
Guest62hello, how can i convert a file which has00:44
BadAtomGuest62: on different lines?00:45
Guest62BadAtom, } and { are on different lines. I need to add a comma between them00:46
Bashing-omGuest62: Your are guilty of flooding the channel - please use a paste bin site when thbe quiet is lifted.00:46
Guest62so I can treat the file as a json00:46
Guest62Bashing-om : yeah :S00:46
Bashing-omGuest62: :D00:46
sarnoldGuest62: something similar: sed -i 's/^}$/},' foo00:48
sarnoldGuest62: this doesn't do any sort of checking for the { on the next line00:48
sarnoldand the -i updates the file directly, so be careful with it :)00:48
tomreyni think you missed a / in this sed regexp00:49
sarnoldargh that's possible00:49
sarnoldGuest62: something similar: sed -i 's/^}$/},/' foo00:49
Guest62but it's a json doc00:52
Guest62so it has other } too and that'll mess up00:53
sarnoldhow many are the only character on their own line?00:54
Guest62sarnold, thanks for the help but I tweaked a SO answer and got it working00:59
Guest62https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27659164/how-to-read-multiple-dictionaries-from-a-file-in-python one00:59
sarnoldGuest62: woot :) what answer was helpful?01:00
sarnoldhehe thanks01:00
=== greknod6 is now known as greknod
sarnoldof those answers, I like the 'simplejson' one the most; I don't know if that actually fits your problem well, but it feels the most robust to me01:02
Guest62yeah that's the one I used01:02
Guest62and it's working fine01:02
sarnoldit's nice to see this here, every now and then these "big pile of jsons" show up and I don't know good tools for handling them, hehe01:04
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hans_"apt purge thunderbird" seems broken in 20.04: it still remembers the default outgoing server02:21
enigma9o7[m]puring doesnt remove files from user folder02:21
enigma9o7[m]you probably have something in .config or .local/share or something02:21
hans_hmm yup, "apt purge thunderbird; rm -rfv .thunderbird; apt install thunderbird;" worked, it forgot everything!02:24
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acupeace be upon you all06:10
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acuI am wondering do I need to keep IPV6 for my server ?06:11
acuLike from ISP I have only IPV406:11
Bashing-omacu: Can not hurt to keep that IPV6 capability - who know maybe your ISP will catch up someday :D06:21
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clarkkbluetooth has suddenly become unreliable on my ubuntu 20.04 system. When I switched it off via gnome settings, the window says its disabled, but the button looks like it's on. From a shell, systemctl stop bluetooth.service takes a long time, then shows, "bluetoothd[1052]: Unable to get io data for Headset Voice gateway: getpeername: Transport endpoint is not connected (107)"08:00
clarkkWhy is this suddenly happening after working perfectly for 2 years? No changes have been made except the normal updates08:01
clarkkI've just run systemctl start bluetooth.service, and systemctl status bluetooth.service, and the output seems correct, but gnome doesn't reflect that bluetooth is running08:03
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clarkkIf I now run hcitool dev, no devices are listed08:05
clarkkthe output of systemctl status bluetooth.service looks fine08:06
rfmclarkk, if the software has been fine for years, and suddenly things go bad. must be the hardware08:06
clarkkrfm, do you mean the laptop hardware or the bluetooth device (headphones)?08:10
clarkkrfm, just so you know, my irc client doesn't recognise your username. I've never noticed that in the years I've been using irc, Strange!08:12
clarkkah, he's gone :D08:13
clarkkAnyone else able to help me through this, please?08:13
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* enyc meows08:23
enycclarkk: I would be trying this from a bootable ubuntu-22.04 or derivative USB-stick -or- indeed an older ubuntu 20.04 stick08:24
enycthis may help confirm does/doesn't work with different software set etc.08:24
clarkkenyc, by older ubuntu 20.04, do you mean to see if an update broke it?08:25
enycclarkk: or any other settings file who-knows!08:26
clarkkI mean, I understand,  "I would be trying this from a bootable ubuntu-22.04 or derivative USB-stick". What is your aim with older ubuntu 20.04?08:27
clarkkupdates issue?08:27
enycclarkk: it could be any changes, not just update packages....08:28
enycclarkk: or it could indeed be broken hardware08:28
clarkkok thanks for your help08:28
enycclarkk: if it suddenly works from 22.04 stick then you know the hardware must be workable, which will be useful info08:28
enycclarkk: if so, i'd do full backup and do the system update 20.04 -> 22.04  in THAT particular case08:29
clarkkI've managed to attach a different set of headphones. They're exactly the same model. No issue. It seems that the headphones cause the whole ubuntu bluetooth subsystem to fail08:29
enyc'faulty headphones likely then08:30
clarkkbut why would that bring the whole system down?08:30
enycclarkk: good question, isn't software fun =)08:30
clarkknot when it costs me time :D08:30
enycdon't assume etc=)08:30
clarkkassume what?08:31
enycdon't assume software or firmware magically fits your expectations =)08:31
heftig-weechatAre the jammy ddebs broken? I can no longer install libglib2.0-0-dbgsym08:32
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iomari891greetings. What should the permissions be on the files in the folder /var/lib/bind? The OS is Ubuntu 22.0409:41
ograsounds more like a question for #ubuntu-server09:41
realivanjxanyone who uses ubuntu 22.04 gnome wayland, does suspend mode break drag and drop files between windows (nautilus -> chromium browser)09:46
jhavewhy is 22.04 not set as stable for 20.04 upgrade ?11:02
jhavei dont get any notification about a 22.04 upgrade on 20.04 server ?11:03
luna__jhave: it will when 22.04.1 is out 4th August11:07
luna__so in 28 days11:07
jhaveok thanks :)11:09
jadenlianquick help  how can i know the size of blocks im using on my hard drive11:14
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jeronimoHi, I would like to record a video using OBS, for a charity, using my bluetooth headset mic. It's not available. Is there any way I can record high quality audo using my bluetooth headset mic?11:16
jeronimojadenlian: sudo fdisk -l ?11:18
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jadenlianim guessing that when youre installing the os  thats when decide how big your block sizes will be   or can i change those now on my file system even if it would mean major restructuring on the drive11:28
EriC^^jadenlian: what's the actual problem you're having?11:33
jeronimojadenlian: disk you can use a partition manager to resize partitions, when you use a live disk , you can resize filesystems that are normally an use.11:35
jeronimoin use*11:36
jadenlianits just that i have a 64G harddrive  and i want to make sure im optimzing my storage use   and when i do <du -h filename> on a file with only 300 bytes   the output is 4.0 k   which im guessing is that my file is been stored in a 4k blocksize11:39
jadenlianand i usually keep multiple small files  so id like to bring down my blocksizes to optimize  until im able to get a bigger drive11:40
EriC^^i dont think it matters to actual storage jadenlian, in the sense that you'll be able to store the same amount of actual data regardless11:41
jadenlianerick^^: i know but the remaining bytes from a 4k blocksize thats only storing 300 bytes can be used for something else11:43
jadenlianjeronimo: how can i resize my filesystem on my disk11:44
EriC^^i see jadenlian11:46
jeronimojadenlian: using a partition manager11:47
EriC^^jadenlian: i think you'll have to create a fresh fs with that blocksize then copy the data over11:47
jeronimojadenlian: do you have a gui or do you need to use the commandline?11:48
EriC^^jeronimo: he wants to modify the blocksize used in the fs, not increase/decrease the fs size11:49
EriC^^jadenlian: https://askubuntu.com/questions/546621/how-do-i-create-an-ext4-file-system-with-block-size-1024-and-no-reserved-blocks11:49
jeronimoEriC^^: ah k, yeah then you need to recreate the filesystem probably11:50
jeronimoI don't know.11:50
EriC^^yeah i think so as well, i dont think it can be done on the fly11:51
jeronimojadenlian: you can try to google the problem but if google doesn't show you good results on how to do it. It probably can't be done11:53
jadenlianyeah ill google it    but im guessing it can be done because its sort of like defragmenting the disk11:55
EriC^^jeronimo: did you try the obs-studio package?11:56
jeronimoEriC^^: actually the problem is not obs, I think I've got to switch to pipewire to get the appropiate AD2P profile12:03
jeronimoI thinnk it means I have to upgrade my system to 22.04 and then switch to pipewire12:03
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p9how can I check when did specific package version entered archive? On debian this information is at tracker.debian.org12:47
krylhi, it appears than package "aufs-tools" is missing in jammy 22.04 LTS, I need it as a dependency, do you need I can find a quick way to install it from an other place ?12:50
ograkryl, https://tracker.debian.org/news/1160103/aufs-tools-removed-from-testing/13:03
ograand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aufs-tools/+bug/194700413:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1947004 in docker.io (Ubuntu) "Please remove src:aufs-tools from Ubuntu Jammy" [Undecided, Fix Released]13:04
BluesKajHi all13:17
krylogra, thank you ;)13:56
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PeGaSuShi folks. I'm wondering if there's a way to force the installation of PHP 7.4 instead of 8.1 on Ubuntu 22.04 and keep it in a way that it's never upgraded until WordPress has support for 8.1?14:49
ograPeGaSuS, there probably is if you resort to PPAs14:54
PeGaSuSI mean, without PPA.. I'm wondering if there's something like version pinning14:55
ograPeGaSuS, google for Ondřej Surý ... (note that we do not support PPAs in here )14:55
ogra7.4 is not in the 22.04 archive ... how would you pin aganst something non-existing ?14:56
GBGamesIs there a way to determine what program/service is preventing my computer from hibernating? I noticed that the screen was still on despite having been away for long enough, and I expected the screen to be blanked.15:00
vqueirozDo we have anything similar to QtCreator for GNOME? I really like QtCreator. it's probably the best open source IDE out there. But, do we have something developed with GTK+?15:04
KBarGBGames: `journalctl -b`15:04
KBarinhibitors should show up in the journal15:04
KBarGBGames: note that hibernation is very different to screensavers. If you expected it just to be blanked, you need to enable power management in the settings. if you want hibernation, you need to have a swap set up15:05
KBar(aka suspend to disk in that case)15:06
GBGamesKBar: Ah, ok, I am being imprecise. I have my system setup so that it never powers down, but after so many minutes of no activity, it blanks the screen. Today, however, I noticed that it wasn't doing so, which is normally due to a video playing fullscreen or something else that is running and preventing it.15:10
GBGamesThe only other thing I can think of is that I recently had the system update, and it didn't require a reboot, but maybe it is in a weird state.15:10
Guest92is achronym for?15:13
Guest92git rm <file>15:14
Guest92how do I remove file before I commit on linux15:14
ograGuest92, try asking in #git ?15:17
OliverUKI have been referred here to ask a PCRE question.  I am trying to find out what /* means, could anyone on here please enlighten me?16:34
enigma9o7[m]I dunno what PCRE means, but /* looks like the way to begin a comment16:35
arraybolt3[m]enigma9o7: Perl Compatible Regular Expressions16:35
arraybolt3[m]OliverUK: I'd try #perl for this. This is an Ubuntu technical support spot, and there's probably more knowledgeable people in #perl (I had to look up PCRE just now).16:36
rob0"zero or more of the '/' character"16:38
OliverUKrob0: Thank you for your help16:44
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ArsimaelDoes anyone know where Ubuntu saves its icons? /usr/share/icons is not the right place17:07
rob0Many icons are probably compiled into binaries. What in particular are you looking for?17:09
ArsimaelThe Standard Evolution Icon17:11
jhutchinsArsimael: No idea what that is.  Is there an icon labeled "Standard Evolution" that appears somewhere? If so, where?17:15
ArsimaelI am searching the icon which is shown for the evolution mail client.17:16
oerheksmaybe it is just called evolution?17:16
Arsimaelyep. But I can't find it.17:16
ArsimaelI get tons of results from different icon themes, but not the 'standard' one17:17
ArsimaelI could get it from wikipedia, but thats just 'working on symptoms' - I have no Idea where the original one is located.17:18
oerheksYaru ? /usr/share/icons/Yaru/32x32@2x/apps/evolution.png17:18
oerheksand there are more themes and sizes,..17:18
jhutchinsfind /usr/share/icons/ -name "evolution*"17:19
ArsimaelYaru is not the right one17:20
Arsimaelthat one is not in /usr/share/icons17:21
jhutchinsIs there an Ubuntu Artwork archive somewhere?17:22
mybalzitchis api.snapcraft.io down?17:26
oerheksyes sir17:27
ograArsimael, $ dpkg -L evolution-common|grep evolution.svg17:27
ograthat should be the default icon17:28
ogramybalzitch, there is a bigger server migration going on, i think something went really wrong during that (launchpad has also some issues)17:39
Arsimaelogra, thanks17:44
jhutchins!info evolution17:46
ubottuevolution (3.44.1-0ubuntu1, jammy): groupware suite with mail client and organizer. In component universe, is optional. Built by evolution. Size 290 kB / 461 kB17:46
ArsimaelAnd the only application which kann hookup to MS365 in a way which synchronizes without a ton of errors and compliant to certain security policies.,17:50
=== mrkubax101 is now known as mrkubax10
cluelesspersonis there a way to turn off the annoyatron "Software Updater" ?18:15
cluelesspersonI'm doing `apt-get update and upgrade` multiple times a day18:16
cluelesspersonI don't need a stupid gui to annoy me18:16
jhutchinsArsimael: Does MS no longer provide a standard IMAP/POP interface?18:18
oerhekshttps://status.snapcraft.io/ all systems up.18:20
Arsimaeljhutchins, This is not what MS provides. This is about Enterprise compliance and policies18:46
jhutchinsArsimael: That's not really what I asked.18:49
jhutchinsI understand that the Microsoft mail system provides additional services such as interfaces for surveilance and control of end-user content.18:49
ArsimaelI think MS still provides such interfaces. Actually I don't know.18:57
Arsimaelfor my own stuff I am not using MS services. and at Work, I am not using imap/pop/smtp.18:57
samy1028bjhutchins, yes, You can enable Pop3/Imap as long as you can do "Modern Authentication".  I know Thunderbird on Windows can do it and I assume Thunderbird on Ubuntu can as well.19:05
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elias_aWhat on earth is this vulgar speech about proprietary systems here? Shame on you! :P19:11
arraybolt3[m]elias_a: LOL some of us have to get good software to work with systems like that. It happens.19:12
elias_aarraybolt3[m]: That is a temporary problem. :)19:13
XoloXSo. I was here before about my laptop without a screen. I got it running nicely. I set up SSH and Plex and Qbittorent. So now from my desk I can access it. (desk is Windows 10). Only thing I can't do is adding a folder to Plex. I don't get why? I can on the laptop (Ubuntu and Plex) go to plek and go to /home/XoLox/ but in plex I can't go on to the19:14
XoloXfolders there.19:14
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: Hmm, that's odd. I think this is on-topic, so you can wait for someone to help, but you might also try joining #plex in case they know more. You will need to register with NickServ before you can join there, instructions to do so are here: https://libera.chat/guides/registration, once registered, "/join #plex" will take you there.19:17
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: How are you trying to add a folder to Plex? Are you using Plex's UI, or are you using some other method?19:17
jhutchinsXoloX: That sounds a lot like permissions/ownership issues. If you don't have write permission, you can't create a sub-directory.  If you don't have Execute, you can't see the contents.19:19
XoloXMaybe? How do I set the Permission all open? It's just on my own network at the moment19:27
ograXoloX, https://github.com/dfialho/plexmediaserver-snap/issues/1 ... :) ... i guess you will have to access your files via /var/snap/plexmediaserver/current ... or via /var/snap/plexmediaserver/common ... there is also the opportunity to use external media with it19:28
ubottuIssue 1 in dfialho/plexmediaserver-snap "Let users add content from their home directories" [Open]19:28
arraybolt3[m]ogra: That's only if XoloX is using Snap. I think they also considered using Docker.19:28
ograarraybolt3[m], well ... yeah ... indeed19:28
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: If you want to set the permissions on a folder to about as open as possible, open a terminal in the folder that contains the folder you want to change (so if you're trying to change /home/user/myfolder, open the terminal in /home/user), and then run "chmod -R 0777 ./myfolder". Make sure to make no typos, or you might open up way more permissions than you intend to.19:30
arraybolt3[m](And make good and sure you're in the right folder before running the command.)19:30
XoloXNo I just installed it on the laptop. In plex I can go add library to /home/myname/ and than there is nothing. I download detectorists complete in home/myname/plex/tvSeries/detectorists/ I am on localhost:3240019:31
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: What method did you use to install Plex? Snap? Apt? Script file?19:32
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: https://support.plex.tv/articles/200288586-installation/ Make sure your media is named the way Plex wants it - turns out it's very picky about file names.19:34
XoloXBut I should see folders like desktop, downloads, documents and so on no?19:35
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: I would think you could. And you installed it from a .deb file, so it shouldn't be too tricky to make this work. Hmm...19:36
arraybolt3[m]Xolox: Found this command on Reddit, looks like it should do the trick: "usermod -a -G <your username here> plex"19:38
arraybolt3[m]So if your username is "xolox", do "usermod -a -G xolox plex"19:39
XoloXI did "usermod -a -G xolox plex19:41
arraybolt3[m]This should let Plex read anything that's in your user's group (it adds the plex user to the xolox group).19:41
XoloXpermission denied.19:41
XoloXBut than SUDO "the same":19:42
XoloXAnd no error!19:42
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: The sudo ought to do it. Try adding your stuff in Plex now. You just gave the Plex user group-level access to your files.19:42
sarnoldthat might only affect things if plex logs in via PAM as part of startup; that seems unlikely to me19:43
sarnoldadding the group to the systemd service file that starts plex feels more likely to work19:43
XoloXStill I go in Plex to /home/myname/ and than nothing. Should I reboot?19:43
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: Hmm. sarnold: How would you do that? (I have no clue.)19:44
XoloXI have a laptop with no screen and a tv hooked up to it. I would just tell Ubuntu to reboot. I can see what's going on on the TV!19:45
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: Many people online say it's a permissions issue, but fixing permissions shouldn't require a reboot to make it work.19:46
sarnoldarraybolt3[m]: systemctl edit plex.service  or something like that -- match the service name -- in the [Service] section, add a SupplementaryGroups= field with the group in question19:46
arraybolt3[m]sarnold: OK.19:47
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: Can you run "sudo systemctl edit plex.service" and tell me what happens?19:48
XoloXI reboot and now it works!19:51
XoloXFuck me!19:52
KBarXoloX: woah woah, watch your language pls19:52
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: Oh, nice!19:52
XoloXHave you tried to turn it off and turn it on again.19:52
arraybolt3[m]XoloX: (Also, don't get mad at yourself - I've made similar mistakes. We all do.)19:52
XoloXF*ck me?19:52
arraybolt3[m](We try to avoid language like that for the sake of other users in the channel.)19:53
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pagnolAnybody here who can help me figure out why aws vpn client on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 is not working?20:44
jhutchinspagnol: That's probably up to AWS support.  I hear they're not impossible.20:51
e4I know it's a little bit of topic, but maybe you will be kind enough  to help me with this. So I'm working on this script. What I want to do is to find a product by it's bar code on a given website and download the name of the product (echo it in the script). So my way of thinking was like this:  if I can go to the url and at the of it put /search?keywords=product code (I will show an example in a second) so I can find the20:54
e4product I can then use wget to download the website and extract from it everything I need. But I only know the bar code and search?keywords barcoded doesn't work. Here's the example: https://business.currys.co.uk/catalogue/computing/laptops/macbook/apple-macbook-air-13-3-2020-m1-256-gb-ssd-space-grey/N314812W20:54
e4On the right of the picture you will see the product code, but you need to scroll down and click specifications to find EAN which is products bar code.20:55
oerheksno, how inconveniant, e420:56
e4oerheks, thank you. I'm not very good at this it's just my hobby and I barely know anything about html.20:57
oerheksi think it is not really an Ubuntu issue, but maybe you can look at the source of the page?20:57
oerheksany browser gives such option20:57
e4oerheks, it's defenitely there, I can find it no problem. It's just I need to know which website I need to look into knowing only barcode of the product.20:58
gordonjcpin normal Ubuntu, how do I turn off "Alert Sound"?21:02
gordonjcpthere's five options, Default, Bark, Drip, Glass, and Sonar, but apparently no option for "NO ANNOYING NOISES EVER PLEASE"21:02
ahasenackmute system sounds in that window, perhaps?21:03
ahasenackit's how I have it21:04
ahasenackI didn't even remember :)21:04
gordonjcpsystem sounds are turned right down21:04
gordonjcpokay, sudo rm -rf /usr/share/sounds it is then21:04
ahasenackthere is a mute icon on the right21:04
gordonjcpahasenack: it is set to muted21:05
ahasenackI have that selected too, besides the volume bar all the way to the left21:05
gordonjcpit is still making sounds21:05
ahasenackthen I don't know, maybe you have multiple sound cards and it's acting on the wrong one21:05
e4gordonjcp, try dmesg |grep -i error maybe you'll find something there why it behaving like that.21:06
e4Is it virtual?21:06
e4ok gtg. cheers to all.21:12
jhutchinsgordonjcp: Does changing the setting change what it sounds like?  (If not, it's some other subsystem.)21:23
jhutchinsgordonjcp: Is it coming through the speakers, or the motherboard?21:23
Dan39why does ubuntu 20.04 still have rc.d files laying around? thought this was a totally systemd setup..23:52
sarnoldbecause cleaning them up would introduce additional maintenance costs over debian -- when we import from debian, we can either sync over directly with very little cost, or we can perform a merge (where we retain ubuntu-specific changes) at a great deal of expense23:53
sarnoldI wish we cleaned them up, but I don't pay the bills23:53
Dan39debian is using systemd too, no? so why do they keep them around?23:54
sarnoldbecause debian is also using sysvinit-utils, runit, s6, and probably half-dozen more I've forgotten..23:56
Dan39heh, i see. thanks23:59
Dan39makes sense now23:59

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