Ubuntu's security procedures. Here's the CVE you are referencing: https://ubuntu.com/security/CVE-2022-166418:25
ubottuDpkg::Source::Archive in dpkg, the Debian package management system, before version 1.21.8, 1.20.10, 1.19.8, 1.18.26 is prone to a directory traversal vulnerability. When extracting untrusted source packages in v2 and v3 source package formats that include a debian.tar, the in-place extraction can lead to directory traversal situations on specially crafted orig.tar and debian.t... <https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2022-1664>18:25
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: What exactly Prisma Cloud does, we have no idea, as we have no control over them or what they do. You might be able to file a bug report with them or contact their support so they can fix their software.18:25
oerhekstanul1989, but you found out already for bionic one it is resolved in Released (
oerheksso, it does not match their story18:25
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: yes18:25
tanul1989Yeah not a problem. But thank you so much. for redirecting me in correct direction and help resolving the things.. Really helpful. Thank so very much18:26
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: You'd be surprised what some companies outside the Linux world tell people to do to their Linux systems. I saw some company's technical support tell someone to try to install a driver for Linux kernel 5.19 on an Ubuntu system with Linux 5.19 is still experimental AFAIK. Prisma Cloud having a meltdown over a misunderstanding is not all that surprising to me, sadly.18:26
tanul1989hmm correct. Its been 8 days.. I'm talking day and night with different people here, microsoft.. Updating aazure kubernetes, its nodes.. Asking in so many communities. Sleeping for max 3 to 4 hours in a day.. And this is what is happening18:28
arraybolt3[m]tanul1989: I'm so sorry. That sounds awful. As a general rule, if your Ubuntu system is fully updated, you're good. And you can always double-check against the Ubuntu security advisories if you're unsure. Here's the search tool: https://ubuntu.com/security/cves18:30
tanul1989Thank you so much for sharing.. I'll keep that in my notebook.. First thing in the morning.. On slack channel no one is replying in prisma cloud.. First thing in the morning I'll connect with the team who hosted prisma cloud and check with them on this18:33
tanul1989In my node this is clearly showing that security updates are installed using uattended-upgrades...dpkg/bionic-updates,bionic-security,now amd64 [installed,automatic]18:34
Mentos>  to try to install a driver for Linux kernel 5.19 on an Ubuntu system with Linux 5.1918:36
MentosI mean... Those things match lol ?18:36
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: s/with/when18:36
arraybolt3[m]Meant to say "to try to install a driver for Linux kernel 5.19 on an Ubuntu system, when Linux 5.19 is still experimental AFAIK."18:36
arraybolt3[m](Ubuntu Kinetic, the latest development version, is still on kernel 5.15.)18:37
Mentosbut if that's what they're running....18:37
Mentosthat still makes sense18:37
tanul1989ok.. See ya.. Take care..18:37
MentosIt may be ""experimental""18:37
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: LOL I hate typos.18:37
oerheksMentos, then you/they need to build that driver yourself..18:37
MentosBut if that is their query, it seems correct18:37
oerhekssuch kernel is beyond the scope of this channel18:37
Mentosoerheks: apparently not from what they said... ?18:37
arraybolt3[m]Guys, I was talking about something that happened here before and then typoed.18:38
oerheksi don; t care what they said.  5.19 is experimantal, in mainline, without our support.18:38
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:38
arraybolt3[m]I meant to say that Ubuntu doesn't use kernel 5.19, and someone came in trying to install a driver for kernel 5.19 because some tech support from an equipment manufacturer told them to do it. That's how misinformed some tech support can be.18:38
arraybolt3[m]My point was what you're saying - it was a bad idea from the start. So don't trust non-Linux companies when it comes to this stuff.18:39
oerhekstell them to build that driver, and a proper dkms package18:40
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: If only... yeah, that would be nice if companies would do that.18:42
Mentoswhat is a "linux company" arraybolt3[m]18:43
oerheksMentos, you called them ' they'18:43
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: Canonical. SuSE. Red Hat. Those kind of companies. Also developer communities like the people behind Arch Linux.18:44
Mentosso also loose groups of people18:44
Mentosso... everyone is in a linux company more or less.18:45
MentosI send telemetry!18:45
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: These are the people who actually know what they're talking about. Manufacturers (like TP-Link and the like) generally don't have a clear understanding of what they're doing.18:45
Mentosthat's straight incorrect and misguided18:45
Mentosthough i'm also struggling to get a marginally newer realtek wifi card to work on 22.04 so....18:46
Mentoswhat do I know I guess xD18:46
oerheksno, you took the experimental route, good luck!18:46
MentosI sincerely worry for the day Linus passes.18:46
MentosBecause each of these "companies" will take on entirely new roles18:46
Mentostowards proprietarianism to some degree i'll bet18:47
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: LOL pretty much if someone tells you to do "sudo make install", and they expect you to do this on a production system, they don't know what they're talking about.18:47
Mentosarraybolt3[m]: fair18:47
MentosI understand that point atleast haha18:47
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: Not possible. That's why the GPL exists. Linux will always be GPL software, there's no getting around it. Linus made some very good moves with licensing so that even when he passes, the kernel will forever remain FOSS.18:47
arraybolt3[m](Responding to the thing about "proprietarianism".)18:48
Mentosgpl is totally irrelevant18:48
Mentoswho hotfixes 0days? linus does.18:48
Mentosand it filters down.18:48
dsc_I'm not afraid of licensing issue but rather culture changes18:48
Mentosthere's stuff only they do for very meager amounts of $$18:48
Mentosafter they pass18:48
oerheksthis is ubuntu technica support, join -discuss or -offtopic  for chit chat18:48
Mentosit will be ubuntu for ubuntu18:48
leftyfblets stay on topic please. Feel free to bring non-support discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic18:48
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: Also there's an army of people behind the Linux kernel - if Linux passes, Andrew Morton will probably take his spot I would guess.18:48
Mentosredhat for redhat18:48
Mentosarraybolt3[m]: I mean... You'd hope, but why isn't that the case //NOW// then :P18:49
arraybolt3[m]oerheks: Yeah, you're right. Sorry, we a lot of times allow random off-topic stuff in between support sessions.18:49
Mentoshe should already be redundant if that's true18:49
Mentos(tldr; he's not)18:49
arraybolt3[m]But this has gotten a bit messy.18:49
Mentosyeah I will respect the rules also -- I just do find it worrysome18:50
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: Join #ubuntu-offtopic, let's keep going there. I'm in there already.18:50
Mentosthough a fully commercialized branch of ubuntu could be great, who knows18:50
Mentosehh I am tired and trying to get this dang laptop some wifi18:50
Mentosit's finally updated it all18:50
Mentosover bluetooth lol18:50
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: What WiFi card are you using?18:51
Mentosafaik it's a rtl 8822 be18:51
Mentosthe previous realtek drivers SHOULD work fine afaik also18:51
Mentosbut I need a way to make it use them18:51
Mentosbecause it "mis-identifies" that it's incompatible18:52
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: Does this work? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1263141/rtl8822be-driver-for-ubuntu-18-04-and-20-0418:52
Mentosbecause of the "be" on the end as far as I know18:52
tanul1989Hello, sorry I come back.. one small question.. OS of this version type Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) has dpkg 1.20.1018:52
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: i am now18:52
binhow do i force apt to remove a package even if another pakcage depends on it18:52
leftyfbbin: that's probably not a good idea18:53
Mentosarraybolt3[m]: so two things18:53
Mentos`git clone https://github.com/aircrack-ng/rtl8812au.git`18:53
arraybolt3[m]bin: Bad idea. What are you trying to achieve? There's probably a better way to do this.18:53
ravagebin, you really should not do that. at least not without also removing the dependent package18:53
binleftyfb: i dont care if it's a good or bad idea, i jsut want to know how to do it18:53
Mentosgrabbing some random profile from github/aircrack18:53
oerhekstanul1989, join #debian for that?18:53
Mentosand also that it's for the 8812au18:53
arraybolt3[m]bin: Make sure you have a virtual machine before you try that.18:53
Mentosit was the first result honestly18:53
tanul1989oerheks, sure.. thanks18:54
ravageMentos, is it a USB or PCI device? did you provide the device id from lsusb or lspci already?18:54
Mentosbut it's pretty.... Unorthodox for just getting basic wifi connectivity in 202218:54
binarraybolt3[m]: youre assuming im not in one right now.18:54
dsc_bin: you are looking for `--remove --force-remove-reinstreq` which may render your system broken18:54
Mentosravage: it's what I said as verified from there18:54
oerheksMentos, you rant is invalid, use the stock kernel.18:54
Mentosbut can confirm18:54
Mentosone sec18:54
Mentosalready am clean install just updated/upgraded18:54
binso anyway now that we've gone past the "no anon dont do it, dont uninstall packages other packages depend on" please tell me how to do it18:55
bini am intentionally trying to break something18:55
arraybolt3[m]bin: One moment...18:55
dsc_bin: try `sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq <packagename>`18:56
dsc_warning: the world may explode18:56
binone can only hope18:56
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Good to hear from you! :) I have an update on that PPA list I have been working on. I have gotten past that package dependency knot with a bunch of similar packages. At the moment, the list looks like this https://termbin.com/5mkj I am looking for some guidance as to what to do. It appears that some of these packages do not have their own PPAs. I have not looked through each one, but I can see from the list18:56
manwhowouldbekinthat these packages are mostly the ones I personally installed via .deb files. Also, what would be a prudent thing to do with the kernels? As I wrote above, I am running 5.16.0+ at the moment18:56
binah well18:57
binit was worth a try18:57
binpop-desktop prevents the removal of gdm318:57
arraybolt3[m]bin: I'd try "dpkg --remove --force-depends".18:57
arraybolt3[m]"Turn all dependency problems into warnings." That will probably do the trick.18:58
arraybolt3[m]Maybe also "dpkg --remove --force-breaks".18:58
ravagebin: cat /etc/os-release |nc termbin.com 999918:58
arraybolt3[m]bin: And if it's really stubborn, "dpkg --remove --force-all" and enjoy the fireworks.18:58
bin--force-depends worked18:58
binthank you friends :)18:59
dsc_np fren18:59
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: installing .deb files yourself is usually bad practice - unless you know these are compatible to / made for your very ubuntu release, and have a plan on how you will get to know about and install security updates. (NB: some software asks you to install this way, and then the package also installs an apt configuration configuration file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ so that you actually do have an upgrade path)19:00
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: Aircrack-ng is a pretty popular software package for WiFi security auditing, so I'd trust a WiFi driver from them.19:00
Mentossimpler explanation is to say it's better to use the authoritive source for your distro19:00
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: about this yet long list : your goal should not exclusively be to find APT repositories providing these packages, but first of all you should consider wherther you actually need these packages, or could just apt purge them.19:01
Mentosotherwise it may lead to <UB> (unexpected behavior)19:01
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Right. That's what I have gathered since I began working on this list per your advice. It has been a good learning experience. I guess I have the following question. Suppose I am looking to install a package. Say, it is Dropbox. I go to their site and there is a .deb file. I download it carelessly and lazily. If I search for PPA, I may never find it or it may not even exist. What should one do?19:02
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: regarding the kernel, if I'm not mixing you up with someone else last night, you said that you cannot use the current kernel version yet because that would somehow make your wireless driver fail to load. is this correct? if so, it would be nice to see a dmesg of the system booting with a current kernel.19:02
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, That makes sense. I can definitely purge some of these, as I am not using them. Some others (like pgadmin3) I can probably upgrade to newer versions.19:03
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: dropbox is a bad example. Installing their deb also enables their repository for future updates19:03
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, That was not me about the wifi and the kernel.19:03
MentosI have installed "rtl8812au-dkms"19:03
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: And?19:03
MentosAnd now what19:03
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb, Go figure lol. Well, some other abstract example, then.19:04
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: Oh no, so now you have both drivers installed? Or did you only install one?19:04
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: basically, you should never install a .deb you find from anywhere unless you know what you are doing or plan on and are able seek support from the source of the package19:04
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: If you only installed one, I'd try rebooting and see what happens.19:05
arraybolt3[m]Mentos: If you installed more than one, then...19:05
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb, Fair enough. That is an grown up way of doing things.19:05
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: when it comes to proprietary software like dropbox, your options are usually: either use the packages provided by the company providing the service offering / proprietary software, or - sometimes a better choice - find an open source alternative which speaks the same protocol and can act as a drop-in replacement, or which provides similar functionality.19:05
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: but before you just download a .deb and install it, you should actually make sure it's compatible to your release, and that the .deb file is authentic (verify checksums, better verify cryptographic signatures, where available)19:07
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: and use apt to install a .deb file, not just dpkg19:07
tomreyn(becuase apt will attempt to resolve its dependencies)19:08
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, I have also wondered about why some of these companies don't create their own PPA's. I guess, some of them do.19:08
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: some do, but sadly don't tell you how you could properly install from there.19:09
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Thanks for the tips! I used to install things with dpkg quite a bit. A lot of tutorials seem to recommend it.19:09
ravagemanwhowouldbekin, https://thelig.ht/code/dbxfs/readme.html just as an example on how you could avoid that client :)19:09
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: I don't see the benefit. Would you trust https://launchpad.net/~dropbox/+archive/ubuntu/ppa over http://linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu ?19:10
manwhowouldbekinravage, Thanks! In this case, I have actually decided to go self-hosted and get the Nextcloud going on a separate Debian :D19:11
ravagethat is even better of course :)19:11
ravagefor a lot of other cloud storages rclone usually is a good tool19:11
leftyfbmanwhowouldbekin: you misspelled ubuntu19:11
manwhowouldbekinravage, Will check it out.19:12
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb, Oops19:12
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Could you tell me if this means that currently Git is not associated with any PPA and was installed in a "weird" way? https://termbin.com/ere7e19:15
leftyfbit's associated with a ppa19:15
leftyfbsorry, it WAS associated with a ppa19:16
leftyfbthe ppa is no longer enabled19:16
manwhowouldbekinleftyfb, Should I downgrade it to a version listed below, so it gets reassociated with a valid PPA?19:24
ravageif you want to get any security updates thats a good idea19:26
ravageand the ubuntu archives are not a PPA19:27
manwhowouldbekinravage, What are they?19:28
ravagethe repository that provides the offical ubuntu packages19:29
tomreyn!ppa | manwhowouldbekin19:30
ubottumanwhowouldbekin: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:30
tomreynubuntu's main reposiitories (hosted on archive.ubuntu.com and many mirrors) are not a "personal package archive". more importantly, for some of them, security support is guaranteed.19:31
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Makes sense. That is what I need. Done.19:32
tomreyn(this doesn't rule out that someone maintaining a PPA would also make such guarantees - but it may make a difference to you whether one of the leading linux distros offers such a guarantee or some single (?) person does so for their personal package archive)19:33
LambdaComplexi'm just starting an Ubuntu install to a Thinkpad X1 Carbon....do i dare ask how/why there was a "Lenovo" splash screen while the installer was loading?19:33
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Absolutely. Makes great sense.19:34
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, There are certain packages on that list about which I know nothing. Hence, I am wondering whether the following is a good idea. I run something like 'sudo apt remove libpangox-1.0-0' and see what other packages become "unneeded" as apt tries to remove this one. If among the "unneeded" packages there are some that I actually know and need, then I keep the candidate. If there are none, then I can probably remove19:38
manwhowouldbekinthe candidate. Am I missing something?19:38
tomreynLambdaComplex: that's uefi bootng with Plymouth, part of the 'flicker free boot' set of changes. it's just a matter of presentation, the logo showing there is a 'leftover' of the graphical uefi boot, but it doesn't mean that your ubuntu installation is somehow adjusted to this vendor - that's unless you installed using installation media provided by the vendor.19:38
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: good strategy, but use "purge" rather than "remove", to also remove residual configurations. and maybe run   apt show <package>    and see the "Description:" filed before you do that19:40
LambdaComplextomreyn: i.e. the image is coming from the uefi firmware itself?19:40
tomreynLambdaComplex: yes, i think so. if you mind it, you can switch to a different plymouth theme or, maybe easier, just disable graphical booting.19:42
arraybolt3[m]LambdaComplex: I believe that's right. You can actually hunt around in the UEFI firmware directory made by a Linux system to show the contents of your UEFI stuff, and find the logo there.19:42
arraybolt3[m](At least, I did that once. Can't seem to find it on the system I'm on now...)19:47
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, In cases like these https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=libmpdec2&searchon=names , should one remove the package? There does not appear to be a version for Ubuntu 22.04. Does this automatically imply that the package is not critical for this release and can be removed?19:48
ioria!info libmpdec3 jammy19:51
ioriamanwhowouldbekin, ubottu is dead, but on 22.04 you use libmpdec319:53
manwhowouldbekinioria, I see!19:55
manwhowouldbekinioria, When I try to purge libmpdec2, it also says that the following will be removed as well "libmpdec2* libpython3.8* libpython3.8-stdlib*". What's the story with the Python packages? These are on my clean-up list as well, but I am unsure whether they are safe to remove.19:59
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: right, if there's a version number in the package name, try searching packages.ubuntu.com without that number. it does a substring search by default20:00
ioriamanwhowouldbekin, are you on 22.04 ?20:00
manwhowouldbekinioria, Yes, 22.0420:01
ioriamanwhowouldbekin, and why do you have python3.8 and libmpdec2 installed ?20:01
ioriamanwhowouldbekin, and why do you have python3.8 and libmpdec2 installed ?20:01
manwhowouldbekinioria, Not sure. Python I use for progamming. The other one I do not know anything about.20:02
tomreynhow to find out which python 3.x version a given ubuntu release comes with / defaults to: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&keywords=python3&searchon=names&exact=120:03
ioriamanwhowouldbekin, did yo perform a do-release-upgrade ?20:03
funhouseI am trying to log in via ssh to another server, ssh root@address -i MY_KEY, i am in the current directory of the key but I am getting this:20:03
tomreynmanwhowouldbekin: if there's another one installed then that's probably a leftover from before a release upgrade, which did not reach its clean up phase (failed somewhere in the middle).20:04
manwhowouldbekinioria, Yes, back in April. I believe so. Did an upgrade via command line.20:04
funhousePermissions 0664 for 'MY_KEY' are too open.20:04
funhouseIt is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.20:04
funhouseThis private key will be ignored.20:04
funhouseLoad key "MY_KEY": bad permissions20:04
manwhowouldbekintomreyn, Sounds reasonable. 3.10 for Jammy it is.20:04
ioriamanwhowouldbekin, but you didnt perform a  cleanup20:04
tomreynfunhouse: and your question is?20:05
manwhowouldbekinioria, Unless there is a special command for it, I am doing it manually now.20:05
ioriamanwhowouldbekin,  apt -s autopurge20:05
ioriamanwhowouldbekin,  check the list and if it's ok (it should be), use sudo20:06
=== tsujp_ is now known as tsujp
funhousessh root@address -i ~/.ssh/MY_KEY.pem20:16
funhouseis this the correct syntax?20:16
ravageif you ask then it is probably not working as expected?20:18
ravagein general that look ok20:18
leftyfbfunhouse: don't ssh as root. You should disable it in the sshd_config20:18
=== mrkubax101 is now known as mrkubax10
tomreynfunhouse: your error message explained what the problem is20:20
tomreynfunhouse: it is about the permissions of the secret key file on your local computer20:21
ravageoh. i missed that error message. was rebooting my bouncer :)20:21
tomreynravage: oh, so you caused the netsplit!20:22
ravagei guess i caused my personal mini netsplit. was there a bigger one? i have join/parts disabled.20:23
tomreynthere was20:24
funhouseok so getting this error when trying to ssh into a server --> Load key "MY_KEY": invalid format20:28
funhousei chmod 600 already20:28
funhousedoes that mean its not pem format?20:28
leftyfbfunhouse: pastebin your private key here and we'll tell you20:29
tomreynfunhouse: dont20:30
leftyfbfunhouse: you should not be ssh'ing as root20:30
leftyfbfunhouse: that said, how did you generate the ssh key pair?20:31
tomreynleftyfb: please don't ask people to disclose private key material20:31
tomreynfunhouse: your new error message suggests an incompatible or broken private key20:37
tomreynrunning    ssh-keygen -l -f path/to/MY_KEY    or    file path/to/MY_KEY    would hint on what it is20:38
ravagemy wild guess is that you created that key in putty in windows20:39
enperryhello fellow linux users20:45
ravage!chat | enperry20:48
ubottuenperry: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:48
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=== Polo is now known as money
=== CodeMouse92 is now known as Guest6614
=== Guest6614 is now known as CodeMouse92
=== sig is now known as bebop
syphyrwhats the easiest way to show how much memory a PID is using in Kb?23:19
syphyrtop -p PID23:21
syphyrtrying to figure out how to make top show memory usage in Kb23:21
sarnold"how much memory is this process using" is a remarkably difficult thing to answer23:22
sarnoldhitting 'e' and 'E' in top can change the units, which might be all you want23:22
syphyrtop in incredibly complicated23:22
syphyrtnx ill try that23:23
sarnoldbut also look at the smem program in the smem package; it shows you how much 'blame' each process should get for the system's currently used memory -- processes can share memory, so killing a large process that shares a lot of memory might do less good for freeing up memory than killing a small process with no shared memory23:23
syphyr'e' and 'E' seems to just toggle total system memory in top23:25
syphyralso 'm'23:25
syphyrill look at smem thanks23:25
sarnold'e' changes the units on the processes; 'E' changes the units on the system23:27
sarnold'M' sorts by memory, but it's not a sort I put a ton of faith in :)23:27
syphyrwhat about cat /proc/PID/statm23:28
sarnoldsure, if that's the data you're after :)23:28
syphyrahh, now i get top23:29
syphyr'e' works ;)23:29
imiwhat does snap refresh --classic do? is it safe to make firefox and gnome classic?23:56
sarnoldI think --classic only works on a handful of snaps that were designed to work that way; I don't think you can just do that to anything23:59

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