
camibohpBuenas noches: Alguien aquí ha presentado bugs con la versión 3.6.1 de Telegram Desktop para Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ???... En mi caso, no puedo cambiar de cuentas, ni cambiar la configuración, porque la app se cierra súbitamente.02:04
camibohpGood evening: Someone here has reported bugs with version 3.6.1 of Telegram Desktop for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS ???... In my case, I can't switch accounts or change settings because the app suddenly closes.02:05
guiverccamibohp, I'd check for clues in the systemd logs (journalctl) , as I've encountered issues with systemd-oomd shutting down that app; and that's where that shows. I'd also likely start it with `snap run telegram-desktop --enable-logging=stderr --v=1` in hopes I saw some more useful detail...02:08
camibohpMy telegram app isn't installed with snap nor flatpak. Is a native apt package.02:09
guivercif it's systemd-oomd shutting down that app (it tends to shutdown snaps quite often in my experience), it can be disabled though I'd try and not do that as fixes are rolling out that should fix without disabling02:09
guivercIn that case I'd likely still look in logs for clues (inc. `dmesg`) or crash files in `/var/crash`02:10
guivercI'd also start/run in terminal so I could see messages without going to look for them in logs like I did in example ^ with the snap package02:11
* guiverc has the snap package installed here, so I can't look for examples on this box sorry02:11
guiverccamibohp, please don't spam multiple channels with the same question02:13
=== z3r0 is now known as Smuggler
aiyagariIs the updated SOF driver from https://github.com/EMLommers/Apollolake_Audio included in the new Jammy Jellyfish?  I am still on 21.10 on a "chromeboxed" Asus c423 and had to manually update the firmware file in /lib/firmware/intel/sof-tplg to make sound work.22:00
geniiaiyagari: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=sof-apl-da7219.tplg&mode=exactfilename&suite=jammy&arch=any22:03
genii..so Yes, in the package firmware-sof-signed which is in the "Restricted" repository22:05
aiyagariIt does look "in between" what was included in 21.10 (which didn't work as-is) and what is in the repository I pointed to.  So I suppose it "might" have the fix.  Thanks for the information.22:19

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