
arraybolt3[m]Just showing up, about to read backlog.02:05
arraybolt3[m]guiverc: Well that makes sense to me. Thank for the link, and for putting in a good word for me!02:08
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley (Developer): I'm about to try to hammer through a bunch of backports, ping me when you'd like a list of PRs to check through.04:05
tsimonq2arraybolt3[m]: Go crazy, I'll ping when I'm ready for your list :)04:06
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley (Developer): I did just hit something a bit worrying - obconf-qt appears to have a well-updated copyright file, but looking through diffs, I'm seeing references to names and years that we don't have marked. I'm guessing that since obconf-qt is derived from obconf (I believe?) that these are copyright remnants from the old software and don't matter, but I'd like some confirmation about that.04:11
tsimonq2<arraybolt3[m]> "Simon Quigley (Developer): I did..." <- If it's in the source code but not referenced by the copyright file as a rule of thumb you should just add it 04:47
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley (Developer): Alright, so here's an interesting question. What do I do when the source code file literally has this as the copyright header:05:52
arraybolt3[m]    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>05:52
arraybolt3[m]    Copyright (C) 2013  <copyright holder> <email>05:52
arraybolt3[m](That is verbatim from src/maindialog.h in obconf-qt.)05:52
arraybolt3[m]I'm pretty sure that this is Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) since the other 2013 copyrights were from him, but I have no way of knowing for certain.05:54
tsimonq2Real life just hit me hard. afk until tomorrow at min05:57
arraybolt3[m]Simon Quigley (Developer): So sorry to hear that. Let me know if there's something I can help with.05:58
kc2bez[m]<arraybolt3[m]> "I'm pretty sure that this is..." <- I am going to say you have 2 options. You could skip over it since it isn't clear or give the person that committed that the credit. 15:11
arraybolt3[m]Dan Simmons: Good thinking. Currently I have a ridiculous-looking line in debian/copyright, but Hong Jen Yee was the committor, so it's probably him. I filed a bug report upstream last night, so I may have an answer already today.18:58
arraybolt3[m]Nope, no bug report. I'm certain it's PCMan, so I'll change it.19:00
arraybolt3[m]I had a potentially crazy idea that might make a lot of people happy. There's a number of computers out there where they have a 64-bit CPU, but the UEFI is 32-bit and requires a 32-bit bootloader to function. A quick look through Ubuntu packages reveals that we do indeed appear to package the 32-bit UEFI GRUB, perhaps we might consider including it on the ISO and adjusting our config to detect these sort of systems and install the20:40
arraybolt3[m]proper bootloader?20:40
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Is it not there on a live image? It used to be.20:41
arraybolt3[m]Dunno. I've seen many complaints about this though - someone the other day was stuck having to go back to Xubuntu 18.04 on the #ubuntu IRC chat because they had to use a 32-bit distro despite having a 64-bit system due to this problem.20:41
kc2bez[m]Plus we run this little tiny script to detect that https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/browse/ubuntu%252Fkinetic/common/modules/before_bootloader_context.conf%241520:42
arraybolt3[m]Hmm. Maybe the problem was that someone was trying to use Xubuntu or Ubuntu and not Lubuntu then. I didn't know that.20:42
arraybolt3[m](Can the Lubuntu USB even boot on such systems?)20:42
kc2bez[m]It should work, we did some testing in early days.20:43
kc2bez[m]18.10 or 19.0420:43
* arraybolt3[m] wishes I had one of these finicky laptops to verify, since the guy on #ubuntu seemed pretty sure that Lubuntu wasn't working...20:43
kc2bez[m]I don't have one either. It would make diagnosing the issue easier.20:44
kc2bez[m]There is a current thread that is of a similar situation and has me questioning things.20:45
arraybolt3[m]It was looking at that thread that made me think about this.20:45
arraybolt3[m](Looking at an eBay listing for that particular laptop and can't help but laugh when they describe 2 GB RAM and 1.33 GHz Intel Atom as "packing power where it counts")20:46
kc2bez[m]Yeah, whatever machine falls into this category is going to be woeful performance.20:47
arraybolt3[m]Which is fine for Lubuntu, not so great for Windows, thus why users want to switch.20:48
kc2bez[m]For sure20:48
arraybolt3[m](But yeah, even my fanless ARM-based Chromebook x2 probably could run circles around that thing.)20:49
arraybolt3[m]aHA! I can compile TianoCore myself for IA32, I bet that will let me load it into an x86_64 VM and make myself a virtual "hybrid mess" VM to test in.20:54
kc2bez[m]arraybolt3[m]: Oh, that is spicy.20:55
arraybolt3[m]I wonder if IA32 OVMF packages already exist?20:55
arraybolt3[m]Looks like there is!20:56
arraybolt3[m]OK, now we can test it. I may do that right now.20:56
kc2bez[m]sounds good, I am interested in the results.20:56
arraybolt3[m]32-bit UEFI support is borked. Tried to load it in QEMU, it just skipped right over the ISO, kicked me back to the UEFI setup screen if I tried to boot the ISO or any of the .efi files directly. 64-bit UEFI automatically booted from the ISO. Looks like we're only shipping the 64-bit bootloader on the ISO itself.21:10
kc2bez[m]That's unfortunate.21:11
* arraybolt3[m] thinks we should add this to the testcases21:11
kc2bez[m]Well, not if it won't work ;)21:12
arraybolt3[m]but i mean can't we fix it by shipping the 32-bit bootloader too21:12
kc2bez[m]The live system build is a little different, we can't just add the package to our seed and have the image built with it persay.21:13
arraybolt3[m]Well crud. I guess bug report time then?21:16
kc2bez[m]Can you try a focal image and see if that works?21:18
arraybolt3[m]No dice, exact same problem.21:23
arraybolt3[m]I could take 18.04 64-bit for a test drive, too.21:24
kc2bez[m]🤔 i feel like that should have worked else we would have heard about it by now.21:24
kc2bez[m]18.04 is ubiquity + lxde21:25
arraybolt3[m]Yeah but if this problem hits Lubuntu, it probably hits Ubuntu too, Ubuntu 18.04 is still supported, and if we can get a confirmed bug report and a fix, it will hopefully propagate to Lubuntu 22.04 and 22.10.21:25
arraybolt3[m]All the .efi files have "x64" at the end of their names, I think that's the problem.21:26
arraybolt3[m](As in, they're all 64-bit EFI files, when a 32-bit EFI needs 32-bit files even on a 64-bit CPU.)21:27
kc2bez[m]We absolutely had this working, i remember the joy... er pain.21:29
kc2bez[m]It was 18.10, I looked at the commit.21:30
arraybolt3[m]I have unmetered data, I can download an 18.10 iso from Archive.org for a one-off test, no problem.21:31
kc2bez[m]It would be good to know.21:32
kc2bez[m]I am just wondering about the virtualization layer working as anticipated.21:32
arraybolt3[m]Good point, I am using a rather elegant^U^U^U^U^U^U^U hacky way of doing this...21:33
arraybolt3[m]Good grief, getting an ISO out of Archive.org can be like trying to eat crablegs for the first time...21:36
arraybolt3[m]Alright, download in progress, will report back when the test is complete.21:38
kc2bez[m]sounds good21:44
kc2bez[m]grub-efi-ia32 is still part of the grub2 package21:44
kc2bez[m]so in theory there should be a way as long as the thing boots21:45
arraybolt3[m]Makes sense to me. Probably something just got lost somewhere in the 32-bit support-removal process (18.10 existed when 32-bit Ubuntu support was still a thing for new editions).21:47
kc2bez[m]that is true21:47
arraybolt3[m]It should hopefully not be too much of a problem to get it added back, though - it isn't for making 32-bit systems work, it's for making strange 64-bit systems work (and Ubuntu just did a whole bunch to make strange 64-bit systems work with changing BIOS boot to GRUB on the ISO).21:48
* kc2bez[m] uploaded an image: (32KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/PgXrdpWJqepwaByisWYgJvjE/2022-07-03_17-54.png >21:54
kc2bez[m]It is in the package list on the cdrom21:54
kc2bez[m]The command we have should work.21:54
arraybolt3[m]Yeah, but that would be in the squashfs, not in the EFI directory of the ISO file itself, right?21:55
kc2bez[m]No, that is a little mini repository outside the squashfs21:56
kc2bez[m]You are right about the EFI directory though21:57
arraybolt3[m]Right, but I'm saying, it doesn't matter if Ubuntu thinks the package is there or not, what matters is if there's a "whatever.efi" file in EFI/boot/ubuntu of the ISO file.21:57
kc2bez[m]Very true21:57
arraybolt3[m]Sorry, I missed the message you sent just before I sent mine.21:57
kc2bez[m]all good21:58
arraybolt3[m]23% done downloading Lubuntu 18.10.22:01
arraybolt3[m]Tested with Lubuntu 18.10, there are only x64 efi files and they don't work with 64-bit CPU + 32-bit EFI.23:11
arraybolt3[m]Maybe it was in a daily not the main release?23:11
arraybolt3[m]Or a devel ISO?23:11
kc2bez[m]I wonder if they turned EFI off in the bios23:12
kc2bez[m]Or hacked the iso23:13
kc2bez[m]I would've bet your paycheck that it worked :P23:14
arraybolt3[m]I'll try 19.04 next. Worst case scenario, I've got an idea for how to hack an ISO to work on 32-bit EFI. It would have to be an unofficial tool, but it might work.23:23
arraybolt3[m](The 64-bit EFI files were there, just not the 32-bit ones.)23:23
kc2bez[m]Right, I don't know what climby did to make it work then.23:24
kc2bez[m]He somehow got it booted.23:25

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