
routebeecan someone do ma a solid?00:10
routebeeI have fucked up my $PS1 variable trying to make some eye candy00:10
routebeecan you "echo $PS1" and copy and paste the output in here?00:11
enigma9o7[m]checkyour skel folder for the original .bashrc00:11
oerhekstons of $PS1 examples to find with bing00:12
oerheksas you do in #linux00:12
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croran_44[m]Is there a good way to copy an ext4 partition without the data (in other words, just the file and directory structures with file sizes and permission settings) into a file that is then mountable later?02:53
croran_44[m]something something thin provisioning tune2fs tar?02:53
enigma9o7[m]oh without the data02:57
enigma9o7[m]there is tree....02:57
croran_44[m]tree is just a text output, no?02:59
croran_44[m]like ls -lR except with a little ascii art?02:59
enigma9o7[m]ya, i dont quite understand what you want, im useless02:59
BadAtomcroran_44[m]: you can't replicate the file sized without replicating the data, because the file size is the data size; if you just want to replicate the directory structure and directory and file attributes you can do somewthing like: cp -R --attributes-only /sourcedir /destdir03:10
pragma-So, Canonical is forcing snap on us now? I'm trying to install nvim in ubuntu 22.04 and it says "can be installed with `snap install nvim` # version 0.7.0 or `apt install neovim` # version 0.6.1-3. I ended up just going to github to get the 0.7.2 .deb instead.03:11
ravageso. well done. problem solved03:12
croran_44[m]I feel like there's a way and I feel like I've seen it before. The file size is certainly not a function of the data. It's stored with the inode in the file system catalogue. Or do you think every file is just stored on disk with a \0 at the end and every time you run ls, the disk has to be searched for the end of each file?03:12
pragma-I used to sing and praise ubuntu's merits to everyone. "ubuntu is a great distro!" but this latest round of attempting to shovel snap down my throat is really making me think twice. I'm considering uninstall ubuntu and moving to something else and never ever telling anyone to try ubuntu.03:13
ravagepragma-, do you have an Ubuntu support question?03:13
BadAtompragma-: it's in apt as neovim03:15
croran_44[m]oh hey. i just stumbled upon the correct google keywords to find what i needed. funny how proving someone wrong on IRC can provide inspiration...03:15
pragma-but as the ancient 0.6.3-103:15
croran_44[m]the tool i was looking for is e2image, fyi.  https://linux.die.net/man/8/e2image03:16
ravagepragma-, that is how Ubuntu has always handled versions. you dont get the latest and greatest. you get whats merged on release03:16
ravageif you want the newest version you have to get it from somewhere else. snap is one choice Ubuntu now offers for a lot of applications03:17
pragma-That message that I pasted above really makes it look like they're holding the apt version of neovim back to 0.6.1-3 while enticingly making 0.7.0 available only as a snap03:17
ravagethat may be your perception. the only thing that changed is that you now have the choice of newer versions03:18
BadAtompragma-: that's because ubuntu is run by JFK and his team of lizard people from the basement of a pizza parlour03:19
ravagethe only packages where your perception is right is chromium since 19.10 and firefox since 22.0403:19
croran_44[m]pragma-: I'm surprised you didn't move away from Ubuntu when they standardized on systemd03:20
ravagebut this is all off topic. so feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-discuss . lets keep this channel free for actual support questions03:20
pragma-This is what the message looked like: https://i.imgur.com/Umg9nxW.png03:20
pragma-Maybe you're right and they've just not gotten around to updating the apt repository for neovim yet. Maybe I attributed sheninigans to where there are none. I got a bit hotheaded seeing that message and what I thought it implied.03:23
pragma-The fact that firefox is snap-only now didn't help my perception, I tell you hwat.03:27
z8zIs anyone else experiencing hash missmatch when downloading updates?03:35
ravageno updates here atm. so i cant tell you03:36
enigma9o7[m]No z8z.03:37
enigma9o7[m]That happens cuz you added PPA or something.03:37
ravageif you get hash errors from an official repo mirror there is #ubuntu-mirrors i think03:37
ravagebut usually that will fix itself.03:38
enigma9o7[m]oh ok03:38
enigma9o7[m]yeah im wrong03:38
z8zActually it's happening in a VirtualBox machine, after i moved from a Windows VB hypervisor to a Linux VB hypervisor (same version)03:38
ravagesounds sketchy03:39
Unit193With by-hash that shouldn't really happen, but that used to happen when a mirror was in the middle of a sync.03:39
z8zEven the system is giving "System program problem" at startup since this VM being moved03:40
z8zI even did a memtest to make sure i don't have a messed up ram stick03:44
z8zBut no errors03:44
z8zI thought you can move VM from a Windows host to a Linux host flawlessly, but apparently not :(03:45
croran_44[m]so what's the timeline on 22.04.1 again? August?03:52
murmelcroran_44[m]: afair 4th03:54
croran_44[m]nice. i understand it still doesn't have a recent kernel though. I'm having to run 5.18 here to stop my amd graphics from crashing03:55
croran_44[m]I don't remember how I set that up. had to add a custom repo if i recall.03:55
Bashing-omcroran_44[m]: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2022-July/131491.html .03:56
murmelcroran_44[m]: i guess most would use mainline (the program) to manage their mainline kernels from canonical03:56
croran_44[m]I believe they fixed the bug in... 5.16 maybe, but the latest in hwe was like... 5.13? something like that.03:56
croran_44[m]nice! 5.17 may be good for me.03:56
croran_44[m]would be nice to be back on an officially supported config03:56
murmelcroran_44[m]: well as 22.04 doesn't have a hwe kernel for now :/03:57
croran_44[m]murmel: oh ok. well i had the hwe metapackage03:57
croran_44[m]i guess it was just 'empty'. lol03:57
croran_44[m]err i mean, i'm on 20.04 so irrelevant.03:58
murmelcroran_44[m]: the hwe kernel still only points to 5.15 ;)03:58
murmeli guessed so :P03:58
croran_44[m]sticking with 20.04 until official upgrades start.03:58
enigma9o7[m]hwe kernel's usually come with non-lts releases. so whatever kernel comes with kinetic will likely be the first hwe kernel04:07
lotuspsychjewelcome Nick0104:53
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m3r1i need help07:29
m3r1with my linux mint07:29
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nxcvwhy cant you press middle mouse button to scroll on ubuntu? can this be enabled somewhere?09:06
nulldootis there any way to increase video image quality on ubuntu 20.04?09:20
nxcvis there a way of checking the names of system libraries for linking?09:20
KBarnxcv: that depends on the app you're using. firefox supports middle click scroll (called autoscrolling)09:31
KBaras does evince (pdf viewer)09:31
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cbreaknxcv: ldd can check which libs a binary links to09:46
cbreakif you want to compile your own program, you usually don't have to list system libs, those will be linked automatically09:47
iomari891greetings, is there a config file that I can set "-no-install-recommends" for apt so it's the default?09:49
oerheksiomari891, in short; no. and could mess up your install..09:53
KBariomari891: how about 'APT::Install-Recommends "0"' ?10:05
iomari891oerheks: so when do I know to allow it or not?10:05
iomari891KBar: thanks10:05
iomari891KBar: where would I put that?10:06
KBariomari891: conf is stored in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10:06
KBariomari891: `apt-config dump` to see your current apt conf10:06
oerheksWhere could that go wrong?10:08
iomari891that's what I.m searching for now10:09
brkhello, can someone please help me understand why some of the alias commands does't work?  ---> https://pastebin.com/GfnhmJhS10:15
oerheksthe lines with sudo do not work?10:17
brkhow to make them work10:19
oerhekscreate an alias for sudo; alias sudo = ' sudo<space> '  .... https://linuxhandbook.com/run-alias-as-sudo/10:19
KBarbrk only the first name is expanded to the command bash(1). you need to add a space for sudo10:19
KBaradd an alias for sudo10:19
KBareg s='sudo '10:19
brkok will try10:20
KBaralso, such question are better asked in #linux10:21
brkKBar, thanks, I always feel its like my questions are not specifically ubuntu related10:21
brkalias s='sudo' .... and do I have to assign the password, or it will prompted when typing s?10:22
KBarit will prompt10:22
brklet me reboot10:23
KBarno need10:23
KBarjust source bashrc10:23
KBar. ~/.bash_aliases10:23
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KBaror whatever file you store your aliases in10:23
KBarbrk: you could have just sourced your .bash_aliases file. no need to reboot10:24
brkKBar, how? it always needs reboot10:25
KBarbrk: . ~/.bash_aliases10:25
KBarit doesn't "need" rebooting10:25
KBarit needs to re read its startup file. closing terminal windows and opening new ones also works.10:26
brkoh dear (facepalm) thank you for that tip!10:27
KBarhehe, linux is full of new surprises10:27
brkyeah, and this channel gave me so much interesting tips that have saved me ton of time10:28
brkhowever, after I assigned 's' for sudo, and then calling 's macr' it is still not found10:29
KBarbrk: you didnt append a trailing space, did you?10:30
brkjust realised it10:30
KBarbrk: it doesn't matter what alias you choose, as long as its unique. s='sudo ' sudo='sudo ' DONTDOIT='sudo ' all work, just add a space10:31
brkthank you guys! it works now10:33
brkhave a nice day :)10:34
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brkcore./msg ns id nick pass not working11:03
brkcoreKBar, tehy are talking history in linux mate11:19
brkcoreand geography11:19
oerheksno reason to mention that here ..11:21
godSend23hey all12:20
godSend23i'm using an offshoot of ubuntu but i'm not getting any input working for the notebook12:20
KBargodSend23: what do you mean "offshoot"?12:21
godSend23it's base on ubuntu but repackaged12:21
KBargodSend23: this channel only supports official Ubuntu OS.12:21
KBargodSend23: contact your repackager12:21
godSend23ok KBar12:26
godSend23how can i supplement the liveUSB env as easily as possible w/ the needed drivers/ modules?12:26
godSend23to make the inputs work12:26
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KBargodSend23: are we still talking about that "offshoot" Ubuntu? Where did you get it?12:28
godSend23let me link to it12:29
rob0that should work out of the box on Ubuntu Live. What inputs are not working?12:29
KBarrob0: the problem is they are using an "offshoot" of Ubuntu :)12:30
godSend23all of them12:30
ravagegodSend23, you dont need to link any non-Ubuntu stuff. Boot a legit version of the Ubuntu 22.04 live environment. then someone may be able to help you12:30
godSend23on msft surface, but i need the repackaged forensics tools12:31
KBargodSend23: we only support those ISO downloaded from ubuntu.com/downloads12:32
KBaras i said earlier, contact your repackager12:32
ravagegodSend23, https://sumuri.com/forum/ or come back with real Ubuntu12:32
godSend23they said it's based on ubuntu12:32
godSend23but inputs no work12:33
ravagethat may be totally possible. it is still not supported here12:33
rob0so, Google suggests that surface/surface pro should not be a problem with Ubuntu12:48
TecklaHi everyone.  Quick (hopefully) question.  I enabled remote desktop on Ubuntu.  I can use Remote Desktop on Windows 11 to attach to the Ubuntu machine, and see the desktop.  But keyboard and mouse events aren't making it through.  Any ideas?12:49
ravagerob0, god already made a callback. he is gone12:49
Teckla(Interestingly, if I do things on the Ubuntu machine itself, I can see the updates in Remote Desktop (client) on Windows 11.)12:49
KBar Teckla is Ubuntu machine running on X or Wayland?12:54
TecklaKBar: It's regular Ubuntu 22.04 running Gnome 3, right from the Ubuntu home page... do you know which it defaults to?12:57
ravageTeckla, "echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE"12:59
KBarTeckla: Ubuntu 22.04 runs Gnome 42. Open a terminal emulator on Ubuntu and run this `printenv XDG_SESSION_TYPE`12:59
KBarIt will show either 'x11' or 'wayland'.13:00
TecklaKBar: wayland13:04
rob0ravage: sorry, yes, I was aware of that. I was interested. Feel free to /ignore me, thanks.13:06
duuudewhy was wubi dismantled?13:09
lotuspsychjeout of security concerns duuude13:09
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.13:09
duuudelotuspsychje: what kind of security concerns?13:11
duuudeI helped alot of people with installing Xubuntu and without exception the hardest part is getting the USB to boot13:12
duuudeby running an installer on Windows and then rebooting it could be neatly solved13:12
TecklaKBar: I think I see where this is going.  I'll try switching to x11.  Thanks.  :)13:13
TecklaKBar: It works!  Thank you very much!13:20
lotuspsychjeduuude: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-April/036993.html13:21
KBarTeckla: you're most welcome!13:23
TachI see issues with Gluster on 21.04, anyone seen this as well ?? 0-glusterfs-fuse: FUSE inited with protocol versions: glusterfs 7.24 kernel 7.3313:55
TachI have Gluster 9.4 installed13:55
lotuspsychjeTach: 21.04 is end of life now14:01
lotuspsychjeTach: best to clean install a supported version from our topic14:01
Tachlotuspsychje oh damn it is ? mhh.. I saw the 21.10 upgrade message but that's not LTS, or is it now ? I will check the lifetime docs... wasn't around with my systems for a while... we are still humans, computers don't get ill :D14:02
Tachoh yes 22.04 is there, thanks!14:03
lotuspsychjeTach: for security reasons you might start over clean14:04
Tachlotuspsychje yeah can do but never had that issue before, why ?14:05
Tachfor this setup I first upgrade, later on I can change the nodes to default installs14:05
Tachit's a cluster14:05
lotuspsychjeTach: when a release goes eol, things can go wrong better not put too much effort in it anymore14:06
Tachlotuspsychje true but it's worth a try14:07
jadenlianwhere can i get drivers for a docking station since my system is not recognizing it14:07
lotuspsychjejadenlian: ubuntu should load modules on booting your system, if not, check your dmesg for issues14:07
rob0jadenlian: perhaps you could share some details14:08
Tachjadenlian manufactor ?14:08
jadenlianusg-c adapter designed by MOKING14:09
jadenlianUSB CORRECTION14:10
rob0and when you plug it in, what is reported in dmesg?14:10
jadenlianlet check14:10
ice99why would the browser makes a block file here: audit: type=1400 audit(1656606577.163:127): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" profile="firejail-default" name="/proc/4/fd/63" pid=82259 comm="brave-browser-s" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=1000 ouid=100014:11
jadenlianthats the output14:15
jadenlianwhen i plug the monitors to the adapter theres nothing   i guess theres missing software or something14:17
tomreynjadenlian: this output shows no events which can be directly related to a usb-c device14:17
jadenlianthats whats in the log after me plugging the adapter and i unplug it and theres no change14:18
tomreyntry a different usb connector. if there is still no output, disconnect it, then run    sudo udevadm monitor    and conenct it again14:18
jadenlianits like i didnt plug anything14:18
tomreynit's possible that this device needs a separate power supply14:19
rob0if you can test that usb-c plugin with another OS, that might help14:19
jadenlianthats only one on this laptop14:20
jadenlianbut i try on another laptop and it doesnt work14:20
rob0windows or whatever, does it work there? Try to rule out hardware issues. Does any other usb-c device work?14:20
jadenlianbut the other one has windows14:20
rob0oh, then it could be a defective docking station14:21
jadenlianat my cousin's job he connects the adapter and it works fine14:21
rob0The only one I have Just Works with any OS I have tried14:21
rob0I got it with a Windows machine, it works there, with a Mac and with Linux.14:22
jadenlianrob0: it works in pc with windows and in another pc with windows does not work  mine is ubuntu and is not doing anything14:24
rob0so I guess we ruled out hardware issue with the docking station itself14:25
rob0now would be interesting to test the usb-c jack itself14:25
Linux_KerioHii is Ubuntu better than Debian or both are perfect for using ?14:25
lotuspsychje!discuss | Linux_Kerio14:25
ubottuLinux_Kerio: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!14:25
KBarLinux_Kerio: off-topic.14:25
rob0if you have another usb-c device to test with14:25
Linux_Keriook thanks14:26
KBarJust a thought, did you check your BIOS settings? jadenlian14:26
jadenliankbar:looking for what exactly14:27
rob0perhaps if your usb-c is disabled?14:27
jadenlianrob0:how can i check to see if its disable without connecting another device  since i dont have another one right now14:28
rob0I'm just trying to suggest troubleshooting steps for you14:28
rob0and KBar suggested checking your BIOS (UEFI) settings to see if your usb-c was disabled there14:29
jadenlianboth usbjacks on ubuntu and windows pc work14:30
jadenliani connected my phone on both and the jacks are not the issue14:30
rob0"lsusb -v" with the phone, then with the docking station, do those show anything interesting?14:33
jadenlianlet me check14:33
jadenlian i pluged a usb drive to the adapter and it read it  i guess its the monitors that is not reading14:37
jadenlianthere're three pcs two <HP> one <microsoft surface>  one hp running ubuntu, one runnning windows, microsoft surface running windows when the adapter is connected is connected to the microsoft surface pc  anything connected to the adapter works   but if the adapter is connected to eather HP  only usb-drives connected to the adapter are read  the monitors connected on hdmi cable are not displayed14:44
tomreynplease try to make use of punctuation. it was introduced to most languages for a reason.14:45
tomreyneither way, i believe you are dealing with a hardware issue.14:45
brkcoreAutoEnable=false, but bluetooth is still on on boot14:46
brkcore for ubuntu 22.04 is it only with rfkill block bluetooth with rc.local I can do , or there is another workaround?14:48
brkcoreseems like it will be giving me problems turning it on manually14:50
brkcoretomreyn, im asking for bluetooth automatically on, on boot14:51
brkcoreand how to stop it coming on after boot14:52
oerhekswhy on, on boot?14:52
tomreynif you have a hardware switch, that should prevail14:52
oerheksusually it turns on after user login14:52
brkcoreoerheks, it is always on on booth, I want it off on boot14:52
oerheksthat page is correct, it won' t turn on automaticly when turned off.14:53
brkcorei just changed the autoenable=true to false in the config, but it didnt work14:53
brkcorethe page is correct, but im asking how to prevent the service loading on boot.14:54
brkcoreI just dont want the bluetooth to be on automatically when I boot and log in14:54
tomreynhttps://fostips.com/disable-bluetooth-auto-start-ubuntu-debian/ lists other options. but i think you really want to use the hardware kill switch14:56
KBarbrkcore: 1) systemctl disable bluetooth.service and 2) you need blacklist the modules14:56
KBardepending on your bluetooth model, you're gonna have to disable half a dozen modules14:56
KBari have 7 in my /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bluetooth.conf14:57
brkcoreoerheks, I dont have a hardware kill14:57
brkcoreKBar, so running a command on boot, will be the easiest i guess14:57
KBarthey're: hci_uart, btusb, btintel, btqca, btbcm, brrtl, bluetooth14:57
oerheksjust disable it in settings > bluetooth..14:58
KBardepends on your bluetooth adapter..14:58
oerheksreally, not that hard14:58
oerheksand it certainly does not turn on. on boot or after login.14:58
brkcoreKBar, hm, okay. what is the simplest and reliaghble command to deactivate/ turn off the bluetooth?14:59
brkcoreI can use that command in a script with rc.local, on each boot will be turning off the bluetooth14:59
KBarbrkcore: have you read what others have suggested to you?15:00
brkcoreoerheks, after reboot it comes on again, regardless of whether I switched manually on or off bluetooth15:00
oerheksare you actually using ubuntu?15:01
brkcoresigh, okay maybe I am missing something for real.15:02
brkcoreYou are suggesting, to go manually right now and turn on the bluetooth from the system tray, and then reboot, and then the bluetooth will not be on on boot?15:02
brkcore*turn off the blutooth i meant.15:02
KBarbrkcore: what's the model? `bluetoothctl devices` or whatever15:03
KBarbrkcore_ what's the model of bt device? `sudo lshw` and find entry for bluetooth. in configuration field, look for driver=15:07
brkcore_KBar, https://pastebin.com/nXd6EZ4N15:08
KBarbrkcore_: can you run the command i told you?15:09
brkcore_yes, I am doing it, the first one was doind before you asked me15:09
brkcore_sorry, there is a lot fields with driver=15:12
brkcore_i grep it15:12
KBarmy god...15:12
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brkcore_and how to find it with lshw then, where the output is big15:13
KBarbrkcore_: `sudo lshw | grep -iC12 bluetooth`15:13
brkcore_  capabilities: bluetooth usb-2.0115:13
brkcore_product: AX201 Bluetooth15:14
KBarbrkcore_: can you share the whole output?15:15
KBarbrkcore_: just run `sudo lshw` without grep15:15
brkcore_and how to use nc for this command please?15:16
KBarbrkcore_: `sudo lshw | nc termbin.com 9999`15:16
KBarbrkcore_: its `btusb`. now `lsmod | grep btusb | nc termbin.com 9999`15:18
KBarbrkcore_: did you disable it via systemctl first?15:19
KBaras i told you15:19
brkcore_no, i didn see it mentioning it, sorry15:19
KBarbrkcore_: `systemctl disable bluetooth.service`15:19
brkcore_and now lsmod with btusb again?15:20
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enigma9o7[m]navit linux15:21
KBarbrkcore_: no. do you know how to modify kernel parameters?15:21
brkcore_let me know what to modify and i will find some guide online15:22
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters15:23
KBarbrkcore_: have a read through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters you basically need to blacklist some or all of the modules in the list but in a very specific order15:23
KBarfor that you're gonna have to enter GRUB command line and try different permutations of blacklisting. once you get it to work, i.e. lsmod | grep btusb shows nothing, you need to create a modprobe conf file in the aforementioned directory /etc/modprobe.d/ and place them one by one line by line15:24
TachI always wonder why packages like gluster-cli and such are not available anymore when doing release-upgrades ?15:24
Tachsome servers do, some don't15:24
KBaraka 'blacklist module1'15:24
KBar'blacklist module2' etc.15:24
KBarbrkcore_: one hint: btrtl and bluetooth are the last15:25
brkcore_KBar, can this be done on VM?15:25
wantomwow alot of people15:25
KBarbrkcore_: what do you mean?15:25
KBarbrkcore_: is this a vm?15:26
wantomits a actual machine haha15:26
KBarbut why wouldn't you tell it... anyway, vm or not is irrelevant15:26
brkcore_KBar, its not, I got the idea, I can do it. But afraid if I mess something, dont want to reinstall the system15:27
tomreynFWIW, pressing Fn-F9 on this huawei matebook 14 2020 should switch any radio devices on or off at the same time.15:27
KBarif you follow the things ive said, you will have successfully disabled everything bluetooth-related (like I did)15:27
brkcore_KBar, but i guess on a VM that wont be able to try first15:27
KBarbrkcore_: that's why you do it in a GRUB....15:28
brkcore_KBar, ok15:28
KBarif you mess up, you just reboot and parameters are restored15:28
brkcore_KBar, and will be able to manually turning on bluetooth and pairing devices etc?15:28
KBarbrkcore_: only if you manually load those modules back15:28
KBaronce you need it15:28
KBarthey are DKMS...15:29
KBarbrkcore_: read the article and hear to tomreyn's advice15:29
brkcore_KBar, ok thank you15:29
wantomummm.....xbuntu seems slower15:31
brkcore_tomreyn, Fn + F9 it doesn't, perhaps because it works only on windows and not on ubuntu, maybe15:32
duuudeslower than what, wantom?15:33
oerheksFN keys are hardware keys, os independant.15:33
brkcore_oerheks, maybe there is no supporting drivers, same as my sound courd is not supported and i have no sound15:34
tomreynbrkcore_: it's possible that Fn-F9 only controls wireless.15:34
brkcore_tomreyn, actually it doesnt controll anything15:34
jhutchinsoerheks: Actually, most of the ones I've dealt with (Dell & Asus) require a kernel driver to enable them during OS sessions.15:35
jhutchinsSome fairly common ones like Audio Volume work with a generic kernel, others like BT and WFI control don't, but drivers are available.15:35
oerheksjhutchins, never noticed such, always worked here on laptops.15:36
lotuspsychjesame here oerheks15:36
jhutchinsoerheks: They're like any other key, they generate a scan code.15:36
oerheksi still believe those are hw key combo' s.15:36
jhutchinsAudio, Backlight, work on this Dell Lattitude, Sleep, Lock, Touchpad do not.  I haven't persued enabling those.15:37
jhutchinsAudio keys are dedicated keys.15:38
tomreynwantom: hi! please note this is a support channel. if you have an ubuntu support question, feel free to ask.15:38
brkcoreis it possible to change the operation on these F keys?15:38
jhutchinsbrkcore: If you can find the scan code they produce, and the BIOS isn't intercepting it, you can re-map that code.15:39
KBarno keyboard key is a hardware key. hardware kill switches act on the hardware, your keys on the keyboard dont. they have scancodes that are mapped to kernel keycodes15:40
brkcoreyeah thats interesting too, can you please show me any artical to have a read and then will be able to search more on it?15:41
KBarthose media keys are in the realm of XF86 keys, i believe15:41
KBaranyway this is offtopic15:41
jhutchinsKBar: The on-topic question is how to re-map the keys in Ubuntu (Gnome).15:43
oerheksF keys can be remapped, FN keys not.15:43
brkcoreKBar, I will be going to try disabling the  bt modules15:43
brkcoreoerheks, in my case i need F keys to remap, so any article online that can get me started in to this, please share it15:44
tomreynfor the function keys, see the note on top of https://github.com/aymanbagabas/Huawei-WMI15:44
KBarjhutchins: yeah but what i said was mostly off-topic, and it was mostly me talking out loud15:46
brkcoretomreyn, thank you, that driver is good to update15:48
tomreynbrkcore: note that you will likely be running a 5.15 kernel if you're on 22.04 LTS. so the functionality should already be present, unless your model is not supported by it.15:51
brkcoretomreyn, it is, and all works all fine, all keys15:52
tomreynso what changed between when you said none work and now?15:52
brkcoretomreyn, no, when you suggested to use FN+f9, i forgot that I dont have to use FN to use these keys15:52
brkcoreand F9 wasnt turning off, since the FN is unlocked15:53
tomreynyou have function lock set in bios, i see15:53
brkcoreand so F9 turns aeroplain mode on15:53
tomreynincluding for bluetooth, i assume?15:54
brkcoreor just kills all radio signals15:54
brkcoretomreyn, yeah :)15:54
tomreynso exactly as i described ;)15:54
brkcoreim wathing xev autput now, to see if i can find any info on the keys15:54
brkcoretomreyn, yep, exactly it was just my fault15:55
tomreynno worries, glad it works15:55
brkcoretomreyn, nothing works, i need wifi on and bluetooth off15:55
Tachcan I install glusterfs-client 10.2 on 22.04 ?15:56
tomreynbrkcore: i believe KBar explained how you can set this up15:56
brkcoretomreyn,  yeah, and I will be trying it.15:57
oerheksTach, jammy gives 10.1-115:57
Tachoerheks I know but it has a bug15:57
tomreynTach: if that's not the version provided by ubuntu, then only if you can find a compatible build elsewhere15:57
tomreynor build it yourself15:58
tomreynbug fixes do not usually require minor version updates15:58
Tachtomreyn yeah I'm searching :)15:58
tomreyn!latest | Tach15:58
ubottuTach: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:58
KBarbrkcore: this is what it will look like in the end: https://termbin.com/fa6h15:59
KBarthat's /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-bluetooth.conf15:59
brkcorethats in the modprobe.d ?15:59
brkcoreok great15:59
Tachtomreyn this is where I run into: https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues/315615:59
ubottuIssue 3156 in gluster/glusterfs "mounting with 'backup-volfile-servers' option throws a syntax error" [Closed]15:59
KBaryou can name it whatever you want but the .conf suffix should remain15:59
brkcorethanks a lot KBar16:01
KBardont mention it16:01
KBaryou're lucky i know this stuff. i went through this a while ago :)16:01
tomreynTach: according to this bug report, this is just a warning message and the mount does succeed?16:02
Tachtomreyn it does not succeed, that's my issue16:02
brkcoreyeah, and now its just copy/pasting what you did in much less time. I mean all of you guys should have some patreon links or crypto walltes, so we can tip you16:02
tomreynTach: and it would have surprised me with this message, indeed16:03
Tachtomreyn me as well16:03
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Tachtomreyn do you know if: Is there a difference between Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3 and Number of Bricks: 3 ?16:04
tomreynTach: i do't know what you're asking, is this Ubuntu support related? if it's a joke, then i'm sorry to have failed to understand it.16:05
Tachtomreyn it's not a joke... it's what gluster tells me about my existing bricks 1x 3 = 3...16:06
tomreynTach: for now, i suggest to look for an existing bug report against ubuntu's glusterfs-client on launchpad. and if there is none, to file one, referring to the upstream bug report.16:07
Tachtomreyn there is one and we need to wait :(16:07
TachMaybe I need to donate someone some pepper :P16:07
KBaryeah, but mb its joking? programs have become sentient these das16:07
tomreynTach: do you know the bug id?16:08
Tachtomreyn sec16:08
Tachtomreyn I think I need to create a new one, this one is not going to be picked up (again)16:10
tomreynTach: why do you say this?16:11
Tachtomreyn because the merge has been done for 10.1 or so16:12
tomreynTach: the latest open bug report against the glusterfs source package in ubuntu was filed in 201916:14
Tachtomreyn yeah it's a followup message, will create a new one16:14
KBarits probably best to report it upstream16:14
tomreynit's been reported upstream, it's just the link to that that's missing16:15
tomreynglusterfs has moved into main with jammy, so support will have improved16:15
tomreynTach: on a quick glance, (only) in terms of package dependencies, you should be able to upgrade all the glsuterfs related packages (glusterfs* and libg*) you have installed now to their kinetic versions. but .... no guarantees (try it on a test system first).16:23
Tachtomreyn I'm trying PPA now16:25
tomreynoh, right, https://launchpad.net/~gluster/+archive/ubuntu/glusterfs-10?field.series_filter=jammy looks like it could work16:29
kzootechHello, world! I'm having trouble with my radeon pro wx4100 on ubuntu, i can only boot with nomodeset in grub and then when i do boot i can only use one of my screens.17:02
kzootechwithout nomodeset the monitors just keep trying to power up and then go back to power save mode17:02
lotuspsychjekzootech: wich ubuntu release would that be?17:03
kzootechlotuspsychje: 22.0417:04
kzootechfwiw i have had this issue with debian and fedora live "cd"s as well17:04
lotuspsychjekzootech: did you compare wayland vs xorg?17:05
kzootechhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=245260 this actually describes the problem perfectly (same card and monitors, i only have 2 though) but there is no solution17:05
KBarkzootech: sounds like a hardware-related issue. any settings in bios/eufi?17:05
kzootechi think the latest fedora is wayland? but idk17:06
kzootechKBar: the card has worked fine (and continues to) in win 1017:06
KBarkzootech: on the same computer?17:06
lotuspsychjekzootech: at wich point exactly monitor shuts off?17:06
kzootechi have the integrated gpu now turned off in bios to see if that was a cause of the issue, it is not17:06
kzootechKBar: yes same computer, im trying to dual boot it17:06
KBarthat might be the problem. but not sure17:07
kzootechlotuspsychje: basically a few moments after i press enter on the grub screen17:07
kzootechnomodeset can get me to a desktop at least17:07
lotuspsychjethats early17:07
kzootechbut with just one monitor and im assuming no acceleration17:07
kzootechyeah it very early in the boot17:07
KBarkzootech: try disabling plymouth ?17:08
kzootechhow do i do that?17:08
lotuspsychjekzootech: have you tryed pressing F1 at boot, see if you can catch errors?17:08
KBarkzootech: delete `splash quiet` from /etc/default/grub17:08
KBarrun sudo update-grub17:08
kzootechill try restarting17:09
KBarkzootech: not the line itself, just the values. so its left as is but without these two17:09
kzootechyeah i got you17:09
KBarjust making sure17:09
kzootechim pretty sure i tried this before but ill try again17:09
kzootechoh.... text17:10
kzootechand... monitor power save mode17:10
kzootechlet me run that again to see how far it got...17:10
KBardoes it come with its software of sorts? maybe you can access its management on your windows OS and see if you can disable auto power save mode17:11
KBarnvidia has optimus or whatever17:11
kzootechit scrolls by pretty quick, but it definately gets to init or whatever init thing ubuntu uses17:12
kzootechthats a good thought, ill take a look in win 10 for a setting...17:12
kzootechhmm im not seeing a power save mode in the radeon pro settings17:16
lotuspsychjekzootech: is it possible to share a dmesg in a !paste please17:18
kzootechmaybe, is the previous dmesg log going to be in /var/log?17:19
kzootechbecause if i dont use modeset i cant really do much17:19
kzootechi guess i could setup ssh and probably still ssh in...17:19
lotuspsychjekzootech: you could try journalctl -b -1 for a previous boot17:20
kzootechill take a look in a second, i want to make sure im not missing a setting here17:20
kzootechthe only thing im coming up with that feels like on the right track is EDID settings17:20
KBarkzootech: might be worth checking out: https://www.amd.com/en/support/professional-graphics/radeon-pro/radeon-pro-wx-x100-series/radeon-pro-wx-410017:24
kzootechhttp://codepad.org/FMe1Az1O dmesg17:26
lotuspsychjetry disabling your secureboot kzootech17:28
lotuspsychjethat can influence the proper working of hardware17:28
kzootechlooks like the same behavior with secure boot disabled17:30
kzootechKBar: it doesnt look that there is a driver they provide for 22.0417:30
KBartry the one for 20.04?17:31
lotuspsychjei dont see errors on radeon in your dmesg17:32
kzootechme either17:33
lotuspsychjekzootech: sudo lshw -C video , plz?17:34
kzootechlotuspsychje: http://codepad.org/DUGCrjF317:35
lotuspsychjeyeah unclaimed means no driver loaded kzootech17:35
kzootechlotuspsychje: that is using "nomodeset" at boot17:36
kzootechcant use amds driver from their set because of dependancy issues17:39
lotuspsychjekzootech: did your card work properly on 20.04?17:42
kzootechi never tried 20.0417:42
lotuspsychjekzootech: maybe load up a liveusb for a test?17:42
lotuspsychjekzootech: here your chipset shows 18.04 certified; https://ubuntu.com/certified/component/38817:43
lotuspsychjemaybe we got luck on 20.04 too17:43
kzootechim just sort of starting the process of migrating my desktop back to linux, i sitll have a few years until win 10 is dead anyway, but my plan was to dual boot for a while to dial in a linux distro the way i like it17:44
kzootechill try 20.0417:44
kzootechbeing on the latest and greatest isnt really a concern to me17:44
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lotuspsychjekzootech: if we can find the root of your issue, would be great17:45
KBara good rule of thumb of mine: if i want stability, i wait until at least the first point release17:45
KBarto switch to the new lts release17:45
kzootechlotuspsychje: yeah im probably mostly curious as to what the actual issue is right now17:45
lotuspsychjekzootech: have you been able to pinpoint your boot in txt mode where your screen goes off?17:46
kzootechlotuspsychje: it goes to fast, but it starts going through init (or whatever init program ubuntu uses) where you get the "[ OK ]" messages, et al17:48
kzootechso its past just the kernel booting17:48
kzootechit seems like it goes black when X11 runs is my guess17:48
kzootechwith quiet splash removed, that is17:48
lotuspsychjemaybe its 22.04 kernel doesnt like the chipset17:48
KBarkzootech: you can switch to virtual terminal (ctrl+alt+f2) and view journal from there `journalctl -b`17:48
lotuspsychjetry 20.04 to compare17:48
KBarkzootech: ubuntu 22.04 runs wayland by default17:49
kzootechim downloading 20.04 right now17:49
kzootechah does it?17:49
lotuspsychjebut his screen shuts off before login17:49
KBarkzootech: do you see gdm pop up?17:49
enigma9o7[m]on some gpu17:49
kzootechKBar: only with nomodeset17:49
KBari see17:49
kzootechnomodeset is the only way i can get anywhere really17:50
kzootechim going to try to boot 20.04 here in a few minutes and see what happens17:51
kzootechit would kind of surprise me if that fixed it, none of this is new hardware by anyones standards really17:51
kzootechi guess the radeon pro wx4100 is slightly exoctic?17:51
lotuspsychjewe will have to see what happens kzootech17:52
kzootechsame issue on 20.04 live18:05
kzootechbut i could install that driver on 20.0418:06
kzootechseems like the next step might be to try to install 20.04 on disk and then install that driver18:08
kzootechhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=245260 its interesting that the person experience what seems like the same issue on arch didnt have problems if they used minidp to dvi adapters, but i have none of those to test with right now18:09
kzootechi have minidp to dp cables18:09
minist3r did anyone update ubuntu focal arm last week and break drivers and os run super sluggish?18:11
minist3rI'm on rockpro6418:11
jhutchinsminist3r: Apparently you did.18:12
minist3rI did lol18:12
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.18:12
minist3rI'm in that channel but its not very active18:12
jhutchinsminist3r: You'll probably need to get down to which specific drivers are broken and what processes appear slow.18:12
minist3rThe whole OS is sluggish18:13
jhutchinsminist3r: That's our bot, and @ prevents nicks from highlighting.18:13
minist3rand network drivers stopped working18:13
jhutchinsminist3r: Were you able to revert to a backup?18:13
minist3runfortinately I just built this server and didnt get a backup made I know dumb18:14
minist3rIts an xmpp server with ejabberd and postgres sql wonder if its easier to just backup the config and database18:15
minist3rand reinstall OS18:15
jhutchinsminist3r: I hate just doing a blind rebuild, but that's probably the quickest fix.18:16
minist3r@jhutchins I do too it too me awhile to get the xmpp server working right, wish there was another option18:17
minist3ris there a cmd to reverse recent upgrade?18:18
jhutchinsminist3r: You could go through driver by driver.  Can you boot to an earlier version of the kernel?18:18
jhutchinsminist3r: Unfortunately no, not in Ubuntu.18:18
minist3rUbuntu arm seems limited compared to x86 ubuntu I'm not sure how to do that in arm version18:19
minist3rbut it probably would work18:19
jhutchinsAFIK RedHat's the only distro that builds rollback capability into it's packages.18:20
jhutchinsminist3r: Ideally you would get a boot menu that would let you choose an earlier kernel, but the .deb branch doesn't preserve kernels as well as some.18:20
minist3rmaybe i can install driver manager on it18:20
minist3r@jhutchins ya theres no boot menu unfortinately18:25
alkisgminist3r: which image are you using, Ayufan's?18:27
KBar minist3r the @ sign doesn't work in IRC18:27
vqueirozI am having some problems with an optimus laptop, so I wonder if Ubuntu would be a good alternative for that.18:27
minist3rfrom https://www.armbian.com/rockpro64/18:29
minist3rit worked great till I upgraded it18:29
alkisgQuestion for myself, did you manage to get hardware accelerated youtube with that image?18:29
alkisg(in browser, that is)18:30
minist3rI believe so pretty sure I used youtube once or twice18:30
alkisgThanks; I'll try it. Not sure about the sluggish behavior, if that's xfce, maybe it's related to their window manager?18:31
minist3rI'm using cinnamon18:32
alkisgWhoops cinnamon, ok maybe that too18:32
minist3rShould i just install a different gui then remove cinnamon to test?18:33
alkisgYou could do a quick test with sudo apt install openbox18:33
alkisgIt's very very light with minimal dependencies18:33
alkisgYou can select it in the lightdm login screen18:34
alkisgYou can also check `dmesg` for any weird errors18:34
minist3rok thank you i'll try that18:35
minist3rfailed to start Armbian ZRAM Config18:36
alkisgThat shouldn't affect anything until you open many programs18:37
minist3rcan i send the whole output in here18:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:38
alkisgOr: dmesg | nc termbin.com 999918:38
minist3rwhats that18:38
alkisgAuto uploads to a pastebin called termbin.com18:38
jhutchinsvqueiroz: It's probably a good idea to search for your model + linux, see what other people have installed successfully.18:39
jhutchinsvqueiroz: Ubuntu's pretty broadly compatible, but there's no guarantee it's going to support everything.18:40
minist3rjhutchins do you see anything weird in here https://termbin.com/cqq318:45
jhutchinsminist3r: Not without comparing it to a successful clean boot.  Unfortunately some subsystems are designed to fail benignly if they're not supported18:49
jhutchinsSo you get "failed" when that's an expected result.18:50
jhutchinsI try to discourage coders from doing that, but no matter how many fingers I break they keep at it.18:50
minist3rI'm trying openbox now18:54
minist3rIf I use openbox should I uninstall the other gui's to test?18:56
jhutchinsminist3r: Theoretically you can have as many GUI desktops as you want.18:57
jhutchinsminist3r: You might consider getting everything working at the console-only level, then move on to graphics.18:58
minist3ropenbox freezes at black screen logging in18:59
minist3rya I think i just need to reinstall it worked great with cinnamon gui when I first installed19:00
webchat45Hi, I used a backup to restore some data and now some programs do not open (only GUI)19:11
webchat45for example I click on timeshift and nothing hapens19:12
webchat45but if I try to do something with timeshift in CLI it works19:12
jhutchinsminist3r: Actually, the correct answer for this channel is to install a real Ubuntu image, then troubleshoot any specific problems you have with that.19:13
webchat45How can I do that ?19:13
webchat45I am pretty new to linux19:13
jhutchinsminist3r: Working with an "off-brand", obsolete image really isn't a fair test, and may waste time solving problems that the newer release has already fixed.19:13
webchat45I restored from a timeshift backup done 2-3 weeks ago19:14
jhutchinswebchat45: It's probably a permissions/ownership issue.  I know that's vague, but so is your question.19:14
webchat45OK let's start from somewhere19:15
webchat45How can I fix this ?19:15
jhutchinswebchat45: It might help to show _exactly_ what you restored, and what changes you have made since the backup.19:15
jhutchinswebchat45: Fix what?19:15
webchat45I want to upgrade to the latest version of ubuntu19:15
webchat4522.04 LTS19:16
minist3rI dont think there are any other ubuntu distros that work with rockpro6419:16
webchat45Would you please help me do that ?19:16
webchat45I can not upgrade using the GUI because of the problem I told you about19:16
webchat45Can you help me upgrade to 22.04 LTS using CLI ?19:17
=== Bencraft14191 is now known as Bencraft1419
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:19
jhutchinswebchat45: A text-based upgrade should be possible, but it probably won't fix the GUI problems.19:20
jhutchinswebchat45: One thing to try would be to create a new user and see if the GUI apps work for that user.19:20
jhutchinswebchat45: Have you tried apt update && apt upgrade?19:21
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webchat45Have you tried apt update && apt upgrade? will try now19:21
jhutchinswebchat45: You'll need sudo.19:22
webchat45All packages are up to date.19:23
webchat45E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied)19:23
jhutchinsminist3r: Does the distro you have offer any kind of support?19:23
kzootechlotuspsychje: even with installing the driver in 20.04 (had to go back to kernel 5.4.0-54) i still have the same issue19:23
webchat45E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root?19:24
webchat45i did with sudo19:24
jhutchinswebchat45: IF you're using sudo, that probably means there's an active or failed apt/dpkg function already running, possibly from the GUI.19:24
webchat45probably havent restarted since I clicked upgrade in the GUI19:25
jhutchinswebchat45: This is more thorough than we can be here: https://itsfoss.com/could-not-get-lock-error/19:26
jhutchinswebchat45: Ah, well, see if you can find and finish that process.19:26
minist3rHow do u switch to an older kernel19:27
jhutchinsminist3r: Install it and add it to grub.19:28
jhutchinsminist3r: _I_ switch by picking it from the boot menu.19:29
webchat45jhutchins: thanks19:33
wantomi think ubuntu is better than all the rest19:33
wantomdebian and manjaro run mad slow19:33
wpn942i installed ubuntu on my phone with andronix app19:36
wpn942i connect to it with vnc19:37
wpn942but it have xfce presinstalled19:37
wpn942i wanna to switch to gnome19:37
wpn942and I sucessfully installed gnome-desktop19:38
wpn942but I dont know how to switch to gnome19:39
wpn942not to mention to make it default19:39
wpn942google told me to pick it while booting19:39
wpn942but its not a case19:39
wpn942because I loggin to it via vnc, and start it with ./run-ubuntu20.sh (provided by andronix(19:42
wantomits kind of wack andronix19:42
wantomjust to play with on your phone19:42
wantombetter on a pc or mac19:42
wpn942im in hospital19:42
wpn942mental one19:43
wpn942i wont get laptop to soon19:43
minist3rI dont have a boot menu on arm19:43
wpn942yeah but linux is still a kernel used by android19:45
wpn942it works but im not a xfce fan19:46
wpn942and gnome seems to be best for touch screen19:46
wpn942im gonna try tomorrow19:46
webchat45Hi again, https://itsfoss.com/could-not-get-lock-error/ has 3 ways of fixing my problem, I tried 2 but the third one is to remove some files19:57
webchat45I am not sure I should do that. They seem important19:58
webchat45jhutchins: are you there ?19:59
oerheksthat is a warning, that other updates are pending.20:00
oerheksjust run the update icon.20:00
webchat45oerheks: are you talking to me ?20:02
oerheksyes webchat4520:02
webchat45my GUI doesnt work20:02
webchat45I can not just click upgrade20:02
oerheks*if* you want to force to remove that lock; sudo fuser -vvv /var/cache/apt/archives/lock20:03
oerheksthen run update and upgrade again20:03
enigma9o7[m]they're not important.20:03
enigma9o7[m]they, it.20:03
enigma9o7[m]assuming you rebooted in the middle of something20:04
enigma9o7[m]otherwise, theyll remove themselves20:04
webchat45All packages are up to date.20:04
webchat45E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied)20:04
webchat45E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), are you root?20:04
oerhekswell, something is waiting for an update.20:04
tomreynor you're not root20:04
oerhekssudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock20:05
webchat45ps aux | grep -i apt20:05
webchat45root        1410  0.0  0.0 128800  9292 ?        Ssl  22:44   0:00 /usr/sbin/thermald --systemd --dbus-enable --adaptive20:05
webchat45user        9150  0.0  0.0  11572  2600 pts/0    S+   22:52   0:00 grep --color=auto -i apt20:05
tomreynwebchat45: did you run apt using   sudo?20:05
webchat45yes with sudo20:05
enigma9o7[m]ok that's okay20:06
tomreyndo you have any GUI apps for package management open currently?20:06
webchat45tomreyn: no20:06
webchat45I did: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock20:06
webchat45still doesnt let me upgrade20:07
tomreynright, because that's not the lock the error was about20:07
webchat45ok so what do we do now ?20:07
enigma9o7[m]hav eyou tried turning it off and on again?20:08
webchat45turning what on and off ?20:08
tomreynyou can run    sudo fuser -vvv /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend20:08
enigma9o7[m]the computer20:08
enigma9o7[m]you can leave the moniitor on20:08
webchat45enigma9o7[m]: yes I rebooted20:08
webchat45same error after taht20:08
webchat45sudo fuser -vvv /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend doesnt chenge thing either20:09
webchat45still same error20:09
webchat45I set up ubuntu so it updates automatically20:09
webchat45maybe this is preventing me from upgrading20:09
webchat45but why cant I start Timeshift in GUI then ?20:09
oerheksbut you have no gui ..?20:10
tomreynwebchat45: the command     sudo fuser -vvv /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend     is supposed to return the process ID of the process having a lock on the file, if any20:10
webchat45oh ok20:10
tomreynif it returned empty, then you can safely    sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend20:11
webchat45I did sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend20:11
webchat45and still E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied)20:11
webchat45after I sudo apt update && apt upgrade20:12
webchat45I still get the error:20:12
webchat45E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (13: Permission denied)20:12
tomreynthat's because you need to    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade20:12
tomreyni.e. both of the chained commands need to be run through sudo20:13
webchat45no errors20:13
webchat45up to date now20:13
tomreynso this was probably the actual issue20:13
webchat45how do I upgrade from the CLI ?20:13
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:13
tomreynignore this20:14
webchat45to version 22.04LTS from the CLLI ?20:14
ubottuRegular upgrades from the last but one LTS release to the latest LTS release, 22.04 "Jammy Jellyfish", are enabled days or weeks after 22.04.1 is released. This delay helps to ensure that any lingering issues are resolved before people upgrade production systems. If you'd prefer to upgrade now, use sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:14
tomreynsee what ubottu tells you20:14
tomreynbut first of all, you should    sudo apt full-upgrade20:14
webchat45sudo apt full-upgrade does nothing20:15
webchat45I mean doesnt update anything20:15
tomreynyou're already up to date20:16
webchat455.13.0-52-generic #59~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jun 16 21:21:28 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:16
webchat45Checking for a new Ubuntu release20:16
webchat45Upgrades to the development release are only20:16
webchat45available from the latest supported release.20:16
webchat45I get this after i do : sudo do-release-upgrade -d20:17
oerheks= 22.0420:17
oerhekselse wait a few months to 22.04.120:18
webchat45ok so I stay with this version then20:18
webchat45but how come I can not run TImeshift ?20:18
webchat45can you help me fix that ?20:19
jhutchins!info timeshift20:19
ubottutimeshift (21.09.1-1, jammy): System restore utility. In component universe, is optional. Built by timeshift. Size 719 kB / 3,234 kB20:19
webchat45someone said it might be a permission issue20:20
jhutchinswebchat45: Did you try launching it as a different user?20:20
jhutchinswebchat45: Is there a .timeshift directory in your /home/<user>?  (ls -a)20:21
webchat45how can I do that ?20:21
jhutchinswebchat45: Add a new user.20:21
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webchat45I can not20:23
webchat45users is locked20:23
webchat45and when I click unlock nothing hapens20:23
webchat45this is some kind of bug in the gui20:23
webchat45it seems to me20:23
jhutchinswebchat45: I think you said that you can launch timeshift from the command line?20:24
webchat45everything works the command line20:25
jhutchins:21 < jhutchins> webchat45: Is there a .timeshift directory in your /home/<user>?  (ls -a)20:25
webchat45oh sorry. checking..20:25
webchat45no .timeshift dir20:26
jhutchinswebchat45: Confirm that you see other .<something> directories.20:26
webchat45yes I do20:27
webchat45set nsutilus to show hidden files20:27
jhutchinsI guess that works too.20:27
jhutchinswebchat45: When you run it from the command line, you're using a terminal inside the (gnome) GUI, right?20:28
webchat45yes, sir20:28
jhutchinswebchat45: No errors on the CLI?20:28
webchat45maybe when I restored from backup timeshift removed the .timeshift dir ?20:29
jhutchinsTimeshift seems to have outsmarted us then.  I'd start doing some web searches for something like "timeshift gui won't start".20:30
webchat45found something saying run: timeshift-gtk20:30
webchat45it says : admin access required20:31
webchat45should I sudo timeshift-gtk ?20:31
webchat45I did20:35
webchat45and it opes it20:35
webchat45so maybe it is a user permissions thing after all20:35
murmelkzootech: just wanted to point out, that amd released an amdgpu pro driver for 22.04, which is for now outside the official repos, but maybe you could get it running with that?20:43
kzootechmurmel: where can i find such a thing? i havent seen a 22.04 driver20:47
tomreynwebchat45: it's probably related to running on wayland https://github.com/teejee2008/timeshift/issues/4120:52
ubottuIssue 41 in teejee2008/timeshift "Desktop launcher not working in Wayland" [Closed]20:52
tomreynalso https://github.com/teejee2008/timeshift/issues/3520:52
ubottuIssue 35 in teejee2008/timeshift "Support for Wayland session" [Closed]20:52
tomreynhmm, although this should be fixed in ubuntu 20.04's timeshift 20.03 version, so i'm not sure.20:54
murmelkzootech: https://repo.radeon.com/amdgpu-install/22.20/ubuntu/jammy/20:54
tomreyni would not recommend this driver20:55
kzootechit cant really be any worse than not working at all?20:56
tomreynwhat's the issue you're trying to solve?20:56
kzootechmy radeon pro wx4100 will not work at all without nomodeset20:56
tomreynoh, radeon pro, maybe then you actually need it, sorry.20:56
kzootechhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=245260 basically the same issue this arch user was having20:57
kzootechwhich they couldnt resolve20:57
kzootechthis also happens on fedora's live cd, and debian's live cd without nomodeset20:57
tomreyndid you update firmware, yet?20:57
tomreynare there error messgaes in your log when you try to run it with amdgpu?20:58
kzootechwell i switched to 20.04, tried installing that driver, had to move the kernel to 5.4.0-54 to install, that didnt help20:58
kzootechi tried putting my monitors edid into initramfs and using drm.edid_firmware=...20:59
tomreynwx4100 is two years old, right?20:59
minist3rWhat driver are u having issues with?20:59
kzootechuh, this one is older than that20:59
kzootechlike 5?20:59
kzootechi bought it used20:59
kzootechbut ive had it a while20:59
kzootechworks fine in win 1021:00
tomreynLaunch Date: July 201621:00
kzootechyeah thats more like it21:00
tomreynso i doubt it's a matter of how new the driver or firmware is21:00
tomreyncould it be broken hardware?21:01
kzootechin that arch forum post it seems like they can solve it by using display port to dvi adpaters21:01
kzootechwhich seems like silliness21:01
kzootechand i dont have those to test21:01
kzootechits definately to do with kernel modeseting21:01
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kzootechthe hardware works fine in this computer with non-linux os21:02
kzootechi thought i was going to have the answer with adding my edid dump to the firmware actually21:02
tomreyni see. that would make a good bug report against linux, i guess, at least if the amdgpu module lists this hardware as supported21:03
kzootechi still might try that with 22.20 live21:03
kzootechits more as if the gpu and monitors arent happy with each other or something21:04
kzootechbecause they turn on like they are abought to display a signal, then say no signal, then turn back on again, then say no signal again, etc21:04
murmelkzootech: hm scraping the internet, told me that that gpu should be supported since 4.7 :/21:06
murmelkernel version*21:06
minist3rI just got asked to upgrade to ubuntu 21.01 hopefully that fixes all my issues21:11
kzootechupgrading upgrades your issues :)21:12
murmelminist3r: are you sure with 21.01?21:12
murmelas there is no release called 21.0121:12
minist3rthats what it said21:12
minist3rI did subscribe to untested updates21:13
tomreynkzootech: summarizing the above: get error logs, file bugs against ubuntu, linux and amd.21:15
tomreynthat's if the error messgaes don't already hint on how to solve it21:15
enigma9o7[m]minist3r, like it was suggesting 21.10; there was no january 2021 release.21:18
minist3rya let me double check what version im on now after upgrading to verify21:18
webchat45Hi I also need help fixing one more problem21:22
webchat45I have a swap partition but am not using it21:22
webchat45when I reboot :  a start job is running for partition 98(#&y387r3987^R*&#^(*&^R and it count 1min 30 secs21:23
enigma9o7[m]That's good.21:23
enigma9o7[m]I also try to avoid using swap.21:23
enigma9o7[m]Keeps things snappy.21:23
webchat45I have 64gb ram I run 10vms and its still ok with out swap21:23
webchat45but still21:23
webchat45can you help me fix it ?21:24
enigma9o7[m]maybe stop rebooting and you wont notice it21:24
enigma9o7[m]But yeah I dunno.  I've never seen that happen on a start job other than in virtual machines sometime sit says that about vboxadd.service21:24
enigma9o7[m]doesnt it tell you what service is taking forever to start?21:25
webchat45nono I know what the problem is21:25
webchat45You just have to help me figure out what to change in fstab21:25
webchat45tahts all21:25
enigma9o7[m]ah someone here is probably good at fstab, not my forté21:25
webchat45it thinks some nonexisting partititon ID is my swap so it tires to mount it21:25
webchat45if I can just find out what the swap part name is and replace it in fstab if will fix the problem21:26
webchat45can you help me do it ?21:26
murmelblkid /dev/sdx21:26
webchat45nothing hapens21:27
murmelyeah well you need to fill in the swap partition in that command21:28
murmel(and as root)21:28
webchat45# swap was on /dev/nvme0n1p6 during installation21:29
webchat45UUID=6132f14c-d619-41ea-acdd-4474b050b0f5 none            swap    sw              0       021:29
murmelyes? verify that it's still the same uuid21:30
webchat45I think I have the replace the UUID with the proper one21:30
minist3rHow can I check what kernel I'm using via terminal21:32
murmelminist3r: uname -r21:33
Bashing-omminist3r: ' uname -r ' .21:33
webchat45my main problem is that a lot of programs dont run in GUI but if I run them as root all works21:36
webchat45like Timeshift wont open if I click its icon but if I "timeshift-gtk" fro cli it opens21:37
webchat45same with gparted21:37
webchat45if I "sudo gparted" it opens21:37
webchat45if I just "gparted" nothing hapens21:37
webchat45how can I fix this problem in general ?21:37
enigma9o7[m]you should `pkexec gparted`21:38
enigma9o7[m]One way to fix it would be to edit the gparted desktop file and force pkexec21:38
enigma9o7[m]cp the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications to .local/share/applications and edit the Exec= line21:38
enigma9o7[m]pkexec uses policykit to get root access, its the way we're supposed to elevate permission for gui apps21:39
enigma9o7[m]you shouldn't sudo gui apps cuz it can mess up permissions and ownership on stuff21:40
murmelenigma9o7[m]: now i am astonished that ubuntu doesn't do this by default21:40
webchat45sudoing is the only to open them at this point21:40
webchat45will "cp the .desktop file from /usr/share/applications to .local/share/applications and edit the Exec= line" fix everything or just gparted and I have to do it for every other program manually like that ?21:42
enigma9o7[m]Well I was suggesting how to fix it for gparted only.  You could do that for any other GUI app you need root for that isnt behaving, but there shouldn't be too many of those....21:43
murmelwebchat45: if you go that route, you would need to fix it for every program21:43
enigma9o7[m]synaptic maybe?21:43
enigma9o7[m]most GUI apps dont need root....21:43
webchat45tahta sux21:43
webchat45no but nothing opens21:43
webchat45there is some problem with my user21:44
webchat45isnt this something in groups ?21:44
webchat45cant i just checkmar some stuff from the gui ?21:44
enigma9o7[m]If its fubar, you could createa  new user and login as them, forget your old user.21:44
enigma9o7[m]just set all the same groups as the default user21:44
webchat45ok lets try this21:45
murmelwebchat45: it's very unlikely that your groups are messed up21:46
webchat45how do I create a new user from the CLI ?21:46
enigma9o7[m]sudo adduser21:46
enigma9o7[m]but it'll start without all the groups you need for usb and sound and whatever, so copy the groups from the default user21:47
webchat45ok o k21:47
webchat45let me make the user first21:47
webchat45so "adduser username pass /ADD ?21:47
webchat45so "adduser username pass /ADD" ?21:48
murmelwebchat45: when you do 'sudo adduser --add_extra_groups <user> you add automatically the standard groups21:48
murmelyou would only need to add sudo after that21:49
enigma9o7[m]ah cool switch21:49
murmelenigma9o7[m]: you can make it as default in /etc/adduser.conf21:49
webchat45where do I enter the new username and pass here ? -> 'sudo adduser --add_extra_groups <user>" ?21:50
murmelbut I still wonder why a new user21:50
murmelwhen you enter there is a questionaire21:50
webchat45just to test if it will work21:50
webchat45so I entere teh command just like that : sudo adduser --add_extra_groups <user> ?21:51
murmelwebchat45: you need to give your user a real user name not <user>21:52
murmelname it bla or test or whatever21:52
webchat45but you said I enter the username in the questionaire that comes after the command is entered21:52
murmelyes for password etc21:53
enigma9o7[m]Or use a decent name incase you deicde to use it permanently cuz its easier than fixing your original user....21:53
webchat45yes descent name21:53
minist3rMy issue did end up being Video drivers21:54
webchat45sudo adduser --add_extra_groups admin21:54
minist3rjust poped up saying I dont have a videodriver21:55
webchat45I will use admin as username21:55
webchat45let me try this21:55
enigma9o7[m]weet that works21:55
enigma9o7[m]then you still have to make it a sudoer21:55
enigma9o7[m]then it'll be good to go21:55
webchat45user created21:56
webchat45some stuff happened21:56
webchat45now how do I add him to sudoers21:57
murmelwebchat45: sudo adduser <user> sudo21:58
murmellog out and into the new account and verify that it works, or not22:00
murmelinterestingly gparted itself (desktop file) doesn't call any sudo/pkexec/whatever to get root access, so no idea whats going on22:00
webchat45it didnt work22:02
webchat45new user can't start gparted22:02
webchat45or click upgrade22:03
webchat45nothing hapens22:03
webchat45how do I remove the user ?22:03
murmelwhat do you mean by upgrade?22:03
webchat45upgrade to newer version of ubuntu22:03
murmelsudo userdel <user> and then rm -r /home/<user>22:03
webchat45ok all deleted22:06
webchat45so I am screwed22:06
=== srv is now known as s_r_v
webchat45All I can do at this point is move all my stuff to another drive22:06
webchat45and reinstall ubuntu22:06
murmelwebchat45: what happens when you type 'gparted | nc termbin.com 9999' (give us the link)22:07
webchat45gparted | nc termbin.com 999922:07
webchat45pkexec: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.33' not found (required by pkexec)22:07
murmelwebchat45: ahm, that's bad22:09
murmelyour install seems to be really wonky, so it's easier to just reinstall, other than trying to figure out what you did22:10
webchat45it would be easyer to reinstall if I didnt have 10 vms and a bunch of other stuff installed22:12
webchat45actually more like 2022:12
webchat45cause I have qemu vms as well22:12
raczkawebchat45: are you bragging or complaining?22:13
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murmelwebchat45: I mean the bigger question is, what did you do, to get to this point22:13
raczka^ _ -22:13
webchat45I backed up using timeshift22:13
webchat45and then I restored22:13
webchat45that's all22:14
webchat45and after restored most things in GUI won't open22:14
murmelwebchat45: from an eol release?22:14
webchat45no from like 2 weeks ago22:14
webchat45I just dont' understand how this broke things22:16
cbreakwebchat45: can't you reinstall without affecting your VMs?22:17
cbreakI have all docker stuff, all virtual machine images and all lxc containers on separate zfs datasets22:18
webchat45vms are in /home/user/ dir22:18
webchat45some of them22:18
murmelcbreak: I can't remember where the xml files are being kept, otherwise I would say it's easy to backup22:18
webchat45I will just probably reinstall22:23
webchat45hope it woks22:23
webchat45c ya22:23
cbreakI spent way too much time last week setting up my new computer at work22:25
cbreakinstalling kubuntu the hard way :)22:25
cbreakbut now I have zfs boot via zbm, so I can easily and quickly clone, rollback my OS before booting22:26
cbreakindependently from VMs / Userdata22:26
cbreakI've set up my computer here at home the same way by modifying the original install. It was quite tricky, but worked. Was able to fork the system before upgrading to 22.0422:27
cbreakI can only recommend such a setup to people that know how to set it up though... it's not trivial :(22:28
kzootechmurmel: tomreyn i have made some progress booting ubuntu 22.04 with video=1680x1050@60m shows me boot text on both screens (with quiet and splash disabled) up until systemd-networkd22:32
kzootechso now i think its just X/wayland/whatever having the issue22:32
kzootechi can make it to a terminal without nomodeset now, it looks like X detected the monitors fine22:35
murmelkzootech: does the gpu get claimed? I assume so, but make sure it's the correct driver22:36
kzootechxorg is talking of amdgpu22:37
kzootechdetected the monitors by name, etc22:37
murmelkzootech: sounds good22:37
kzootechits progress22:38
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