
mcintI'm having trouble getting lxd (and initially MaaS) to recognize and run my cloud-init. I'm running based on what's here https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/datasources/lxd.html, `lxc launch ubu:20.04 my-inst -c cloud-init.user-data="$(cat ci.yml)"`. I `lxc exec my-inst -- cloud-init -w`, and then `cloud-init query -a` but don't see my user-data. I do see it if I curl as described on the00:43
mcintlinked page. And my changes are not applied00:43
mcintIs there an obvious error in what I've shared?00:53
mcintcolleague clarified, I may have been passing in subiquiti's format. an extra parent/grandparent00:57
gszHi! I’m trying to setup automated Ubuntu installer. In general it works well, but it seems to use the APT proxy specified in autoinstall->apt->proxy (the user-data file) only to fetch the metadata (dists), not the actual packages (pool). Is there any way I could make it use the proxy for all APT traffic? I see I can achieve this using autoinstall->proxy option instead, but I’m afraid the installer 06:08
gszwould use the proxy for all network traffic, not only for APT (I’m not sure if there is any other network traffic though).06:08

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