[00:14] guiverc: Have you fallen of the log ? Need help ? [00:19] Sorry Bashing-om , it hadn't occurrred to me what day-of-week it was; hadn't considered UWN sorry [00:19] * guiverc is tired ; pretty much zombie [00:20] guiverc: - Happens to the best of us :P - As there is none other available to push - are you able ? [00:21] yeah, just ran publish script now; opening browser window for fridge etc [00:24] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2022/07/05/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-742/ [00:25] tweeted & posted to telegram [00:33] spam cleaned from fridge (queues) [00:36] Fridge: Spot check - all looks good :D [00:37] Bashing-om, do you want me to send email? (busy with 2fa for fb so will be soon if needed) & thanks for fridge check [00:37] guiverc: Clear now to wipe Gdoc ? [00:37] yep scrub away [00:38] uwn 742 pushed to fb [00:40] guiverc: I do not know the use - To be Frakly Honest - We publish each and every Monday without fail. So what is the purpose of a notification that a new issue is out ? Want to withhold the notification and see what feedback we get ? [00:41] notification? as in email? It's just a ML post as I saw it; so it'll get a copy of UWN stored on lists.ubuntu.com too... [00:42] guiverc: Hey - good thought that we have that means of preservation! So yeah - I guess the M/L notice is a good thing. [00:43] so you want me to send? [01:01] guiverc: Yes send the notice to the M/L as I can not. I still await what our IS can work out with Google to allow us authentication. [01:02] :) I just sent it 2 breaths ago... [01:02] thanks Bashing-om , I got distracted thus the delay [01:03] UWN: Issue743 off the line - like a super charged '57 Chevy - laying rubber ! [01:03] :) & nice analogy [01:04] guiverc: As you are in Melbourne - not sure that you can relate to the might of that '57 in it's day :P [01:06] Not really.. if i saw one it was likely years later & rare.. My mind replaces Chevy with Holden mostly anyway; but I imagined at car pretty close to what a pic search resulted in anyway [01:06] s/at car/a car/ ^ [01:10] guiverc: Uh Huh - anyway the intent is to relay that issue743 is already heavy laden :P [01:11] :) [05:54] Hello fine folks, I am Philipp, I recently joined Canonical as the Community Engineering Manager. My goal is to reignite the community, making sure excellent contributions are highlighted, and to create more transparency into the organization, building trust. [05:56] Specifically for the news team, I'd like to work with you to give you more insight into your readership, evolve the content and presentation in a way that bumps page views, and help grow contributors. [05:57] I'd love to chat with all of you to get more perspectives, feel free to reach out to me :) [12:06] G'day Fallen, sorry I didn't notice your ^ earlier.. (it's my check before signoff & head to bed..) I noted a ML post & never completed a reply sorry. (I see i mentioned we mostly speak here/iRC, timezomes & no meetings... [12:15] * guiverc offline; back in ~ten hours [12:26] Ah no worries, I know there is a lot to do and timezones don't make things easier :) Great to meet you!