
supremekaiHey guys, I have 4 GB of RAM on ubuntu 20.04 - what would be the recommended swap memory size for 4 GB of RAM? 8 GB?06:10
konstruktoidwell, do you need swap?08:42
deadromcan someone recommend a tool to monitor daily bandwidth usage per tool? I need to see how much traffic daily apt updates cause on my specific package collection per day/per month.09:08
deadromapt announces how much data it will download, is that logged possibly? way easier.09:09
rbasakdeadrom: for an estimate you might look at the size of /var/cache/apt/archives/ before and after every apt run. It's not perfect but it might be enough?11:44
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lucasmouraHi rbasak, the next launch of UA team will happen in the middle of July. This is an important release since it introduces important features for the Jammy point release while also making a service non-beta. We would need to have it released in the beginning of August. We just want to double check if you will have the time to review it in July13:28
rbasaklucasmoura: thanks for the warning. I'll set some time aside for it. How big is the diff?14:44
lucasmourarbasak, It will be a large diff, but the bulk of the work is just renaming service names and some commands14:45
SJrXWhere does Ubuntu Server 22.04 store the network configuration, this guide (https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/network-configuration) says /etc/netplan/99_config.yaml. I only have an /etc/netplan/98-network.yaml and it says it's an auto generated file and not to edit. I grepped for a value in all of /etc/ but I can't see where it is coming from.17:48
SJrXThis is running on a Raspberry Pi, so I'm not sure what "instance reboot" means here.17:49
sarnoldSJrX: was your 98-network.yaml generated from a cloud-init userdata?17:56
SJrXsarnold no idea, I mean I just installed Ubuntu 21.04 a few months ago and upgraded twice. That might be something particular that the RPI installer uses. Not sure where I would check.17:57
blackboxswSJrX: typically cloud-init only automatically generates: /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. You could double check whether cloud-init augmented network data files with `sudo cloud-init query userdata` on the command line you'd probably see a write_files: config if that were the case or some sort of runcmd: calling a script that tries to set that up.17:59
SJrXcloud-init command not found, I'm going to assume if changes survive a reboot I can ignore it.18:00
sarnoldSJrX: oh, heh, my rpi has an /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml. I wonder what generated yours then :(18:01
sarnoldah, as blackboxsw said :)18:01
blackboxswSJrX: ok cloud-init not in your system  environment which means your image is not derived from typical supported upstream ubuntu-server cloudimages. 18:05
blackboxswI must admit I haven't played with Raspberry Pi imaging myself. From some tutorials I've seen it looked like we recommend using the rpi-imager and selecting the Ubuntu flavor server flavor image and then installing apt install <your_desired_desktop>. That said it looks like there are choices to install a RPI desktop image directly, which may come with some other special sauce for the auto-generated network file you are referencing18:09
blackboxswI presume if you installed using a Ubuntu server image as your imaging choice cloud-init should be in there by default. But, I'm out of my depth on RPI image constructs18:10
blackboxswI was reading through https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-raspberry-pi#1-overview18:10
SJrXblackboxsw it was like 10 months ago and I don't remember, but thanks for your help. It isn't the most important thing for me to figure out, as they are all installed now, and now that I've gotten them upgraded to 22.04, not somethning I need to worry about for 2 or 4 years :) 18:11
sarnoldhehe :) my own rpi installation experience was also N months back, I've forgotten basically the entire experience, except the part where I was sticking the written sd card between the card slot and the case, rather than into the case18:15
sarnolds/into the case/into the card slot/ sheesh. I make the mistake even in writing!18:15
SJrXI've been working on setting up a k8s cluster with a bunch of RPIs so I just have everything done via ansible at this point but am now fixing networking. Now that it's in ansible I'll never remember how any of this stuff works :(18:18
sarnoldhah, yeah.. simplify some things, complicate others..18:22
feurigSJrX: either rename the 98-network.yaml or ignore the warning. You may also find your life easier if you render with networkd and dump NetworkManager.18:28
feurignetplan is weird but it works once you get used to it.18:30
feurigand dont forget to netplan apply when your done :)18:30
SJrXYeah I just ignored the warning, and got the file into ansible and reboot on change. I wonder how I will fix it one day when I break everything :)18:32
feurigI havent run up ubuntu on a pi yet (Ive stuck to the berrian). Ubuntu is on just about everything else though. I plan to rebuild my pi-vt220 project in the next week or two was planning to use ubuntu.19:15
ahasenackis there a single command to download all binary debs from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sssd/2.2.3-3ubuntu0.4 ?19:57
sarnoldI've not tried but pull-lp-debs might do the trick19:58
ahasenack`dget -a <dsc-file>` didn't do it19:58
ahasenack`pull-lp-debs sssd focal 2.2.3-3ubuntu0.4` seems to work, thanks20:02
sarnoldwoot :)20:05
waveformSJrX, on the pi *server* images the initial network configuration is found in "network-config" on the boot partition; this is then converted by cloud-init to /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml (after the first boot, the network-config file on the boot partition is ignored; just edit the /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml from then on)20:26
waveformSJrX, the pi *desktop* images are quite different and don't have netplan or cloud-init; given the existence of /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml on your image though I suspect we're dealing with one of the server images20:27
sarnoldwaveform: SJrX just had /etc/netplan/98-network.yaml  -- my pi has the 50-cloud-init.yaml20:32
SJrXwaveform, I don't have /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yml 20:32
waveformSJrX, sorry -- getting mixed up with people in the backscroll20:32
waveformSJrX, assuming your original image was a server based image and netplan is in control of things (which I'm not entirely sure about given the lack of 50-cloud-init.yaml) the netplan configuration is the amalgamation of /etc/netplan/*.yaml; if 98-network.yaml is the only thing in there then that's the network configuration. You should also be able to run "netplan get" to dump the (amalgamated) yaml of the current configuration20:41
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